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Showtime by Grace Morrison

Showtime by Grace Morrison

Read by Brigid Shine.

Hi! My name is Ellie and my Christmas has been lots of fun!

It all began at school when we started preparing for our Christmas nativity show.

The P7s were already behind because of our transfer test i.e., the worst thing in the world! So, we had to move quickly.

I was playing the lead role so I had to work especially hard to get ready in time. But here’s the thing, there is a new baby in my house! When I say baby, I mean a 10-month-old baby who likes to cause mayhem.

One day I came home to practise my lines and the next thing I knew there was no script but instead a baby doing something on top of it. And when I try to practice all I can hear is “WAAA! WAAA!” It’s so annoying!

The next day at school I forgot one of my lines. Everyone began saying my name and tutting. So embarrassing! And then the teacher announced, “everyone, no more using scripts because you should know your lines by now. It’s only 2 more weeks to showtime!”

So, I had to practise extra hard, which was almost impossible. My baby brother was causing even more havoc than before because he is now walking.

He likes to run around wearing my costume on his head while playing the recorder.

When the day of the show comes, it goes surprisingly well. I remember my words without too many awkward silences and not so subtle prompting from Mr McClean.

But then I see a familiar face making a dash for the stage…

Thankfully, it was the part when I was about to give birth in a stable full of sheep, cows and a two-man donkey.

So, can you guess who ended up playing the baby Jesus..?!