man joins 麻豆社 Radio Derby
has a medieval job title, he is fluent in Greek and Latin and he
i聮s now the new voice of Sunday Breakfast on 麻豆社
Radio Derby.
his classical upbringing, The Canon Precentor of Derby Cathedral,
Nicholas Henshall, promises that everyone will be able to
follow every word of his programme, as he continues 麻豆社 Radio Derby's
Sunday morning tradition of mixing favourite hymns with popular
in Manchester in 1962, Nicholas had a cosmopolitan upbringing, including
time living in Rome where he spent his days in a wild monastery
surrounded by Irish friars.
was in Ethiopia in 1985 when the eyes of the world were focussed
on the country through Live Aid.
in 1988, he worked in and around Newcastle before joining the team
at Derby Cathedral in 2002.
Derby-based Canon replaces David Harvey, who will still be keeping
a close eye on proceedings as Programme Editor at 麻豆社 Radio Derby.
says: "I'm really looking forward to the challenge 聳 talking
to a live congregation is a very different skill to entertaining
thousands of people from the warmth of a radio studio.
I run out of things to say, I can always slip in some Greek and
Latin phrases!"
makes his debut on this Sunday's programme (29 February 2004).
Sunday Breakfast Show is one of the most popular programmes on 麻豆社
Radio Derby and is on air each week from 6.00 to 9.00am.
year, an item presented on the show won an Andrew Cross award 聳
a nationally recognised award for excellence in religious broadcasting.
