28.05.03  Book
of the Future
UK's first democratically edited book
future - what really lies ahead? So often it's portrayed as a fascist
utopia, with jetpacks and silver jumpsuits, or as a leather-clad,
post-nuclear wasteland, but is that how we truly see it?
of the Future, based on an idea of the late Douglas Adams, is a
unique collection of predictions, visions and thoughts on life in
the year 2020, submitted to the 麻豆社i website
over five months. Out of the thousands of entries, 75 of the best
articles - submitted and rated via the website - are contained in
the UK's first democratically edited book.
a foreword by Dave Gorman, the book includes guest contributions
from the late Douglas Adams, David Levy, Andrew Pinder, futurologist
Ian Pearson, Thomas Sutcliffe (The Independent) and Zac Goldsmith
(The Ecologist), and quotes from Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, Brian May
and Edward Stourton. Artists such as Ralph Steadman (Fear and Loathing
in Las Vegas), Jonathan Pugh (The Times) and Robert Thompson (Private
Eye, The Observer) have also submitted specially commissioned illustrations
for the book.
into the psyche of the average person on the street as sixteen-year-old
Lou from London stands shoulder to shoulder with the Rt Hon Michael
Meacher, MP. Read predictions on everything from mullets to the
universe, from Big Brother to male mothers, from pop music to apocalypse.
the humorous to the informed, the heartfelt to the downright strange,
Book of the Future is a glimpse of the nation's psyche revealed
through our hopes and fears.
of the Future is the result of what happens when you put people
in touch with one another and empower them to open up a dialogue
with the 麻豆社 and one another. Increasingly people want to have their
say, to debate and to discuss opinions with likeminded people. At
麻豆社i, the 麻豆社's interactive arm, we passionately believe that this
movement from monologue to dialogue is the future.' - Ashley Highfield,
Director of New Media & Technology, 麻豆社 Ashley Highfield is
available for interview
31st July 2003 Price: 拢4.99 (paperback) ISBN: 0563 487712
from every Book of the Future sold will be donated towards Comic
