Dychmygwch ddoliau’n dawnsio mewn siop deganau hudolus, a phâr o ddawnswyr can-can gwych yn cynllwynio i aros gyda’i gilydd waeth beth fo’r gost, ac mae gennych chi stori swynol La boutique fantasque.
Dychmygwch ddoliau’n dawnsio mewn siop deganau hudolus, a phâr o ddawnswyr can-can gwych yn cynllwynio i aros gyda’i gilydd waeth beth fo’r gost, ac mae gennych chi stori swynol La boutique fantasque.
Orff’s spectacular twentieth-century choral masterpiece, Carmina Burana, remains irresistible to audiences with its boundless rhythmic energy and catchy tunes, powered by massive orchestra and choir.
Orff’s spectacular twentieth-century choral masterpiece, Carmina Burana, remains irresistible to audiences with its boundless rhythmic energy and catchy tunes, powered by massive orchestra and choir.