Brij Phakey discusses the Battle of Mahabharata. View it at the Hindu Temple, Carlton Road, Nottingham. Description The horses represent the senses; the reigns represent the mind; Krishna is the charioteer, whom represents the intellect, Arjuna represents the soul. The chariot itself, is the body.
| The Battle of Mahabharat |
Krishna is trying to control the reigns - in other words, let your intellect control the mind and senses, otherwise your chariot will end up in the wrong direction. It won't achieve its directive. Every time Ghandi had some kind of difficulty he would open the pages of the Bhagavad Gita. In that he would find a great deal of inspiration and answers. Inspiration Krishna's greatest lesson was to do things to the best of your ability and leave the fruits unto the supreme sprit, that is God. That to me is the greatest lesson, in the sense that one should keep one's eye on the objective and to perform to the best, and accept the results whatever they may be. Most of Hindu thought is based on universal practical concepts and it applies to all humans, in fact it's a religion of mankind.
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