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Tips for June
1. |
Saving Tip: House plants will need less
watering if they are set outside for the
summer, bringing them back inside in early
September. |
2. |
Saving Tip: Before drenching pot plants
with nematodes for vine weevil control set
them outside
in the garden. The run off will offer some
control in the area under the pots.
3. |
all the greenhouse ventilators during the
day to help control the temperature. In
the evening lower them leaving some movement
of air. Large fluctuations in temperature
is not good for plants.
4. |
is the time when rhubarb tends to flower.
The enormous spike of creamy-white flowers
depletes the plantÂ’s energy. Cut the
stalk off at ground level before it opens. |
5. |
brooms after they have flowered cutting
back to within 2 inches of the older wood.
If left unpruned the plant will become straggly. |
6. |
head rhododendrons when they have finished
flowering. Carefully remove the dead flower
without damaging the new shoots forming
to either side. These will become next yearÂ’s
flowers. |
7. |
apples have set their crop and the small
fruit will drop off if there is a shortage
of water this month. Water if necessary. |
8. |
and divide bearded iris when flowering is
finished. When replanting keep the fleshy
root at the soil surface. |
9. |
extra basil in pots to attract any white
fly in the greenhouse. When well covered
with the pest
remove and dump the plant. They prefer basil
to tomatoes. |
10. |
the compost heap and if it is dry, damp
over with water to speed up the composting
process. |
11. |
lavender and hebe. Take 2-3 inch long softwood
cuttings. Remove the lower leaves and cut
the base below a leaf joint. Remove the
tip of the shoot. Dip in hormone rooting
powder and place the cuttings around the
edge of a pot of gritty compost. Water and
cover with clear polythene. The cuttings
should root in 4-6 weeks.
12. |
the middle of the month it will be time
to feed bedding annuals. |
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