On the night before Hallowe'en there was a pop
in the office, as Percy Weasley apparated for a live webchat with
麻豆社 Norfolk! Well, that's how it might have
gone in the wizard world of JK Rowling.
We were equally happy with the sound of the lift
doors going ping which announced Chris' arrival in the office for
his webchat.
Hundreds of you dropped into the chatroom to hang
out with Chris and your Potter mates. This is how the conversation
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Host: Welcome to our webchat with Norfolk's
Harry Potter star, Chris Rankin! Chris plays Percy Weasley, Harry
Potter's Prefect at Hogwarts.
He's just finished filming on The Prisoner Of Azkaban,
the latest Harry Potter movie which will be released in 2004.
Bored of me yet? Thought so! Let's get to the first
question then. Here we go!!!!!
Josh_D: What was the hardest scene in Prisoner
of Azkaban?
Chris: None of the scenes in Prisoner of
Azkaban were particularly difficult, but the trickiest would probably
have to be where we discover the portrait of the Fat Lady has been
Imogen_Wolverhampton: Who's your favourite
character in the books and why?
 Chris at 麻豆社 Norfolk with webchat host Zoe |
Chris: My favourite character in the books
is Tom Riddle from Chamber of Secrets because he's a baddie and
he's got the best death.
Kate: Is everyone done filming the movie?
How long did it take?
Chris: I finished filming for POA three
weeks ago but I believe that principal photography finishes in early
Sunshine_Midlands: How did you find out
about the audition? Because I am totally fixed upon being Luna Lovegood
in the next film.
Chris: It's all thanks to the 麻豆社! I saw
the advert on C麻豆社's Newsround in April 2000. I wrote off to the
address they gave and completely forgot I'd sent it off.
Six months later I got a call out of the blue asking
me to come down to London. Three days after that they sent me to
the studios to meet the director and producers. The day after that
they rang and told me I had the part.
How has life changed for you since being in the Potter films?
Chris: Not that much, really. I still live
at home, I still go back to my old high school and help out and
I still have the same friends. Obviously, I get more post than I
used to! That's about it.
Rachel_Ryzak: What has been your favourite
Harry Potter film so far?
Chris: My favourite one so far has been
Prisoner of Azkaban. I like the darker, more sinister elements in
the film as well as the new style of costumes.
Kim_London: How does Alfonso Cuaron differ
from Chris Columbus?
Chris: They're both really friendly guys
and easy to get on with. Alfonso's background is in more grown-up
films and I think that helps.
Manon_Zamora: How does it feel to know
that kids around the world recognize you everywhere you go?
Chris: It's a bit scary! It doesn't happen so much
in Norwich, UK, where I live but I went to New York a few months
ago and got recognised three or four times. I found that amazing.
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