Facebook may have more users at the moment but we all know that Twitter is the future of Social Networking as it is the only true social networking site. It allows you to contact and discuss subjects with people you do not know and are highly unlikely ever to meet (and just celebrities all you nay-sayers out there). Whereas Facebook appears limited to people you either already know, in which case what is the point of chatting on Facebook to them when you can pick up the phone.
What are the "hours spent" averaged by? Active users of Facebook in their respective countries?
Maybe this data will stop all the lazy journalism reprinting Twitter feeds and analysing everything with regards to Twitter as if it is representative of the whole country's opinion and needs. I, for one, am fed up of every other story seeming to include something about twitter when less than 4m of the population use it, and even less will tweet.
Really interesting to see growth in number of members on Facebook, but I'd really like to see this over laid with other metrics including aggregate activity on Facebook.. for instance, while there may be more members, are the existing members doing less (updates and photo submissions for instance) than they used to. Certainly an interesting view.
I think what would be even more useful is to have a graph showing users as a %age of population for each country.
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