‘Let’s read together’: learning beyond the classroom in Tanzania

Through radio, we’re helping parents and caregivers in Tanzania play an active role in their children’s learning outside of the classroom.

Published: 8 December 2019

We’re a part of USAID and RTI International’s  in Tanzania which aims to improve early learning outcomes for 1.4 million primary school children. 

Learning together

Through the project, we’re supporting radio producers, presenters, and reporters in five regions of the country (Iringa, Morogoro, Mtwara, Ruvuma and Zanzibar) to produce a weekly radio show called Soma Nami, meaning ‘read with me’.

Soma Nami features drama, music, discussions among parents, teachers and education experts, and interviews with children about their lives and the challenges they face finding time for schoolwork and learning at home. The show aims to increase understanding of the supportive role parents, carers, and community leaders can play in helping their children’s education outside of the classroom.

Informed by research

For many children in Tanzania, staying in school and getting an education are significant challenges. Many are expected to take on a large share of their family’s domestic labour – be it cleaning, cooking, looking after younger siblings, or walking long distances to collect water.

To get an in-depth understanding of the issues faced by children and families, our researchers spent time in households throughout the project’s five regions. They observed the ways in which families talk about children’s education and the support that parents and caregivers are able to offer. This helped them to develop insights about the things holding children back, which fed into many of the topics covered in the radio show.

Training and mentoring

We’re helping radio stations to develop ideas for Soma Nami and build their production skills so they can produce high-quality content every week that is relevant to the show’s audiences.

Senior mentor-trainer for the project, Pendael Omari, said: “Trainees tell us that the show and its format are new to them and we are helping them to learn a lot about production. They also tell us that they like learning by doing, so that’s an important feature of our approach.” 

Project information

Project name Tusome Pamoja


Dates 2018-2019
Themes Education
Outputs Capacity strengthening for stations to produce radio show Soma Nami
Broadcast Partners  Abood FM, Jogoo FM, Furaha FM, Keys FM, Newala FM, Nuru FM, Safari FM

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