Reviewer's Rating 3 out of 5 Ìý
Bright Young Things DVD (2003)

"Evelyn Waugh's novel Vile Bodies is whisked into a sprightly, if slight, little movie" by the directorial hand of Stephen Fry. This is a departure for the comedian, actor, and genial raconteur, who is easily the star attraction of the special features on this DVD.

Settle Down Children

Bright Young Things DVD screengrab

As often observed on this site, there are few directors who can make for an interesting or pleasurable commentary. While Stephen Fry does not offer a searing insight into his artistic soul, he does make for a most agreeable listen. Like some fluffy audio duvet, Fry's tones soothe and envelop you, but beneath the velvet lurk some typically acute Fry observations. You may experience the odd sharp intake of breath, like when Fry discusses in plain terms the differences in professionalism between such notorious veteran hellraisers as Richard Harris and Peter O'Toole.

Who's Shane Davey?

Actually, Shane was a runner who's put his ambitions into play rather quicker than most. He filmed his experiences on the Bright Young Things for this 30-minute documentary. Certainly for those wanting a candid insight into the lack of glamour that is the British Film 'Industry', it should prove informative. As a look at the making of the film it's hit and miss, but Shane can congratulate himself on doing a better job than most Hollywood DVD documentaries manage with years of practice. Maybe we'll cling onto our industry after all?


  • Audio commentary with Stephen Fry
  • From The Bottom Up documentary by Shane Davey
  • Stephen Fry: Director featurette
  • Theatrical trailer
  • TV spots
  • Radio spots
  • This DVD was reviewed on a JVC XV-N5 DVD player.

    Technical Information

    2 Dolby Digital 5.1 Animated with period gay abandon 2.35:1 (anamorphic)
    20 English English
    English None of the special features come with subtitles 15

    End Credits

    Director: Stephen Fry

    Writer: Stephen Fry

    Stars: Stephen Campbell Moore, Emily Mortimer, James McAvoy, Dan Aykroyd, Michael Sheen, Jim Broadbent, Peter O'Toole

    Genre: Comedy, Drama

    Length: 106 minutes

    Cinema: 03 October 2003

    DVD: 19 April 2004

    Country: USA