Tara Fitzgerald

Dark Blue World

Interviewed by Jane Crowther

Your character is key to the story, in that you're the woman two men fall in love with. Was that a big responsibility?

That's where the delicacy of the writing really shows itself, because in the wrong hands I think that role could have almost disappeared or seemed purely as a vessel. I felt a great responsibility to the story and I loved the character. I felt there was a great honesty about her, a quintessential Britishness. She's trying to maintain the status quo and not allow her passions to get in the way. But how do you not get seduced by Czech pilots falling through your window?!

The film has opened up some long-forgotten Czech history - were you aware of that when you were filming?

I wasn't aware of the impact "Dark Blue World" was going to make on the Czech people and the enormous response that it would have. I was at the opening of the film there when two veterans came onto the stage and it was one of the most moving things I'd ever seen. They were very shy men and to suddenly be recognised after that many years was startling for them. They became very emotional and I was very pleased to be part of that.

You got engaged while you were shooting in Prague...

Yes, I had a weekend off and Johnny [Sharian] came over. We went for a walk in Prague old town and he said "will you marry me?" I said "yes, I'd love to!" So we ran into a silver shop and I chose a garnet ring which is a Czech stone.

What projects have you got coming up?

I've got a couple of films coming out at the end of this year. One called "The Secret Passage" and another called "". Both are very different to this.