Reviewer's Rating 4 out of 5 Ìý User Rating 5 out of 5
Apocalypse Now DVD (1979)

"Apocalypse Now" is without doubt an epic war film built upon extravagant visual realism. No model work or process shots were used. Everything that gets blown-up is real-scale and it's now captured with biting freshness on DVD.

The two Oscars that the film won were for Best Cinematography and Best Sound. On DVD, it's immediately apparent why. In terms of picture quality, this anamorphic transfer copes very well with the extensive lens flares, filters, and the surreal climax with ease. Particularly pleasing is chapter 15 with the Kurtz compound bathed in seeping eerie yellow light that's strong yet clear on the disc.

The dark psychological mood of the film is handsomely mounted in brooding sets and shadowy, evocative cinematography. This appeared as sheer murkiness on recent VHS releases, taken from a shocking, dusty old print with a thin and distorted soundtrack.

The Oscar-winning sound score has been upgraded to a 5.1 mix that is even more effective than before in immersing you into one of cinema's ultimate descents into hell. Any scene with helicopters allows for showcase demonstrations of your amp while the quieter moments contain a rich depth of foreboding atmosphere.

Inevitably fans will be disappointed that there isn't a full movie commentary from Coppola on the disc. There are however extracts from the original theatrical programme and the incredible destruction of the Kurtz compound scene with comments from Coppola. In it he discusses the 'incorrect' rumours of two endings to the film and some of the technical detail behind the movie. Unfortunately it is a little short but the primary objective to bring out the best of the movie on DVD is brilliantly done.

Chapters: 19
Ratio: 2.00:1
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Extra Features: Scene selection, trailer, exerpts from the original theatrical programme, 'Destruction of the Kurtz Compound' with commentary by Francis Ford Coppola, animated menus, multiple languages, subtitles, English for the hearing impaired.

End Credits

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Writer: Francis Ford Coppola, John Milius, Michael Herr

Stars: Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Frederic Forest, Dennis Hopper

Genre: War

Length: 146 minutes

Cinema: 1979

DVD: 6 November 2000

Country: USA