

Insufficient Broadband Width

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  • Message 1. Posted by Barrie Starck (U14279493) on Saturday, 2nd January 2010 permalink

    Hi Can some body help please .

    Since Christmas I have been unable to obtain Radio 4 Live on My PC instead I receive the message ''insufficient broadband width to play this programm''. I have run the Â鶹Éç diagnostics and found no problems also I can play Radio 2 etc and radio 4 on my internet radio.


  • Message 2. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Saturday, 2nd January 2010 permalink

    Hi Barrie
    Are you in the uk or overseas,?
    and what is the url of the stream you are using for Radio4 live on the PC ?

    If applicable are you trying both the normal and low bandwidth streams ?

    What are the usual typical iPlayer diagnostic results in full ?

    Does R4 on the computer work any better
    - outside peak hours ?
    - when nothing else is using bandwidth (eg internet radio) ?
    - are you normally able to stream bbc iPlayer TV or news clips video on the PC if you wish ?

    And of course it would help if we know more about the ISP
    - is this dial-up or broadband always on etc
    - name of ISP and package
    - advertised maximum (mythical) speed in kbps



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  • Message 3. Posted by Steve_Worp (U14275060) on Saturday, 2nd January 2010 permalink

    Barrie - Take a look at the thread under RADIO "bbc iplayer radio 4 and 5" and join the people all over Europe who are having the same problem and still await answers from the Â鶹Éç help desk -(Ok I know its Xmas) John99 also knows the existence of the thread - It might help if all people posting with this problem were directed to the one thread.


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  • Message 4. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Saturday, 2nd January 2010 permalink

    Hi Steve
    _ Background info_
    I am in the UK and do not use any method to test 'overseas' streams. I did recently notice the R2 live problem insofar as it appears UK users had a very similar problem on the Low bandwidth UK stream. As a broadband UK user I would not normally use the low bandwidth. The lowbandwidth uk stream will however probably be similar to some of the 'overseas ' streams. It appears the R2 overseas problem may have been rectified once the Â鶹Éç realised it was a true problem rather than just an internet problem.

    I have not noticed R4 problems here.
    i will try to remember to use the lowbandwidth for version for a while, if I do notice problems I will let you know.

    All I can say is that some problems are hard to solve and I am sure it will help both the bbc and other readers to give as much information as possible. it is vital to remmember thah iPlayer works on many platforms eg telephones, computers, games machines, and internet radios.

    Please remember I can not see what you are using, and you can not see what I use. It is important to give a lot of detail.


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  • Message 5. Posted by Barrie Starck (U14279493) on Sunday, 3rd January 2010 permalink

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for your help.

    To confirm : I am in Germany and am currently listening to radio 4 live on the thread www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_radio-fourfm.

    This the first time I have been able to log in for 5days and I hope I have no further problems. Over the same period I have been able to use my internet radio which are both linked to a DSL line.If you have any further advise I would be pleased to receive it as radio4 is my life line to home



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  • Message 6. Posted by johngie (U6837436) on Sunday, 3rd January 2010 permalink

    I'm having exactly the same problem this evening (3 January) with Radio 3. When I did the diagnostic test, it showed that my connection was way above the minimum requirement on all the tests - exceeding 5MBPS on all of them. I can stream TV programmes with no problem at all. I can also stream Radio2 and Radio4 perfectly - no stutters or any other issues.

    Over to you, Â鶹Éç.


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  • Message 7. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Sunday, 3rd January 2010 permalink

    Hi Johngie,
    If I am understanding your message it is that you have problems with R3 but no other iPlayer stations.

    I would suggest you thy three things
    - clear your browser cache and try again, it sometimes helps

    IMPORTANT - please note R3 works for me so, it can not be a global R3 problem. I tried both uk flash streams and windows stream, (I did not test the RP stream)

    - start a new thread about R3 problems ensuring you provide all the basic information in that thread, including the URL of the stream that is causing problems
    - complete a contact form and send it to the bbc direct



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  • Message 8. Posted by mrstrippuk (U14280960) on Sunday, 3rd January 2010 permalink

    Halloa John99
    Your advice is for radio 3 but can I assume the same would go for radio 4 as well ? The same message comes up for normal bandwidth and lower bandwidth ,ie: ´insufficient bandwidth to play this programme´.The diagnostic test said 1400 kbps.The problem is at all times of the day not only at peak times.I am in Barcelona if that infuences the results.I don't have any problems with the listen again facility.I don't have any problems with live radio 3,5 or 7 . I don't have any problems with youtube.I also would like to clear the browser cache as you suggest but don't know how to go about it..My operating system is vista and as it is a communal wifi area we don't know the ISP


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  • Message 9. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Sunday, 3rd January 2010 permalink

    I suspect that if anyone can use all bbc radio stations live streams except one particular stream, and are also able to use the on demand / play again streams ok then this indicates the two most likely causes are
    - there is a fault with a particular stream from the bbc or
    - there is a problem with what the ISP is doing to the stream

    If this occurs i would suggest
    - use the contact form to report the problem to the bbc direct
    - post on the messageboard to see if others have the same problem, preferably in a thread about that specific station, starting a new thread if necessary
    Please ensure you give your country, the stream url, and all the usual basic information adding details of your ISP & the diagnostics results.

    Overseas users do not get exactly the same streams as users in the uk so it is harder to check what is happening, No doubt there will also be less overseas users to report or test any problems.

    t is a communal wifi area we don't know the ISP

    I would think a communal wifi adds another layer of complication, possible interference or bad signal, conceivably some sort of contention issues. The usual advice being to try to connect direct by cable without the wifi to rule out that is causing any problems.

    If you need to clear the browser cache see:


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  • Message 10. Posted by Barrie Starck (U14279493) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    Hi Guys,

    I again have no radio 4 this morning. I have cleared the cache and can play programmes from the past. I will noe try and report the problem to the Â鶹Éç direct. But any other suggestions would be welcome.


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  • Message 11. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    Did you try the other RealPlayer streams, and what about the windows stream. Also check nothing else is using your bandwith eg other users or devices, (including your Internet Radio).

    Try connection using cable and turning off the wifi from the router. (IF you are using a wifi router on the home network ).


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  • Message 12. Posted by almaraz01 (U13305215) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    I have the same problem with Radio 4 here in Vienna. I have tried your suggestion of emptying the cache, but to no effect. No problem with Radio 2 or listen again. My internet connection is 1 Mb and tested OK on your test. Interestingly, I do not have a problem on the computer at work, just at home.

    Would love to fix this!


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  • Message 13. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    I do not have a problem on the computer at work, just at home.

    Not at all uncommon.
    It is likely problem exists on home computer or ISP and obviously not on office one. This itself proves problem is unlikely to be related to anything at the bbc end.

    You must really give full information about what you are doing and what equipment you use.

    If your problem is insufficient bandwidth then problem is likely to be
    - your isp (that effectivley controls what bandwidth is available, and sometimes may throttle specific streams)
    or is it just a very slow conection (especially at peak times)
    - your router or home network including any wi fi links (again it can reduce bandwidth available)
    you may have interference, you may have several devices working at the same time.
    - your computer (or other device) is it able to utilise what is available, (is the computer busy doing something else) is your computer old and underpowered for the task


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  • Message 14. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    You did start this thread, have you now got your own problems sorted out.
    If not what problems do you still have, and did you report them accurately to the bbc (if so have you got acknowledgment with ticket number)


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  • Message 15. Posted by almaraz01 (U13305215) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    Dear John,
    No, I am not stupid. I can work a computer. I recognised and shared the problem that is on at least two threads on this message board. Those of us in Europe have had occasional "odd" problems with the i-player (see my earlier postings). The problem was well described by Barrie and others. My computer is perfectly capable of receiving Radio 4, and has done so for a long time. Radio 4 is now working again - my thanks to the engineer who has managed to listen and fix the issue. I do not suspect my ISP etc. as this problem appeared with Radio 3 and 4 - not the most demanded streams in Europe I suspect - and no problems with other Â鶹Éç streams. Trust your correspondents, they are trying to help. The type of my BIOS or version of Windows may matter on occasion - but not this time when the problem is widespread over Europe. My guess is that the streaming was set at too high a rate by accident from the Â鶹Éç - but there are many other possibilities of course. However I do think it was at the Â鶹Éç end, they were the only supplier giving the problem.


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  • Message 16. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    Hi Almaraz

    Trust your correspondents

    I am an ordinary poster like you, just trying to make sense of posts which often lack vital information
    The problem was well described by Barrie and others

    I and others keep making the point that 'the problem' is very often different for each user posting a message. Because most posts do not give enough information it is very difficult to work out who does have a common problem. As the bbc state the problems must be reported to them using the contact forms. If you do wish to discuss the problem on the message board it makes sense to give the same information as a minimum.

    Sometimes problems may be resolved on this messageboard. But may I remind you again Â鶹Éç R4 has about 1/2 million listeners each week with iPlayer. It is naive and statistically nonsensical to think that 20 users reporting a problem listening to R4 necessarilly means there is a problem with the R4 stream that the Â鶹Éç is providing.

    If you want to find an answer
    - use the contact forms so the bbc gets stats on problems
    - post messages & then give information if it is requested

    Remember most users problems will differ from any other users problems.
    Remember the vast combinations of environment, hardware, software & firmware.

    As I said in my earlier post, you proved iPlayer worked on one system but not another system, but I did not notice you trying to define the differences between the two systems, I only noticed you state 'I am not stupid. I can work a computer ' which I did not initially doubt.



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  • Message 17. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Monday, 4th January 2010 permalink

    The bbc does monitor these threads but remind you to use the contact forms. Two recent bbc posts are:

    I personally would remind anyone using the board that much of the seemingly trivial detail is often vital to sort out any problem.

    You will in all likely hood get a faster answer on the board than by using the contact form, but on the rare occasions the problem is with the bbc the use of the form is absolutely essential. And remember the help & faq section is also full of useful information.


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  • Message 18. Posted by peta (U14282528) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010 permalink

    I have been having the "insufficient bandwidth" problem with Radio 4 since before Christmas... still is a problem.

    Listen live link

    I am located in the North of Spain

    My service provider is EuskalTel (who have Â鶹Éç WORLD on cable).

    Windows XP pro... 8mbs download, 3gb ram quad 4 2.8ghz

    Not using wifi, direct to webstar cable modem.
    I have complained on the official form ref: [T2009122400E8S010Z7318859]

    I got the same wel intentioned but useless standard response as everyone else, which had taken no account of the FULL details that I had given. I am an IT expert, I understand what information is required.

    On EuskalTel I can not get radio 4 on any computer on my network.

    On a neighbour's computer Telefonica broadband, it works fine.

    I can listen to all other radio stations no problem. I can listen to 'listen again' ... in fact I can listen to all live steams simultaneously in different windows.

    I was resigning myself to it being a local service provider problem.. but given that the same thing has happened all over Europe at the same time, the only common denominator is the actual Â鶹Éç stream.

    Frankly I had a miserable Christmas, no live programmes, listen again has been slimmed down, so many great programmes are no longer available... goodness knows why.

    It is too much of a coincidence that this has happened to such a wide range of people over Europe, I just can't credit that such a wide range of service providers have all throttled back JUST the radio4 live stream, all at the same time.

    We all know that Iplayer is being overhauled, realplayer steam shut off (no more pause feature.. no improvement)

    I lay money that the Â鶹Éç techies know exactly what the problem is. Far too many people are having the same problem. They know, but they can't fix it.

    I would recommend that anyone having the problem contacts their service provider and ask directly if the Radio4 stream is being throttled (more like killed) ...

    One thing is absolutely for sure.. it is not a problem with the local computer... deffo .. clearing cache etc will not work.


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  • Message 19. Posted by John99 (U13871221) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010 permalink

    Hi Peta
    Just picking out parts of your message:

    My service provider is EuskalTel (who have Â鶹Éç WORLD on cable). ... On EuskalTel I can not get radio 4 on any computer on my network. ... On a neighbour's computer Telefonica broadband, it works fine.

    Would I be correct in saying that you have shown that a problem occurs on Radio 4 live stream, but not other iPlayer Radio streams. And that this problem is present with a particular ISP (EureskalTel) but that there is no problem with an alternative ISP (Telefonica).

    I also note your comment *I would recommend that anyone having the problem contacts their service provider and ask directly if the Radio4 stream is being throttled (more like killed) ...*

    I have no idea what is implied by *EuskalTel (who have Â鶹Éç WORLD on cable).*

    It may be that you a rather unusual setup because most users will not have the "bbc world on cable". Is it a possibility that your problem may lie between the ISP and the Â鶹Éç, in which case maybe the ISP will be able to help.

    You could use the contact form again, to see if you get better advice from the a second time, however your own comments seem to point to at least part of the problem being with only one specific local provider, and any further response from the Â鶹Éç may well highlight that fact

    It will be interesting to see what response you get from your local provider. They may well discover and rectify a problem. I hope so.



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  • Message 20. Posted by David Young (U14282709) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010 permalink

    I am living in Portugal and have exactly the same problem as Barrie. Before Christmas Radio 4 reception was excellent and now I get the "insufficient bandwidth" notice. I can receive all the other Â鶹Éç radio stations perfectly well. I cannot believe that we all have poor ISP's or bunged up browser caches so please is anyone at the Â鶹Éç going to respond - hopefully with a solution.


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