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September in your garden

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 1396
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    Good morning all and welcome to August in your garden. This is your monthly over the garden fence thread where you can share what’s wonderful in your garden. Please note this thread will be closed at the end of each month.

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    No, it can't be September.

    Just been shopping. Had to get an first wedding anniversary card for eldest son and, guess what, those pesky 'C' cards were taking up half the shop. Rain will be pleased. Everyone was moaning about it. So, is that it, Summer officially over. I do hope not.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Pondman11 (U14948536) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    Welcome to august in your garden ? you mean September surely.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by abbotsmillmo (U13936954) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    Hi Kit,

    What a wonderful September day we are having here.

    All round blue sky, warm sunshine all day. If this is what September is about ,
    Bring it On. smiley - magic

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    Hi Kit & Mo, yes glorious day here too.

    I've always loved the first couple of weeks in September, even as a child walking back to school. The weather is often good & pleasantly warm but I forget how early it goes dark.

    Have spent a happy garden day. Pricked out all the seeds & then 'titivated' the beds that had moss starting again! Used one of those claw things that found when at Dad's. Brilliant for just doing that- removes the moss easily & also 'forks' over the compacted soil.

    Then sat out & sorted my seed tins. Not planning to do any more Autumn sowing as wont have enough space to over-winter things. Found the missing sweetpea packets, found that I dont need so many for next year now.

    Then, whilst doing tea, managed to knock a jug of stock over & into an open kitchen utensil drawer! smiley - doh

    I'm soooo clumsy these days, it really annoys me. At least have now sorted out that drawer & washed everything. Put drawer outside in the evening sun to dry off. Now have a pile of unwanted things for the charity shop & a bag of rubbish, yes, for the tip. J.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    Yes, didn't we have a fantastic start to September. I rushed home from work at 4 and was in the garden by 4:15.

    Jo - I am considering painting my potting shed yellow (naturally!) but it is currently golden brown.

    Hayloft Plants are trying to tempt me to place an order by giving a post free offer. I had a similar offer from T&M last week and ordered my seed potatoes for next spring. I am trying to resist the temptaton to buy more plants.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    I had a lovely start to September as well nice and warmat 19..1c so set some seeds away, more Winter Pansies and 6 different lots of Sweet Peas but this time I'm going to put the fleece cover on the gh so hopefully I wont loose them like I did last year.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by dwarfbean (U13754109) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    A beautiful day today so I decided to go and visit Trillium's garden this afternoon.

    Found it easilyher directions are first rate.

    Had a very enjoyable time.

    Will need to go to Harlow Carr soon.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st September 2011

    Evening everyone

    Been a lovely day here. Bit windy but lovely sunshine.

    I notice that it was dark by 8.15 tonight KG. Shame isn't it. Didn't do anything in the garden today as after doing the grass, etc, yesterday, arm was very painful today. Hope to get out there tomorrow, even if it's just to sit in the sun.

    I won't mention about my accounts Jo. Can see a plastic bag sitting on the chair. I wonder what could be in there.

    Can't believe that it's a year since eldest son got married. I don't know if any of you will remember about DIL's mum who had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was not expected to make the wedding. Well, with surgical intervention, she did make it and although she had lost a lot of weight, she looked really good and made it right to the end. Unfortunately, she is now very ill and there is nothing more they can do, so she's at home with her husband, DIL and another sister giving her 24 hour care. Very sad.

    Hope you didn't mind me sharing that.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Last September I had a greenhouse full of tomato's this year I am eating the last of the tomato's and clearing the debris. Last years started late after a bad spell of weather this years were away early and we have been eating them for months.
    The grandchildren ate the last of the Strawberries but not many runners this year so will need to restock for next year.
    Busy at the moment clearing out the plants that have now gone over ready for some Autumn and winter colour to move in, the beauty of sowing in pots is you can move them around.
    Better get back out there whilst the sun is giving a few rays of light, got to top up with vitamin D while one can.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Colin (U2252951) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Turned out nice with me, so have have been taking cutting from verbena, penstemmons, asters etc.

    Also split and moved daylillies and also lifted and moved asiatic lillies which were in the wrong place

    Planted out echinops, perennial poppies and the like I had grown from seed

    Sowed hardy annuals, mostly nigella

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Wish I could say that we had a good day up here, but it's rained on & off most of the day- fine by me as no chance to garden. BTW-I now have a major keyboard malfunction on this elderly laptop- sorry folks- paragraphs are impossible unless it does it itself! Wont even do it 'manually' now- it did at least do that before daughter started to try & sort!! Perhaps this is it's swansong? KG- why am I not surprised about the possible yellow shed? FRANK- nice to 'hear' from you again. So glad I'm not the only one with a shortage of strawberry runners. Have decided to remove all the green fruit from my tumblers in the greenhouse & remove the plants. Just not ripening, unlike last year when they were prolific. At least the sungold are still ripening well & the peppers are brill! It'll be easier for daughter to look after fewer plants too whilst am away. Have actually found a new, to me, book in library, on gardening in the shade. It's American, which means I find myself muttering about the spelling, but on the whole it's good. Even when the Acer goes shall still have sufficient shade to deal with. Just not sure about the sun aspect. OK, it now wants to do paragraphs without needing to- help!!! This is making me feel ill! J. Sorry folks.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    I've still got lots of tomatoes Frank. They started ripening at the end of July but are turning quite slowly so there are still lots of green ones. It makes a nice change because most years I end up with them all going red at once.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Hi KG, I just dont fancy making chutney this year. There is a limit to how much we need/can store. The ones on the sill are ripening ok & taste fine, so that's what shall do. OH brought back a really scrummy lemon-drizzle cake this week. Am being good & not having too much. Need to save room for apple strudle, punch cake etc next week! Hmm, I thought this was working again, but no such luck- mutters from OH about attaching the spare keyboard to this, but that defeats the 'laptop' set-up. It owes us nothing as daughter bought in 2002 when she went to uni. Perhaps my request about a new coldframe may be replaced by 'new laptop'? Sometimes it's handy having a birthday close to Christmas when a 'bigger' present is wanted........ could always buy myself one though. J.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Don't worry Jo. Paragraphs don't add anything to your interesting posts. I thought you had a laptop too. A new keyboard will sort it out but that won't help you now will it.

    Been an absolutely lovely day and my friend and I sat in her garden from 11.30 until 6 chatting. Even had our lunch out there it was so warm. Lovely little garden, full of pots, sort of higgledy-piggledy but very interesting. Loads of lovely 'ornaments' not the tacky gnome type. It's like a fairies garden. Does anyone understand what I am trying to descrbe. smiley - doh

    Used to annoy me Jo when I was at work and some of the consultants used to send in exam questions, etc, for students none of them had ever changed their settings from US to UK spelling. So instead of just turning it around, it had to be spell checked to pick up all the incorrect words. Hooray for retirement.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    "full of pots, sort of higgledy-piggledy " sound like my garden Kit!

    The year before last I ended up picking 3lb of green tomatoes at the end of October when I was clearing the plants from my patio. I put them in a bowl in the kitchen and they slowly ripened over the next month.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Hi KG

    Her whole house is the same. No, that's wrong. Her house is immaculate but I just love all the bits and bobs she's got. Nothing is cheap but I am quite envious of her taste. Two beautiful pictures of fairies on her wall that her mother did. Needlepoint? Is that right. You can see how much I know about that kind of work.

    The best thing she has is a cheval mirror which makes you look slim! I want one.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by poolfoot gardener (U14419050) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Began the process for getting rid of the Ivy which has adorned the front of our house for 25years or more... So happy the job is finally in progress. Climbing roses here we come...

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Saturday, 3rd September 2011

    Hi Kit, have tried to reply to your latest PM elsewhere, but not sure it 'went'! No problems this nor Dad's end- just this laptop!! No, not mine. Daughter said that I could use it when she got her new one, but it's still 'hers' if you get my gist. Greedy so & so, she cant use 2 at once, or perhaps she can! smiley - laugh Am sort of watching another Lewis repeat- the one where he gets an allottment. No plans for one this end- none available anyway. Immaculate house? Noway here. Must push the 'hoover' around tomorrow whilst daughter at work & OH in his 'workshop'. Ok, signing off now. Tomorrow another busy day with no chance to garden & the forecast fine! Typical. J.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Sunday, 4th September 2011

    Thank you for the welcome back, I was never away and glanced in most days but not commenting as I had writers cramp from my other projects.
    Since my wife died the girls suddenly realised that if I go to the big parade ground in the sky the family history dies with me so although it has not been a good year for me I got stuck in and worked at my projects. One worn out printer with a pile of ink blocks round my feet and one rattling keyboard sounding like a new laptop to me I have neat files of stories pictures and prints from newspapers and books but still a way to go.
    Alongside this I have the local History to keep up with and people asking questions about long gone people streets and buildings. The Doctor asked if I got depression I said sorry I do not have time for that, he said he wished they all had that attitude and as he said better than taking pills.
    We have had a wonderful spring and summer my side of the Styx sunshine when others were getting washed out hence my tomato's being at the end of their life KG, I had them in early and we were eating them much earlier than last year, next year I will space them out a bit. The strawberries have been fantastic or so the grandchildren tell me and at the moment am enjoying Victoria plums, not from my garden unfortunately but still my favourite plum.
    So I will pop in now and then when time and aching fingers allow though I do manage to read through the posts most days.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Sunday, 4th September 2011

    Nice to see you Frank and glad you are doing well.
    Do you still cook sunday dinner, or are you lucky enough to have someone do it for you.?

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Sunday, 4th September 2011

    Nice to see you Frank and glad you are doing well.
    Do you still cook sunday dinner, or are you lucky enough to have someone do it for you.? 
    Hello Nooj, the answer is I cooked a free range chicken for lunch today with all the trimmings and apple sauce, "I know" but I love apple sauce and the left over goes in my morning porridge.
    The grandchildren love to come here as they know I have no rules, you cannot break what is not there. They settle in and play for an hour before eating then have a good meal all freshly cooked, my daughter making excuses as to why she has to buy quick meals and then asking how I get it all on the table together and piping hot, she should have taken more note when her mother was trying to show her.
    They call it modern living, no time for anything so I showed her how to start from scratch and have a meal on the table in thirty minutes flat and all fresh food.
    A quick white sauce Pasta with fish takes even less time and she has a dish washer? I rest my case.
    Take care Nooj frank.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Sunday, 4th September 2011

    Good to hear that.
    I've got a big vat of apple sauce on the go - it's that time of year.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Sunday, 4th September 2011

    Hi everyone,

    Nooj, glad to say I have small apple tree and so will be making apple sauce too. Miss the old plum tree, though.

    Frank, lovely to hear from you. Spending tomorrow with my GS as he is going back to school a day later than his sister. It is so nice to have one-to-one time.

    Everything got a good wetting here. Rain just pelted down. Trouble is the rapid rate of growth of moss between the brick pavers.


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by james burke (U13894871) on Monday, 5th September 2011

    hi ALL and good morning great to have you back frank to comnplete the picture punpun come back i miss youre postings

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Monday, 5th September 2011

    Hello Summer,
    Not a week passes without those brick pave salesmen knocking on my door. I let them flow for a bit then ask why change something that is solid, been down since the house was built and we moved in 28 years ago, does not grow moss or weed and never moved an inch. "Oh but it looks better brick than paves" does it now then just take a walk up the road and see a block paving put down three years ago that looks a weed and grass filled mess, end of story,
    I had one last week wanting to replace all my gutters and facia with plastic, I said do you go to spec-savers, "no I do not need glasses" oh but you do, it is already plastic, "ohhhh" sorry to bother you.
    The Sunday crowd who walk round in groups trying to sell me tracts now cross over the road and almost run past my house after I told them what I thought of them sending children to the door while they stand at the gate. I was very polite to the children then called the adults over and gave them my best S/Majors dressing down, they never came back.
    A sandwich now from yesterdays cooked chicken then will go walk about and enjoy the sunshine, may as well have some relaxation as I have a very busy day tomorrow.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 5th September 2011

    Hi all, busy couple of days & now peace for this evening- daughter on 'lates'- & I can watch whatever I want on TV.

    I dont believe it!! the 'b' return key just worked! I automatically hit it, as you would, & no problem.
    And again!! Ok life in this old laptop still. Perhaps it needed a holiday too? smiley - laugh

    Remembered today that the suitcases are still in the loft. smiley - doh Oh well will be packing friday after all. I did want to surprise everyone by doing it thurs- to prove a point to daughter- oh well, best laid plans & all that. Need OH to get them & he's not back until friday.

    I get fed up with door salesmen too Frank & so-called tree surgeons at this time of year. We have an inherited, columnar type Ginko in our front, plus some over tall shrubs- oops- but every year someone wants to 'deal with your tree'. I always ask them what it is & then just refuse- no-one has ever got it correct & even if they did it's fine. BTW have the tree surgeon I use dealing with my overgrown shrubs soon.

    Have a lot of green toms on sills now. They were never going to ripen on the plants this year. Have no plans to do chutney this year, but I suppose could end up doing some if I have to.....J.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 5th September 2011

    Drat. The skirt I fancy from M&S couldnt be ordered on the internal system in store earlier today & is also OOS on-line too. Oh well, obviously not meant to be.

    Meant to say that the American book on shade gardening is a revelation! I thought I was pretty clued up about shade gardening after 15years of it, but have picked up all sorts of tips/ideas from it. Can see this being 'on repeat' from library for some time yet! J.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 5th September 2011

    My alicantes have started to ripen at last Jo. Not sure I actually like them very much! They are not as tasty as the GD and Sweet Olives.

    I am in full apple mode. I've stewed up lots to put in freezer bags, stewed more to add to my morning porridge and made an apple pie at the weekend. Good thing I like apples!

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Monday, 5th September 2011

    Hi everyone,

    KG, do you make chutney too with the apples?

    Frank, that's the trouble with buying a "developed" property; one has to put up with the materials used. Luckily I do have a small front garden also. People have commented how pretty it looks. The marigolds and the pineapple sage are romping away, with nepeta and geraniums, lychnis coronaria and golden marjoram interspersed. They are in a narrow bed which was shallow, but my son raised it with extra boards and added lots of organic compost. It is bright and colourful from my window and some compensation for all the treasures I left behind in the old garden.

    Is this a bad year for black spot on roses or am I not potting them properly or is there a humid micro-climate in my courtyard? Anybody here got any ideas?


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    It is a bad year for blackspot, I pick off the leaves and burn them making sure the ground under the roses is clear, even my Pauls Scarlett climber is not very happy although it is on its second blooming. I wash it down now and then with soapy water and cut off any bits looking too bad and hope all is well next year.
    You could be bringing some plants on in pots to go in the bed as the old plants go over Summer,
    I have had a good show of Pelagoniums this year throwing the colour card out of the window and using red and white mixed along the drive side this with the Japanese anemone plus wall fitted pots full of colour got plenty of comment this year and still going strong. Well I have all the time in the world now apart from Physio this morning at the hospital three pounds car charge for less than an hour @#=+:' yes that is how I feel about it.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Hi all.

    Summer- my roses have had less blackspot this year- ok only got 2, but 1 nearly always ends up bald by now. We've not had much of a summer up here, rain most days & not a lot of sun. I have noticed though, that the small hardy geranium around the rose stem has now completely covered the ground & so presumably prevented any spores that over-wintered beneath from 'bouncing' back up? (ok wrong word, but you know what I mean, I hope).

    Sounds as if the small garden very colourful for you. Should be much easier to maintain- you must keep reminding yourself of all the backache, literally & metaphorically, that a larger garden brings.

    Am avoiding doing my chores, have had my lunch & thought I'd just check the weather forecast for holiday. Eek! it's getting warmer again so maybe will need some thinner stuff after all. That's completely messed up my packing list- ok still in my head at the mo, but that's not the point! J.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Hi Frank, hospital carpark charges are always high. Is there nowhere on nearby roads that you could use, or is the walk a problem? (wouldnt have thought so with you gardening).

    The local day hospital I have to take Dad has a flat rate for parking whether you're there for a few mins or all day. Since his visits arent short, it's an excellent system & not pricey- I think £2. Good drop off area too, unlike another! J.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Hi all
    Can I come in for a chat sometime-dont want to intrude-my other gang has been disbanded smiley - sadface-something to do with being ever so slightly off topic

    Geoff smiley - biggrin

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    More the merrier Geoff. Or this could go the same way?

    Off topic? never! smiley - biggrin J.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by kate1123 (U14824475) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Good afternoon all.
    I have just popped outside to pick up some pots that have fallen over. I will be lucky to have any flowers left if this wind continues for a few days.

    OH has just tried the chilli I grew he said lovely but hot, sweat is still dripping off himsmiley - smiley

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    I solemnly promise to behave, stick completely to the topic, never try to bring a bit of humour ,facetiousness or lighten the mood ever -incidentally what is the topic exactly??

    Geoff smiley - smiley

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    I never go off topic do I Jo! I thought that was what this thread was all about. Chatting about anything and everything.

    Geoff - You can talk about what you like. I do lots of that and no-one cares. They just ignore me!! smiley - smiley

    Just asked son to take a photo of a plant I want identified. Will try and post it later.

    Doing nothing except sorting my finances out. Very little to do there I'm afraid. Might, just might, open the bag containing SIL's accounts. It's a very big might though.

    Can't wait until 4 o'clock when my Tesco shop turns up. All those goodies. Absolutely nothing naughty to eat. I just resorted to eating one of eldest grandson's Rice Krispie snacks. smiley - yikes It was so sweet.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Geoff, we can't have that!! I need a bit of humour and stupidity otherwise I will start suffering with SAD. Please remain as you are.

    No topic but do you know anything about Saffron!! smiley - biggrin


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Your Tesco shop turns up!!-do you mean turns its nose up at Lidl and Netto or just turns up for a chat and cake ?
    Now look I am trying to be good and already you are taking me away from the topic

    Geoff smiley - biggrin

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by kate1123 (U14824475) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Kit you promised us photos before, hope these turn upsmiley - smiley
    I don't order goodies in the delivered shopping, I walk to the local tescos to buy them, so I can justify.

    Frank my parents have just discovered that they can use the park and ride for free, that then drops them at the hospital, a bit of a faff but they were paying £5 a visit.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    I cant be doing with saffron-sound soooo expensive- I was actually in the middle of giving a talk on wallflowers, but got cut off

    Geoff smiley - smiley

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    It's yellow Kit! Seem to think have a very, very old packet somewhere.....

    Yes Geoff, do as Kit says! J.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Welcome Kate

    Thought I was going to lose my Rhus typhina this morning. It has very shallow roots and year before last just went. Fortunately, it's an easy grower and I get loads of offshoots so now gave another about 8ft again. Loads more shooting up everywhere. Got a big plastic pot floating in the pond but can't get to it without risking falling in.

    Got some macaroons on their way. Fancied a change from Belgium Buns. 3 packets as they were buy 3 pay for 2. Shall I go on the Wii now do you think?

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Can I bring some of my other chums to this party ?
    Cakes and biscuits will be provided
    smiley - biggrin

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Cakes a MUST on here! KG the busiest baker, but my OH trying to catch her up- just wish he'd clean up........ J.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by kate1123 (U14824475) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    Terrible confession but I have never tried macaroons , quick description please?

    I do like saffron cake though a bit expensive.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011


    Have lodged a sort of complaint not that it will do anything. Just have to have a moan, it's in my nature. I can imagine if people have to describe me they would say 'you know, that woman who is always moaning'. I am always on a mission smiley - laugh


    Haven't mentioned this before, but my photos turned up attached to someone else's post! I was mortified and took them off photobucket. They never really bothered to explain how it could have happened. Just think, that could have been very embarrassing - for some people who use PB.

    Will definitely post the flower I want identified as I love it. Bought a tray of 30 for £3 in Morrisons and then used the tray for crock. Stupid.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    When I was a child (note to self- must act grown-up and behave) macaroons were my favourite-do they still come with rice paper ?

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 6th September 2011

    As Jo says, between her and KG this could be a cookery thread. They are always baking something and telling us all about it. I keep waiting for the postman to knock, but the greedy pair don't share. Have asked so many times, that I now resort to buying.

    Macaroons. Are you pulling my leg Kate! I keep telling you how gullible I am. I think they have almond and coconut in them!! Will check the packet when they get here, unless someone who cooks tells you first. 3 packets!!! 2 a day = 9 days. Can I stick to 2 a day though. Just my luck they won't have them.

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