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May in your Garden

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 194
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    Good morning all and welcome to May in your garden. This is your monthly over the garden fence thread where you can share what’s wonderful in your garden. Please note this thread will be closed at the end of each month.

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    Goodmorning Daisy

    I will be first this month.

    First job of the day, washing. Second one, filling the recycling bin, yet again, for collection next Monday.

    Don't know about anyone else but, although I am retired, I have got quite lost with the days over the past fortnight and am glad to get back to normal. Apologies to those who have to work!

    Although Daniel insists he has checked all the pipes to the pond, I have just been out there and found a leak! It wasn't visable and I did have to hunt for it but, hopefully, this is where the water is going. Was dreading elder son, David, trying to sort it out as he always manages to make a job twice as hard as anyone else! Bless him.

    Really chilly wind today but I will find a sheltered spot for my bit of work.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Berghill (U2333373) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    An Invitation to View.
    Despite not having had any significant rain since early March, because of the heavy dews we get the grass still looks green, but the garden is really suffering from 2 hard winters and a Spring drought.
    Our wild life pond line has been punctured by a terrible grass/carex in so many places we have had to buy a new one. Bet it won't arrive till after it has rained!
    Enjoy the walk. I put the tree paeonies at the beginning.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    Afternoon all.

    Will everybody please remind me to check my e-mails BEFORE me & daughter go shopping! Missed M&S vouchers which could have used against what I bought! Grr! Also found that if I have a small Costa I can cope without becoming high, that's twice now been ok.

    Daughter gone for a nap- still suffering after nights.

    Some twit of a tiler, working next door, has parked his new car right opposite where daughter's parked so if we need a fire engine now it wouldnt be able to get through- some people brain dead or what? there was plenty of space elsewhere not a million miles away, but some people just cant walk..... Rant over.

    Next lot of washing to go out, no smoke smell now. The porch was bad this morning, at opposite side of house from fire too.

    Berghill- shall enjoy your pics later, as always, need to cut lawn now.

    Dwarfbean- yes Dunham gardens always worth a visit. Lots of azaleas etc & the English bluebells were out. I'd avoid w/ends & BHols if poss, but wasnt toooo bad on Sunday. J.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    Ok am a walking disaster!

    Went round back of the gardens to see what had actually been set fire to- yep debris from next doors' leylands that 'odd-job'man had just thrown over the fence.... so decided to start pulling the remains of fire etc well away from both fences. Only i failed to notice the other bit of branch that was swinging around my head ready to chuck well away & WAM straight into my head/spex!! Then noticed blood dripping! So got home & inside to get medical daughter to sort me out- BTW she not as good as i thought she'd be!

    I now have a nice gash on forehead, typically not the side where my hair falls, oh no cant hide this with hair, about half an inch long & deepish. Probably should have a stitch, but sterastrip holding it together! A 2cnd gash right on side of nose where spex sit- no contact lenses when you need them!
    Went round to tell returning neighbour what had happened with HER rubbish & started bleeeding again, which really got her attention!

    Have now agreed to both neighbour & daughter that will not go round back on my own ever again to pull rubbish away from the fences! Did point out to neighbour that on a previous removal of THEIR rubbish had torn a ligament in one elbow. I think the message has has finally been taken on board.

    Neighbour now realises the extent of anti-social behaviour problem that we can get. She has previously been oblivious to it & no idea of the fact that every year since whenever, I have been round & pulled stuff away from behind our 2 gardens to prevent such as last night occurring. Had planned to check it out anyway as school hols over round here but the little s**s beat me to it. Ok kids light fires, I did it, but not just by someone's fence!

    Now, how am I going to wash my face tonight without bleeding again? J.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    You are in the wars, Jo. Don't you have a Neighbourhood Police Team where you live. Mine are excellent and have done a really good job with the anti social behaviour of youths around here. No-one wants to spoil 'normal' highjinks, but there comes a time when it gets to be more than that. They do most of their patrolling on bikes because they reckon they can get to a trouble spot quicker by bike than by car!

    It's a shame that you are having such a problem with your neighbour. It happens to all of us at times!! Don't let it wind you up too much. It's really not worth it for your sake.

    Too cold to do anything in the garden today. Was going to fill the recycling bin but the wind was really bad. It will keep for another day.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    I only have 2 tree peonies Berghill, which I love but do wish they would last a little longer. Such beautiful plants.

    However do you manage such a huge and very beautiful garden? Do you have a team of little helpers? Loved your photos.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    Hi Kit, have left a message for our PCSO team.
    The problems behind us come & go as each teen/child group grows up/moves on, but the behaviour the last few years has got worse- as it has everywhere. Neighbour not a problem, but, as OH said, when told the tale, they always chose to ignore the situation previously, now they know otherwise!

    Am now coughing again, joy.... & have just set a repeat wash load on the go- some things definitely smelt 'smokey' when I got them in, others fine. Luckily have a 30min cycle on machine so not too bad, & they can go back out tomorrow. At least the adult neighbourhood pyromaniac has behaved himself after last summer's problems- no more bonfires during the day etc.

    It was quite pleasant out there today. The wind had dropped & the sun out most of day. I cut the lawn, without further mishap & then sat & read for a bit. We could have a frost tonight apparently! so have closed up & covered up in the coldframes/greenhouse.

    Hopefully tomorrow should be better... J.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    Sorry to hear your woes Jo, but at least things are clear now with your neighbour. Some people just walk around blinkered don't they! I hope your cuts are healing ok.

    Kit our local police are out on bikes too. I had a good chuckle at them the other day though - they passed us riding down and back up the rather steep local "greenway" (aka teenagers drinking spot), seemed totally exhausted with the ride back up, and sat and had a natter on the bench next to ours.

    My lads' bike and scooter were stolen from the side of our house at the weekend - not happy!

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 3rd May 2011

    There are some right tikes around these days aren't there MDE. They probably just took them because they thought they were clever, not giving a thought to how upset your young ones would be or that they will need replacing. It does give me a laugh when you see the police wizzing down the road obviously off to deal with some more unruly kids. They must hate school holidays, especially the Summer ones. I have to say that since they came into being, they have done a lot of good work round here.

    Weight MDE?!

    I'm glad you got things sorted with your neighbour Jo. You know that I have had small problems with both of mine recently, but we are all buddies again now and that's how I want it to be. I even handed my hose over to Jason, (Catman), so he could water his vegetable patch, fill his water butt and the kids' paddling pool over the weekend. He's on a meter. Don't tell the Water Board will you!

    Hope your battle scars are not too painful!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th May 2011

    Morning all, just as daughter yells bathroom is free......

    Scars ok, not pretty but never was! Am having to wear spex further down nose which doesnt help vision in varifocals- those of a certain age will understand!

    Spent a lot of time awake last night as tried to sleep the opposite way to normal, to avoid the cuts & then, when finally deeply asleep, daughter woke me saying phone was going downstairs. Anyway local PCSO team had left a message about the fire incident- so that's good.

    Daughter off to The Trafford Centre for the 3rd day in a row! It's a good meeting place for friends.

    Have found that there are 2 plant fairs on near OH's house, on different w/ends, so am planning to go to at least one.

    Were the bikes post code security marked MDE? If so they may turn up sometime. Not fair on you & OH though & especially your children. J.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th May 2011

    Back safely from walk to local supermarket. Didnt trip over & enjoyed looking in the gardens on the way. Having to wear a 'best' pair of spex as the lightest weight on nose, which has a fetching piece of micropore tape as decoration!

    Not sure what going to do today- seeds are germinating, others not quite ready to start hardening off, too dry still to waste water with any sort of planting/moving- hmm..... may just be lazy & find a sheltered spot out of the wind, which is much less today & finish that book.

    Spoken to neighbour who has spoken to another, who regularly throws stuff over his fence, she has explained what has happened. He has apparently spoken to the teens recently as his 2 young children play at that end of their garden & he doesnt want trouble either. Perhaps if we all gang up on them they'll go elsewhere? J.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th May 2011

    Spent a peacful day sat in the sun reading. Still coughing, drat, & consuming large quantities of hot squash to help.

    Local PCSOs came round, nice to have our original one back, &, obviously, the 'problems' discussed. Plan of action decided.

    Am in the 'doghouse' with daughter who thinks I should spend all my free time cleaning!!! She thinks the house is a tip! Have stood my ground, but am having to take care after my explosions when I came back for visits when caring for Dad. She has failed to notice am wearing my 'cleaning' clothes as plan to start once have done the watering outside! Also have refrained from asking when the hoover last saw the inside of her room! Need to keep her 'sweet' if I want help to allow me to go stay with OH.....J.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 4th May 2011

    Have left a message elsewhere Jo. Let's hope that your 'bobbies' manage to get the kids sorted out.

    Pottered around in the garden today. Lovely sunshine, warm and no wind. Planted my new clematis which was looking the worst for wear, weeded the patio on my knees as I couldn't be bothered to get the spray out and generally tidied up. Would have done more but kids came for tea before they went off to do their activities and I needed to water then. Temperature had dropped and it was quite chilly.

    Oh no, just heard them say that there is football on again now. Why can't there be a designated channel for football. It's on from 7.30 till 10 then 10.35 till 11.35. Looks like I'll be watching Lark Rise DVD.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th May 2011

    Ooh, daughter has just found OH's chocolate orange from ? Christmas's ago- we needed chocolate & darent touch his un-eaten EEgg -it actually tastes ok......J.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Wednesday, 4th May 2011

    No the bike and scooter weren't security marked - they weren't expensive (bike was off ebay) but it's the principal isn't it!

    Weight has remained exactly the same kim - I suffered and made everyone else suffer all week with no result. Trying again (a bit) this week!

    I planted out 5 new fruit bushes tonight, with lots of homemade compost and chicken manure, so they should do well. But it is SO dry. We need rain!

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 4th May 2011

    Don't give up MDE. I'm the world's worst dieter but when I am on the SW eating plan, I don't feel I am depriving myself. If I want to, I can eat anything I like, but in moderation. As I can't do chocolate, biscuits and cake in moderation, I choose not to have any at all. I can eat exactly the same meals as Daniel so it's not a chore.

    I planted a clematis today and thought first of all that it was going to be easy, until I got past the first couple of inches of dirt. Then it was a case of breaking the hardened earth (clay) to get to any depth. Must have been worth half a pound I would think!!

    It is the principal MDE. What makes them think that it's OK to take what's not theirs, probably just for the fun of it. Upsetting for the kids too.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    Hi all.

    Am grabbing a quick lunch before I put the shopping away- nothing extra jumped into trolley/basket, but i did eat the tiny biscuit that you get with a coffee at M&S & have got some sinful chocolate puddings for daughter & me tonight- blast forgot to get something for tomorrow night when OH back & he ALWAYS wants pudding! Everything in moderation for me, no I didnt eat all of the chocolate orange, & allow yourself ONE treat a day- works for me. I dont weigh myself these days, but just once a week is enough, no more & try & get a friend to join you MDE & you weigh each other. That can be sufficient motivation to not go mad IME.

    Actually overheard the assistant telling person in front of me in cafe where the loos were! Now I know that if there's a cafe, there has to be a loo, but have never been able to locate in that particular store- now I know! It really was tucked away.

    Have phoned the plumber who hopes to get to me tomorrow before OH gets back (OH cant stand him!) to sort out the upstairs loo- the flush button dropped so wont work properly. Yet again everybody- DONT buy loos from a certain warehouse!

    I never did any cleaning last night after all- ended up watching the cranial surgery program instead. Gosh they are brave & so skilled- the doctors that is. J.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    Hi Jo

    I watched that programme too and am in total awe of those surgeons. They are worth their weight in gold. Loved it.

    I'm afraid I am one of those people Jo who can't eat one biscuit, cake or chocolate. Once I start, I don't know when to stop. I will eat a whole packet of biscuits, a huge bar of chocolate and numerous cakes with no problem. (Not all in one sitting!) Never feel sick. I am a foodaholic. There are a lot of us about.

    I think I am going to have a resting day. It's chilly out and although the sun is trying to shine, I don't think I will bother to try and do anything today.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    Hi Kit, know exactly about the 'cant just eat one of anything'. Used never to have biscuits in the house because of that, but OH grumbled all the time coz he like biscuits. Now am at a sensible size, dont know about weight, the odd 1or2 do get consumed, but written down as my 'treat'.

    MDE- forgot to say that I STILL write down every day what I actually do eat. It serves a purpose in stopping me over doing the chocolate etc although I do write PIG across the list sometimes!! Like last night after that choc orange. We did throw it in the end as just wasnt right somehow.

    Right off to clean!! then want to watch this weeks Beechgrove, but wont until have done the cleaning. J.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    Kit- literally in the last few minutes of Beechgrove no 5 they showed a really hard- pruned Viburnum Tinus. You may want to look, on i-player until next Monday I expect. Even the presenter did wonder if they'd done it too hard -it did look rather exteeme to me.

    Daughter just back so off to do some tea. Oh & it's actually started to rain here now, not much yet but better than nothing. J.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    I looked Jo! That was a bit too drastic even for me especially as it is the first plant in the garden. Couldn't look at that all summer. Will take all the brown stuff off and shape it up and see how it goes. Did like the bit on summer flowering alpines as I like them in my rockery. Thanks.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    For quite a while now I've been watching you lot going on about "Beechgrove", I thought it was a 'soap' so never watched it, having just read the last few post's I thought I'd better go and have a look and see what it's about, OMG, I've fallen in love with it what a wonderful programme it is so I've bookmarked it on Sky for next week as it's about Fuchsia's my favorite all time plant, why oh why didn't I watch it before, just as well there's subtitles as I don't do accents with being hard of hearing.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    You'd rather be looking at the rain, Rain!!

    I've never watched gardening programmes since Alan departed. Hope that doesn't exclude me from here! However, I must say I enjoyed Beechgrove and am going to catchup on the ones I've missed. From what I saw, everything is explained nice and simply, which is what a derbrain like me needs.

    Have just learned that my grandson has got a place at the college he wanted. I am so pleased for him and he is happy too.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    More Beechgrove converts!

    I still watch GW but always watch the Scottish show as just appreciate the style- good information & so much packed into 30mins.

    I also made notes on the alpines as I need to bring back a glazed sink from Dad's to use for them. Was blown away by a genuine alpine garden high up a mountain in KItzbuel, Austria, a couple of years back. The sink has a struggling clematis in it at the mo- I hope I can rescue it. All being well OH can lift it into the back of my car sometime- OMG more ants on the dashboard as driving up the M6!! I loathe ants, particularly the red ones from there- they bite!

    Almost the best bit of that holiday was the trip up the mountain.The weather that week was awful, bar the one day when we had decided to take a long train journey across Austria to visit our favorite hotel/village. That day the temps were well into the 80s & only 2 of the 4 trains were air-conditioned!! J.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    Oh I could scream! Have been trying to do some college work on-line & the site is sooooo slow have given up! Serves me right, need to have done this by midnight tonight & have left it- luckily it's not vital but VERY annoying!

    Going to watch tv now & chill. J.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Thursday, 5th May 2011

    Hi everyone,

    Jo, hope you are chilling.

    Kit, I envy you that you can kneel to garden. I have to bend at the waist like strawberry-pickers, and today was aware of the gap between sweater and jeans as bent to plant catmint and hyssop in full view of the bus queue. Some days I wish I had a burkha.

    Have ordered a cotinus and a holly from what is described as "The Guardian Garden Centre" which turns out to be Parkers. I shall let you know if they are any good.

    The good news is that at a local Flower Festival I got a Paul's Scarlet climbing rose for 1-50 and an aloe vera for 50p (and GD got a knitted hat that looks like a tea cosy).

    MDE so sorry about your children's bikes. It dents childrens' faith in human nature when random acts like that happen. Hope they are able to think that people who behave like that are not happy and therefore not as fortunate as they are. A bike is just a bike but love and security are priceless. (However, I can imagine my children saying "Yeah. But I wish they had not taken my bike, Mum.") Very hard, because children feel injustice so acutely.

    Feel sleepy now. Night all,

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th May 2011


    Was just about to drag myself upstairs too but wanted to say that I kneel with the aid of one of those seats which you can turn upside down and then have the side bits to push yourself up. If I got on my knees normally, I would never manage to get up! A friend of mine, whose old auntie died, gave it to me and I didn't like to say I didn't want it. Am so glad I accepted. Absolute godsend.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by grassisgreener (U14569661) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Hi Kit,
    I am 53 and use one of these as if i got down i would have to wait for someone to get me back up OH may miss me after about 4hrs, they are a god send bought mine last year for £15 best money ever spent.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Just a word of warning about getting plants on line I ordered a 60 plant collection from Ideal World which they get from Garden Bargains they arrived yesterday like this they are an absolute disgrace, dead and dry leaves on the Begonia non stops, the Fuchsia's all leggy and 2 just a sloppy mess, the Million Bells look more like 100 bells, well just take a look and judge for yourself, I have emailed them both so will be interesting to see what happens but I wont hold my breath at all.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Hi Sue

    One of those things which I wished I had bought years ago. I'm a lot older than you! The seat on mine lifts up and I can put my hand tools and secatuers in there. I also use it to put my washing basket on rather than keep bending down!! So versatile and mine was free!

    Goodness know how long I would have to wait to be rescued. It would only be when someone wanted something. You would probably hear about me on the news.

    Rain, they look a load of rubbish and I'm glad I didn't send off for any. Get a refund.

    Have talked myself out of going shopping. I can do without things that are not for me. Am going to potter in the garden instead. Much more theraputic.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Hard luck Rain. Hope that you get some redress. Apparently Jersey plants also to be avoided- been some posts about them.

    So it's either grow your own or get a taxi, plus friend to share cost, & go to a nearby, decent GC to actually see/touch any plants that you need. That's what OH's Aunt does as a non-driver.

    Re the kneeler things I meant to get one from Aldi last year, but everytime i went in i was on foot so couldnt/ didnt want to carry it back. This year i keep checking as their 'offers' do tend to re-appear & will go up in the car.
    No shame in getting stiffer in your 50s, Sue, by actually gardening we are fitter anyway i expect.

    Have left message for plumber to contact me next week. The loo IS working, but not right, but at least no need to trot downstairs in the night after all. Been making phonecalls this morning & must sort out the spare room, AGAIN, this afternoon whilst listening to GQT.

    Have moved plants around again- some back onto daughter's sill & some into the un-heated greenhouse to get more light. The forecast for here is mixed, but not cold so things should be fine out there. The big dahlia pots are still in the greenhouse & 2 are already in flower!

    It DID rain steadily most of last evening so have also gone round removing pot-saucers from beneath plants, bar one as it's under the overhang of a large, adjacent tree & still dryish beneath. J.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Hi Kit, see how long it takes me to type- but then i do go on........

    OH on his way back, think i've got him some lunch-oops. Bought goodies for w/end but completely forgot about today.

    Oh yes the full-fat version of M&S choc pots NOT as nice as the low-fat version! Both me & daughter said the same last night.

    Glad to get endorsements on those seats, I want one!

    Going to check some things out on-line next, before i go up to that spare room.... J.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Ha -the security on this pc decreed that it needed to be shut down to finish doing updates so no checking of things got done! Have tidied the spare room though & even sat out to do some mending whilst listening to GQT. I'd wondered where that t-shirt had got to.

    OH says he can sort loo...... ok, when?

    Have re-started coughing again, which is not fun, but think i'll survive.

    Busy few days coming up, may get chance later to pop back, but..... J.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by james burke (U13894871) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    hi i take it beechgrove is a gardening program what channel on sky and what time thanyou

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by ianm (U14810329) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Rain the plants you bought do look very poor and i hope you can be compensated for them. A friend of mine bought plants from gardem bargains which he was pleased with but they were not labelled. He was sent a cheque for the cost of the plants to compensate. I must say i bought a shrub collection and apple tree from garden bargains which i am very pleased with and think were very good value for money. hope they give you compensation.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    James, Beechgrove Garden is on channel 971 Â鶹Éç Scotland on Monday at 19.30
    it's only Â鶹Éç Scotland though.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 6th May 2011


    I can only watch Beechgrove on Â鶹Éç iplayer. Don't have Sky. You can catch up with episode 5 until Monday, 9 May. They are obviously only available for one week.

    How are things with you these days?

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Rain, what a disappointing collection of plants. I hope you get compensation. Will let you know what mine are like when they arrive.

    I have not been disappointed so far; especially good were plants from Suttons Seeds and David Austen Roses. On the other hand a planter I bought on-line direct from the supplier was inferior to the same make bought from a popular site, as if the best models are sold through the retailers.... nothing specific to complain about but a bit lacking in finish.

    Kit, what a great gift that was. I'd love to have storage for my tools inside a seat/kneeler.

    I guess if I keeled over, or froze up, the bus queue might think it was a bit of street theatre, or just not notice.


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 6th May 2011


    You must get yourself a seat. I use mine such a lot. Today I sat on it whilst I pruned my Vibernum which stopped me having back ache. At least I don't have to hunt for my hand tools and secatuers any more. Poor old soul!!

    I would hope that if you keeled over, someone from the bus queue would come to your aid! Knowing what some folk are like, you would probably be ignored.

    How are things coming along with your courtyard? Are you getting used to not having such a big garden. I am often in despair in Spring at the amount of work to be done but once I get on top of it, I am so pleased I have a biggish garden. Just got to get the pots done in a couple of weeks and then it's just a bit of titivating through the Summer. Not growing vegetables, I don't have that worry.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Friday, 6th May 2011

    Hi Kit,
    Am quite pleased with the courtyard, as it is full of pots and lots of the plants are flowering. Still a lot of re-planting into bigger pots is needed but no rush. Am thinking of getting a mini greenhouse. Just getting used to the amount of watering needed. It is a real sun-trap.

    Have been doing quite a bit in the front garden, which is near the bus stop. The raised beds are dry and need the soil improving and the sides raising, but I just had to put some plants in. A friend gave me some ferns which have given up the ghost. Never mind, it is all a work in progress.

    Your garden sounds lovely. You say you are not a knowledgeable gardener, but you are always doing some nurturing, and it seems like a delightful space that you have created.

    Night and Bless,

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by james burke (U13894871) on Saturday, 7th May 2011

    hi thankyou kit and rain i have Â鶹Éç scotland on sky OH WILL BE OVER THE MOON ohhhh west ham just gone one down

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Global_Worming (U14532104) on Saturday, 7th May 2011

    Great pics Berghill here are mine, it is raining like mad

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by james burke (U13894871) on Saturday, 7th May 2011

    hi kit i just read youre reply properly a moment ago my daughter got an infection that went through her system started off with what looked like a rasirst year final examh from her toes to her knees it was broken blood vessels doctors in hospital had not got a clue until a skin specalist had a look he said her systim is being attacked that can damage her heart and kidneys one of the doctors asked could he take pictures off her legs i as he never came across it before she is upset because she missed her first year final exam they might come up with something might be able to sit exam at a later date we think janine is on the mend lots of tablets lets hope her other problem has not reappeared will know next month

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Saturday, 7th May 2011

    Hi James

    I'm so sorry to hear your daughter has been so unwell. The last we heard, she was given the all clear from the scare she had. She's certainly having more than her fair share of ill health isn't she.

    I hope that, in the circumstances, arrangements can be made for her to sit her exam when she feels able.

    Please keep us up to date with her progress and try not to worry too much. Easier said than done, I know!

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Saturday, 7th May 2011

    I enjoyed your photo’s Berghill. The alpines in the greenhouse reminded me of the ones at Wisley.

    Rain – How disappointed you must have been when your mail order plants arrived. I usually order from Thompson & Morgan or Hayloft and usually have no problems. One year I was disappointed with some T&M plants and they replaced them straight away after I sent them an e-mail.

    Here is some of the veg from my garden in May:

    I ate one of my little gems for lunch and it was v nice. I've managed to keep them away from the slugs by growing them in a wicker container on top of the wheelie bin!

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by dwarfbean (U13754109) on Saturday, 7th May 2011


    If you are looking for one of those kneelers then you might still find one at Aldi. I bought one a couple of weeks ago and i noticed that our Aldi still had them when I was in this morning.


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Sunday, 8th May 2011

    Everyone must have been outside enjoying the sunshine today. I have just come in and am sitting in the conservatory with a cuppa and the obligatory chocolate brownie. It felt a bit strange to be alone here as dad has stayed with me for the last three weekends but this week he ws going to a motorbike rally at Amberley instead.

    I've been doing lots of stuff in the garden today and feel as if I will not be getting up again any time soon! I chopped several branches off the hawthorn and also dug up an ailing hebe. Even after two nights of rain the ground is still very dry.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by grassisgreener (U14569661) on Sunday, 8th May 2011

    Hi All,
    We have had a bit of rain been out to dig between rows of veg and rain only went down a inch or so thought we had had enough but still need a lot more lets hope we get it at night with nice days, if only, must say though plants all look better for a bit of rain even the lawn looks greener.
    And my foxglove is flowering planted it 2yrs ago now have a huge plant with 7 flower spikes lupins just breaking out as well i love the garden at this time of year always fills me with hope.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Sunday, 8th May 2011

    That's how I feel Sue. Although some things are a bit early, it's great to see so many shrubs and alpines flowering and my small trees with their beautiful colours.

    Son jetwashed all the patio today so that's looking good too. Just needs all the posts planted up and placed. He also jetwashed my double seat!! Didn't want to do it but I said I would take full responsibility if it went wrong. Most of the awful red stain has come off but the rest will have to be sanded. I am sure once I have the correct coloured stain, it will look fine. Bit difficult typing with your fingers crossed.

    Your Dad's a game old thing isn't he KG! Off to a motor bike rally. Good for him. No interest to you? I note you had to get the chocolate brownie in but I'm not tempted. Still being holier than thou!

    Report message50

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