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Lawn's and the general picture.

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Messages: 1 - 8 of 8
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by punpun (U14553477) on Monday, 11th April 2011

    Hi All,
    Well it's that time of the year when you should be thinking of your lawn and how it fits into the general gardening picture,

    You dont need to be any good at painting to think of your garden as a form of art,

    Let me explain, the Lawn is your canvas, its the part of a nice garden thats the back ground,
    If your lawns in good shape then you can go on from this point to really start to have colour that will come to life all because the back grounds nice,

    The flower beds will stand out even more if you've a nice cut edge to your lawn, its the place we're you can see the end of the grass and the start of the bedding area,

    your lawn if it has a nice tree planted in it with the base of the tree cut into a circle shape and filled with flowers,! Again stands out,

    But the lawn again like any flowers or shrubs needs to be fed, & have the same chance to show it's colour as any other plant or shrubs.

    If the back ground to your garden is to a good state "the lawn" it will help the rest look its best.

    Today ive fed my lawn with general "weed & feed" lawn treatment,
    it's been three days since the lawn was cut and the weed & feed was spread on the lawn today and this evening it was watered in thanks to a late shower of rain.
    If you've not fed a lawn before you've two things to remember,

    (1) Is that if on the 3rd day after you've fed your lawn it has'nt rained or you've not watered the lawn ? You should ensure the lawn is watered, if you dont you may find the lawn turns brown.
    (2) All grass cuttings after the lawn was fed, must not be used on a compost heap.

    Regards Punpun

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Logissimo (U14020652) on Tuesday, 12th April 2011

    Good to have you back in action again.

    One point of clarification, about the compost heap, it's the weedkiller treated cuttings which should be kept away from the heap not cuttings from lawns which have only been fed/fertilised.

    Another bit of magic from our place, another dimension to the canvas. A nightingale started singing in our garden yesterday. It was singing when we went to bed , it was singing at 6 am when I took the pup out for her jobbies and has been singing again this morning.

    What a treat.

    Hope your hip is mending well, bet you can't wait to jump on that mower!

    TTFN L

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by punpun (U14553477) on Tuesday, 12th April 2011

    Hi Logissimo,
    Great to talk to you, and i hope the little one (puppy) is enjoying his puppy days,

    What have you named him/her?

    I wouldnt be without our's "we've two, Henry and the old girl (14 going on 15 years old, poppy yorshire terrier)

    They give so much and keep us all that little bit fitter,

    Due to the recovery of this hip op, im sleeping in what we call the orchard bedroom, 'it's at the back of the house and over looks the orchard, at about 7am here it starts to get light and the birds start off singing, it really is a smashing way to welcome the new day in.

    Im one of these who likes the window open all night and out side all the windows are metal cage like ideas (for connecting plants etc) and the birds tend to sit on these looking into the bedroom singing away.

    ahh Yes the spring & summer are a smashing time for us gardeners,
    (even those who can't do a lot just now)

    Are you making any plans for change in your garden this summer?

    Ive a gut feeling we're in for a hot one, the weather here today is a little overcast but warm and last week it was nice most of the week.

    Well it's dinner time so i'll say have a nice evening.

    Regards Punpun

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Logissimo (U14020652) on Wednesday, 13th April 2011

    Hi Logissimo,
    Great to talk to you, and i hope the little one (puppy) is enjoying his puppy days,

    What have you named him/her?

    I wouldnt be without our's "we've two, Henry and the old girl (14 going on 15 years old, poppy yorshire terrier)

    They give so much and keep us all that little bit fitter,

    Due to the recovery of this hip op, im sleeping in what we call the orchard bedroom, 'it's at the back of the house and over looks the orchard, at about 7am here it starts to get light and the birds start off singing, it really is a smashing way to welcome the new day in.

    Im one of these who likes the window open all night and out side all the windows are metal cage like ideas (for connecting plants etc) and the birds tend to sit on these looking into the bedroom singing away.

    ahh Yes the spring & summer are a smashing time for us gardeners,
    (even those who can't do a lot just now)

    Are you making any plans for change in your garden this summer?

    Ive a gut feeling we're in for a hot one, the weather here today is a little overcast but warm and last week it was nice most of the week.

    Well it's dinner time so i'll say have a nice evening.

    Regards PunpunÌý
    Hi PP,

    Not sure whether they will allow us to carry on a dialogue, but I hope it's of interest to other readers too.

    Our black lab pup is Florence (now 5 months old) and a real grand lass!

    Incidentally the Nightingale is installed in a dense clump of wild rose/cotoneaster/pyracantha at the base of a large cedar only about 10m from the house. Last nigh he started singing when we went to bed and carried on through the night and was still singing at 6 am. I then put on the outside lights and took out the pup for her jobbies walking between the house and the thicket. The bird did not stop singing at all,....amazing.

    Pity we can put sound recordings on here for all to enjoy, not sure how to record anyway except with a camera video clip.

    Last year he stayed for 2 days before, presumably heading off into the nearby woods to try for a mate there.

    No major upheavals planned this year but if I get time I'd like a water and bog feature somewhere centred on large diametre water pipes as featured on GW last year. Time will tell!

    Looking forward to some rain but the ground is still moist enough at present.

    Take care. L

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by vonni (U14736313) on Thursday, 2nd June 2011

    Reading all you notes with interest about lawns. and wondered if you could help. Have posted a query on the board but as you have a good knowledge of lawns wondered if you could give me some advice. My lawn has started to have grass that sends out shoots from a fialry broad leaf clump. It started off as one patch and is now slowly taking over the whole lawn. I just would like straightforward grass suitable for one dog and two adults. Nothing fancy, but an very worried that I have allowed something to creep in to the lawn. Creep being the word for it. Help if you can.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by punpun (U14553477) on Thursday, 2nd June 2011

    Hi Vonni,
    Nice to be able to talk to you and say whuff whuff to you know who from me and my best friend "henry".

    Now ref the Lawn and this broad leaf grass,
    This is field grass or to put it an other way "wild" grass,, it tends to grow in clumps or as some people call it "Sod's" and this sort of grass never really looks like a lawn because it is'nt lawn grass,

    Now you can keep the lawn cut very regular to keep some sort of control of this grass "but if it was my own lawn i'd go to the trouble of using a product called "WEED & FEED" this will give the correct grass a good boost and will get rid of the broad leaf grass,

    (verious brands are sold in the garden centre's but will say that the product feeds & kills weeds)

    Now if you decide to carry out this method of feeding and weeding your lawn
    Please please dont use one of those feed spreaders you'll see in the garden centres,

    They (inspite) of the smallest settings spread far to much weed & feed onto the grass and in fact you'll end up with black patches all over the place.

    Ive seen this mistake made so many times,

    I simply mark out lanes approx 8 feet wide (this for my arms stretched is about right, but if you've long arms and feel you can throw the seed in a spreading action further? then a wider lane is better for you)

    I mark out the lanes using string or canes and walk backwards so your not walking over the W&F as your spreading it.
    Just think that your feeding chickens as you spread the feed from side to side.

    IF no rain comes 3 days after sowing?? Then give the lawn a watering,
    do not cut the grass for a week after the feeding and after the first cut i myself do not use these clipping on the compost as it is infected with a weed killer,
    But some people disagree on this point.

    Remember weeds need to grow to live, so by cutting your lawn on a regular and correctly set blade setting,?

    (cut do not scalp the lawn as a very short cut damages the grass roots I use a setting of 4 inches)

    the weeds can not grow to flower and will die,
    But having said this birds drop seeds all the time so if you find weeds growing due to the weather not allowing you to cut the lawn, then deal with each weed as you see it via indvidual weed removal, but if you cut very regular as i say ! the weeds dont stand a chance, And a few weeks after you've fed the lawn you'll notice how green its looking.

    Hope this helps
    Regards Punpun.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Sweetpee (U14291757) on Friday, 3rd June 2011

    Hi All,
    Well it's that time of the year when you should be thinking of your lawn and how it fits into the general gardening picture,

    You dont need to be any good at painting to think of your garden as a form of art,

    Let me explain, the Lawn is your canvas, its the part of a nice garden thats the back ground,
    If your lawns in good shape then you can go on from this point to really start to have colour that will come to life all because the back grounds nice,

    The flower beds will stand out even more if you've a nice cut edge to your lawn, its the place we're you can see the end of the grass and the start of the bedding area,

    your lawn if it has a nice tree planted in it with the base of the tree cut into a circle shape and filled with flowers,! Again stands out,

    But the lawn again like any flowers or shrubs needs to be fed, & have the same chance to show it's colour as any other plant or shrubs.

    If the back ground to your garden is to a good state "the lawn" it will help the rest look its best.

    Today ive fed my lawn with general "weed & feed" lawn treatment,
    it's been three days since the lawn was cut and the weed & feed was spread on the lawn today and this evening it was watered in thanks to a late shower of rain.
    If you've not fed a lawn before you've two things to remember,

    (1) Is that if on the 3rd day after you've fed your lawn it has'nt rained or you've not watered the lawn ? You should ensure the lawn is watered, if you dont you may find the lawn turns brown.
    (2) All grass cuttings after the lawn was fed, must not be used on a compost heap.

    Regards Punpun
    Thanks for all your advice,

    I am one of these unfortunate novices who treated their lawn and did not water it in and my grass is now very brown. How do I get it green again, I thought it would grow out green but alas this has not happened . Any advice?

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by punpun (U14553477) on Friday, 3rd June 2011

    Hi All,
    Well it's that time of the year when you should be thinking of your lawn and how it fits into the general gardening picture,

    You dont need to be any good at painting to think of your garden as a form of art,

    Let me explain, the Lawn is your canvas, its the part of a nice garden thats the back ground,
    If your lawns in good shape then you can go on from this point to really start to have colour that will come to life all because the back grounds nice,

    The flower beds will stand out even more if you've a nice cut edge to your lawn, its the place we're you can see the end of the grass and the start of the bedding area,

    your lawn if it has a nice tree planted in it with the base of the tree cut into a circle shape and filled with flowers,! Again stands out,

    But the lawn again like any flowers or shrubs needs to be fed, & have the same chance to show it's colour as any other plant or shrubs.

    If the back ground to your garden is to a good state "the lawn" it will help the rest look its best.

    Today ive fed my lawn with general "weed & feed" lawn treatment,
    it's been three days since the lawn was cut and the weed & feed was spread on the lawn today and this evening it was watered in thanks to a late shower of rain.
    If you've not fed a lawn before you've two things to remember,

    (1) Is that if on the 3rd day after you've fed your lawn it has'nt rained or you've not watered the lawn ? You should ensure the lawn is watered, if you dont you may find the lawn turns brown.
    (2) All grass cuttings after the lawn was fed, must not be used on a compost heap.

    Regards Punpun
    Thanks for all your advice,

    I am one of these unfortunate novices who treated their lawn and did not water it in and my grass is now very brown. How do I get it green again, I thought it would grow out green but alas this has not happened . Any advice?Ìý
    Hi Sweetpee,
    Yes this is what i was saying about, the spreading of lawn feed,
    ive seen so many upset gardeners after they've tried to feed the lawn only to end up with a brown area,

    All i can say is "if it's just brown and you can water it?" you may be lucky and the grass may grow through, but if it's black? then im afraid it will take a long time for any sign of growth.

    It's the same as if you cover the grass area with any form of plastic cover such as a pool cover or trailer cover, in just a short time of covering the grass (20mins) the top of the grass browns and takes weeks to recover,
    So be careful when cleaning poolcovers etc on lawns, it takes no time to ruin all that lovely grass area.

    Regards Punpun

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