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March in your Garden

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 272
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    Good morning all and welcome to March in your garden. This is your monthly over the garden fence thread where you can share what’s wonderful in your garden. Please note this thread will be closed at the end of each month.

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    Ohhh I'm first to post, have managed to start undercoating the shed, have done the front, the back and the side just need to do the bit that backs onto the fence but as I got so cold I've left that for another day, I'm actually sat here shivering, it's 6.7c at the moment but the sun didnt get out till about half 2 so it's been very overcast and cold.

    Fruit trees are budding up but the Pear doesnt look very well, in fact there's no buds ripening on it, do they bud up later than other fruit tree's, will have to keep an eye on it.


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    Hi Rain,

    Have just go back inside. Not actually been gardening today as too darn cold out the back- exposed to the NEast wind.

    It's been really sunny all day, but still cold, so have been up to the tip a couple of times with 'stuff' from the shed/greenhouse. Then I cleaned the car out & washed it. Must be the first time since whenever.

    Decided to sit out, with a coffee, using the open shed door as a windbreak- nice.
    A neighbour has cut both of his lawns today, but mine being part shade wont get done for ages yet, unless I feel enthusiastic sometime soon coz it has been dry for a few days.....

    Have just sorted out a problem for Dad. Pretty well straight through initially then 'on hold' a couple of times, but helpful, pleasant people on the other end so not too bad. J.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    Hi Jo, I think it will be a long while before I can get the mower out, the back grass is sodden and in a right mess so need to get some seed down on it but needs a good rolling first I think, the front one's not to bad, I had the lawn raker on it yesterday and got loads of moss out of it then put some sand and grasss seed down, I'll have to stop feeding the birds before I can do the back otherwise the birds will eat the grass seed as it's more moss than grass.


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by abbotsmillmo (U13936954) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    Hi Rain and Jo,

    After a chilly start to the day, when I did do some work in the garden, the sun came out this afternoon, and it was quite pleasant, even had a cup of tea sitting on the bench. I mowed the lawn, well the one just outside the conservatory. The other one doesnt seem to grow so fast .
    I highered the blades as we are supposed to do for the first few times,and then decided to wash the garden chairs and table. Gosh, what a bit of sun will do.
    Its been a good day and Im feeling tired, but good about it all.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    Rain – Seeing all your painting posts I am starting to feel guilty. I forgot to give my side gate its annual coat last year and I noticed in the sunshine today that it is starting to look a bit forlorn. If the weather holds I may try to do it at the weekend.

    It was such a sunny day today but that wind was painfully cold. By the time I had walked to work this morning I could hardly feel my face. It was a bit better when I walked home and I enjoyed a quick glance around the garden again in the sunshine. The clocks spring forward at the end of this month so there will be a bit of gardening time after work soon.

    I still have no idea where I planted the scilla bulbs last autumn. I have been looking expectantly at various clumps of green shoots but they keep turning out to be another lot of crocus (or is crocuses or crocusi?).

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    I'm feeling guilty too with all Rain's painting. I know that I ought to do some fence re-staining at the back before things get really growing, but somehow it just isnt going to get done this year...

    Think I may have a go with the mower tomorrow after all. It hasnt rained for a few days so the grass isnt likely to be any dryer waiting until later in the month. At least the new little mower is very lightweight & easy to use so shouldnt be too difficult. The 'lawn' is a lot of moss these days, no point in treating/removing it as it's in part shade.The trees that cause the shade are council owned so am never going to get rid of the cause am I?

    Right, ironing to do- always do on a wed night & sunday night for some reason. Have 2 AT garden progs to watch, from last autumn, so shall enjoy myself. J.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    MDE - It was good to hear that you had a lovely birthday. Your gift made me smile though. There's me felling a willow and you're about to plant one! They are lovely graceful trees though and I used to like seeing the long branches flowing in the wind.

    I got up this morning on full rat alert. As my neighbours house is joined to mine I am more than mindful that the rats could migrate to my side of the property via the cavity walls. By 9.30am I was making my call to the council for the rat man to make a visit to my property as well. Doesn't come cheap - over £52!

    The daffodils are just coming into flower and they're a cheerful addition to the flower border. Some years ago I planted daffs, crocus and tulips in the public area at the front of the house and at the moment the crocus are in bloom. Daffs are still a long way off, but as this is the north side of the property and under some trees I expect them to come later.

    Rain - My pear trees always bud up later than the apple trees, so just wait a few more weeks.

    I haven't attempted to get the lawn mower out yet as the turf is still very spongy and waterlogged. I'm looking forward to the first cut though as it's looking unkempt at the moment.

    Jo - thanks for your advice about taking things easy, and I am. As I am left handed I was thrilled to be able to slice a loaf with my left hand last week. By the weekend I tried my luck with the vaccuum but still have to use my right hand for the job. I'm getting there though and now feel able to plan more in the garden.

    I intend watching Jamies Dream School later. Will anyone else be watching it this evening?

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    Oh, you are all so busy doing things in the garden and I am still just looking and thinking about it. Did pull some weeds up this afternoon, together with a lot of earth! Gave up, one because the ground was so wet and heavy and two because it was bitter, even with the sun out.

    Got to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow as the District Nurse is calling on my old neighbour to check her ears as she is going to have a remould taken for a new hearing aid later on this month. She had one fitted last September, but when checked last week, it was found to be too small and that was why she couldn't use it! She is quite capable of dealing with the nurse herself, but if it is the one that came last week, I want to be there to ensure she is not rude to Lavinia. She was when she called last Friday, without anyone's knowledge and without knowing what she was there for. Lavinia did not know either, because I was waiting to hear from the DNurse when she could call. She may be deaf, blind and unsteady on her feet but she is certainly not gaga.

    Not too keen on Jamie Oliver, but have just looked at what the programme is about and will watch it at 10.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    My big daff's are a long way off from flowering but the Tete a Tete are in full flow, I do love them they are so sweet if a daff can be, the purple crocus are now in flower just as the yellow ones die off, my perennials that I planted last year as plug plants are showing signs of life but it's now -2c oh br it, I hope my seeds will be OK, they are in the plastic gh with their own little covers on, if it's going to be cold like this for a while I think I might cover them with some garden fleece on a night, at least I've got nice and warm just in time to take the dog out, think I shall be turning on the electric blanket so the bed will nice and warm for me to get in.


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

    I love tete a tetes. They look jolly and don't get blown over in the wind. Mine are all out too and I have a bunch in the kitchen (in a small vase).

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Morning all.

    Any plans to cut the lawn all abandoned. We have had quite a frost last night. Although in suburbs of Manchester we back onto a large patch of open ground. So we are exposed to the chill rolling down fron the Oldham hills- I used to be able to see them in the winter from bedroom windows, but now too many mature trees in the way.

    I know that I covered the sweetpeas & plants in the greenhouse last night, but when daughter came in just before 7am to tell me that it was well below freezing in there! Eek, shall go down later to investigate. Front lowest only-0.4C, but the back....who knows? Thing is I know that the back is cold, so act accordingly, so actually knowing the real temperature freeks me a bit, think I'd rather not know.

    Still not an actual daffodil flower out here yet. Lots in bud though.

    So am doing a quick clean up- daft as OH back tonight, but needed doing. Will wrap up & put the washing out & take stuff down to compost bin & wormery. Then am going to start off a new dahlia & investigate the ones kept in the porch,well wrapped, over this winter. New one can go onto daughter's sill & others I think may put inside by the patio door, if the tubers still ok. J.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Sweetpeas & small fuschias all fine- phew. Have uncovered them & it should be quite pleasant in there later on to do those dahlias. Washing flapping a bit, birds singing & nearly finished chores inside I set myself to do.

    GCG, glad you are improving. Rotten that you are Lhanded, but it's amazing what you can do with your non-favorite hand. I'm R handed, but fractured my L elbow some years ago & it was interesting what you do use 2 hands for. Distinct memories of trying to open a new,large, jar of coffee between my knees as couldnt twist the top as I would do normally. Had visions of it all over the kitchen floor!
    I ended up doing the ironing too, as to watch OH trying was worse than me struggling with one hand plus 2 fingers out of sling!
    Yep & Sept 1998 is the last time OH cut the lawn!!
    Planting bulbs with one arm in a sling also fun- over-balancing into the flower bed was a distinct possibility!

    Right coffee break over, back to that 'b' dyson then outside! J.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Morning all

    It's absolutely freezing here today and I mean freezing. Had the heating on low and although I have turned it up, can't seem to get the house warm today. Think I will have to stick it up to maximum.

    Had my problems with the non-use of an arm. When I dislocated my shoulder, daughter was in 6th form and had chosen some pure cotton, fancy blouses with big sleeves to wear. Watching her trying to iron them pained me more than my arm, so I set to with my left hand and managed to do a much better job. Became quite an accomplished left-handed ironer. It's surprising how inventive you get. And, of course, you will all remember the bath saga!!

    Am really beginning to dispair of the NHS. Received a phone call from the District Nurse this morning for my neighbour! Corrected the caller informing her I was her neighbour and the one who had arranged the call. 'Has she been putting the drops in', she asked. Well, no, nobody has seen her yet!! Went through the whole scenario again, third time.

    You may find this funny, may not. Granddaughter was doing her homework last night. It was a story about a carrot wizard - something like that. She had to answer questions, one of which was why were carrots good for you. 'They are full of vitamen A' said Mum, to which I added, as a joke, 'they were also good for your eyes because have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses'. Bless her, when we looked, she had written it down! I do hope her teacher saw the funny side of it.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Oh Kit, it made me laugh! I needed to- see below.

    Many years ago, really, me & OH on a train down to Brum, I think & there were loads of rabbits all over the fields. OH said 'quick, did you see that rabbit had blue eyes?' & guess who believed him?!
    He only mentioned it last week to daughter, when she said had seen rabbits & she just looked puzzled!

    Just e-mailed my long-standing German penfriend. We've 'written' since age 11.
    Poor thing- her Mum is now dying, she has been unwell herself last year with major surgery & her husband had a heart attack before Christmas. Luckily he is now doing well & she does have siblings, but still what do you say?

    Am eating my snack lunch, have already had a small bar of Milka, which sort of turned up in trolley yesterday- well I need a treat, & next am off down to now, the warmer, greenhouse to start off dahlias.

    BTW, your neighbour very lucky that you there. J.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Jo, that's the sort of thing I fall for all the time! I am so niaive and believe anything people tell me. Well, perhaps not niaive, just very trusting. My Mum was the same.

    Sun is now out but I am not shifting as it won't warm up now.

    Nothing you can say, Jo, except to be there for her. Very sad.

    How did that chocky bar get into your trolley? Strange that. A bit like the Belgium Buns that turned up in mine and the rasberry cheesecake. Must have thought I meant to order them.

    Was going to Morrisons tomorrow but have to stay in as BHS are collecting lamp I ordered, again. One went back on Tuesday as it was faulty. It was a 'touch' lamp but would suddenly come on. Poltergeists!! Bulbs kept blowing, which I put down to buying cheap, changed bulb again on Monday and the light wouldn't go off!! New one delivered today, badly packed so shade all dented, going back tomorrow. Another one turning up next week. Good job I don't live a hectic life.

    I think all you avid gardeners must be out digging and planting whilst I am lounging on the settee watching TV. Each to their own.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Not digging Kit, but still looking at the lawn & thinking about doing it.....no, daft as still damp. Nice & warm in greenhouse though. At this time of year the sun can warm it up as no leaves on the trees to cause shade.

    Am having a coffee break & a small chewy bar-ooh, 2 'treats' in one day! Well I need cheering up as 2 little dahlia tubers stored over the winter in the coldframe both 'gone'. Next I need to check on the chocolate cosmos which was also stored in that coldframe.. fingers crossed.

    The evergreen Agapanthus in there are fine & restarting to shoot. All the dahlia pots were well wrapped with bubble stuff & all covered with a fleece 'cap'- they must've been a bit damp when I stored them perhaps. Luckily the 2 bigger ones that I kept in the porch are fine & now in new compost/pots & on daughter's sunny sill. Actually another 2 & she may have grumbled.

    Ok, off to check the CCosmos out. Shall be really miffed if lost that too. Not sure how many years it goes back. Always have kept it over winter in its pot either in the shed or coldframe, well wrapped.
    I do know that was pretty cold up here before Christmas. Nothing I could have done anyway even if I'd been up here as there wasnt any more room in the porch for it's large pot. J.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Me again!

    Choc cosmos was fine-phew. It's now in a large pot of fresh compost sat on a paint bucket (!) in the porch, which only went down to +5C last night, unlike the greenhouse.

    Have recovered the sweetpeas & others again & even cleaned out some glazed pots & stored them.

    Neighbour then asked for advice. Her Choisia Sundance had got a split stem & she wondered if it'd regrow. After realising that it was about 15-20yrs old & huge, she has decided to remove it. (good as was shading my shrubs even more). Once we got stuck into cutting it back/down she realised just how much space it had occupied. There's also a large juniper in front, part of which is dead, with the other shrub overhanging it. So that's for the chop too. Clearing all this will allow her to repaint her fence. Then she's got a good sized hot spot to use.
    Only problem that I can see is whether the root system is huge & whether we, she's aked me to help her, can get it clear. I've got some stump killer, but I doubt that she would live with the covered remains until it rotted.

    It's our green waste collection on Saturday. Her bin now full but still some room in mine, so I shall cut more down for her tomorrow. J.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    It was so sunny here today that I was straining at the leash in the office and zoomed off as soon as the clock struck 4. I was mowing the back lawn by 4:15. I mowed the front on Sunday so now I have a lot of sorry looking lawn. It always looks terrible after the first cut of the year and then looks 100% better after the second.

    Since it got dark I have made a loaf of seeded bread and a jar of lemon curd (I know that will surprise and amaze you!). I’ve just finished a bowl of greek yoghurt with lemon curd stirred into it. Mmmmmmmm

    I lost my dahlias too. Last year was my first year with dahlias and I followed all the storage instructions to the letter so was quite disappointed.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    No gardening for me today as it was colder today than yesterday (learnt my lesson) and a right pea souper of a fog so stopped in the warm and made 2 skirts (one of which is lined) and a full length petticoat (if they still call them that) so just have one skirt and two pair of trousers to make that of course is in between the garden and shed painting oh and decorating my bedroom and the living room, glad I retired I think oh and mend the cats bed that needs a new lining busy busy busy bee.


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by james burke (U13894871) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    hi all its me moaning again you must think were a jinxed family one thing after another my son was stotted at traffic lights on way to work this morning OTHER DRIVER turning right decides its ok to use his mobile phone while driveing lost it on the turn couldent correct the move straight into my sons car write off he was taken out by fire crew and put on a spinal board we spent best part of the day a the hospital he has neck chest and back pain his only worry is my pride and joy is nackered his car well im off to bed hope i dont fall out of it

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Oh James I'm sorry to read about that, but a car is mended a life isnt it could have been a lot worse by far, there are still far to many folk driving about on mobile phones, I see plenty on the road out the back of me I've even seen a young girl trying to read a map while going round a corner, hope your son gets better soon and fasten your seat belt when you get into bed.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    James - That's terrrible news. I do hope he recovers well from his injuries. I expect he's already planning on what car to buy next and there's you wishing he never drives a car again!

    Rain - I just don't know how you manage to do so many things in a day. You must go round like a whirlwind, and while I'm thinking about it KG seems to pak a lot into a day too!

    It was very frosty here this morning and there's been a distinct chill to the air all day. Looking on the bright side the sun shone all day, which always gives you a good feeling. I did not venture out in the garden though as I don't want to invite more problems!

    Jo - made me smile about your OH's last efforts at mowing the grass, but he does bake cakes and decorates! smiley - smiley

    Early start tomorrow so wishing everyone a very good gardening day.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 3rd March 2011

    Oh dear, James, you are having a time of it aren't you. Glad your son is not too badly hurt. Could have been so much worse. Hope he's back on his feet soon.

    My son did that to my car just after he passed his test. Was going too fast, clipped the kerb and hit a wall. Car was a write off, but he and his passenger were OK. Was not too pleased about the car but it could have been so much worse.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by abbotsmillmo (U13936954) on Friday, 4th March 2011

    Poor you James, trouble always come together.
    It seems we all have had some problem with our off spring and cars.
    My daughter many years ago, was caught up in a shunt , her being in the middle got hit from both ends. Lucky her girl friend passenger was holding her kit bag on her lap as they were on their way to the gym. Not nice having a scary phone call from the police station.
    I had to keep telling myself," At least shes OK."

    Hope it all works out for you.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 4th March 2011

    Poor you James, at least he's ok. Cars are easier to mend than bodies.

    OH wrapped my 1yr old car around a carpark barrier when he'd just passed his test. I didnt yell at him, surprisingly, but I still take extra care whenever am in that particular carpark.

    Neighbour has now really cut down the Choisya & I've attacked a very large hebe that was bald in the middle, but shooting from low down. Yes I know it's really too early in the year, especially with the frost we had yesterday, but OH has been grumbling about it being in the way, true, when reversing onto our front drive. So between us we've filled 3 fullsize wheely bins, collection tomorrow. We both looked at the remains of the choisya & a juniper that had died undeneath it & she's getting 'a man' in to remove the rest- phew, am glad about that.

    I've now got to quickly & cheaply redo that front bed before we try to sell this house. Not the most sensible thing to do, in pruning that hebe, but should have sorted it yrs ago! Right plant, wrong place. Have a 'baby' in the coldframe already, which has cheered daughter up.

    Once I've pruned the forsythia at the front, I should be able to quickly sort out the soil, a bit. Then plan to replant with various things that should quite quickly 'net' together to cover the ground. The hebe will get a proper final tidy up later on. It's got lots of new growth, so should do quite well with a bit of TLC.

    We've just finished the last of the cherry cake- not bad. J.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Saturday, 5th March 2011

    I'm thinking of getting rid of the hebe in my front garden too. It has not liked these last two cold winters and is looking really ropey.

    I've just come in from gardening as the sun has gone in. It was quite warmish in the sunshine but too cold now. I'm about to sort out a nice selection of plug plants which I bought in Wyevale this morning. I love plug plants. They are such good value. I got two little packs of lobelia and one of chilli peppers for £5. That will make 24 separate pots of lobelia and 5 chilli plants.

    There is a low wall surrounding my patio and I always like to plant it up with mixed colour lobelia in the summer.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Saturday, 5th March 2011

    Afternoon everyone,

    It is nice to have time to sit and read your messages and yet I always feel guilty about how much you are all accomplishing already this year in your gardens.

    I have a clutter of pots around and have got no further with a "Grand Plan" for the courtyard. A ceanothus, which had seemed to survive the bad weather well, is looking very sorry for itself, now. I have a mind to put it in the front garden, although I had envisaged clouds of blue flowers beside my back door.

    GCG it is good to hear how much you are doing now. I won't repeat the entreaties to be cautious and not rush the recovery. (Oh dear I have repeated after all!) Hope the rat saga is not getting you down and that it is soon sorted. My son saw one on his patio last week and decided it is time to get another cat. He had hesitated because his old cat had obviously eaten some poison from somewhere. He's going to have a discussion with the neighbours (who also put bread out).

    James, no wonder you are wondering what is coming next. I hope that is all now, for you and your family, and that your son is fully recovered soon.

    Kit, I always look forward to reading your messages. Nice that you are batting for your neighbour; it is disgraceful how some people behave towards the elderly or infirm. By contrast I was treated extremely kindly by a young woman in the newsagents when buying a card. I had forgotten my glasses and she read the verse to me. She obviously thought that I had either become forgetful or that I had never learned to read. When I got home I had a good look in the mirror to see how old I look. Grey hair, grey coat, grey scarf, I looked like a ghost. Maybe it is time to go blonde. Perhaps I shall just ditch the coat. Easier.


    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Saturday, 5th March 2011

    Grey hair, grey coat, grey scarf, I looked like a ghost. 

    All colours that drain the skin colour Summer, need something brighter.

    Managed to get the shed done, well the undercoat is all finished and got the back done as well as I moved the water butt out of the way so it's all ready now for the gloss but going to wait till it gets a bit warmer, well in theory, no doubt the waiting will get the better of me then I fancy painting the inside of it as well in magnolia as I have a massive tin of it just wasting, all go this year I think.


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Saturday, 5th March 2011

    Summer - I often have to ask people to read lists of ingredients on packets because I never remember to take my glasses to the supermarket. BTW, are you old enough to wear purple?

    I had toast for breakfast and more toast for lunch. Trying to think of something non toast related to eat now.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Saturday, 5th March 2011

    KG, what age do you have to be to wear purple, I love purple and wear a lot of it, coats, scarves, tops, jumpers and shoes I will be 62 in May, fancy dying my hair purple as well but think that might be going a bit too far.


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Sunday, 6th March 2011

    Absolute cracking day here both in the garden and painting, I managed to finish sowing my seeds and started to gloss paint the shed, got the backside of it done that backs onto next door's fence then put some pea gravel down to make it tidy, next step is to do the window side that faces the garden so the I can get my rotavator out and dig it so I can get my peas and sprouts away, all go and I'm really enjoying myself, I don't have to rush about like I did when I was at work, I can get it done through the day and then enjoy the evenings and relax.


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Sunday, 6th March 2011

    KG - Lobelia has to be a must have for me. I grew them from seed last year and had a wonderful show on the patio. This year I think I will do the same as you and get plug plants. Isn't it a wonderful time of the year. A time for new beginnings and making plans for the garden.

    I've had a brilliant weekend. On Friday I was given the all clear at the hospital. I was so happy and excited that I could have kissed the doctor. By the time I got home every emotion that seemed to have left me in the last 6 months completely overwhelmed me. I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. I felt that for the first time in 6 months I could do with a long trouble free sleep, yet too excited to go to sleep. To celebrate I took the dog for a walk along the beach. The tide was out and the sun was glistening on the white swirls of waves rolling gently in. Next to the pebbled beach is a large area of grass and daffodils were on the edge of pebbles. The sea kale was starting to renew growth for the year ahead and it really was a beautiful scene. We went back there today, and this time walked further. I did overdo it a bit, but it was worth it.

    The rat man arrives tomorrow at 10am and although I am fairly certain I don't have them on my side of the house I think it would be better to do both houses as they are connected. I have to admit that I'm beginning to get fed up with my neighbour as the rat problem has been going on for years and is entirely due to her throwing out meat pies, cakes, bread for the birds. She was also storing her apples, jams and christmas puddings in the loft!

    On the subject of the colour purple - my friend themed her 60th on the colour purple. My 60th birthday party is next week and son's g/f is decorating the venue in ...........silver and purple! So Rain .........at 62 - you're the colour purple!! Maybe I should be looking for purple plants for the garden now smiley - smiley

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Daisy136 (U9682560) on Sunday, 6th March 2011

    GCG How wonderful to get that news. I feel excited for you. You can now put the last awful 6 months behind you and look to the future, still taking it easy for a while of course!. Brilliant. smiley - magic

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Sunday, 6th March 2011

    GCG, I love purple with a passion, my bedroom wallpaper on the bed head wall is purple.

    I set some Lobelia away today and guess what colour it was, yes , purple ! it's a colour that goes with everything I think, on the seed thread, I set some Hollyhock away today as well for the first time and arnt the seeds strange, they look like a porridge oat well I think they do, also set away some Delphinium Pacific Giant, I didnt realise that they grow to 84 inches OMG they will be taller than the fence, I'm going to have some fun fastening them up as they get their real height, make the sun flowers look like midgets.

    So very pleased that you have got the all clear as well GCG, now you can look forward and start planning the garden in all it's glory, but that doesnt mean you can go daft with things, take it easy and build it up bit by bit (bigarmhug) x x x x


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Sunday, 6th March 2011

    Started this an hour ago, then Son and Grandson came in.

    Rain, I don't feel guilty about sitting doing nothing, because you are doing enough for both of us! I'll start when you decide to slow down a bit.

    Summer, nothing wrong with a grey coat. Mine's black, but it's what you wear with it. I have bright scarves and gloves and even leopard print ones. Actually, Lola has my print gloves at the moment. Must remember to get them back.

    My old neighbour is very stubborn. I admire someone wanting to be independent which she was for many years and only stopped doing everything for herself 2 years ago. She baked cakes for every coffee morning there was going. I just wish she would allow us to do more for her. I have suggested getting a wheelchair so she can go out to the little row of shops she used just to see the people she had chatted to for years and do a little shopping but she won't have it.

    Saw your post GCG and that walk must have been magical. Don't over do it!

    KG, how come there was no cake to go with the toast.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    Morning all.

    Yes early, but the usual early Monday wake up with OH leaving, so have done loads of things already.
    The 'big sort out' continuing- cookery books today. His, mine & daughters & 'no idea', but still want to keep, sections now on various shelves.

    Been at Dad's this w/end. He's fine & me & OH been busy sorting things down there.
    I must prune the roses on my next visit- they were mine & OH's anyway. We won them in a raffle on the IOM before we were married & the only garden available was Mum & Dad's. Cant remember why MIL couldnt take.

    Not outside yet, it's still 'b' cold out there, but am planning to find somewhere warmer (inside greenhouse?) to re-do the hosta pots. Then I can get to the back of shed, having used the compost that's blocking the way, to get the old flymo out & take it to the tip, probably tomorrow when daughter here to help me.- yay. I can then get my new (2cnd hand) shredder out of the porch & into the shed. Are you following this?!

    Daughter just back from 'nights', so me going outside seems sensible. Noticed that the crocus pot been 'got' at again. I think it's squirrels as I often find the odd chewed corn around when outside. The chinodoxa in it are coming out fine & the squirrels leave them alone, so that's ok.

    GCG, wonderful news. Be good!

    Purple- I've always worn it, even before I went grey.
    Have never had a 'colour' session, but soon realised which suited & which not. The days of mustard colour jumpers & brown skirts, ugh, long gone! But then try telling a teenager......& my hair was dark brown in those days.

    Right, off to layer up with thermals. J.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 7th March 2011


    Bet everybody outside/at work.

    Havent actually touched a hosta pot yet because I aim to do them every 3yrs & when I checked they were either 09 or 010. May do the 2 that had extra labels in saying vine weevil?, but then may not...

    Have been planting out herbs from large pots, to free those up should I need them.
    I have dug up a small, poorly Hebe, which was in totally the wrong place. Must have propagated it & just popped it somewhere rather than give away.

    Have also made a list of spare/excess plants that will do for the front bit. Have plenty to use- so that's really cheap!

    Am off to plant out small foxgloves, honesty & whatever have spare in pots. Realised that IF we move, my pot collection is just too big & apart from some of Mum's plants, the rest can be easily & cheaply replaced should I need. You notice the IF- too complicated to explain, but good job OH away, so I can calm down!!

    Weather, in the sun, is great. Thermometer says only 5C at the front at mo, which I dont believe, but then sensor is under a windowledge. I need to mulch, but will have to wait until it's rained. Moist enough when you do dig down though.

    Right, backache session. J.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    Thermals and some Jo, its baltic outside well Its by cold anyway, have been out creosoting some more trellis that I got this morning, I put a clematis "The President" in the front side garden yesterday and as it was taller than the piece I had put up I needed to get some more done then it can dry and I can get it stapled to the fence, also gave the picnic bench it's last coat of preservative then next week I can get some varnish on it, that was it as my fingers felt as if they were getting frost bite, I just can't seem to slow down these days it's all go and no stop, but then when it's all done I can enjoy the summer if we have one, the problem with that will be and I'm sure we all do it, you sit in the relaxing chair and look at your efforts and think oh that needs seeing to or that needs staking up and off you go again, never any rest really is there, but that's the enjoyment of the garden and boy am I going to enjoy the garden this year.

    Do you realise that at the end of this month I will have been retired 6 months, I cant believe it's gone that fast, oh well, I'm glad I did go when I did, I do miss the company now and then but at least I can spend more time in the garden and with my aging pets.


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    Forgot to say Jo that it's only 5.4c here as well so belive it, the wind makes it feel a lot colder.smiley - yikes

    3 min rule drum drum drum

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    Hi Everyone

    Well, I could see the sun shining brightly this morning, so got up a wee bit earlier, not a lot. Had shower, etc, before I came down, as I used to do when I was working. Put washing on, had breakfast and decided I first needed to dust and hoover as I could leave it no longer, then I was going to go and rake the grass and perhaps dig just a little of the border, not a lot.

    Well, with the sun shining, I am afraid I cleaned more and more as every speck of dirt was visible. I should have taken my glasses off. Moved the furniture, WOW. Even shampooed the dining room chairs as they looked a bit murky. Did sit in the sun by the pond and watch the fish for a while. It was really warm as it is a suntrap.

    Just got the washing in and, boy, it is freezing out there now the sun has gone down. Weather forecast says sunny and warmer tomorrow, so I will hope to get in the garden, even if it only to get my vitamen D.

    Am I correct in thinking I should not prune my hydrangea yet. It was new last year but has no shape to it. Didn't notice when I bought it so needs all the straggley bits cut back so it looks better. I have rarely touched my old 'common' one but this is a different variety and is more 'floppy'. I think KG has already advised me about it but I can't remember what she said. Should have written it down.

    Await with interest to hear what the 'IF' is all about Jo! Nothing's straight forward is it.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    Hi Kit, unless your new hydrangea in a very sheltered spot, I'd hold back a week or so. The new buds can easily get frosted, so better late than never.

    Must admit I was looking at mine earlier. It's a nuisance to do as at the back of a border with all the new bulb & herbacious growth coming through, so I always do some accidental demolition when getting to it. Once the other plants are bigger I find it easier to be more careful where my size 5 wellies end up!

    Yes, the IF we are going to move situation...... I'll send a PM elsewhere later!

    Oh yes, I found a potato!! I really did accidently grow it last year.
    Some of you may remember that I did a 'bean' trench for my sweetpeas & beans in a new bed last year, using veg peelings from the kitchen.
    I thought that there was a potato plant amongst the growth, so I left it. When I cleared the bed, no potatoes, but wasnt too upset. Was planting out a thyme earlier & there the spud was! Only little, but my first ever!

    I've managed to wrench/strain my right wrist. Must have been when redoing the Acer pot. I was going to donate it to the open ground behind us, but it's not a native species & I had a spare, bigger pot available. This is daughter's plant, the one she got on her first visit to Tatton show. 'I'm going to do bonsai, Mum'! Oh yes! Surprisingly it's come through this winter better than last. So it's now in the bigger planter & if she gets a house she can take it or we shall leave it. It provides a focal point to look at from the house- gosh, trying to be 'arty', not!

    Ok, need inspiration for meal. Would help if I knew just me or if daughter coming back. She slept a bit then has gone to meet a friend at the Trafford Centre. I was surprised to see that she's gone on the bus. J.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    GCG – I was so pleased to read your news. What a huge relief to have that awful weight lifted from your shoulders. Last time I went out to see my sister we had lunch at a restaurant on top of Mount Cootha. At the next table were a large group of women all wearing purple.

    Rain – Where did that six months go? It’s amazing how time flies.

    Jo – I remember your rogue potato. I’ve been worried about putting potato peelings in the compost bin ever since!

    Kit – Funnily enough, I am contemplating making some muffins in a minute. Dad and Toby are coming down tomorrow so that we can have a walk up in Highdown Gardens. At this time of the year they only open during the week. Goodness knows what is wrong with opening at the weekend.

    The forecast for tomorrow is good and I have the day off work. Hurrah.

    Every available windowsill now has plants or seed trays on it. Chilli peppers on the landing, tomato and lettuce in my bedroom, lobelia and cosmos in the back bedroom. Just love this time of year!

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    Oh gosh, tomatoes, not sown mine yet! I have got a seed sowing by month list that I refer to, but it's still early March up here!!

    I didnt get at the old mower. When I looked in the shed it's right at the back behind the Aldi coldframe box. That will be pulled out & re-assembled once the cosmos etc seedlings need to go into it from the greenhouse & since havent sown any yet you can see the time frame.........

    OH & me are supposed to be sorting out in the garage this coming w/end, & then the shredder can go into there. Luckily our porch is pretty big so it's not in the way, just doesnt look very good it being there.
    There's also a large box of wrapped apples in there at the mo. They are from Dad's. I picked & wrapped all the decent apples off his trees last autumn, so I hope that they are ok. Certainly smells good though.

    Hope to get the fruit bushes netted tomorrow. Daughter will be around to help. The bullfinches have already been spotted in the garden! J.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Monday, 7th March 2011

    I am going to ask you lovely people a very stupid question. I have a tree in a huge pot. It's shaped like a pillar. It was so heavy that it took Daniel and a chap at the Garden Centre to get it into his car and we drove home looking as we were about to take off. I was amazed that it didn't get broken when Daniel eventually managed to get it out. Anyway, that's all beside the point. The tree is green(!!) but the ends are pink which makes it looks as if it has pink flowers. I used to have a bush the same but it died.

    Right, I'm getting there. I want to take it out the pot and put it in the garden as it is pot bound and not looking too good. Can anyone tell me the best way to do this without damaging the tree or breaking the pot. Just don't know where to start.

    Told you it was a stupid question.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 8th March 2011

    OMG Kit, too early this morning to get my brain into gear!

    Any idea of type/name of tree? Description rings a bell somewhere, but not loud enough to register!

    Ok, another very (Grr) sharp frost overnight. Although bright sun it's brass monkeys out there. Daughter still recovering from doing nights & unfortunately has 3 days off! This totally disrupts any plans I may have made, as would prefer the house to myself!

    So off to local GC in a bit for coffee & scones & jam! I do need more mealworms for the birds too. The car needs petrol & have Tesco voucher, so will nip to shop as well.
    If any warmer & some degree of thaw later on we're going to try & net the fruit bushes. My wrist is uncomfy, to say the least, so any Hosta pot dealings can wait.

    Pop back later. J.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Tuesday, 8th March 2011

    Jo slow down, listen who's talking ! I had a heavy frost through the night as well lovely sun here but bitter cold SW wind6.6c at the moment but a bit to cold I think to paint anyway the last time I went out and started the shed I ended up sitting here shivering so think I shall leave it for a bit, I just wanted to get the shed finished as I need to dig in front of it so I can get my veg plot sorted, supposed to get warmer but duller through the week, so warmer is better but it's nice to be in the sun shine, can't seem to get it warm and sunny in one go,one of these days it will.


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Tuesday, 8th March 2011

    Re tree in pot.
    I have had success with soaking well for a day.
    Then - the embarrasiing bit.
    Loosen round the edge with a long bread knife.
    Lie down on the floor, hold trunk low down and brace your feet against the pot rim.
    Hold on tight, push with your feet and pray no=one is watching you!

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 8th March 2011

    Thanks Nooj! Did think about soaking it, but not about lying on the floor. Don't worry, no-one will see me as son will be doing it!! Hmmm, need to pleasant to him for a few days.

    Would have loved to have seen you though!! Hillarious smiley - laugh

    Just measured the pot and it is 20" by 20" so think I will have to try and get some of the earth out before I start soaking it, otherwise he might end up with a hernia.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 8th March 2011

    As long as whoever attempts it takes care, Kit.

    Unlike the odd job man that next door has got perched up a large set of ladders resting against the out of control Leylands they planted behind their fence.
    No safety gear, nor decent boots or gloves & waving a piddly little electric hedge trimmer in one hand- I cant watch!

    Yesterday i thought she'd agreed that the tree surgeon that me & another neighbour use would be the best person to deal with those trees. He does keep t'other neighbours' leylands in really good shape, but no.......... I cant type what I'd like to put.........

    The frost has gone here so will do fruit bush netting later. Daughter gone for a sleep first & I'm going to find some painkillers for my wrist & elbow now!

    We had a nice time at GC. Ok, 2 replacement herbs & 1 small fuschia jumped into the basket along with the bird food. Daughter also got me a replacement jasmine, indoor plant, as a Mother'sday present. Actually quite a bargain & replaces the one that finally died. We now think it was a lot older than OH & me thought. Daughter says we had it when she started 2cndry school- so that makes it a VERY good valentine card. J.

    Report message50

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