
Garden inspiration  permalink

The Potting Shed, 9 August 2010

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 76
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Monday, 9th August 2010

    Good Afternoon all. Welcome to the Potting Shed, the thread that’s opened every Monday for all your off-topic discussions.

    This week we’re celebrating the birthdays of:

    14 Anneliesje
    14 Michelle78
    15 Jardack

    Happy Birthday all!

    A warm welcome to the newbies; Happygardener33 and Claire - it's great to have you both on board and the more the merrier. Also congratulations on first prize Rain! It’s nice to see all your hard work paying off smiley - smiley

    I caught up on weeding this weekend and harvested lots; on this week’s menu there’s going to be carrots, broccoli, potatoes and lots more courgettes.

    Please note, I’m not in the office on Monday so I’m going to leave this thread open a little longer than usual.


  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Monday, 9th August 2010

    This is my first time at being first at anything.

    Been weeding myself today, Daisy. Only my rockery which is very difficult as I have to be careful not to tumble otherwise I would fall in the pond. That would kill the rest of the fish off!

    Eldest son's ex-partner has just phoned to say her results from the removal of a carotid tumour are negative. Another hurdle over. Still something wrong but could be due to having a weak immune system. More tests.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 9th August 2010

    Hi Kit.

    Weeding, what's that?! I'm terrible & only do it when it's blindingly obvious that I need to! I do let loads of stuff self-seed everywhere, so need to recognise things first, otherwise it could be valuable!

    The sun now keeps trying but there are a lot of very black clouds around. Drove back from work through more rain & then 100yds on, none! It actually feels quite warm out there so I may risk putting out the washing I did earlier to save on tumbling time.

    It's nice that your son's ex still in touch with you & that the results are -ve. J.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Monday, 9th August 2010

    Have been fiddling about on laptop all afternoon, apart from when I had a looooong conversation with a friend. I have a horrible little weed everywhere which had reddish leaves and little yellow flowers and I cannot get rid of it. I can kill it off with Pathclear where it pops up in the path and where all the stones are but have to physically get it out from rockery. Visualise a chunky old girl perilously balancing on rockery stones, bending down with little fork digging silly little weed out!

    I do have a good relationship with son's ex-partner because of my grandson. Both he and my son lived with me for 5/6 years. Had to get on with ex for his sake. However, saying that son and ex have a fantastic relationship in that they are the best of friends. When she married, she said to new husband, 'you do realise I come with baggage'. No, not her son, but mine! It has made things so much easier.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 9th August 2010

    That sounds like oxalis Kit. It will be with you forever so you'll have to learn to love it! At least it looks fairly pretty. I've got it all over the place and have learnt to live with it.

    I'm glad the results were negative. Hope the news continues to be hopeful in that quarter.

    They've promised us rain tomorrow but I will believe it when I see it. They said it would rain last Friday and we ended up with 1mm.

    They are doing Monty Don on tonight's Who Do You Think You Are so I am about to turn the telly on.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Monday, 9th August 2010

    Evening all, I'm spending much of this week welldressing with my mum. She lives in the village where Florence Nightingale spent much of her life (Holloway, Derbyshire), so lots of events to commemorate the centenary of her death. Including a welldressing. This morning puddling clay for my dad to spread on to the boards, and transporting boards to church. Tomorrow more exciting stuff - pricking out the design and doing the outlines with seeds etc. In some ways I'm hoping for a rainy week so I can go and do that rather than go to work! It's lovely how people can just drop in and do a bit and have a chat when they fancy it.

    Glad to hear your ex-DIL's news Kit. I do hope my anagram didn't seriously disturb your sleep!!!

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Hi all. Need to book a slot for Tesco delivery, but nipped in first whilst have a well earned coffee.

    Had a good morning at work & did a bit of shopping on way back meeting neighbours, a friend & someone from work at a local retail park on the way home. Also realised that neighbours had parked their car next to mine when I returned to it. Now considering the size of car parks there quite a coincidence or what?

    MDE, OH now works in Derbyshire & wanted to know if I could go down to see some of the well-dressing tomorrow night & stay in the hotel that he uses, but am working an extra on Thurs, when OH comes home, so we'll miss the one we wanted to go to. Wouldnt be surprised if he goes anyway as people from work are involved.

    Drat, was hoping to be out when the phone call came, but have just wriggled out of definitely making a booking for car service. Yes I know due, but GP appointment greater priority so cant commit to anything till that sorted. J.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are all well and enjoying gardening.

    More tidying than gardening for me. When my blessed house is sold I hope to visit gardens and well-dressing and the sea-side and generally swan around having a good time.

    Looked at some lovely cottages in Yorkshire but only one of my children is up there and the rest are nearer to me here. My work is down here too and it takes time to establish in a new place. Having lived on the Lancashire side of the moors for my first 25 years I feel quite a pull to the hills, though.

    I know that I am lucky to have choices so must not make too much of it. Happiness is not about where you are but about well-being. OH always said, "What is meant to happen will happen." So shall just get on with the weeding again tomorrow.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Summerchild - I totally agree with your OH. I have always thought that what was meant to be will be. Hope you find somewhere nice to live.

    MDE - I’ve vaguely heard of welldressing but have never seen it "in the flesh". Sounds fun.

    I can’t believe I am saying this, but it is actually raining here today! By the time I got home from work there was a whole 9mm recorded on my rain monitor. Only one water butt has filled up so far, but I am hoping that a wet night will fill the others up (they are all connected). This is the first evening I haven’t been out with the watering can for weeks.

    Funnily enough, I was in a water efficiency meeting for two hours this afternoon whilst it rained outside!

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Evening. You beat me to it Summer.

    I had to look up welldressing MDE as I didn't want to appear ignorant. You learn something new every day. Looks extremely difficult.

    Jo, you seem to do an awful lot of driving. Is it to do with your work?

    At the risk of boring you, my pond is back to normal. No more high Ammonia levels. What a relief.

    As it has been raining most of the day, I have been really good and started sorting out my son's expenses ready to input on the spreadsheets. The problem is, he just gives me a tin containing months and months of receipts, many of which are non-work related, all screwed up. I even had old Lottery tickets included this time! I also do the same for my SIL who presents them all in nice little envelopes sorted monthly. My son has always been away with the fairies.

    Just got bridesmaid dress for GD. Oh I wish I was 8 again. It's a real fairy princess dress, if you know what I mean. She is coming tomorrow to try it on. I can't wait.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Summer, meant to ask. Why are you moving?

    Hi KG.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Daisy136 (U9682560) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    I can now admit without embarrasement that I hadn't heard of welldressing. I have now looked it up and it looks lovely, I love old countryside customs. I wonder if there are any around here (Surrey) doubt it somehow.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    OMG have just screamed & worried neighbour who came round to check!! Was in garage, which we access via a door in the porch, putting vegetables into rack when heard a lot of scrabbling noises from veg rack & out flew an ENORMOUS moth, straight at me!! Must have been in there & with me putting the light on..... Door now shut & light off!

    Right, having taken ages to get Tesco sorted (why did they change their web site?), am going to clear up in kitchen before daughter gets back.

    Car booked in at local place that does services to manufacturer's standards. It means that I can drop car off, walk the mile back, have the Tesco delivery & still do things in/around house/garden. Otherwise a long bus ride back from main dealership & back again much later as no courtesy cars available for that day. I also know that the local people are cheaper! J.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Well dressing is done in many villages around here where I live. Probably the finest example is at a little place called Tissington:


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    David, thanks for the picture. That is so beautiful and how lovely that so many people are involved. The Flower Parade in Spalding, with the decorated floats is the nearest thing we have in this area to that decorative tradition. Of course there is no element of religion in that, but many people do get involved in pinning the tulip heads onto the frames.

    Jo, don't you just get weary of all the faff connected with cars? I know I do.

    Kit, I was widowed three years ago and now that my youngest is living in London it is time to downsize. It is as hard for her as it is for me to leave the family home but I shall make sure that I have plenty of room for her and her piano, as well as for other visitors.

    Couldn't get into "Wuthering Heights' tonight. The book is always better.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Whereabouts are you David (if you don't mind me asking?)I knew you were East Midlands but didn't know where.

    Jo you or your OH welcome to come and look, but only 9 to 5ish in Holloway Parish Church! What does he do, I'm intrigued.

    To be honest things not gone very well today. My mum is masterminding the thing and getting a bit het up with people not doing a good enough job. Very embarrassing - she's not the most tactful of people!

    I went to the Spalding festival many years ago with the Guides - lovely day out!

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Hi Summerchild, know what you mean about cars.

    Decide in the end on the local option as didnt like being 'nagged' by dealership. Also know them of old, past problems with old car, so when OH found out about this local set up doing 'to manufacturers standards' etc I thought I'd nothing to lose. With the problems with Dad likely to increase I couldnt face more hassle with the dealership.

    Have just watched a program about a set of twins, Swedish women, who were filmed running across the M6 some time ago. This latest program continues with the story- really weird. Think I understood it, but not totally sure as rather tired! Night. J.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Night Jo.

    MDE Think I have turned into an embarrassing Mum. It's about getting tunnel vision I think, and forgetting that other people don't see things in quite the same way. Apparently I ask too many personal questions of relative strangers.

    Have you been working flat out like my son this last few weeks?

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Tuesday, 10th August 2010

    Oh yes! x

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    MDE - I'm more West Midlands really. To give an idea (being about 5 miles away) this is my nearest well dressing village:

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Morning folks, rang the pension credit people yesterday to see how the land lies. I have to ring back next Thursday as it has to be 6 weeks before I leave work and I can do everything over the phone, I'm entitled to Pension Credit as all I have is my State Pension so I will get Rent/ Council Tax paid also entitled to free glasses and dental treatment, glasses I don't mind but the DENTIST OMG just the thought of makes me giddy ugh, really looking forward to it now, already the pull of my nice warm bed is starting as it's been very cool of late considering I get up about 05.35 the sun hasnt had chance to warm the place up.


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Make sure that it's GUARENTEED pension credit Rain. That's the only one that gives you financial help towards spex/NHS dental treatment. Savings PC not give you the same help, but still there to be had.

    Am off to see if any more black clouds around before I try putting the washing out again! Did all my errands this morning & have had an early lunch.

    No point in even bothering to get mower out, everywhere so wet, so one less job.

    I AM going to start my accounts today! There I've said it! Now I need to DO it. J.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    I'll put your washing out for you Jo. It's a lovely drying day here. Don't you just love the smell of the clothes when you bring them in. My favourite perfume. There is one called "White Linen" but it is nothing near.

    Rain, I expect these weeks will feel the longest, but when you are free you can "Play hell with a big stick," as my Granny used to say. (Hope that word does not offend anyone).

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    I'm going to 'Play hell with a big stick' in the garden believe me, plants to move borders to sort, going to have 2 weeks doing that then I can do something about the rest of my life, oh and if any-one's interested Wilkinson's have got the spring bulbs in so I shall get some on Saturday in preparation.


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Yes I've been making notes about what I want/need to do this Autumn. Bulbwise, I only need some tulips really, but expect I'll end up with more.

    Have abandoned all hope of drying washing outside, even though it's reasonable at the mo. I just cant be bothered to keep checking & then having to dash out etc so have tumbled things. Have sorted the airing cupboard out & put things away/on daughter's bed so ready for the next lot once tumbler finished.

    Need to do a 'quick' clean up & then will make a start on the paperwork as planning to visit Dad again this w/end- just as weather supposed to improve for us! At least the seedlings in the cold-frame are still with us. J.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Oh help- in cleaning paint off the bathroom tiles I have managed to have 3 of them drop off, luckily no breakages. OH is not going to be pleased.....

    Ok, I'll quickly hoover now & try not to do any more damage! Oh & my paperwork has made it onto the table!! J.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Jo - It sounds as if you have really been suffering with the weather. Isn't it strange that two bits of the same country can be so different?

    Summer - I also love the smell of washing that has been on the line. There has been lots of nice drying weather in Sussex this year. I like to wash the sheets in the morning and then put them back on the bed that same evening to make the most of the outdoors smell.

    David - That was a lovely welldressing photo.

    I've just been watering the pumpkins. This is my first pumpkin year and I am obsessed. There are now 3 good sized ones and 1 huge one. I am looking forward to roast pumpkin and will definitely be doing this again next year.

    I'm not so sure that I will be growing courgettes again. It occurred to me today that I never usually buy courgettes in the supermarket and they don't actually taste of anything. I always have to add things to the courgettes (lots of garlic mainly) whereas my other veg (french beans, tomatoes, potatoes, etc) are nice just on their own. It is a bit of a waste to expend all this TLC on a vegetable that I am not keen on.

    I had a tiresome day in the office today so it was nice to get back home to my garden. I sit next to the world's most annoying man and he was driving me to distraction!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by claire (U14571809) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Thank you Daisy for welcoming me to the board, and to you all for making me feel so welcome by your very helpful posts.
    I got a really good book from a car boot last weekend for the amazing price of 20p its the flower expert so i have been swatting up on what perenials and bulbs i would like in my garden.
    Will be taking a look in wilko's as someone has suggested, does any body get them over internet?? if so could you guide me in the right direction.
    Ive started to widen my borders, this week so lots of digging while the weather is nice and done lots of washing too, nothing like a line full of white washing on a beautiful day.
    One more day off before i get back to work and i intend to spend most of it in the garden.
    Today has been interesting i looked after my friends 3 daughters so had 5 children 6yrs and under for most of the day so i am shattered and off to bed in a minute, read my book in peace for 10mins before i go to sleep.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Hi Claire, although you are probably asleep by now. My daughter says she doesn't know how anyone manages to have more than one child, (she might change her mind though).

    KG I feel for you sitting next to annoying person. It makes such a difference to the day if you have fun with those around you.

    Jo, So sorry about the tiles. My day went downhill too. Cleaning silt from the fields off windows I managed to tip a full bowl of dirty water onto the hall carpet, and then cutting back ivy I got fiendishly bitten. Should have gone to bed at noon.
    Hope everything is ok when you go to see your dad.

    Rain,shall pop into Wilkinson's on Friday, thanks.

    Been watching The Normans. Didn't know who to support. I'm part Celt and part Norman. Have fancied Hereward the Wake since childhood, always like a rebel.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Claire - I like the "expert" series of books and have several of them. 20p sounds like a good bargain.

    I've just been watching a film on the Â鶹Éç iPlayer called "Greenfingers". It was about prisoners who enter a garden at Hampton Court. The ending was a bit silly but it scored high on the feel-good factor and I liked it.

    My father is coming to stay again at the weekend so I made a lemon cake this evening. Last time he was here he commented on how often I make chocolate brownies so I think he wanted a bit of a change.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Ah KG, isn't that just like a dad not to say it directly. He sounds lovely. So does the lemon cake.

    My son asked if I am eating properly, today. Perhaps he has noticed that as I have lost weight my face looks thin and a bit gaunt. It's a real quandry, my face looks better when I'm fatter. What is one to do?

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Oh dear, I am always asking dad what he's had to eat when I phone him. I don't have to worry about him looking gaunt though. Whenever I check his larder it always appears to be full of biscuits and tins of syrup sponge pudding!

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Evening girls, not been welldressing today as had to go to work, so left my 3 kids with parents to help/hinder proceedings!

    I've seen greenfingers KG, like you say it all ends up a bit soppy, but good film nevertheless.

    We're off on holiday next Weds for 12 days, so already worrying about the garden - toms, courgettes, raspberries and sweet peas just coming into full swing. My neighbours are feeding the cats, so will tell them to help themselves, but I doubt they will!

    Claire I agree a bit of "me time" is vital at the end of the day with kids. Mine are staying up till half nine or ten during the holidays and driving me mad! Not naughty but just THERE!!!

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Where are you off to MDE? I hate being away from my garden in the summer. In 2006 I had to keep going to India during March to August and missed lots of things. My father ended up eating all of my strawberries.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    Down to the French Alps where I used to live. Staying with a friend for a couple of nights then booked a very old (16th C) cottage for a week. Should be great, just hope we don't bump into my ex!

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Wednesday, 11th August 2010

    MDE son is going away at the same time, a bit of a quieter time for gardeners after weeks of busyness.
    Today he has been on his ride-on mower, which I thought would be fun but it is often bumpy and jolting and not at all fun.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Thursday, 12th August 2010

    Why does it take sooooo long to get out of pre mod on the gardening boards? I also started on The Archers and POV boards at the same time and was out of premod ages ago.........I post about equally on here and TA and far less on POV?????????????
    Oooh forgot the Â鶹Éç sport ones too - come on gardening chaps, hurry up

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by MuddyFork (U10051443) on Thursday, 12th August 2010

    Lowena, just ping a few old messages and that will speed getting out of premod

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Thursday, 12th August 2010

    Lowena, ever thought about looking in on The Archers Potting Shed, located in The Village Hall? It's something I've been doing for a number of years.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Thursday, 12th August 2010

    Thanks David - Ill be there later smiley - smiley

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by janerowena (U10782401) on Thursday, 12th August 2010

    I don't remember how many postings you need now, lowena - 20? 30? Click on your own name and you will see how many you have made.

    There is a saying in France about losing weight as one grows older, summerchild - it's something like 'face, or form'. In other words, you can either be slim and have a droopy face, or be plump and look a bit younger! I've just got to the stage where I have to make up my mind. So I'm trying to lose weight, but wondering if I will end up looking like a bloodhound!

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 12th August 2010

    Isnt it infuriating when you know that you need to lose some weight, (as I do again- been overdoing the 'me treats' lately) but people say how well you are looking. Cant win can you?

    I've got to be 'good' again as I cant afford health, or money, wise to change size again! Must admit have no interest in gyms, digging a border is the equivalent surely? So am trying to walk a lot more, rather than the car, but with Dad not being so good I seem to be up/down M6 all the time. Not good for the posterior!

    Am pleased to say that I've started my accounts & plan to get it all finished tomorrow! Need to do some for OH too. Then off down to Dad's again on Saturday early morning. All go this end.

    Oh, daughter told OH about the tiles coming off. He wasnt too bothered, as we knew that they'd been loose for ages. So no panic about that now.

    Welcome Iowena, just keep posting. J.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 13th August 2010

    Nobody about?

    Tea is cooking & I will be off down M6 to Dad's later. Daughter is staying here, so have had to 'cancel' the neighbour, having only just asked her to do curtains etc. At least the toms in greenhouse will get watered. Despite all our recent rain up here I had to water the patio pots earlier as their foliage had prevented them getting properly wet. It was raining as I did it!

    Daughter can grovel on the phone to Dad, she says she'll go down another w/end.... Bye. J.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 13th August 2010

    Yep. I'm here Jo. How long a journey is it to your Dad's? Will you stay overnight?

    Cleaned my pond this morning. Everything looking OK. Sent a complaining e-mail to Moss Bros as our local store has really messed up with son's wedding suits order. Actually received a reply within 2 hours. Not too sure yet what is going to happen. He asked me to do it because he knows I am good at complaining. Having said that, I always make a point of complimenting when service is good. Don't want you to think I am a moaner.

    Rest of the afternoon I have done nothing except keep taking bedding off the line and put it back again. Given up now and it is indoors. Sun is now shining.

    I don't suppose for one minute that your daughter realises that her granddad may be a bit upset not seeing her. I know how I feel about my 15 year old who, up until 2 years ago, more or less lived with me and now only turns up for his pocket money! I suppose you just have to accept that they feel they have more important things to do.

    Hope all goes well with your Dad.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Friday, 13th August 2010

    My sympathies Jo. I live in West Cornwall and my Dad lived in East London. When he was very ill, I commuted there every week ( one week there, a few days home). At the end, I ended up living there because I'd no sooner get home ( a 6 hr drive) when he'd need me back again. I don't regret it, however, you just do what you have to. Keep your chin up smiley - smiley

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Friday, 13th August 2010

    One of my abiding childhood memories is spending many weekends at my Granny's once Grandad had died. Small village, 50 miles from home, nothing for us to do, no friends about. We survived though!

    Put up the well dressing tonight at the Village Hall, where an exhibition is on all weekend. I will get one of the more tech-minded members of the family to put it on here tomorrow!

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by gonewest (U14578881) on Saturday, 14th August 2010

    Hello all, this looks like a pleasant corner to have a chat. It's been persistently raining for hours. Not sure when it started but at some point early this morning it came down so hard it woke me up, but I managed to turn over and ignore it.

    I've got 9 ducks taken refuge on the garden this morning. When it rains heavily it makes the river run faster. I hope the 9 new ducklings we fed last night are safely tucked up by their mummy somewhere too. Our bank is too high for them to get out which is a good thing as I have 3 cats. We only get fully grown ones on our garden who can flap their way up to us. the cats don't bother them and they don't bother about the cats either especially one who is often seen sitting with them.

    Someone mentioned the Archers potting shed. Sounds fun so may look in there too.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Saturday, 14th August 2010

    Welcome to the PS gonwest where you can talk about most thing's non garden or garden if you wish, all I've had all day are grey clouds rolling across the skies just starting to rain now, hope the ducklings are OK keep us posted on them.


    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Saturday, 14th August 2010

    Welcome from me too, Gonewest. It's very quiet on here at the moment. Usually much more lively.

    An old work colleague of mine has had the same duck + new ducklings returning to her garden for 3 years now. She supplies them with a child's paddling pool. Reckons they make an awful mess of her garden but she loves it. The rabbits are intrigued.

    Hope you are ok Rain.

    My daughter and grandchildren came this afternoon and my daughter wrote in the dust on my furniture! When she went, I looked and thiough it was about time I did it so dusted all downstairs and hoovered and dusted my bedroom (that was the worst room). I reckon she has OCD because she's always got a duster in one hand, bleach in the other and works the hoover with her feet!! (Not really). I tell her to relax, chill out. There's more to life than housework.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Saturday, 14th August 2010

    Hello from me too gonewest, and kit, and anyone else who's about.

    I don't do dusting either kit, but my son has started drawing smiley faces along the opened lid of the piano. Fine until his teacher comes for his lesson!

    We went to see Toystory 3 tonight - very good, although I didn't think it was worth paying the extra to see it in 3D. OH and me have just admitted to each other we had a little tear at the end of it, where it's about leaving childhood behind.

    Report message50

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