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The Potting Shed, 2 August 2010

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 82
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Good Afternoon all. Welcome to the Potting Shed, the thread that’s opened every Monday for all your off-topic discussions.

    This week we’re celebrating the birthdays of:

    02 Posynose
    03 Beejay
    03 Wren-jennie
    05 SuziQ

    Happy Birthday all!

    A warm welcome to you Spyka! Thanks for the cake recipe - I will definitely give it a go, although it may take me a little longer than most; I now live on a boat and my oven is the least bit conventional!

    Of course this hasn’t stopped me gardening and I still have full reign of my mum’s backyard, which in my opinion would otherwise be a neglected empty space.

    Thanks to some friends I’ve also started a little rooftop garden on the boat, and we’ve got our very own guerrilla gardening patch on some derelict land nearby.

    This week I was hoping to provide a well-timed distraction from all the family related commotions you’ve all been talking about - did it work?


  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Amazing (U7102651) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Daisy what has happened to your apostrophies?

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    ..erm shouldn't that be 'apostrophes'? smiley - doh

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Trillium (U2170869) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    And, um, I can't see anything amiss on the apostrophe front, unless I'm slipping up in my old age.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Gem (U13964749) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hi trillium, haven't seen you around lately

    I am telling myself its Monday, a new week, full of fresh new things, and I have loads of cucumbers in the GH, and my toms are going red, and I have some more courgettes for dinner......, but I have to admit that my back is still bad, the kitchen floor needs washing but the thought of trying to use a mop, I had enough trouble trying to put the washing in the machine this morning. OH has had to go and see MIL this afternoon, we have moved her to a nursing home near us but she is playing up, she wants to come and live with us but theres noway I can manage that she is just so demanding. Anyway, the home has just phoned to say that she has discovered that she is paying to stay there and she is demanding to be taken home. That is out of the question she would last a night, and she can afford the fees. The trouble is she has no concept of money and always was tight to say the least, she says if she isn't allowed to go home she wants to go back to the hospital because thats free - what do you do ?. hubby will no doubt manage to calm her down, I suggested telling her that we are paying she would be OK with that, but he's not to bring her back here if she sees the kitchen floor that will set her off about me...........

    Oh I think another cup of tea is in order.


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hi people, am winding down after driving back from RHS Harlow Carr- sort of an end of holiday treat for daughter before she resumes work. We always tried to do that at the end of the summer school hols. We've had a good time there.

    It's quite a long drive & no easy way really, so have a good cup of tea here & our meal tonight is already prepared! Organised or what? more the what I think.

    Sorry your back still bad GEM, try & delegate? Dont envy you with either that or the MIL problems.

    I know that Dad is becoming a problem, but things arent too bad just yet. J.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Have just remembered why I am so tired- some B woman/girl talking loudly on her mobile as she walked along the alley next to our house at 4am this morning! What on earth?.... it's no direct route to anywhere & the late buses finish well before then. With the bedroom window open it woke us both up. Poor OH gets up just after 5am to leave about 6ish. Sound really carries at night, but she wasnt quiet at all. Not the safest thing to do either.

    I ended up coming down after he'd gone & checked my e-mails & pootled around some sites until daughter awoke properly & we decided what to do today. J.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by happygardener33 (U14571233) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hello Potting Shed People smiley - smiley I thought I would just say 'hi', I am new here...so I hope I manage to post this correctly!

    Spent most of the weekend in the garden weeding and tidying up as I have not done too much with the garden at present because I did not want to ruin it in this hot weather we have been having, and now the only part of me that doesn't ache is my nose!

    Anyway, have just made a cake to go with my coffee before sitting down to watch a comedy on the i-player.

    Hope you all have a lovely week smiley - smiley

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Welcome Happygardener. I am fairly new to this board but it is very friendly, chatty and often funny. I hope you enjoy it.

    I have had a busy day, 2 loads of washing, hoovered whole house and cut the grass, well the long straggly bits. Boy, was I tired. Had a little afternoon nap!

    How inconsiderate of whoever Jo. That's how I feel about the neighbours with the dog that gets let out every morning between 6.30-6.45. I know some will wonder why I am complaining, but I certainly don't want to be woken up that early as I love a lie in.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hi happygardener - were there 32 other cheerful horticulturists before you or is that a reference to your age? I am rather hoping it is the former.

    I made courgette fritters yesterday. There was a post on another thread about adding grated courgette to drop scone batter so I tried it out. I also added some chopped garlic and a little bit of grated cheese. V tasty treat.

    They promised me some rain today but it didn't arrive. It just got incredibly hot so I had to do some emergency watering the moment I got home from the office. The silly woman on the radio this afternoon said "the showers should die away this evening and we will have a dry day tomorrow". What showers?????

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by claire (U14571809) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Well ive had a busy week, having a 3yr old son and a 6yr old daughter keeps me on my toes. And work just seems to get in the way.
    Ive just got back from my slimming group and i have now lost 21lb.
    Through this week my plan is to extend my borders so plenty of digging should get me fit if not stiff as a board!!!

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Well done Claire. All that digging should help you to lose even more smiley - smiley I'm always slimmer in the summer than I am in the winter. I forget to eat when I'm in the garden. Last week my father was staying with me and I had to keep remembering to produce meals at regulated meal times. I don't know how all you mums keep it up!

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  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hello happygardener33. It's good to see more people joining the Potting Shed. I have decided to do a Koala_Girl special and have taken the lap top up to my bedroom. Don't think I will be doing this again. 1. Can't see what I'm doing - ok should have the light on and 2. How the heck can anyone type on a quilt!

    I had been feeling chuffed that an elder treee had decided to set seed at the end of the garden. Earlier this year it was a mass of white flowers and I was already thinking elderberry wine. Trouble is - pigeons have also taken a liking to elder berries. They haven't even ripened yet and they're picking them off. Went up to the end of the garden this evening to do a bit of watering and the pigeons didn't even bother to fly off. If they carry on this way I wont be making elderberry wine this year smiley - steam

    Went over to the allotment earlier today to get some potatoes only to discover that the slugs had been there first. The allotment is literally just across the road to me. In my garden the slugs are minimal, but over there they are rife. Can't believe it - these potatoes looked like they had potholes in them. Ah well.

    Still no rain in this neck of the woods. Wonder when it will rain. Will be nice when it does.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    I obviously possess the rare skill of being able to touch type in the dark whilst laying down!

    What a shame about the slugs GCG. I did worry when I saw a few lurking around my potato sacks but luckily the potatoes remained untouched.

    I made the mistake of eating a Worther's Original tonight and have broken yet another bit off one of my teeth. Every time I go to the dentist she threatens to pull one out but then relents and does a bit of repair work instead. Luckily I don't always understand all the lectures she delivers because she has quite a strong greek accent.

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  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Jasmin (U14270220) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I wasn't around last week - it was rather busy! smiley - smiley The 3-day DSS course turned out to be really good. There were 15 of us in class with a tutor who knew what he was talking about & we covered all sorts of topics like 'how do we know what our blocks to getting a job are if we've never had feedback?' & how to miss things out on a CV without actually lying & how to get an interview & then a job. All basic stuff, but amazing how the whole 'game' has changed in the last 10 years - I thought I used to be good at interviews, but apparently I'm not anymore - I did just about everything wrong in the one I had last month - no wonder they didn't give me the job!

    Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the course, really pleased I went on it & am now eligible for a weekly drop-in session on a Fri pm & access to a CV clinic (tomorrow) & courses to give me qualifications. Decided to redirect into Customer Services, so am just awaiting the details of a 6-week course to qualify in that & then I can go get a job! It's all rather exciting! smiley - biggrin

    Mum bought me a printer so I can do hardcopy applications as well as e-mail ones & bruv delivered it last Thurs. We met in IKEA & I had a happy couple of hours going round with him & 2 of his kids - they were getting kitchen units to build a wardrobe system inside for one of the kids' bedrooms (normal wardrobe systems are not the right shape, apparently!) & a desk for his office. I helped him choose the desk - black glass top - & then, when we were in the warehouse area, I found black plastic magazine files for his papers, which I thought would go really well with the desk, & he chose plywood ones instead! So he apparently doesn't have any sense of design, then! smiley - biggrin

    So I had great excitement setting up my printer on Thurs pm - I'm one of these that follows instructions step by step! smiley - smiley - until I discovered that it hadn't come with a USB cable so couldn't connect to my laptop! Everyone I've spoken to since says that's normal, so you would have thought that bruv, being rather technical, would have known one was needed when Mum was buying (they were together), but hey ho! So wondered along to my friendly local comp shop on Fri morning & bought one, just in time to be able to print my redone CV to take into the drop-in session in the afternoon, & I was so highly excited at having set it up correctly that I rushed round to my neighbour to show her the produce of my labour! She looked a bit goggle-eyed! smiley - biggrin

    Had a bit of problem with my hypoglycemia recently, too. Had a big hypo last night, which was a bit scary! It's my own fault - I'm not eating properly at the moment because I can't afford stuff so my diet is fairly restricted & then, yesterday, it having been winter weather here pretty much all July & church not being "on" during Aug (choir takes holiday in Aug & it's too far to drive when I'm not going to choir), I was feeling a bit mopey, so played a lot of comp games & didn't have any lunch &, hey presto, major hypo!

    However, on the positive side, I've discovered I CAN eat egg white with no problems! smiley - biggrin Had my 3rd lot on Sat, without any anti-histamines, & only had a minor reaction that I can live with, so that's great! Relatively cheap protein (cat likes yolks, which is good because he's still losing weight! smiley - sadface) - oh yes, & I've discovered egg white kills hypos, too, so double bonus! smiley - smiley

    GCG, can you put netting over your elder tree, or is it too big? You could maybe set up one of those hose systems that trigger with movement - I think they're really designed to deter cats, but they probably work just as well on pigeons. smiley - smiley

    When I take my laptop to bed, I sit up in bed with my knees propped up & my laptop on my stomach, held up by my knees. Not the most comfortable position unless I have lots of pillows behind me, though! smiley - smiley

    Daisy, I live near a canal & one of the barges has removed part of their walls towards one end & replaced them with glass & has green house plants growing in there. It's very effective & looks great as I walk up to it. smiley - smiley I like the idea of a guerilla garden! smiley - biggrin That's what Jamie Oliver used to do when he lived in a batchelor flat in London - he grew onions & things in between the flowers in his local park! smiley - biggrin

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    I'm glad your DSS course was a success. Something like that can really boost your confidence and that is sometimes half the battle.

    I have worked in customer services for the past seven years and really enjoy it. I had been in accounts for 20 years prior to that and much prefer dealing with people rather than numbers!

    Your mentioning growing onions in the local park reminds me of something that I spotted last week. In one of the roads leading back up from the seafront somebody has planted tomatoes, leeks and dwarf french beans in the grass between the carriageways. I noticed the tomatoes first because they were carefully tied to canes.

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  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Jasmin (U14270220) on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010

    smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin What a brilliant idea! I hope they don't get run over getting to their veggies, though! smiley - biggrin

    I've worked in customer services before, too, Koala_girl - back in the late 90s, I worked for an airline &, more recently, a hospital. Funny how things come around, isn't it? I do like helping people & I get bored in admin, unless I'm given complicated things to do, so, hopefully .... smiley - smiley

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010

    Hi all. Actually went to do some work today, was fun, nobody grumpy for a change.

    Glad things looking more positive for you Jasmine, well you certainly seem so & we'll keep our fingers crossed for you.

    I still havent even looked at my accounts.... I really must do them as will need to be with Dad when his hospital visits start.

    Later tonight is sorting the washing/airing cupboard- daughter grumbling cant find her work clothes- & tomorrow is a quick clean up, as will have house finally to myself again & THEN I will start the painting that I so stupidly said I'd do for OH! At least I will use dust sheets. Plan to do the pelmet, yes we still have one, in the garage as more space there. OH removed it to remove the wallpaper from underneath it.

    All being well I should be done & dusted, literally, tomorrow & then will get the rest of the wallpaper OH wants on Thurs. I think the £2 roll stuff nearly all been used, so will get another of the bathroom one as spare- just in case.... we can always get a refund on unused full price rolls, I checked! J.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010

    Jo - if you are in the mood for painting you could always point your paint brush in the direction of my living room wall.....

    I was thinking the other day that I should paint my shed again soon. It is yellow (naturally) and it didn't get done last year so it would probably appreciate some TLC this year. I inherited the shed from the previous owners of my house. When I moved in it was an unlovely dark brown and hadn't been painted in many a year. I was going to replace it but couldn't afford it at the time so I bought a tin of yellow paint instead. During the first three coats I felt the paint being practically sucked off the brush because the wood was so dry. In the end I was left with a lovely yellow shed that is now my pride and joy.

    We have a bit of cloud here tonight so I am hoping for a bit of rain at last. Not holding my breath though.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010

    No, am not in the mood for painting, but needs must if we are try & sell this house.

    This 'workshop' will be a study, all being well, if I can get OH to remove/dump his 'bits' & then it needs decorating & a new floor covering & hey presto a decent room again. Trouble is it's been the 'workshop' for 20+ years, so you can imagine what it's like....

    I was thinking about repainting the kitchen too, but suspect that wont get done, who knows? OH seems to think it'll be 'no problem' selling this house- I wish! but you never know. J.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by dwarfbean (U13754109) on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010


    Don't know if this will be a help or hinderance. I'm not intending to move so you could well say that I'm not qualified to comment but from what I've seen in the last couple of years or so there seems little point in doing a great deal to a house.

    Across the way was the home of an old lady, decor dated but by no means extreme. Young couple who bought it gutted it and did quite a lot to it before they moved in.

    Next door spent a couple of years working on it. New kitchen, bathroom and painting and decorating. The young couple who moved in blitzed that.

    Small sample I know but it makes one think


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    Morning all, yes it's early, but been doing e-mail & college work so nipped in early. Can you tell that I dont really want to do this painting?

    Seriously, have just found a decent paintbrush, the paint, my old spex & clothes & will move the car out so can use garage as said before. By then the bathroom should be de-steamed after shower use & I can crack on in there.

    Dwarfbean, have absolutely NO intention of spending money on new fixtures & fittings. Dated decor here too in places, so knew people would just want to start again. Luckily, house prices where we need to look seem comparable & I may end up with a more modern kitchen after all!

    Right, need to do something. Have also realised no birthday present, nor idea, for OH. Oh well will look tomorrow, on the last minute. J.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    Morning Jo. Are you moving from choice or is it necessity and are you going far? I've never moved in 45 years. Got put off when I had to clear my parents bungalow and sell same. I found it so traumatic that it put me off of ever moving.

    Hope the painting goes ok, when you get round to it. I take so long debating what I want to do that most days it gets to the point that I do nothing but amble about.

    Have got to do a partial water change of the pond again today and test water. Discovered the mystery of the missing koi. It and another large koi were dead under the lily leaves. No idea how long the black koi had been there. We think that it possibly contaminated the water and eventually we lost 5 koi. Am hoping that the remaining 3 plus 4 goldfish will be ok. So much for my theory about the heron! Always was good at writing fairy tales!

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    OMG, I wont moan at OH & decorating mess ever again!!

    I've managed to get my R hand completely covered in paint, then the phone rang.... you get the gist! Thank goodness for Swarfega & have found the disposable gloves, phew, thought had thrown out so hopefully less mess?? Am hoping that the half pot of paint, from last time we did bathroom, is sufficient!

    Kit, OH has become employed again after 20+yrs of running own business. So far so good, but new job is in Derbyshire & we live in Manchester, so not really commutable. The move therefore isnt MY choice, but after 27yrs here why not!!

    OK, will need to clean the mouse, oops, bye. J.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Jasmin (U14270220) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    Ah, the joys of painting! smiley - biggrin

    I still have some vivid blue paint on the bottoms of a pair of white socks & some equally vivid yellow paint on the bottoms of a pair of blue socks from decorating some children's rooms 10 years ago! smiley - biggrin

    Good luck with it all, Jo. smiley - smiley

    I, too, don't like moving. I thought I was blase about it (we moved every couple of years when I was a child) until I sold our marital home & moved here by myself. The actual moving, per se, was fine - it was the removal men who made it excrutiatingly traumatic! I opted to save a bit of money & have a removal firm at the cheaper end of the market (though still not cheap!) & pack up, myself. Which was fine until the day before, when I realised I'd run out of boxes. Phoned up the removal company - they said they'd bring some boxes over & confirmed the time of their arrival.

    They arrived 2 hours early, when Mum & I were just getting up, refused to wait in their van until we'd had breakfast & gathered our thoughts, fussed about us generally making life into a whirlwind, packed bags of rubbish I'd put out for the binmen & left other bags behind. Mum retreated into her bedroom, out of the chaos, leaving me to try to keep up with the men & sort out the pets. They would not even stop for a cup of tea & I was constantly spinning! It was a nightmare!

    I knew, from having driven here several times before the move, that my new house was a drive of about 1+1/2 hours away. Allowing for an extra 30 mins to get the keys to the estate agent & add the pets to the china & other bits the men had left behind in the car & put out the rubbish they'd correctly identified & not packed(!), I told them we'd get to the new house in a couple of hours. They did it in 45 mins; we were held up by traffic - heaven only knows why they weren't, too! - so they had to sit & wait for us - so all that rushing to get there was wasted!

    When we arrived, the estate agent this end had just taken pity on them & let them into the house, under supervision, so they'd started unloading. Fortunately, they managed to follow the labels on the outside of the boxes (which the removal people for the previous move had not!). Again, they rushed through the unloading & it only took them a further hour, including getting my piano through the arched gate, front door & downstairs corridor only as wide as the front door!

    When they left, all I could do was sit down & stare about in bewilderment. I was absolutely shattered! Never again! Next time - if there is a next time! - I'll book one of the more expensive firms - one of the ones that come out to you beforehand to do an assessment & who help you to pack up. It's worth the expense!

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    I read your last post with increasing horror Jasmine. We used a local firm when we came here & yes they assessed how many packing cases we would need, but we did the packing over several weeks before. I think the firm is still exists.

    When daughter was in loft recently she found boxes that had obviously gone up there when we moved in, never to be moved again! So a quick check of contents & they went to the tip!

    Have almost finished! Only the skirting around the bath to do. Think I know where the black paint is, dont ask! & then I shall probably throw away the brush as have found 2 new ones, still in packets, for the next time. Disposable gloves are wonderful & the sun has come out so off to hang out some washing before I continue upstairs. J.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    Poor you, Jasmine. How traumatic for you. I often wonder what goes through people's minds when they say they are going to hire a van and do it themselves. Madness. Well, that's it, I'm definitely staying put.

    Well done Jo. At least you have accomplished something today, more than I have. All I have done is iron 3 T-shirts and a pair of jeans and tested the water in the pond and keep popping back on this board. smiley - winkeye

    Future DIL and son just popped in and she gave me a cutting from our local paper which, unfortunately, none if us got last week, the main story being that there is an algae infestation which makes the oxygen levels plummet, probably due to this hot weather and 1,000 minimum carp have been lost in a local lake. So, mystery solved. He has just gone to get some barley straw to out at the bottom of the pond. I do not need this aggro!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    All done & me & brushes all cleaned up. Also did the little radiator in downstairs cloakroom, which OH didnt do last w/end. Had chocolate to celebrate- not good really, but why not?!

    Glad the dying fish problem solved Kit. J.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    Hope it was a huge bar Jo. You deserve it.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by happygardener33 (U14571233) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    Hi all smiley - smiley. Thank you all for your lovely welcome onto the Potting Shed message board. Well done Jo for getting all of that painting done today! Yes, you definitely deserve that chocolate!!

    Was out in the shed tonight clearing up, and have decided that it needs painting. Anyone got any ideas on what colour, as I love lots of colours and cannot decide...also should I paint the fence the same colour or a contrasting colour? Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Am trying to give the garden a makeover as it has got a bit boring.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by janerowena (U10782401) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    I like nice bright sheds, but if the shed is a very ugly one then a dark green is quite good, to make it blend in. I have a nice pale greeny-blue one, a dark green one, and a green one with barge-painting on the side that I inherited from the previous owner. At first I hated it, but now it has grown on me and it has been moved to the veg patch.

    Fences - well, it depends on your garden. A nice light shde of Cuprinol garden shades can brighten up a dark corner - seagrass is good for that - and if you have loads of mismatched fencing, painting it all the same colour can really smarten it up.

    Jo, it is good that you are painting your house. I have moved loads of times, my OH has itchy feet job-wise, and it is true that you should never spend any money on doing up your house before you move, but a fresh coat of paint in neutral colours works wonders. My houses always sold really fast, because I always painted everything as soon as we moved in - sooner, if we were in a flat with a bit of an overlap time-wise - and then was able to move on with a house that still looked good two years later.

    This house, though, we intend to stay in for at least 3 more years, and have been here for 3. So I am taking it far more slowly, but even so, most if it has been painted!

    Two houses ago the estate agent told us that the first thing most people do nowadays is rip out the bathroom and kitchen. What a waste. I just paint them, cupboards, tiles and all.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    No Jro the kitchen & bathroom DO need updating, but no way am I doing that! I was thinking about quickly repainting the kitchen, which is pretty neutral, but somehow dont have any enthusiasm for it! Wonder why?

    Daughter & me decided will take OH out for his birthday on Friday night. Ha, have just spoken to OH & no he doesnt want to go out to eat! Dont you just love them?! J.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    HG33 - I recommend Cuprinol sunflower yellow. My shed is painted that colour and looks lovely. I can see it through the frosted glass back door and it makes you think that the sun is shining even when it isn’t.

    Jasmin & Jo - When I moved from my flat to this house I used Pickfords. I got a couple of quotes and they were actually less expensive than an independent local company. They were fantastic and I can’t praise them highly enough. They provided all the boxes I needed beforehand and took them all away again afterwards. I just had to give them a call when I had finished unpacking and they sent a van around to get them. I paid a bit extra for the "fragile packing" service and a man stood in my kitchen for ages carefully wrapping all my china and glass whilst the others took everything else out. They even wrapped the sofa in a zip up quilted jacket. They worked together like a well oiled machine so I ended up sitting out on the balcony with the budgie until they had finished. When we got to my house they unloaded all the boxes into the correct rooms at the speed of light and were gone in a flash.

    I got all excited this afternoon because there was a clap of thunder and the heavens opened. Unfortunately it stopped after five minutes and the sun came out again. I checked when I got home and found that we had a whole 2mm of rain. We had 5mm during July and my lawn looks like a dust bowl.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by golarne (U1756280) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    We're going to be moving this time next year and I have been fretting about the kitchen and bathroom. Your comments are very reassuring about not bothering too much. Woohoo! Mind you, I will need to get the elbow-grease going with cleaning and a lick of paint in some rooms...

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    I agree about the kitchen/bathroom issue. I lived in two different flats before I moved to my house and every time I moved I put in a new kitchen straight away. I would rather have one to suite my taste and would feel guilty if I had to take a new kitchen out to replace it, so I actually preferred the previous person not to have done anything (apart from cleaning of course!).

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 4th August 2010

    Just come in from the slug patrol. Found two gigantic slugs on the lettuce. One of them was attached so firmly that I had to pull the leaf off the lettuce to remove him. They are now both ex-slugs.....

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Jasmin (U14270220) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    Thanks Koala-girl,

    Pickfords it is for me, then, next time - though I don't know when next time will be! smiley - biggrin Don't have any plans to move for the next few years. smiley - smiley

    We had torrential rain all yesterday & it was forecast for today, too - although that was Â鶹Éç Weather forecasting & they're always wrong! smiley - biggrin This morning, when I got up at 7.30, it was bright sunshine & warm. Cat very happy as he so did not appreciate having to stay in all day yesterday! smiley - biggrin However, it's now clouded over with quite heavy-looking grey clouds & the sun only manages to peep through on the odd occasion. I was going to do a couple of loads of washing today & walk down to the shops, but now I'm not so sure! smiley - sadface

    Went to college yesterday afternoon & got my CV mega-changed! smiley - biggrin Going in tomorrow, again, to learn how to write a generic cover letter that can be easily personalised. Then, from next Thurs for 6 Thurs', I'm on a course to learn Customer Services - can't wait! I'll actually get a qualification that I can use to get a job! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Daisy136 (U9682560) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    Well done Jasmin, you are working really hard and deserve a brilliant job which I am sure you will get.smiley - smiley

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    Hi all. Just got back from a quick visit to Trafford Centre. OH now has a birthday present for tomorrow! Phew! Daughter always bakes him a cherry Madeira cake so gets away with murder. We are still planning to get him to an Italian meal, but have the ingredients for something if he still refuses.

    Am having a snack lunch before I go & cut the lawn. It's not really dry enough, but am grabbing the chance whilst not actually raining up here!

    This CV thing is beyond me. Suppose am lucky & trot between my 3 very, part-time jobs, on a self-employed basis. Anyway, sounds as if you are 'on to it' Jasmine. J.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    I've just tried out a belting pair of secaturs, from B&Q, especially if, like me, you have small hands. Bright yellow handles too, so should be easy to find when put down. (I've recycled the package, soz, so cant be more specific) Also relatively cheap, so ideal as my 'spare' when I misplace my others.

    Now must do lawn. J.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    I needed a bit of comfort for all the trauma I have been through these past 3 days with the blooming fish. All seems OK now but everytime I go out in the garden I am nervous at what I might find.

    I have a little secatuers Jo, as I find the normal size one difficult to use. Mine are little pink ones. Sweet. Because I find pruning difficult now, I did think about buying some Bosch ones but they were nearly £60.00. Decided son was cheaper.

    Difficult buying for adults unless they have a hobby which you can get something they wouldn't buy themselves. I know what I would like to by my OH. A one way ticket to wherever he would like to lay his hat!

    On that note, I will pop off into the garden to do some watering as the sun has gone in so I am going to do it early.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    For some unknown reason, my message did not appear as I typed it and everytime I try to tell you what I actually said, I have been blocked. How strange.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    Could it have been because I mentioned eating a fresh cream cake and this is not a food board. The mind boggles.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    I hope all your fishy trauma is at an end - they aren't even your fish! Where I work there is a really deep lake full of koi. They are huge and if you sit by the lake at lunchtime they put their heads right up out of the water to see if you have any sandwiches.

    What's all this about cream cakes? I'd prefer a custard pie if it's all the same to you. smiley - smiley

    I had a nice pizza this evening topped with runner beans, french beans, peas, cherry tomatoes and garlic all from my garden. How good is that? Green beans are really tasty on a pizza.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    Sounds lovely KG - I sometimes do homemade pizzas (ie bought bases topped with whatever!) with my kids, so might try a veggie one with them. My veg is going mad, can't keep up!

    Kit I agree re grown-up presents. Guess you are just very very slightly off with your OH!!

    Jasmin, love to hear you sounding so positive about things x

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    I could eat that as well KG! I'm afraid the dieting has gone a bit off course at the moment, again. I just can't seem to help wanting something sweet when I am stressed. Was ordering my milk tonight and saw that they had some shortbread on offer, so ordered that for tomorrow.

    I still have milk delivered to my door and they have recently gone over to ordering/paying on line. I checked with my lovely milkman that he was happy for me to change because I did not want him to lose out at all, not knowing quite how it would work out. I have a set order, but if I run out, like I have today, as long as I order by 9 it will be sitting on my doorstep tomorrow morning. It is more expensive but so much more convenient.

    I'll take your word for it KG that green beans are tasty on pizza!

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    Err, you could say that MDE! 46 years is a looooong time. Too long! smiley - laugh

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    I forget if you are are still together or not?

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 5th August 2010

    Yes, oddly we are. He does his thing and I do mine and nair the twain shall meet.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 6th August 2010

    I know I am talking to myself but at some point someone is going to read this!

    I have already told you about the plight of my old neighbour. Last Thursday, referral letter received at hospital. The secretary actually spoke to me with it in her hand. 'Can I make an apppointment' says I. 'Not possible as has to be seen by consultant'. Having established yesterday that she had not heard from them, phoned just now and was told that she was not on their system and they had not received a referral! 'Well', says I, 'whoever I spoke to last week had it in her hand'. 'Oh', says she, 'that could only be me. Just wait a minute'. 'Oh yes, here it is on my desk. Ooooh yes, it was faxed last Wednesday'. Outcome, have an appointment for Tuesday. smiley - steam

    I feel sorry for anyone who does not have someone to look out for them.

    Disgusted of Sidcup.

    Report message50

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