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The Potting Shed, 26 July 2010

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 78
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    Good Afternoon all. Welcome to the Potting Shed, the thread that’s opened every Monday for all your off-topic discussions.

    This week we’re celebrating the birthdays of:

    28 Suparuthie
    29 Gingernutsman

    Happy Birthday both!

    Shopping is something we’re always talking about here, so I thought I’d share one of my favourite ways to shop. For me there’s nothing better than battling Birmingham’s canal system, dodging narrowboats and the paddling of ducks, whilst on board a kayak. Last week’s trip was BBQ inspired and I even bought back a big bag of coal, as well as stacks of food and drink.

    On the gardening front, I dug up my first potato plant yesterday – it was like digging up buried treasure! Surprised to read some of you haven’t had much joy with courgettes; I’ve got so many that I’m running out of cooking ideas. Courgette recipes anyone?


  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Gem (U13964749) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    My courgettes are just starting to come the yellow ones are slow but should have some to pick at the end of the week, The green I picked a couple on thursday and left 2 smaller ones, honest, turned my back on them for 36 hours and they turned into marrows !! with 3 small ones behind. Gave one to next door for their tea on Saturday. I am growing summer pumpkins this year - yellow ball, had 3 already with loads more coming.
    As for the cucumbers - tasty king, said couple of weeks ago I wouldn't grow them again - lots of plant no cues, how wrong was I, cucumber sandwich anyone ???

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    I've still no courgettes! Now the lettuce cleared from the one bed I can at least see if any courgettes on the 2 plants there. They look healthy enough, but they are yellow ones & they are always slower to fruit for me.
    Putting one, a green one, beneath my bean/sweet pea wigwam was a BIG mistake- I can barely see it through the foliage, but it's growing like mad, so I could also end up with marrows.

    Hope the back improving Gem? Ibuprofen usually works for me- 400mg dose 3X day, plus food.
    Am surprised that after the compost tossing yesterday that I could move this morning. Just sneaked a look & 'hog' not there today. I would like to empty that leaf bin, but am now wary in case hog inside. Bin has huge holes in the side which is why I was planning to empty it & take it to the tip! J.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    I've had a few courgettes but am not inundated yet. I am having trouble keeping up with the french beans though. I warned dad that he should expect to be eating them every day during his visit and he thought I was joking!

    We nipped back to his house today to do some watering and brought back another three cucumbers. I now feel pressured to eat cucumbers with every meal!

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    What, what, what? Are my eyes deceiving me or did Daisy mention going on a kayak trip down the Birmingham Canal to do shopping? Now if I attempted that I would be worrying about leaving the kayak at the waters edge incase it got stolen! Anyway Daisy - can't resist saying this ..........whatever floats your boat! smiley - biggrin

    All this mention of courgettes is reminding me that it's been a bad year for courgettes in my area. Isn't it just typical. The year I decide to make some sun dried tomato and courgette chutney is the year that the courgettes get mean on me smiley - laugh

    Had a lovely day out today. Met up with a friend for a ploughmans lunch, washed down with a superb, cool, lemonade and lime drink. Went for a walk afterwards down a lovely tree lined dusty road. Ambled over a style into a field bordering a lily filled pond before coming across some young calves that raced up to great us. One in particular was so friendly. I was stroking it's head and it was giving me big strong lashings with his tongue. Could have stayed there all day having mutual pampering with these calves. My friend thought that all sensible behaviour had departed from me. smiley - laugh

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    Only a 'calf lick' feels like that doesnt it? Years since experienced that- grew up opposite a farm & had a friend who lived on another.

    Am shattered- daughter came home early & we went to Trafford Centre! Could have done without walking up & down there after a day at work. Still she got what she wanted & both of us stuck on OH's birthday present. Need something for next week so time enough!

    Tis no good, am tired. OH gets up early to go to work on a Monday & he forgot to turn his alarm off. So I was dreaming about alarms until I awoke & realised what was happening! Night all. J.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    I've never been to Birmingham GCG and thought that perhaps it was a bit like venice?

    Your day sounds lovely. I've been licked by a small hairy dog today, which is probably not quite as wet as being licked by a calf.

    I did lots of dead heading in dad's garden this morning. I quite enjoy cutting the heads of things so I worked my way around the budlea (think there shoud be a j in there somewhere), the fuschias and the carnations.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    I quite enjoy cutting the heads of things 

    Oh, oh, oh - sounds like you're the Queen of Hearts out of Alice in Wonderland! smiley - laugh

    Have to admit that this is a favourite of hobby of mine as it helps prolong the flowering period and is somehow very relaxing.

    Your dad's Toby sounds like a lovely friendly dog Koala_girl. The calves lick wasn't slobbery or even that moist. Just felt like a having my arm massaged.

    I've suddenly got into a baking mood and doing a loaf of bread ready for the morning + a victoria sandwich. I'm really pleased with my recent purchace of 6in baking tins as this is the right size (I think) for 2-4 people. I wonder why most shops don't stock them?

    Hope you manage to get a good nights sleep Jo.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Monday, 26th July 2010

    My courgettes going mad too, and the whole family turning their noses up at them this year - and the chard - so I'm getting through a lot of greens! Ungrateful wretches!

    Other car we put on ebay going sometime this week to lithuania - I had a call earlier from them (in very bad English) saying it will be collected one evening this week in a large car transporter. Good job school has broken up now, otherwise road always full of cars.

    Nooj glad you approve of us going back to Dewey. I have tried to keep it as simple as possible, for the teachers as much as the kids! Told all the ladies inputting data to add in as many keywords as they could think of to help subject searches. I don't know if they have done it though - I had about 5 people who did a couple of sessions then lost interest. I will have to go back checking things gradually.

    Funniest story in library was a young lad who came in, looked at dictionaries and said "Wow, look at all those wickipedias"!

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    Oh dear
    I know it's not really funny as such, but removing a man who was lying down under the shelving in order to look up the skirts of passing ladies was a quite good day for me!
    The joys of working in a public library!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    I used to love using the library, Nooj. However, since the they have revamped and installed the latest technology, I no longer use mine. It's all modern and 'minimalistic', if that's the right word. You have to check in and check out your own books - no more little chats with the librarians who had become your friends. Now, if you dare stand at their desk (new set of people), they make you feel like a nuisance. They also no longer have a trolley with the 'just returned' books as as fast as they are returned, they are back on the shelves. I used to enjoy looking through them to try and introduce myself to new authorsl Such a shame.

    Anyway, can't join in on the vegetable topic as I have none in my garden! Not got much of anything at the moment as my son and I have a real purge on the very overgrown bushes. Didn't realise my garden was that wide. Spend a couple of hours yesterday morning filling up my and next door's bin (they are on holiday) in preparation for next Monday but also to get it all of the grass in readiness for the rain! (joke). Did two loads of washing and changed two beds. That's it for the week.

    Poked my nose in re my old neighbour, aged 95. She is almost blind, cannot get out because she keeps falling over and is also very deaf. Went to Dr's at end of May for referral for hearing aid. To cut a long story short, found out today that referral letter never sent so she has sat their waiting for 8 weeks to no avail. Thought she might be annoyed with me but, fortunately she was extremely grateful. Have told her that I will now pester, pleasantly, to ensure she gets an early appointment. Of course, it's nobody's fault!!!

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    Do you think Kit that once you get to a certain age the medical profession don't care anymore, my late MIL was left a bit like that, she fell out of bad while in hospital and suffered a stroke so they shoved her in a side ward out of the way and left her, if she had been my mother I would have created 3rd world war, but my ex and his brother were and still are useless specimens of the male kind.


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by janerowena (U10782401) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    I love the idea of you kayaking up the canal, Daisy! My son went on a canal trip about 4 years ago, aged 11, and fell in in Birmingham, the people he was with were worried that he would start to glow green at some ponit! He said it was very scary as the water was so dirty that he couldn't see which way was up.

    We have tons of courgettes too, i have had them tonight fried in garlic butter, with prawns and samphire also cooked in garlic, butter, olive oil and lemon juice, with some new potatoes. Heaven.

    However, something has eaten all my cherry tomatoes while I have been away. Can it be blackbirds, or do i have a rodent problem? i think some baby butternut squashes may be missing too, and some baby cucumbers, it is a bit worrying but the humane traps we have around the fruitcage are empty.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    Well, Rain, I think that can be the case and I know of many friends who have experienced little compassion from medical staff for their aged relatives. In this lady's case, she has, in fact, received exceptionally good treatment from our local hospital for her diminishing eye sight and her balance. The audiology department I contacted yesterday were most helpful and very sympathetic. When I get back to them I will beg that they give her an early appointment. It was her doctors who were at fault. Someone, did not do their job properly but no-one will take the blame.

    Love your comment about your ex, etc. smiley - biggrin. You're brave to put that in writing. I'd be worried I would get attacked.

    Not done any RC today as I spent some considerable time with my neighbour and then the grandchildren turned up. I was exhausted by the time they went so have just sat and done nothing.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    Kit - I agree that the NHS leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to the elderly. When my mother was in hospital she was incapable of feeding herself, but they just left cups of tea by her bed. Dad made sure he was there to feed her at meal times, even though visitors were not supposed to be around then. If she hadn’t had any relatives would they have just left her to starve?

    I gave in today and froze some of my french beans. There was no way we could keep up with them. It is such a relief to know that they are no longer hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles!

    We went for a picnic at the Weald & Downland museum today. It was quite warm but luckily the sun wasn’t out as that would have made it too hot for Toby (the very hairy hound).

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    Nooj your man-under-a-shelf story has given me the best giggle in ages!

    Our town library has also just been revamped - for a few weeks it was very difficult to use as the signage above the shelves was late arriving. The staff still lovely though, I think we have the campest gay guy in Derbyshire!

    Spent a while tonight trying to work out the route of my pumpkin plant. I have two courgettes, a wigwam of ornamental gourds and the rampant pumpkin all entwined, so difficult to work out what's what! The ornamental ones are looking lovely, a real good mix of green, yellow, stripey, bobbly. Has anyone grown them,I need to find out how to conserve them.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    I used to visit the library a lot when I lived closer to the town centre and could walk in. Now I would have to drive four miles and they don't have their own car park so I've got out of the habit.

    I don't have a problem finding where my pumpkin has come from (the recycling box) but I do have problems with where it is going to! It is fairly determined to get through the hedge into next door's garden. I so far have four pumpkins growing, one of which is already huge. I am assuming that I can't cut it until it has gone orange. I've never grown them before and have no idea what variety it is as the seedlings were given to me.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    Koalagirl that's just how I'm feeling about my French beans today, but they are so much nicer fresh I'm going to force feed them to the ungrateful wretches (sorry, family)!

    I hear some awful stories from clients re care of the elderly. I think the worst one was a ward where everyone's clothes were chucked in together in the wash, then they were dressed in whatever came to hand. It's just so unbelievably demeaning.

    One of my ladies who is 89 hadn't seen her GP for over a year. It was only because a consultant she went to see hassled them, that they decided she might need a bit of looking after!

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Tuesday, 27th July 2010

    Mine is an unplanned event too (have we already discussed them? Probably!) I have two fruit growing well, two teeny ones and one which has gone orange before its time and I think is dying. I gave it a really good soak of tomato feed at its root tonight, so hope that will help.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Found out this morning in the bus station that I can get a day bus trip to the Trafford Centre in Manchester, so that's one thing to do near Christmas for me, it's only £12.99, in fact there's loads of day trips all over at about the saame price, roll on September.


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Don't you get a Freeedom Pass Rain, or are you retiring early? I can go anywhere with mine.

    Going to have a little rant. Son and future DIL are not having my granddaughter to be a bridesmaid. His only neice and goddaughter. Say they are only having her two nieces as flowergirls. I have been upset since Sunday. I haven't been told, just heard via my youngest. My daughter and future DIL don't get on for reasons I wont bore you with, but I feel the same but being older, tolerate her. I feel she has now got the upper hand and is punishing daughter. Graddaughter asked me yesterday if she was going to be a bridesmaid. Are you all keeping up? Then, to crown it all, just had a call to say that granddaughter has broken wrist and is being kept in hospital overnight in case they need to pin and plate tomorrow.

    Apart from that, I'm fine! Heard from hospital today that referral letter arrived for neighbour so hoping that they will give her an early appointment.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by abbotsmillmo (U13936954) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Hi Kit,
    I feel so sorry for you, and the little one,Bless her, I remember when my g.daughter broke her wrist, she fell over one of my daughters big dogs. I hope things will be ok for her soon.
    Seems such a shame that they dont want her to be bridesmaid, its every little girls dream. Mo.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    I have my bus pass Kit I got it last year when I was 60, these bus trips are private run coaches not national bus companies but you can get concessionary prices on them, going to go down on Saturday and book a few, I mentioned to my daughter that if when she's on holiday I can find a bus that goes sort of half way from where she is we could meet up as I only see her at Christmas when she comes up, have a good rant Kit that's what we do on here, get it off the chest.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Hi all, am using daughter's laptop as have done something to OH's pc- oops- well a lead or 2 come out, i think....

    Not long got back from Dad's. So far the NHS been fine for him, let's hope it continues.

    Kit, I hope your grandaughter copes ok with her wrist, poor little thing. As for the bridesmaid situation, perhaps its for the best, but then how do you explain that to a child?

    Rain, you are brave to plan a visit to the Trafford Centre near Christmas. I usually try & avoid it in December.

    Daughter just said we need to turn off electrics in the workshop to try sort out the PC! So i could be for the chop if it's not repairable.....

    Bye, J.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Mo. I have been sitting here tonight mulling over the bridesmaid affair and have decided if that's how they want it, then so be it. Their loss and I hope they feel as guilty as sin.

    That's a shame Rain that you only see your daughter at Christmas. Do you never visit her? I don't know whether I am lucky or not but my daughter only lives five minutes away, son same (not that I go there much), and other son, aged 30, still lives with his mummy. Says he doesn't like to leave because I will be all on my own! More like it's cheap being here.

    Very quiet on here this week.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Daisy136 (U9682560) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Rain I am getting excited for you. I knew how I felt leading up to it, I felt as if I was being set free to do whatever I wanted. Enjoy making your plans.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Just seen your message Jo. Thanks for your sentiments re my granddaughter. I have been crying on and off since Sunday about the bridesmaid affair, so I don't know what she is going to be like when I have tell her.

    I am really glad that you are having some success with your Dad. It's funny how the tables turn and you become the 'parent' to your own parents. There again, I was lucky in that I only lived 10 minutes away by car so was always on hand when anything needed doing or when they were unwell.

    Hope you sort the PC out. Should get yourself a little laptop. They are wonderful.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 28th July 2010

    Kit - when my older brother got married his future wife didn't want me to be a bridesmaid. She chose the daughter of an aquaintance (not even a friend) and I only found out afterwards. I was a bit upset at not being asked, although I was not as young as your grandaughter, but that changed when I saw what they made her wear. She was a tubby little thing with ginger hair and she was dressed in a shapeless ankle length tube of cream material. She really looked like a bottle of gold top milk.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    OMG that's a brilliant description! smiley - laugh

    Am about early as daughter beat me to bathroom. Am supposed to be doing my e-mail! oops.

    Have just hung out washing & tried to pull out what I thought was a small lamium in the wrong place only it was a small nettle!! smiley - doh

    This pc ok again, some lead unattached. No surprise really with the tangle of stuff under the table in here. Right bathroom free. J.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Thursday, 29th July 2010


    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear GMan
    Happy Birthday to you

    x x x x x smiley - giftsmiley - alesmiley - giftsmiley - ale

    Kit, my daughter lives in Cambrige she has 2 cat's I live in Middlesbrough and I have 3 cats and a dog, so neither of us can leave the animals for long, they have a car so they drive up Christmas Eve and go back late Christmas day.

    Daisy136, I am sooooo looking forward to 9 weeks today no more getting up at 1/2 5 for a bus I can stop in bed till 8 then enjoy the day's with my dog Phoebe.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by nanpickle (U14258493) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Kit, have you told your son how upset you are about the bridesmaid issue ? Perhaps if you have a quiet word with him reminding him he is her godfather and explain that you will be unable to really enjoy his wedding if your granddaughter is upset, he may have a word with his bride - after all, surely she will want to make him happy (at least until after the wedding). Nan x

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Amazing (U7102651) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Happy birthday G'man. smiley - alesmiley - magicsmiley - gift

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by janerowena (U10782401) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    The family my daughter is marrying into has just been through a bridesmaid fracas, Kit. It has caused no end of problems. Apparently it all started because the bride asked her best friend to be matron of honour, with her two beautiful little daughters as bridesmaids, and their mother said that she would buy the frocks as the bride couldn't afford it.

    But the bride has 5 nieces,and the thought of the logistics and costs of dressing them all just threw her, so she copped out. As you can imagine, her sisters were up in arms and a year later are still not talking to her. they went to the wedding, but avoided her the whole day.

    I think both sides were thoughtless. Now I'm worried that my poor daughter is going to have to dress 5 rather plain little girls, when she marries their uncle! I am persuading her to elope to the Maldives.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Daughter was a bridesmaid twice last year. One of her dresses is sitting in an old washing basket on the landing in the hope that Mum, me, will try to get some mark off it so that daughter can then shorten it to use as a 'cocktail' type dress. Since I cant imagine her ever wearing such a dress am not in a hurry to try & rescue it.

    Have finally emptied my last leaf dustbin. I was planning to take it to the tip, as it's split, but the hedgehog was using the spilt contents as its' bed, so I couldnt. Now have turned it on its' side, checked no hog inside/around it, removed most of the wonderful leafmould to use & refilled with more leaves in which hog had been sleeping. Covered the whole with an old piece of weed membrane so it disappears from view & hog has a new home!

    Weddings sound a nightmare. Glad none on horizon here! J.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    KG. LOL at the description of the bridesmaid. Me thinks you had a lucky escape.

    Nan. I am trying to pluck up the courage to speak to my son about this. Unfortunately, anything you say to him he will misconstrue and start shouting his mouth off. He will take it as a personal attack on future DIL. I am not frightened of him but, quite frankly, cannot stand the aggro. As for future DIL, I have only just started speaking to her properly after she walked out on my son 4 years ago leaving him to cope financially with the house he had just bought and his 11 year old son. Now that everything re the house is tickety boo, she has moved back in! Oh boy, I am bitter.

    Jane, that sounds horrendous. What a great shame. Weddings should be such happy times but, unfortunately, someone always seems to get hurt. I have said on this board before that my daughter went of to LA, just her and her future husband, got married in one of the chappels with a Bon Jovi tune playing them out!

    And Jo, leave it in the washing basket!

    Thank you all for your offerings.

    Granddaughter, by the way, had her wrist pinned this morning and we left hospital about 2.30, she with a cast from wrist to upper arm! Think my attempts at getting 'them' to change their minds may be thwarted! Oh well, nothing lost in trying.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Rain. I understand now. That's the one drawback in having pets isn't it. I know it was very expensive for my daughter to put her two dogs into kennels when she went abroad. It was fine when she holidayed in UK because she went where she could take them with her.

    Funny story, well it was at the time. We were in her MIL's caravan and daughter and the two children wanted to go to the beach, but I did not want to go. So I said it was OK for her to leave the dogs with me. Always a bit nervous because one of them was really naughty. They were on very long leads just outside. After a little while I went to check that they were OK only to find they had pulled the stake out of the ground and took off! Found them eventually haring round together. They had had a great time and the tent site occupants were in fits.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Fits of laughter or what? probably the 'what'!

    Have just phoned to check on Dad, he's happily watching the athletics, but I digress. He's not been sleeping well & getting rather bothered about it, so I suggested that he listen to the radio at night. Some of the World service is facinating- when OH away I sometimes listen if I'm awake- just thought how am I going to do that without waking daughter? Anyway, because he's deaf now he was concerned that he'd need the radio on so loud that it would wake the neighbours- house walls are breeze (?) block which means sound definitely travels! So we bought a digital clock/radio from local Asda which has a head-phone socket. Problem solved?

    It took me a good while to program the required radio stations, but I did it & he could work it himself. We set it up on his bedside table ready to use if he had a bad night with his head-phones attached to it.
    Somehow he has managed to unset the settings, cant understand the instructions & has brought it back down for me/OH to sort next visit. I give up! Well it seemed a good idea at the time. J.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Fits of laughter Jo, even though they had managed to go different ways around one of the camper vans. Isn't it strange how people on holiday are so much more easy going than they would be if at home. They didn't do any damage and were such friendly dogs they would lick you to death.

    I cannot sleep without my radio on. Have been listening for years now as, like your dad, I had and still have great difficulty sleeping. Has to be talking, not music. I tune in to LBC which probably wouldn't suit your dad. It's a shame that it did not work out for him and I don't know what the answer is. Sort of thing my mum-in-law did and would then swear blind she had not touched anything!

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Happy birthday G'Man - hope you've had a brill day.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Jo - Hope you have recovered from grasping the nettle. When I was a teenager my horse once threw me into a patch of nettles. I was wearing a t-shirt and it was somewhat painful!

    MDE - I measured one of my pumpkins today and it was 7" in diameter. I keep going down to look at it.

    Kit - Loved your story about the runaway dogs.

    We nipped down to Manor Nurseries for lunch today. They are a local independent and have a really nice café with all home cooked food. Afterwards I had a look around and found that they were selling off a lot of plants. I got two peppers with lots of flowers and some fruit forming for 50p each! I potted them up as soon as I got home and they look great. Dad bought two very nice geraniums for £1 each.

    I cut the hedge again this afternoon, wearing a high necked top to prevent any unfortunate snail incidents.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    KG you are definitely beating me, my biggest are about 3". I think we should do a weekly measure to compare (in fun of course! )smiley - winkeye

    I am overrun now with courgettes, beans and chard. Taken on a neighbours's ferrets for 10 days while they are on holiday, so have to deal with a big bag of produce from his allotment - including another courgette!

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Thursday, 29th July 2010

    Re the wedding discussions, I do think it tends to be the bride's day more than the groom's, so the bride's family will be asked. Maybe unfortunate but that's usually how it goes. I had my goddaughter and my own daughter as bridesmaids.

    Me and mum made my dress and theirs, making it a great deal cheaper, and they looked lovely - I didn't, bub I was 5 months pregnant, so a bit of a bump!

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by janerowena (U10782401) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    That was a bargain - probably lots to be had at this time of the year, but I find I get to the stage of not wanting to look at another plant stall ever again at around this time of year, I have overdone it!

    At least, that's what I tell myself, until I am actually confronted with one....

    We spent a few days with my inlaws last week and I found myself thinking of all you lot with aging rellies. I wanted to clear out a room ad they wouldn't let me. It''s getting harder and harder to stay there, the house is vast, but it looks inside just like a huge junk shop that I am very fond of but would never dream of living in, called 'Great Expectations', in Horncastle.

    If they should die, I shall be gone for months just trying to sort it all out. FIL has said that he is hiding the will somewhere awful, just so that i have to sort it all out properly and don't just get the scrap dealers in!

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by abbotsmillmo (U13936954) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    Hi Janerowena,

    He sounds like a man with a sense of humour. smiley - laugh Mo.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Daisy136 (U9682560) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    G'man I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. Hope you had a lovely day.smiley - magic

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by dwarfbean (U13754109) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    G man Hope that you had a great birthday. Sorry I'm late.
    Any news about your propellor? Read an interesting tale re-stolen goods on another site.


    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    Am dreading tomorrow. OH has announced that we need to buy wallpaper for the downstairs 'loo', true, but I pointed out that it would make sense to actually do the painting of skirting, ceiling etc first. Since OH is the messiest painter/DIY person I know it's not going to be fun around here! Perhaps I will start my accounts after all......at least I know where all the dust sheets are!

    Dad has already cleared out his loft- well a now ex-neighbour did it a few years ago. Dad said at the time it was to help me. He now wants OH to take his carpentry tools, which we shall, though no need, but some are my Grandfather's so I feel we ought to have them to add to OH's plus his Father's!

    Daughter, on holiday, has sorted out some of the shoe boxes of old photos that I never did get round to putting into albums. Good way to spend a wet afternoon & many giggles at some of them. J.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    Forgot, as usual, to say that daughter & me escaped to local GC for a coffee & cake this morning. OH now works from home then, so better to be out! We always check out the reduced section, you never know what you might find. Some very nice Hydrangeas today, but I dont need another!

    Did get a lovely white, with a hint of pink, penstemon though- I know exactly where it's going & there is plenty of cutting material. We couldnt find one that i liked at Tatton show. Even better is that if you return one of their pots you get 50p of the price. This time I remembered. J.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    Tea and cake is always a good idea Jo. I like the idea of getting 50p off for taking pots back.

    My dad and Toby went back home this afternoon after their week with me. Dad was planning to go to a steam rally on Sunday and wanted to sort things out at home tomorrow. Have just looked at the forecast and it shows rain for the whole weekend. Good news for my garden but not so good for his plans.

    We ate the last of my potatoes today. I have just counted up and found that I got 9lbs 3oz from the three sacks this year. Taking into consideration the money I paid for the seed potatoes, that works out at 27p per pound. Have been eating them since 1st July.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Friday, 30th July 2010

    I keep meaning to pass on a tip. Toby is an incredibly hairy hound and shares his fur quite generously. My father bought a new vacuum cleaner this week and tried it out on my living room carpet before he went home. I was astonished by the amount of fur it picked up - it was truely incredible. Any of you with dogs or cats should get a "Russel Hobbs Tornado Pets".

    Report message50

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