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The Potting Shed, 17 May 2010

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Messages: 1 - 38 of 38
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Monday, 17th May 2010

    Good Afternoon all. Welcome to the Potting Shed, the thread that's opened every Monday for all your off-topic discussions.

    We don’t have anyone on the birthday list this week, so here’s a few to fill the gap:

    20 Cher
    21 Mr T
    23 Joan Collins

    Whilst we’re on the subject of recycling bins - several months ago we had a bout of recycling bin thefts on our street. After a little detective work I soon discovered eight boxes in one of my neighbour’s gardens! I recovered my two and have since boldly labelled them with our house number. Why anyone would think they could get away with something so silly really baffles me.

    It’s reassuring to read everyone else is as impatient as me in planting out – my runners have become out of control and I can’t wait any longer, so have started hardening them off.


  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Monday, 17th May 2010

    Re: theft of recycling bins. Now that's what I call being really neighbourly!

    Runner beans have been out for several weeks and sheltered from the cold north easterly wind, so are doing well. Have just come inside from planting out the french beans, and about to squeeze in some peas somewhere. Trouble is garden is looking a bit full at the moment. smiley - smiley

    Plumber came and installed shower unit. Told me to wait 24 hrs before using it and when I did found that water flow is perfect, but no hot water!! The air was blue last night when I discovered it, and my body would have been blue too if I had attempted to use it. Then I got the great idea of cleaning all the wall tiles. Went to flip back the retaing clips of the mirror and they snapped. Tried super gluing but they just wont adhere. I'm now waiting for replacement clips to arrive.

    Saturday was no better. Parked my car in the supermarket car park and while OH was sitting in the car someone attempted to park their car next to mine. Yep - she went into my car. Not much damage and T cut will get it out, but so annoying.

    Painter and decorator is here today and he's like a tornado. Can't understand how he can do things so energetically and so fast, and he's the same age as me. Whatever he's on I want some. smiley - laugh

    James - re your spare day in London. I would take the district line to Kew. Now that really would be a great day out.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by nanpickle (U14258493) on Monday, 17th May 2010

    Hi Guys
    Well the weather is sure to get warmer from tomorrow on - at long last our boiler is being replaced, so after shivering for the last month you can bet your boots the temperature will rise. I plan a couple of days in the garden while the work is being carried out, so much to do out there and at least I'll be out of their way. Nan x

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 17th May 2010

    GCG, hope things get sorted out ok. At least you got to go outside. I find most workmen do better if you leave them to it, but there's always the odd one who needs a 'gentle' nudge to get on with 'my' job not everybody else's.

    Am going to leave the cold frames wide open at night from now on- the plants are too tall to even partly close up the lids.

    Have moved all the seedlings from house sills into the greenhouse too, should be ok now.

    Potted on some of the Morning Glory & Black Eyed Susan direct into their final pots, but still keeping in the greenhouse. The rest will go direct into the soil as am fast running out of compost & am blowed if will get a new bag just for them.

    Plan to get OH to come with me on Sat so can get the tomato grow bag. I know I cant lift one on my own, plus his car boot is bigger.

    Rain, I do hope that you stick to your planned days for jobs, but I shant be surprised if you dont. Alternate Mondays I dont work & am supposed to do the cleaning, except when the weather is this good & there's so much else to do. You can still clean in the evenings! as tonight will prove. J.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Monday, 17th May 2010

    GCG - things come in threes so it sounds as if you've had your three now (hopefully)

    I once went for six months with a shower that didn't produce hot water. I only got it fixed when my sister was due to visit and threatened not to come if I expected her to take cold showers!

    I've already put out my runner beans. They were not terribly happy about it but are holding their own. Today I started hardening off the courgettes and french beans. The courgettes are looking quite keen to get out of their little pots now.

    Somebody at work has given me some pumpkin seedlings. I've never grown them before but am willing to give it a go.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 18th May 2010

    Whoopee, my regular Tesco delivery man come early so I can get outside sooner than expected.

    Have been sorting through books to take to charity shop whilst waiting, but found myself reading them instead & then deciding that I wanted to keep some! Will we ever empty this house?

    My runner/French beans are still in greenhouse. I plan to move them to an open coldframe today as the courgettes in coldframe are trying to escape, so they can go by the wall! Help I need more time before our hol. Bye....J.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Tuesday, 18th May 2010

    Good job am going out tonight or 'verbal murder' (over the phone) would've been done! Needed to staple clear plastic around canes to make a barrier, from the fly, for my carrots growing in a large pot. Took the stapler outside & discovered that it was empty just as trying to secure the first piece. Since I know OH was the last person to use it...... anyway job done. It's the first time I've ever tried growing carrots, but they were free RHS seeds so I thought I'd try.

    Back out....J.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Tuesday, 18th May 2010

    Airs still a bit blue in this household Jo. Plumber came back to rectify fault, so hot water is now coming through. Tried the shower out for the first time this evening and was well chuffed until ...........I came down stairs and got dripped on in the kitchen!! This replacement shower unit and fixings has cost me almost £1,400 and I'm far from happy.

    Koala_Girl - you say things happen in three's and now I'm nervous. I've already had 3 disasters and seems I am now onto the next three as yesterday I leant over the flower border, and somehow managed to slice my thumb with the cutting shears. I've now found a leak, so could this mean that something else is about to happen, or maybe it has. Painter and decorator doing the exterior of the house laid out the pipes and guttering on the lawn and had just applied the first top coat paint when starling parents introduced their young to my bird feeding station. As parents decended on the feeding station their young sat in line on the still wet piping! I'm definately having a bad hair week!

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Tuesday, 18th May 2010

    I think you are having everybody else's bad luck too! Have you been breaking mirrors whilst walking under ladders and kicking black cats????

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by grandcottagegardener (U14258183) on Tuesday, 18th May 2010

    Haven't done either of those Koala_Girl smiley - laugh, but think I should now be lying in a darkened room with a flannel on my forehead for the next 12 months!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Gem (U13964749) on Wednesday, 19th May 2010

    Oh GCG, you sound as if you are going through it at the moment. We have had problems with the heating / hot water since christmas, keep having the man back but then something else goes, I think perhaps its a replace the whole boiler job, in which case it can wait a couple of months we have hot water so thats OK.

    My wonderful sons lifted my courgettes/marrows/pumpkins and buttersquash out of the cold frame yesterday for me, only trouble is, being a lazy thing, I had 4 of each on a tray and only labeled one, you can guess what they did, the trays are neatly stacked up for me, and the plants in one long row along the patio. I was talking to a friend the other day who said he had managed to collect pots of different colours and he plants the same plant to pot if you see what I mean, I think I will have to try and get some. In the meantime if anyone knows how to tell them apart please let me know ?.

    Eldest had his RE GCSE yesterday, when he came out a friend asked him how come each time he looked at him he was writing as fast as he could, Son repied well we had 4 essays to right in 1 and a half hours, there was a lot to write. His friend said " oh it was easy, all you had to say was - God good, devil bad for the first three, and the last question which was on the lines of - if you have done something wrong, what should you do, compare at least 3 beliefs, his friend wrote " what ever God you worship get down on your knees and pray, either that or take your Gran shopping that normally works smiley - winkeye" I only hope he is more creative for his other exams its spanish today.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 19th May 2010

    Hi Gem, if your son's friend gets a decent grade after that how can 'they' say that the exams haven't been 'dumbed down'?! I know that the exams are different in style & content to when us oldies did similar, but answers such as that.....

    Tip for the future when doing things from seeds/potting on- put a piece of coloured drinking straw next to the original label when the seeds are sown. Then as you pot them on, put the same colour straw into the relevant pots. No need to keep writing labels, which I never tended to do & them you know which is which. Sorry if preaching to the converted, but it's saved my bacon loads of times.

    Cant help on the identifying crisis though.

    Poor GCG, I dont envy you. Workmen always create more jobs, for other workmen, in my experience. Which is why we never do anything round here! Ha- will have to do somethings if we ever need to sell this house!

    Have been to dentist, nipped to Trafford Centre for a birthday present & the currency for hol. Now need to try on my summer clothes, but have a sinking feeling that am going to have a nasty shock as know am considerably fatter than last year.....oops! J.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Gem (U13964749) on Wednesday, 19th May 2010

    Hi Jo, I know what you mean, I am finding it very hard to work myself round the exam structures, his ICT for example is all course work no end exam at all, and his chemistry doesn't have a practical but his french has two speaking as well as 1 written. I think the problem with RE is that so many parents seem to disregard it, there are only a few of us who treat it as a worthwhile subject. One parent said to me that it doesn't count for anything on a CV, but IMHO if you get a good grade, even if you don't believe or are not interested, it shows that you have the personality and desire to learn and have the ability to put your point of view across - well thats what I teach my children anyway. You don't have to enjoy or be good at a subject, you just have to give it your best shot.

    I have been looking at my summer things as well and have come to the conclusion that I need some new ones, washed out and worn out seems to have been my look last year - no one said anything which is a little scary.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Wednesday, 19th May 2010

    OMG- the clothes trying on has been a wake up call!!

    Crash diet for the next 2 weeks! or give in & get a couple of inexpensive things next size up for holiday & do it properly- eating sensibly/exercise more, which I know is the way to go. What has amazed me is the difference in supposedly one size, all from a certain retailer!!

    Have put some items for charity, as, with the best will in the world short of starvation, I will not get into. Others should be a lot better when have taken myself in hand!

    Have got a skirt suitable for work, good, but now to try on the trousers.....J.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Wednesday, 19th May 2010

    Like the coloured straw tip Jo - I'll try that next year. Somebody at work has given me some pumpkin seedlings and she thoughtfully sellotaped a photo of pumpkins on the pot!

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by janerowena (U10782401) on Thursday, 20th May 2010

    Have we all been trying on our summer gardening clothes? I put on a pair of much-loved cutoffs this morning - well, I went to put them on but then spotted the hole in the behind of them! The awful thing is knowing that I must have worn them for quite a few times without noticing last year. So I got onto tinternet and ordered a couple more pairs. I suppose i could try patching them, but i think i am quite scruffy enough in the garden as it is - my legs are covered in mud as I write!

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 20th May 2010

    Dont try on garden clothes JRo, just squeeze into them at the mo!! Know the one about splits in the 'wrong' place too.

    Tried Asda on the way home, but either nothing I liked or none in my (possible) size & things that I did try on no good at all. Trouble is there's a M&S next door.....oh well at least I shall be presentable again.

    OH got back later than he expected, muttering that the next car will have air-con! I have started to use mine, briefly, to get the temperature down & comfortable, then back to the open window. I do miss the sunroof of the 'old' car. Have noticed that more new cars now have them again, after a period of not presumably because of air con. J.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Thursday, 20th May 2010

    Had a letter from the pension place on Tuesday to say that my lump sum payment will be £6196.83p I thought yippee till I noticed that it's 20% tax, what a cheek, if I'd known I would have taken my pension from day one and saved it myself, but I'm still getting more than I thought I would as I didn't know about the Wimpey pension I'm getting, guess I must have totally forgotten about that one, I was expecting about £4500.00 so will get about £4900.00, flat screen TV here I come.


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Thursday, 20th May 2010

    Good news rain - will you be watching the World Cup on it smiley - yikes. Sounds like some good deals around at the moment because of it.

    I have had a serious grilling at my bank this afternoon, by a lassie less than half my age, because I went over my overdraft limit a few weeks ago. Tried to explain the seasonal nature of my work, but obviously didn't mean much to her. Ended up agreeing again to a credit card just to keep her happy. I cut up the last one and will do the same again!

    Re gardening clothes, I recently got some "basics" jeans from Sainsbugs for £4, for work. Constantly thinking about the working conditions they were made in now smiley - sadface

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Friday, 21st May 2010

    Isn't it annoying that bank people now so young?!

    I only visit our branch 1 or 2 times a month to pay in a cheque. They now have a machine inside that gives you a copy of the cheque so i can keep for the accountant, if any probs. There is always a staff girl around to help, but have just about got the hang of it on my own!

    The trouser trying on didn't go well- no surprise really. Work colleague has also gone up a size, but still below me, so is having a couple of pairs of them that always were a bit snug even when I was at my thinnest. We've decided that it's our age! but then it could be the local cake shop as well!!

    Gave up trying to find cheap, decent shorts yesterday. Put on an existing pair today- Asda £3 I think- & they are fine, so I think they may come on hol with me as not too scruffy. J.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Friday, 21st May 2010

    Any twits about tonight?

    Done loads of weeding tonight in borders, tomorrow dig over the empty bits and work out what to put there.

    Jo I might actually dig out a pair of shorts tomorrow. Whether any will fit I don't know! But jeans I'm wearing now have a big hole across my right mid-thigh, so will probably cut them down.

    We have let Suzie the 3-legged cat out for a wander in garden this evening - getting very difficult to keep back doors shut in this weather. Think she is settled enough now not to wander off, but a bit nerve-racking!

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Friday, 21st May 2010

    I changed into shorts and a t-shirt the moment I got home from work today. Such a lovely summery feeling! The forecast for the weekend is fantastic so I will be living in shorts for the next two days. Sorry in advance to anyone who will be in Sainsbury's at 7am tomorrow morning - my knees are not a pretty sight!

    I planted my courgettes out this evening. I sowed the seeds on 22nd April and they are already have two big "real" leaves. I'm still trying to find somewher to put the pumpkins which a girl at work gave me. When I was 18 I had a temporary job picking courgettes in Australia. Apart from the bending over bit, which is hard on the back, it was very enjoyable to be wading through a row of knee high wet plants in bare legs when it's really hot.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Friday, 21st May 2010

    Hi koala girl, at that age I did a week's grape picking in France - a real killer, but we stayed in the vineyard digs, and the food was absolutely fantastic! I remember the backache and sore hands from the secateurs. Probably a bit of a wuss back then, I would probably do better now!

    I shop at my local S's often after work - they are used to seeing me looking very scruffy, so given up worrying about it!

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Friday, 21st May 2010

    It's nice to have something to look back on when you're old and grey smiley - smiley Grape picking sounds more glamourous than courgettes smiley - laugh

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Friday, 21st May 2010

    Ooh no I don't think so when you saw what I did, a lot of wine and weed, and even a couple "doing it" in the common dormitory. Scarred me for life, that has smiley - winkeye

    Courgettes very sexy, if you think about it, I'm sure you had a lot of in jokes, didn't you?

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    I love some of the message titles on the garden clinic board: Wisteria Nightmare!! Sunflower Disaster! Not at all dramatic smiley - smiley

    I am sat out in the garden and have just noticed that the sun went down when I wasn't looking so I am actually sat in the dark. The neighbours already think I'm a bit odd because I go round at dead of night with a torch searching for slugs.

    Hasn't it been a glorious weekend? I have been in gardening heaven. Only minor blip was when my father and his dog arrived. Toby walked across my veg patch and squashed the spring onion & radish seedlings with his big shaggy paws.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    Evening all. As usual OH monopolised TV- I just 'tape' everything I want to watch!

    Strawberry picking & blackcurrant picking were quite 'tame' compared to you two. Mind you for a long time I wouldnt drink Ribena!

    Managed to catch the sun on back of neck whilst potting on/planting tomatoes in greenhouse yesterday, so spent today keeping in the shade until about 4pm when I sat out, plastered in suncream, plus geriatric sunhat.

    Next door had their first barbi of the year- I do wish they'd tell me when my washing is out because the wind is invariably in my direction All they had to do was call over the fence, they could easily see me sat there, but 20 plus years of it & never once have they said anything. J.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by margaretstar (U14415248) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    So there is more than one gardening Toby with big shaggy paws?
    smiley - biggrin (don't mean it really, just couldn't resist the joke)

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by koala_girl (U12702629) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    My Toby is better looking smiley - smiley

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    Good joke!
    Am off to bed, OH leaves at some un-holy hour tomorrow morning. Night. J.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by margaretstar (U14415248) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    smiley - smiley

    Jo: yes I know what you mean re BBQ and smell.

    It's predictable of course: first warm weekend and there will be bbq's.

    I got up early this morning for some quiet gardening and later went indoors when the parties got going, each to his/her own.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Rainjustlearning (U12861332) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    Do you have strange moments when you'r in the garden, I did today, I was making a walkway with an old pallet for the veg plot, sawing away (as you do on a very hot day) and I kept smelling 'Old Spice' the older generation will know what I mean, it was my dad's favourite after shave, I though they don't make that any more or it's not popular so where is the smell coming from, carried on getting a bit upset and just as I was walking past my clematis and branch swung round with a flower on and there was the smell, have never noticed it smell before how very strange, I couldn't tell you what variety it is as I saw it growing wild and took some bits of it to see if I could get a plant.


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by margaretstar (U14415248) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    Do you have a photo Rain of the clematis? Someone will know what it is - you never know it maybe Clematis "Old Spice".

    I think my father used this too a long time ago, little white bottles with a ship on it?

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by mummyduckegg (U8437139) on Sunday, 23rd May 2010

    Evening all, spent a boring but necessary day here painting the fence - I am doing our side and the neighbours while they are away - she is pernickerty to put it mildly! Used 2 tins, and reckon I need 3 more to finish the job mid-week. Changing from reddy-brown (OH's yucky previous choice) to forest green, so it's taking a lot of covering.

    Lots to do elsewhere but didn't get chance smiley - sadface

    I must have drunk a good 3 litres of water today!

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 24th May 2010

    Old Spice, yes not a bad smell was it.

    Fed up already, work dead & nobody txted me to say dont rush in!
    Didnt sleep well at all, unlike OH who wanted my side of bed!! Hopefully tonight will be better, but the house takes a while to cool down, especially when am out so no windows open. At least it's cooler outside now. Still had my breakfast outside though.

    I decided early on this year that I was having a year off fence painting! Good decision. J.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Gem (U13964749) on Monday, 24th May 2010

    I wonder if it was the heat on it rain that intensified ( that's a big word for a monday morning smiley - smiley) the scent of it, it will be interesting to find out what it is, my Dad use to use Old spice as well it was in a little white bottle with a red stopper.

    Eldest son "left" school on Friday, he still has to go in for revision classes and for his exams over the next four weeks, but there is registration or time tables. The school held a party for the leavers in the afternoon which he went to, but after school he had to go for his physio on his leg, the rest of his year group went over to the park which backs onto the school playground to carry on the party, he wasn't bothered as his leg was causing him a lot of pain and he just wanted to come home. Talking to his friends on Saturday, things had been fine, a couple of teachers were about and everyone was well behaved, then the leavers from the school across town came to the park, and that always sparks trouble. They had bottles of vodka and cider, and when the police rounded them up later they found one child with an axe smiley - yikes At least the teachers were there to round up as many of "our" students as they could and get them back into school before any trouble started. I just get so angry, I know my children were at home and out of harms way, but why is it, and I know that they aren't saints, but they are mostly well behaved boys who just wanted to play football and lark about for an hour or two before going home. Why is there always those ones that have to interfere and start fights. This other school are known for it apparently, there use to be clashes with the to schools, mostly name calling over the years, but honestly these lads will have walked right across town knowing that there would be a party on the park, why else do it if not to cause trouble.

    There, sorry folks, but I have to rant at someone, It makes me so angry.

    Still its a lovely day, and its my B'day on Wednesday, so I am going to calm down and let them all get on with it smiley - winkeye.


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Monday, 24th May 2010

    Good job the teachers were there GEM, although I bet the 'children' were grumbling why the teachers needed to be around.

    I sympathise, but also see this from 'the other side' as we have had trouble with teenage drinking behind our house. I have a good relationship with the local PCSOs/station.
    So far so good this year, but...... As the past 'victim' of problems it did cause me a problem in that to even drive past a group of teenage lads would turn me cold. Have got to grips with it now, but still dread Friday/Sat nights.
    Funnily enough the school hols less of a problem- always been like that & we've been here 20+ yrs. It's just that the behaviour now so un-predictable, because of alcohol?, whereas before a good yell at them worked. Now you daren't in case of retaliation to our property.

    Sorry- i've gone on a bit too & good job i need to do some work.....see you all later. J.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Gem (U13964749) on Monday, 24th May 2010

    Hi Jo

    I know what you mean, a group of 3 or more of these lads are scary, my son now stands well above me, and when his friends come round occasionally on a sunday morning for brunch ( which is like feeding an army )I feel quite intimidated, and I know that they wouldn't hurt a fly let alone me. That said, running through the middle of our town is a river with a bridge over and there are always boats and barges going through. the other week I was walking across the bridge and could see the 4 of them looking over the edge of the bridge, then they start to shout and laugh. When I got there, they were playing poo sticks !!, only a boat had driven through and washed their sticks away, they were upset when I told them that the man on the boat might have thought they were being aggresive to him and that a group of lads leaning over a bridge and laughing looked scary to me, so when they saw his boat moored up outside a little further up, we stopped to explain, he did say he couldn't think what he had done, and it had unnerved him, I hope he understood that they didn't mean any harm. When I stop and think, this is my first time with a teenager and friends about me and, and ....I am guilty of assuming that all lads are bad lads, and now "I" feel afronted that some people might think that of "my" son, there must be a lesson there. My poor OH, had to collect said son on Friday from school, and said it was just as bad for him, all the girls were in shorts or short skirts, he said there were legs everywhere he looked, he said thats just as intimidating as a group of lads smiley - laugh

    Its so lovely today, roll on 5pm when I can finish work and go in the garden, I want to finish planting up my toms, and the squash are threatening to leave home if I don't plant them soon.


    Report message38

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