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Chat - So did you get much gardening done?

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Messages: 1 - 32 of 32
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by beejay (U2219592) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    It's now Sunday evening so I thought I'd see what people managed to get done this weekend. I hadn't really thought I'd get much done as the weather has been so cold - that nasty east wind gets right through you. It was as expected yesterday, but today much improved & managed to get back to the earth a bit.

    This am went down to the lottie with Mr beejay. Found that the kids/vandals had been again & had managed to rip one of our 3 padlocks off, so we spent an age trying to get into the shed. They keep breaking into sheds even where people have left them open! It's so frustrating when it is just mindless damage. Managed to finish pruning the fruit which I had meant to do ages ago.

    This pm actually spent some time in the garden. It was lovely & sunny & the wind nowhere near as bad as it has been. Watered my pots & a bit of the garden that was recently planted before the hosepipe ban comes into force! Moved my pots of camellias & a magnolia stellata to different positions around the garden & did some tidying up. All my clematis in pots have survived happily except one which was severely damaged in the middle of a cat fight, tho' hopefully it might yet shoot from the base. Lots of miniature daffs out now & the pulmonarias are starting to flower. Just bought some Elwisii snowdrops in the green which I must plant soon.

    Now off for my lamb & mint sausage & mash feeling satisfied at having achieved a little on the horticultural front!

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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by auricula (U3244275) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    The wind had dropped here by today too - and this afternoon was really quite pleasant
    Finished seed sowing, tidied borders and looked for spawn in pond
    smiley - smiley

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  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    I thought it was a much nicer today weather-wise. We were at mum and dad's last night and they asked if we wanted to go for a walk today, or potter about in the garden. We opted for pottering but of course it turned out to be more than that!!!

    I've pruned back their clematis (no idea what clematis it is though!), their passiflora, another huge shrub thing, various perennials.... I've planted some new plants for them in the courtyard, by the pond and in the moon-border. I've dug in new soil to the courtyard bed. And it was just great to get my hands dirty in the garden!!! Shame it wasn't my garden really!!!!!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by anneliesje (U3003883) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Hi Beejay,

    What a lovely weekend this was! In Belgium we had 2 days of bright sunshine. I was even able to work in my fleece for a couple of hours (jacket off!!! gloves off!!! cap off!!!! smiley - laugh)

    I did a great deal of woodstaining (a shed and some timber), moved some plants around and got 4 giant buxusses in. I got these from my cousin! He gave me even more, but the others are in pots.
    I have everywhere things poking through the soil! Tulips, aquilegia, weeping hearts, delphiniums etc. I think I even saw already 1 alium searching for light! Only crocusses and snowdrops and hellebores in bloom though. Daffodils are in bud.

    Although I worked very hard, I feel completely full of energy. I have to! Still got a giant I-task (sorry, promised Plocket never to use the word again) to do!
    Take care!

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  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Toadspawn (U2334298) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Yesterday an appalling day, cloud and a very cold wind all day.
    Today so different, wall to wall sunshine, much less wind and I was able to have lunch outside and got quite hot, nearly sunburnt!!
    No sowing outside because soil still too cold but tidied up strawberries, cut back autumn raspberries, and cleared up some more leaves still blowing about. Planted six more spuds in buckets in GH, Charlotte(salad) and Maxine(red) to go with Swift(white). Three more varieties to do in buckets next week? and then the rest to go in the garden. Planted four carrot varieties in the GH 12" diameter tubes and about 15" high hopefully to get something half decent for showing. Thought about planting out the sweet peas but leaving it until next weekend. Potted on some Lychnis coronaria because they were so root bound as I had left them in the tray over winter. So many more perenials grown from seed to put into new pots but waiting for warmer weather.
    Put a bag of barley straw in the pond to 'control' blanket weed. Frogspawn begining to develop into tadpoles. Saw a red Admiral butterfly. Honey bees working the Crocuses for pollen.
    An enjoyable day but I am a bit knackered.
    Spring was here today. Lets hope it lasts.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by grammarnatsi (U2379487) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Finished another DIY bird box and gave it to my brother. He has three children, so hopefully they'll like it and appreciate it...

    It was a much nicer day than Friday.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Caz (U2670546) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Beautiful weekend here in S Devon (near Torquay) but a very cold wind. Managed to get the raised beds fully dug (thankyou OH for building them, if only to keep me quiet!) and manured, all three are cosy under a layer of plastic. Sweet peas are coming on in the conservatory. Today, Sunday went out and bought a propagator so can get more seeds germinating! Went for a lovely long walk on Dartmoor with OH and dog then fell asleep in front of the fire with parts of me I never new existed aching! smiley - erm

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by beejay (U2219592) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Gosh, we have all been busy! It is really good to get going a bit isn't it?
    Plocket, misread your post initially & got seriously concerned "No idea what a clematis is though" smiley - biggrin I assume the moon border is a shape rather than something a bit more mysterious!
    Like the idea of big buxusses annaliesje.
    Toadspawn - not surprised tou're knackered. Bird boxes, walks on Dartmoor - what cracking lives we all lead!

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Fat_Andy (U2418582) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Hi Beejay

    To answer your question, no I didn't get a lot of gardening done this weekend. I still haven't had time to dig out the front borders which is the job I really want to get finished smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

    I spent yesterday morning doing errands for Mrs FA, then she went to a sale of baby clothes in the afternoon so I visited ma & pa with the little 'uns. I managed to get about ½ an hour of digging done late yesterday afternoon.

    Today I had to go shopping. It's Mrs FA's birthday AND Mother's Day next weekend so this was my last chance to go and buy the appropriate gifts. Went as early as possible this morning but didn't get back until 1.30, then we had dinner and then Mrs FA wanted to go and visit her folks. We didn't get home until nearly 6.30 so all in all I got exactly NOWT done today. smiley - sadface

    Ho hum

    FA x

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by 8supermum (U2768246) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    I've been busy too, yesterday was freezing cold, so did some edges and some manure, the tractor mower and trailer started first time for a change!

    Today was wonderfully warm-ish...up on the never ending steps with the stone wall behind which shelters all the wind, its a bit like being in the desert, T-shirt weather again. Have been digging out the new border to the side of the steps, had to put some large stones into terrace it slightly. It reminded me of the mediteranean olive groves etc so I really think it will have to be a Mediteranean garden.

    M'spouse reckons women invented 'cottage gardens' as we just chuck rocks down roughly and hope the plants will cover our uneveness (which they do). Men could never do such a bodge job apparantly...

    What do we all think ???

    Roll on more lovely days

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by budding1 (U2757103) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    I have had quite a good weekend on the garden front as well. Yesterday I managed to dodge the cold long enough to finish giving all the wooden pots a lick of paint and scarify the front lawn, also planted out some geum as the nursery bed is round near the chickens who kept eating them. Today I got to my lottie and planted my first early spuds along with some pinks and surplus penstemons. Also planted out some gladioli, i'm not all that keen on them but a friend bought them for me so I thought id show willing and plant them. The autumn sown broad bean have suffered from the cold and several have quite a lot of die back on them, but luckily the spring sowing are coming on well in the greenhouse.
    Oh and one of the tortoises woke up yesterday, so springs defo on the way!

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Margi (U2334861) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    I've had a FAB weekend! Yesterday was college - we did stick identification!!! (Got a list of questions to ask yourself about a twig in front of you, if answer yes you move onto one bit, if not go to another bit and so on, and eventually end up with a box that says SILVER BIRCH, or ALDER or whatever! Fascinating!) The when I got home I got straight out into the garden and finished off the trellis around the Seedling's new veg plot, and fixed the top on the waterbutt and put it in its permanent position. It was cold, but not ridiculously so...

    Then today I watched the grand prix which was on very early this morning from Malaysia, and was in the garden by 9am. I was still out there and working when the ex brought my girl back at 6pm! I had been to both B&Q and a garden centre in the meantime, but I've done SO much in the garden today I can't believe it!

    This is what I did: pruned the willows around the fernery; mended the cold frame; cleared a bit of the yellow-orange bed; moved the witch hazel into the space; sorted the fencing for the open sides of the Seedling's garden; bought compost from B&Q to incorporate into the veg bed; bought stepping stones from the garden centre so the Seedling can get into her garden; laid two stepping stones, and bordered them with bellis perennis (white pom-pom daisies) which she loves; covered up the veg bed until I get round to digging compost in, and sprinkled curry powder liberally around in the hope that the neighbourhood cats will not take a fancy to it - and I'm sure there's more but I'm so tired I can't think what! All in all, a very productive and incredibly enjoyable day...

    Margi x

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Didn't get much done this weekend. Planted an Ivy on Friday cleaned the shed gutter thats about it.Decided it was still too windy to plant out my clem Jackmanii. Hopefully will get lots done next week as I'm on hols from next Monday 27th for a whole week and with mothers day GC presents I'll have lots of time to visit the GC and brouse for hours smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Margi (U2334861) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    PS - Have been sitting down for an hour or so and just tried to go upstairs - anyone know why I can't walk?!

    Margi x

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Can you stand up Margi it maybe just from sitting down are you ok

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Margi (U2334861) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Thanks for caring CG - I've just made it upstairs to check on my daughter but I'm SO stiff!!! I think I'm going to have to have a Radox bath before I go to bed, otherwise I'm going to be wrecked tomorrow too and I want to garden instead!

    It doesn't help that the landing now smells of sick because the ex fed her pancakes with lots of chocolate spread just before he brought her home!!! I suppose if I'd spent the morning putting in the replacement light fitting I bought yesterday night at Ikea I might have been able to see what I was doing clearing it up - as it is I'll have to wait until it's light tomorrow! Lovely!!!

    Margi x

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by 8supermum (U2768246) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    I know the feeling well Margi....just remember where it is in the dark or you'll end up doing what m'spouse did the other week, and put his foot in it, lovely and cold too.....

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Margi (U2334861) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Oh yuk!!! Thanks for that, Supermum! Will try very hard not to do that... I got the worst of it up, and have located the carpet shampoo so I just need to wait for the light to see it by, and then we'll be rid! Kids - who'd have 'em!!!

    Margi x

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    How inconsiderate of him to feed her Pancakes and chocolate spread Hope both of you are feeling better by tomorrow A radox bath sounds good and fresh air spray for the landing and a cup of cocoa for you before you go to bed take care smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Margi (U2334861) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Thanks CG - bathtime! Good night...

    M x

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by anneliesje (U3003883) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Hope you enjoy your bath Margi!!!! smiley - rose

    A few years ago, when Phoebemonster was still small, I tried endlessly and very determined to feed her carrots. I was rewarded in the night with the same thing as you got with the pancakes smiley - yikes.
    As she slept in the top bed of a bunk bed at that time, you can imagine what happened in the lower bed where her brother was sleeping. Also I have to add, she aimed quite precisely for his shoes smiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes.
    Since then, when we eat carrots at home, the same story is told, and we have a good laugh.

    It is awful though and I hope your little one feels better, so you will have a quite night!

    Take care!

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by U2331885 (U2331885) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    Awwww! I missed out on my garden. We went to East Yorkieland to see Ma & Pa Cabbage. The local council are running a campaign avec T-shirts that "it's not Dull in ...." Could have fooled me as a cold grey drizzly sky was all I saw.

    I did manage to prune the folk's Clematis Montana Elizabeth to 18''. The plant label says "grows to 4 metres (13')", which is factually correct. What the label doesn't say after it grows to 4m it carries on growing and growing....smiley - biggrin

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Roof (U657647) on Sunday, 19th March 2006

    PS - Have been sitting down for an hour or so and just tried to go upstairs - anyone know why I can't walk?!

    Margi x  

    Hi Margi.
    I can relate to this. Today I ran the Bath Half Marathon. I told myself that if I got round in one piece, I would reward myself with a full afternoon of gardening.
    Fat chance! My knees are so stiff, they feel like they're fitted with padlocks! smiley - biggrin

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by beejay (U2219592) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Cripes, you all make me feel exhausted - busy, busy, busy - even if it wasn't gardening busy. Life does have to go on even when the weather is good. Margi, hope your carpet is now "spring fresh". We just have to deal with cat sick now, at least I hope so!! Roof, what an interesting concept - rewarding a half marathon with an afternoons gardening!

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Possum had pancakes and chocolate spread for breakfast yesterday which is an altogether more sensible time for the digestion. However one of the pussies appears to have had bird for early breakfast today and distributed that liberally around the kitchen along with a fur ball. Lovely.

    No gardening whatsoever for me this weekend. It was freezing - again - and cloudy.

    It was also the Salon des Loisirs Actifs in Gembloux so I was on parade preparing publicity sheets all day Saturday because the other person "forgot" and then manning the stand or introducing our demonstration groups all day Sunday and I was volunteered - without notice - to do an interview for local TV, complete with accent and all. Great fun and our youngsters, aged 9 to 11 and including Possum, were also filmed for posterity by the TV bods.

    Today we woke up to freezing fog so nothing doing outside for a while yet, though I did titivate the window boxes this morning as the pansies were looking very tatty.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    PS - I had my dance club hat on this weekend, in case you're wondering.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by beejay (U2219592) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Fame at last Obelixx. When do you start warming up over there?

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Who knows? I would have expected to be warm enough already but this year and last year have been very unfriendly for gardeners.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Margi (U2334861) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Don't talk to me about carpets!!! Not only did I have the leftovers from last night to clean up, but the Seedling dropped the bottle of milk she was carrying through the sitting room this morning (when she was being 'helpful'!) so I had a pint of milk to get out of the downstairs carpet as well! At least I got to use the same bowl of carpet shampoo for both!!!

    Margi x

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Plocket, misread your post initially & got seriously concerned "No idea what a clematis is though" smiley - biggrin I assume the moon border is a shape rather than something a bit more mysterious! 

    HAHAHAHA! PML!!!!! The moon border is indeed so named because of it's shape!

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Roof (U657647) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Roof, what an interesting concept - rewarding a half marathon with an afternoons gardening! 

    I think the concept would best be described as "daft" or "deluded" beejay. smiley - winkeye

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by tibouchina2 (U2865648) on Monday, 20th March 2006

    Afraid to say didn't get much time in the garden this weekend, had visitors to stay Saturday night, which meant catching up on housework and preparing a meal, they left early afternoon yesterday so at least I was able to get into the GH. All my seedlings are through, have started pricking out, running out of space rapidly!! Next weekend will be visiting our son in Manchester so nothing will be done then, hopefully the weather will be warmer when I can eventually make it outside! So much to do!

    Report message32

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