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OTGF - where have they gone?

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Messages: 1 - 40 of 40
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by Goldilocks (U2296284) on Sunday, 1st January 2006

    I joined the boards around 18 months ago. and there were some names of expert regulars that kept coming up, Obelixx, LoopyLoo, Plocket, Crackintackle, William are just a few that come to mind. These days I see a lot less of them, LoopyLoo hardly at all. New regulars have appeared over the year. I wonder why this happens. Is it a seasonal thing, or are boarders moving more to A4A, or is boarding a phase that peters out after a while? or is it just that i have not been paying as much attention as I should have with my house move etc.?? Hope this is the case! smiley - smiley

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by grammarnatsi (U2379487) on Sunday, 1st January 2006

    Good point Goldi, though I haven't seen much of you lately and you used to be every second post! though I've been off the boards for a while. I do think it's a seasonal thing, or depending what yer up to. I didn't post much on this new board cos I had a devil of a job logging on, EVERY blessed time. On the old board I was always on. I've since changed my password and that's fixed. But I am lazy and find it a pain to log in every time so I don't post as much. I also don't like the idea of all one's posts being accessible from anywhere on the beeb boards. I used to post to the LFC board and I don't want anyone over there knowing I am a garden fanatic!!!lol

    I'm not as much a fan of the new boards. I used to like the post count going up and up, childish maybe, but felt I was "accomplishing" something. In a mad rush on old boards, made it to 300. And this, "last week, two hours ago" crack, what's that all about? And no "to the top" icon, or a link to the next post...I dunno.The colour's alright. And new posts to the top all the time, I suppose that's a good and bad thing. I like the idea that old posts don't drop off the last page, so I can go and re-look up old advice when the season comes around...

    The numbers on A4A keep building up but as here it's the same few regulars that post most frequently. I suppose once you get into the swing of a thing and build up a rapport and make friends you get more confident in posting...

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Goldilocks (U2296284) on Sunday, 1st January 2006

    You are right about me being a less frequent visitor, but only because I have been up to my neck in moving to a new house, and I mean NEW, so all sorts of fiddly things to get right. I hope others who have been less frequent have similar temporary reasons and will be returning more, as I will now things are settling down a bit and my mind turns more to gardening matters as spring approaches. smiley - smiley

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Olpharty (U2504503) on Sunday, 1st January 2006

    Hi Goldiwatsits - I still keep looking in every now and again but don't seem to have enough time to join in the threads as a regular thing. I don't recognise many of the names now used but they could be the same suspects of old who changed them when the new boards took over. See you around.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Sunday, 1st January 2006

    Hi Goldilocks Have missed you on the board recently. But youare corect a lot of boarders seem to have taken flight, I haven't seen Grand Canal on the board for a while (maybe he has been locked up for trying to liven up the luas tram surrounds with flowers) as he had planted some sweet pea in a gap in planting late summer and the next day they were removed by the local council. You'd never know what bother it got him into if he was found out smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by willow (U2486756) on Sunday, 1st January 2006

    I joined about 12 months ago which is when I also started a nightschool gardening course. I have to admit I watched and read and learned from all the people you mentioned ,particularly yourself I might add, as I didn't feel confident enough to post regularly. I thoroughly enjoyed the chit chat and information until the change in format of the boards. It coincided I suppose with an increase in visits to A4A which started as a channel for posting photos.On my odd visit to the new format board it doesn't feel the same and I can't seem to see at a glance the topics and posters... or maybe like you I don't recognise the names any more. However, I shall persevere and hope that I will be able to spend more time here and eventually feel at home. Was it you who transferred plants to your allotment and then found your dream home with a big enough garden or was that someone else? If I am right I hope all is perfect for you and your plants. regards Wx

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by William (U2169036) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Hi Goldilocks,

    I'm still here. But I suppose -with the new format- it is more difficult to have an overview of those who are posting and to which thread. On the old system each board had an option to view all the recent postings, now you've got to open each specific thread to see who's doing what.

    Happy New Year to you and yours in your new home....

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by ken-71 (U2340356) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Hi Goldilocks.....a lot of people post from work, and with the extended holidays things are a bit slow.
    A4A seem to be having the same problem, with a call recently for absent members to get in touch.
    Come to think of it 'posting from work' must be a concern for business and trade. Perhaps they are clamping down.
    Don't have any trouble with signing in. Always there unless I have deleted the cookie.
    Getting fed up with the ambiguous names, tho.Whatever happened to names like Fred and Janet, Mark and Mary, for god's sake.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Berghill (U2333373) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Now I just feel even older. I joined these boards when there were fewer than 3,000 postings altogether, on all the subjects. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    Now? Well there is not that much new to say and I do get fed up repeating the same answers to the same questions. Boy would a Search faciltiy have saved a lot of postings.
    It was interesting seeing how many postings people had made. Got mine to over 2000 before they wiped 'em out and put me back to 1. Even then it got over 200 before they came here.
    As Willow says A4A is far more user friendly these days and there are lots of people on there to whom I have been chatting for more years than I care to think about.
    By the way my sign in name is not now the same as it was on he old board. Or perhaps you have noticed.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Hello all - I'm still around but have been busy and popping in less frequently. I also find this new format less inviting for just popping in with a quick response. I do miss the nesting feature of the old boards which allowed discussions within discussions. It's also a pain having to trawl through all the topics instead of just the latest messages.

    Goldilocks, I hope all your plants have survived their moves and that your garden and home ar coming along well. Do keep us up to date with progress.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by ken-71 (U2340356) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Recognize your style, Berghill, who was you??
    Island Farmer!!

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Berghill (U2333373) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    No, long before him/her.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by ken-71 (U2340356) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Oh my gord, you're not.....Yorkshire Rose.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Berghill (U2333373) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    No, probably before that even, just after Tim I think, but before the Solicitor's letter incident and the short lived Children's section.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by ken-71 (U2340356) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Lishka, Rosebud, Rosemary, Eric,Stephan, Nicholas, Hugh , not Pippa is it ?....this thread is marked OTGF tell me about the solicitors letter, missed it at the time.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Berghill (U2333373) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Fourth on the list. As for the letter, well others more concerned should perhaps spill the beans on that one.
    Interesting that the first five on your list are still active or semi-active elsewhere.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Lord Steve (U2064703) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Fourth on the list.Ìý

    Bit of a punt ... would it be wrong to say "Happy Birthday, Eric"?

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by ken-71 (U2340356) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Congratulations Palustris on your birthday and many more of them.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by MostlyOrganic (U2644710) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Boy would a Search faciltiy have saved a lot of postings.

    New to the board, but couldn't agree more about a search facility. I'm quite sure there is masses of wisdom I'm missing out on. Is there a mechanism for requesting one?

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Hi Goldilocks! I'm still here but it's quiet in the garden so not alot to chatter about. Funny but I was wondering where you were recently!

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Sara (U2188091) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Hi Goldilocks,

    How is the new house and garden going?



    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Getting fed up with the ambiguous names, tho.Whatever happened to names like Fred and Janet, Mark and Mary, for god's sake.Ìý

    I appreciate what you are saying Ken but I for one use an ambiguous name because I value my privacy. I don't want people knowing my name and finding out where I live. I think people know me as Plocket now though!

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Getting fed up with the ambiguous names, tho.Whatever happened to names like Fred and Janet, Mark and Mary, for god's sake.Ìý

    I appreciate what you are saying Ken but I for one use an ambiguous name because I value my privacy. I don't want people knowing my name and finding out where I live. I think people know me as Plocket now though!Ìý

    I agree with you Plocket I appreciate and an protective of My Identity too. As I have an unusual surname for Ireland it would be very easy to find out where I live I dont even give my land line phone number to anybody except family.Back to work tomorrow after 4 days off for New Year and only 2 days off for Christmassmiley - dohsmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Oh dear! It's the same for lots I'm afraid - and OH is back to work tomorrow after a two week break. And then on Wednesday LP starts pre-reception at school - my life is going to be very different from now on!

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Oh dear! It's the same for lots I'm afraid - and OH is back to work tomorrow after a two week break. And then on Wednesday LP starts pre-reception at school - my life is going to be very different from now on!Ìý
    It's just a new chapter in all your lives. I'm sure LP will be fine and have a new circle of friends and LP's personality will shine.smiley - coolsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Oh I know she will be fine - she can't wait! And 6 other of her friends are going too. It's me that will find it different!!!!!

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Here's some freshley baked mince pies just for you,mind they are still hot. Just top them off with whipped cream and a nice hot drink.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Oh yummy! Thank you so much!!! I think a small cointreau would go very well.....

    Would you care to try one of my home-made cointreau truffles?

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Juliet (U2196646) on Monday, 2nd January 2006

    Boy would a Search faciltiy have saved a lot of postings.

    New to the board, but couldn't agree more about a search facility. I'm quite sure there is masses of wisdom I'm missing out on. Is there a mechanism for requesting one?Ìý

    Hi, MostlyOrganic - board users have requested a search facility many times but the Â鶹Éç don't seem to be willing to give us one. I think if they didn't introduce one when they started the new boards recently they're unlikely to do so in the near future, but if you want to ask, it can't do any harm - maybe if we keep on at them about it we'll get one eventually! It's quite difficult to find the way to get in touch with the people who run the boards - but if you click on "help", then scroll down to moderation & click on "how do I make a complaint", then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "questions and complaints", then scroll down to the bit which says "You have a question about Â鶹Éç message boards and how they are run" you will find a form which I think is the most relevant one they have (there may be an easier way of getting to this, but I haven't found it!).

    Hello Eric - & a late happy birthday!

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006

    Oh yummy! Thank you so much!!! I think a small cointreau would go very well.....

    Would you care to try one of my home-made cointreau truffles?Ìý

    Thank you Plocket the truffle was scrumptious

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006

    You had more than one!!! The box is half empty now!!! smiley - winkeye

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Goldilocks (U2296284) on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006

    Hi Goldilocks,

    How is the new house and garden going?



    Hi Sara,

    Today is only the third day I have done anything to the garden since moving in. I have been up to my neck in jobs about the new house (nearly done now). The other two days in the garden were before Christmas. Day 1 I built a three bay compost heap to take all the lawn I will have to remove as I prepare my beds - shame to waste the lawn as I suspect the soil underneath is heavy clay which will need a lot of enriching. The second day I ventured out I lifted quite a bit of turf to prepare a base for the shed I desperately need for all the garden stuff that is piled up in the garage. But then the weather got so bad I left everything till today, when I reassembled several large wooden garden frames I had built for my allotment near my old house, ready for the cold weekend that is forecast. I put some of my smaller / more delicate plants inside. Now I suspect I will have to wait for the next mild spell to put down a gravel /shale base for the shed. I have found a supplier for a shed, shiplap 8 ft x 6 ft with a tongue and groove floor for £300 installed, which I don't think is a bad deal. It will go just behind the garage, in front of the compost heaps, so close to the kitchen but out of sight.
    My big task, which looms ever larger by the day, is to lift over 200 small shrubs, saplings and perennials from my allotment near my old house before the end of April when a new 'tenant' takes over. By then i need to have places prepared for as many as possible, and the rest will have to either be kept in pots pro tem or else be dug into the new allotment I have taken up close by. I will have to lift a lot more turf once I have finalised the design, and then dig in lots of grit and well rotted manure before doing any serious planting. I have found a source for horse manure, but I suspect it will need several months to rot down before I can use it. I don't know where I can get grit in bulk, so I may mix in sharp sand, which I can buy in bulk from my local merchant. I will then rotovate the lot in.
    Meantime I have a hundred or so plants in pots just outside the conservatory. I have taken several camellias inside - they have big fat buds and will be open in a months or so. 'Donation' is absolutely weighed down with buds. It was lovely last year and promises much more this time round. One surprising observation has been several geraniums (pelargoniums) that I forgot to give shelter to over the last few weeks. They suffered the worst of the frost and snow, and the east wind cutting across open Lincolnshire fields to our garden, and survived- leaves and all. I always thought they could not survive below zero.

    So not much to report yet - calm before the storm. I wonder how I will look back this time next year!

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Juliet (U2196646) on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006

    I don't know where I can get grit in bulk

    You could try - don't know whether they will deliver to your new area, or how much delivery would cost if they do, but they certainly sell grit etc in bulk.

    Good luck with moving all those plants!

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Goldilocks (U2296284) on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006

    I don't know where I can get grit in bulk

    You could try - don't know whether they will deliver to your new area, or how much delivery would cost if they do, but they certainly sell grit etc in bulk.

    Good luck with moving all those plants!Ìý

    Many thanks. Just checked. they don't deliver in my area but they may well be able to give me the name of a supplier. At least I now know it can be found!

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by grammarnatsi (U2379487) on Wednesday, 4th January 2006

    . And then on Wednesday LP starts pre-reception at school - !Ìý

    Ahh,, that answers my query on another forum. Should be exciting for her. Is that normal in the UK to start off in January???

    None of my nieces or nephews did a mid winter start, always in September. Anyway...good luck to her and you. Hope you don't miss her too much, but in a couple of months you'll be out in the garden more at your clemati filling your gained free time!!!

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by grammarnatsi (U2379487) on Wednesday, 4th January 2006

    Getting fed up with the ambiguous names, tho.Whatever happened to names like Fred and Janet, Mark and Mary, for god's sake.Ìý

    I appreciate what you are saying Ken but I for one use an ambiguous name because I value my privacy. I don't want people knowing my name and finding out where I live. I think people know me as Plocket now though!Ìý

    ( smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfaceÌý

    Well, I was going to ask could I go up and have a look at your garden GC. I have a dead common,er, very popular last name. I even left my name and number in the phone book. I do get the odd telemarketer, but deal with them by saying,"actually I'm very interested in your product but can't talk now. Give me YOUR home number and I'll phone YOU at the most inconvenient time". Then I badger them for their number till they give up and hang up...

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by grammarnatsi (U2379487) on Monday, 9th January 2006

    4 Chestnut trees planted late last Thursday night adjacent to the new light rail line, that's six in total now....

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by grammarnatsi (U2379487) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Another chestnut planted last night...There's something about Thursdays....

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Plocket (U684859) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    I think I'd rather be eating them Grammarnatzi - roasted.... yummy!

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by clondalkingardener (U2328443) on Friday, 13th January 2006

    Another chestnut planted last night...There's something about Thursdays....Ìý
    Keep on planting you have at least another 2 Thursday nights of complete darkness. So proud of you.

    Report message40

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