
Garden inspirationÌý permalink

to C3D

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 62
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Thursday, 3rd November 2005


    Looks like they've cut us off - no opportunity to reply to your last message !

    Maybe you have to invest in a mini-greenhouse to over-Winter the Brugmansia cuttings - get Mike to take you to the hardware store, preferably in the car !

    Not planning much outside for the weekend, as rain is expected late Saturday - might just get the grass cut, and trim-back a few prennials that have gone over. Very windy here today, with some blustery showers - put my old umbrella to a final test at lunchtime, and the wind wrecked it - one spoke broke into two, and poked a hole in the cover - I couldn't hold it up, so was thoroughly soaked before the sun appeared again - LOL !!

    Hope you read this. Talk to you soon, IDD.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Thursday, 3rd November 2005

    Hi IDD.

    I just re-registered. It was sooooo beautiful today with temps in the low 70'sF and the trees are in their fullest colour change glory. I put up some protective barriers around the sequoia seedling and the giant redwood seedling. This will prevent wind burn and other things from damaging them over the winter.

    Hmmmm. I was hoping to be able to take the afternoon off from work tomorrow or take Saturday off but as things usually happen....I'm supposed to work solo again. I did that last Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday! I have so much to catch up on around the house; but then again I always do.

    Truthfully I would much rather invest in a small garden shed first before the greenhouse. There is far too much chaos housed in the garage. I would love to have the garden things in a place of their own and actually near the garden.

    Have a great evening! talk to you soon.


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Friday, 4th November 2005

    Hi, Lydia !

    Finding this all rather strange - there doesn't seem to be a facility for an e-message when someone replies (or maybe I missed something !) - had to go searching before I found your message, but at least I found it !

    Lots of noisy fireworks going off tonght, and probably more of the same tomorrow and perhaps Sunday, too - supposedly all part of our heritage, except that it also encourages the lunatic fringe !

    Doesn't sound too good for tomorrow - bright first thing after a slight ground frost (darn, haven't moved the tender plants - well, they must take their chances) - then rain soon moving in, so probably no chance to cut the grass - and more of the same for Sunday.

    Sorry to hear you have to work again tomorrow - don't overdo it - all work and no play, etc !

    How about a shed with full glazing on one side down to kinda bench level ? - then you could get the best of both worlds - space for plants in the light, plus room for storage, too. You can get them over here, ready to assemble, so I should think they would be available to you guys, just bigger than ours' (!).

    Don't work too hard, and have a good weekend ! LOL and kindest regards, Ian.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Saturday, 5th November 2005

    Hi there Ian.

    Hmmmm. The new and improved boards are not recognizing me or my password until several attempts.

    No frost at the Lake's edge yet although a mile or more inland there has been frost a few weeks ago. I was outside earlier and noticed that the confused magnolia has two flowers and the honeysuckle vine is also in bloom. smiley - cool

    It was not very busy at work today and actually a very pleasant day so far today. It is supposed to rain tonight and I had planned to do things outside, as the temperatures are in the high 60s to low 70sF. But right after work my husband came by on his motorcycle and we went off for a long lazy lunch and a drive just to see the trees in their Fall colours. Very pretty!

    Now it is getting dark and having a dog makes for tricky footwork in the yard especially in Autumn when the leaves are falling and there is decreased lighting. So I decided to keep my shoes clean and do things inside.

    I think a garden shed here would just be for tools and such. The plants would need to have heat to over winter here. The ones who don't need heat don't need to be dug up. I looked at the brugmansia cuttings and their roots are growing quite long. I was thinking that maybe I could leave them in water rather than plant them in pots now? Try my hand at hydroponics with at least some of them.

    I noticed there is no box to check that there is a reply to the post too. I think one just needs to check this page and see if there is a reply.

    I hope your weekend will be a less noisy one and a very pleasant one.

    Kindest regards always,


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by chrism (U2172223) on Sunday, 6th November 2005

    I noticed there is no box to check that there is a reply to the post too. I think one just needs to check this page and see if there is a reply.


    Lydia, if you click on 'Your discussions' at the top of this page it will create a new page showing when there is new post in discussions you have contributed to. Just put it in your Favourites to get straight there. Pity we don't get e-mails any more though.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Sunday, 6th November 2005

    Hi, Lydia !

    Am having similar problems with sign-in etc, and it is not consistent; in fact, the whole thing seems to be something of a mess - today I don't seem to be able to access your last message to refer to it whilst replying !

    Did you ride 'pillion' on the m'cycle to see the Fall colours, or take the car ?

    Am on the pc early today as we have rain and strong winds (again), and my Sunday morning walk may therefore be thwarted (I cannot remember the last time rain stopped play for me !).

    Had a busy day yesterday, mixing jobs inside and out, including cutting the grass in the morning because we were supposed to have rain by early afternoon - the back lawn was too wet, really, but the last cut was over a week ago so I carried on; then the rain did not materialise !

    Still waiting for many trees and shrubs to even look as though they are contemplating Fall; and there are still Fuschias, Salvias, Penstemons, Lantanas, and Cerinthes in-flower, so the colour continues. Despite getting close to a ground frost Friday night nothing appears to have suffered, and now we are back to mild weather again, borne on the S.Westerly wind.

    I think you're right about the shed, although it is probably possible to line it and heat it - many men in the UK use their sheds as retreats, so they have all manner of facilities, even carpets and armchairs ! However, it's probably too late in the year for you to start the project, anyway.

    Noticed on Friday that our thread was ranked amongst the top 5 (!) - somebody sent a message asking how the top 5 were selected, and referred to us as 'two old posters who had been talking to each other for centuries' - thanks for that whoever you are !!

    Talk to you soon. Enjoy your Sunday (and pie ?). LOL, Ian x.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by beejay (U2219592) on Sunday, 6th November 2005

    Well I didn't call you old (it was posters on the old board)& the reference to centuries was a bit tongue in cheek so hope I didn't offend. Problem with this new board for you is that your discussion pops back up to the top when you respond so we are more likely to get involved.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Sunday, 6th November 2005

    Thanks for the suggestion, Chris. Much appreciated.

    It will take a little getting used to this new board. Hmmmmm. I'm not quite convinced it is better than the old boards.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Sunday, 6th November 2005

    Hi there Beejay.

    I was thinking that our on going discussion may soon become annoying to others because it will keep coming up.

    ~~~Hmmmmmm. Don't want to bore or even worse, eventually irritate the rest of the board.

    I'll think of something. I hope. smiley - smiley

    Kindest regards.


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Sunday, 6th November 2005

    Hi again Ian.

    Hi everyone else who's reading this. Sorry if it's annoying that we keep popping up.

    LOL!!! This is one of the top 5 posts? Thanks! Yes we have been talking for centuries with a decade off here or there.

    I was riding pillion and am so glad we were able to do that yesterday. Very wicked T-storms went through last night and throughout the day today. Most of the trees are stripped clean, or nearly so, of their leaves because of the high winds. There were tornadoes west of us and many homes were destroyed, people died and many were injured. Several horses in Kentucky were killed or injured by the same series of storms.

    A very messy rain soaked cold day here. It should be cleared by tomorrow when I take the dog for his chemotherapy and dodge the maniacs on the road. smiley - smiley

    The trees here had been delayed in their colour change too but when they did change it was well worth the wait!

    - many men in the UK use their sheds as retreats, so they have all manner of facilities, even carpets and armchairs ! -

    If Mike tried to hide in the shed we'd find him for sure! I have noticed that many of the neighbours, the XYs, use the garage as a retreat. Armchairs and televisions and fridge too.

    Have a pleasant weekend Ian. Talk to you soon.

    blueberry pie!


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by William (U2169036) on Sunday, 6th November 2005

    Hi not annoying at all.... Nice to see you've beenable to reconnect again .... However no chance anymore to quietly disappear from the first page of the postings. Anytime you post an answer you'll be back on the top of the list again.... so better behave .... smiley - biggrin

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by ken-71 (U2340356) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Hi Ian/Lydia.....talking of retreats, this large home made greenhouse of mine is turned into a den every winter, complete with tiny woodburner, floorboards and comfy armchairs.Have a tv in the right hand upper corner.
    I brew ale in the summer, and only the other week a neighbour came round straight from work, said he'd had a bad day. Anyway gave him a beer, then another one, had good old natter.
    THEN a tiny knock on the greenhouse door "are you coming home Danny"...."Yes dear, coming, dear "....you never seen such a look he gave me, went off like a shot.
    Havn't seen him since.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Twospot Ladybird (U1275458) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Hi Ian and Lydia, glad to see that you two have managed the change over to the new boards. Sorry, your post has gone to the top again smiley - biggrin

    Don't worry about annoying people either of you, your posts always make good reading in my opinion anyway smiley - winkeye

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by chrism (U2172223) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    I don't seem to be able to access your last message to refer to it whilst replying !

    Ian, when you're on the 'reply to a message' page you have to scroll down to see the message you're replying to.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Monday, 7th November 2005


    Ya mean we gotta behave? LOL!!! You're right. We can't hide in the back corner any more. Hmmmm. Ian ~~could~~register at another site and we could correspond there.

    Please. If we do get annoying....Let us know. We did start this conversation centuries ago about what to do with a bog area and it have evolved from then.

    Trying to behave......


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Thanks Ken.

    That was a fantastic story!! LOL!! I wish we had room for a greenhouse but the landscaping and 50+ old trees in the yard make that tricky. There is an area open near the eastern side of the yard but unfortunately it is within striking distance of a huge weeping willow tree. I can visualize the tree taking aim as it lobs huge limbs at the heart of a potential greenhouse!

    I think that realistically the only way for us to have a greenhouse would either be to win mega bucks in a lottery and buy the Toxic Neighbour's home, tear it down, and build the GH there. ~~OR~~ Build an addition above the garage. But again that takes money. ~~SIGH~~

    So as the group Aerosmith would say...Dream On! smiley - smiley

    Thanks for joining in the conversation! Everyone IS welcome!!

    Kindest regards.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by William (U2169036) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    No need to hide... we'll discretely look the other side and pretent not to see smiley - whistle

    BTW reading your other message about "Poison Patty" next door, how has your pond recovered?

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Hi there Two Spot.

    So happy you joined the conversation too! I don't honestly know how interesting the conversation between Ian and some loon from the USA would be to read but please do join in any time. If we are annoying.... because this post always comes to the top... please let us know too. I would feel horrible if this post became annoying for any one. HONESTLY!

    So how are you doing Two Spot? Have you seen your pony lately? My German Shepherd had a 3 pound cancerous spleen removed the last day of September. We have today done the 5th week of chemo treatment out of a total of 12 weekly treatments to kill any potential microscopic growth he has in his lungs or elsewhere. So far everything is going very well.

    My brugmansia cuttings have very long roots and I was wondering if I could keep some as hydroponic growth and plant others in soil over winter. With the rapid growth these plants have shown, I suspect they are a type of "weed" in their native lands.

    We still have not had our first frost near the lake. The Blue Atlas Cedar seedlings that came up last year are huge! Almost 4 inches tall. LOL! I have a Trachycarpus fortunii in the back yard and still need to put mulch around it's base and provide some wind protection before winter sets in. Last year the Trachy. died but it may have been from the dog "watering" the plant rather than the severity of the winter........although it was brutal.

    Take care and kindest regards always to you Two Spot.


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    William.......smiley - blush

    Either you looked ~~or~~ you have unique psychic abilities. LOL!

    Hmmmm. You remember the toxic assault? How kind of you to ask. Thank you!! The pond has recovered and we even have some wee toads about the area.

    We put some guppies in the pond and they did well after it was refilled. The landscapers left us one huge pond liner for the new koi pond. They asked for us to give them a call when we are ready and they will help, free of charge. We turned them down with the offer to dig the pond.

    Most of the fun is in the digging the site, isn't it? We will probably ask them to help with the liner placement in the spring. Things were/are so hectic here (something I like to call "controlled chaos") ((yeah ... right! )) LOL!! We have not had time to dig the new pond. So for now the koi and goldfish are in a temporary holding tank and waiting in the enclosed porch until they get their new home.

    We'll probably start digging in the spring. But that depends so much on when the ground is not saturated with water from the snow melt and the ground needs to thaw too.

    Hmmmm. Hope the raccoons leave them alone in their new home.

    We have rarely sited the Toxic One since the encounter I had with her about No Trespassing.

    Thanks for asking, William.

    Kindest regards to you always.

    Talk to you soon.


    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Hi, Lydia - did we start something, or did we start something ? - and all these friends from the old boards, too - howdy, y'all ! But, if we continue like this, it will end in tears - you know how the Â鶹Éç view this kinda thing - the boards could be deluged and go into overload or even compost mode......

    Yesterday was awful in my neck of the woods - continuous rain from when I awoke at some unearthly hour, to late afternoon. I abandoned all hope of my walk for the morning, thinking it would improve by early-afternoon - the average weather front takes about 4-hours to pass over, hence the old adage 'rain before 7, fine before 11' (hope the youngsters amongst our readers are taking note and learning !!!) - but it wasn't to be, Mother Nature was determined to show (again) that she had control. I finally set off at 4.00.pm - it had just about stopped raining, and the sun broke through on the horizon in short-lived brilliance before the clouds obscured it yet again. Nevertheless, 10-minutes later it managed to give much of the cloud cover a healthy red tint. Actually, I made a mistake - in my haste to get some exercise, I forgot to wear anything light or reflective, and two miles or so further I was taking my life in my hands on a country road without lighting - fortunately, there was little traffic, and I was soon able to leave the road and take the towpath by our local river (a bank separates the path from the river, so no risk of faling in, even after a coupla vinos !). Nothing much to report relative to gardening, except that in the half light I could still make out two Abutilons in a garden by the river, still in full-flower as they have been for months. They even face due East and look out across the river.

    Once again, I did nothing about the tender subjects still outside, so they will probably be left until the weekend, although I have a Uni visit on Thursday (sitting on an Industrial Committee), so may get home in the daylight to take care of things !

    Heard about the tornadoes on our News last night - getting a bit late in the season, isn't it, or is this just something else out of balance ?

    Assume you enjoyed the pillion ride, probably better for sightseeing than the car, if the weather is good; and blueberry pie ? - see, I knew you could do it - now you should strive for the ultimate combo - date and rhubarb - I'll not let go until I know you've done it !!!

    Hope the GS trip was trouble-free today.

    Highlight of my day was the drive to work this morning - cloudless sky after yesterday, so a little lighter than last week, and I saw four Red Kites (Milvus milvus) in 5-miles, including a pair hunting together. They are such magnificent birds, and their flight apparently effortless - have to be very careful not to be distracted from my driving when I see them !

    Time to go. Maybe we shall be back in the top 5 again !! Have a good day, LOL, Ian.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Lydia PS - I keep reading this stuff from you apologising and saying we must behave - I haven't behaved in 61 years, and don't intend to start now (growing old disgracefully is what it's called, I think !); and as for apologising to others, well - my only concern is that all these people were obviously tracking our previous thread - what a bunch of gooseberries ! - but that's the beauty of e-correspondence - the anonimity remains, and no-one can see our blushes !!!


    By the way, guys, Lydia is seriously younger than I - just to put the record straight !!

    Talk to you soon, LOL, Ian.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Hi Ian.

    Earlier this afternoon I checked this thread and was pleasantly surprised to see that indeed (x 3) many friends had popped in to say Hello. I dunno... Maybe this can be the place / post where folks can sit down, put their feet up and stay for a while for a chit chat before going on to the realities of real gardening. Whatchathink?

    It was so beautiful here today with temperatures in the high 60° F and glorious sunshine. I am pleased to say there were no hooligans out on the road trying to do damage to me or my little red Beetle. The appointment with the dog went very well. Once again, she says with fingers crossed, everything is going better than expected with his chemotherapy and his blood work. Week 5 of 12 done! smiley - smiley

    On the way there, I spotted a Peregrine Falcon perched on a light fixture along the highway! I was so impressed. On the way back, near the general area of the Cleveland Zoo, I saw a Bald Eagle! (insert look of shock here.) I see one on occasion on the way to work but this guy was HUGE!

    I also saw much tree damage from the storms that went through yesterday. There were huge trees that were blown over and uprooted. We once had a Mountain Ash tree that was felled by a winter storm. We pulled the tree back into position and babied it for a year and a half but it eventually died.... Probably died of root damage.

    Four homes down the street a very aged tree was broken about 5 ft. from the base of the tree. It had fallen in the street and the road was closed in that area for several hours while the mess was cleaned up. The tree was hollow so it did not take too much for it to collapse. Good thing the tree did not injure anyone.

    I was wondering... How does one tell if a tree is hollow if outwardly it appears healthy and thriving? Does one call out a tree expert and he takes samples? Won't that potentially weaken a tree if it actually is healthy?

    Any ideas out there?

    The "ultimate combo" says Ian is date and rhubarb. Hmmmm. I have not heard of that combination before. Strawberries and rhubarb is more common in my neck of these woods. LOL! I also made baked apples with the apple cored and the center filled with chopped dates, cinnamon, brown sugar, vanilla, chopped almonds and raisins. No one died.

    I don't think we have Kites here. I did care for two ~~almost~~ fledgling Mississippi Kites ( Ictinia mississippiensis ) when I was a vet. student in Oklahoma a thousand or so years ago.

    The little red crab is doing well. We found other red crabs in another store but they too were males. Sadly I left them behind, hoping that someone with a caring heart would purchase them and take good care of them. We need to get a lady friend for our crab. Two boys would fight or so we are lead to believe.

    Do you need to do foolishness like turning your clocks back? We had to do that a few weeks ago sending us into the artificially dark Daylight Savings Time. Very dark now and only past 6:00 PM.

    Have a nice evening and a pleasant day at work tomorrow, Ian.

    Kindest regards always,


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by U2331885 (U2331885) on Monday, 7th November 2005

    Hi Lydia/Richard! Like many of us I have tended to "deliberately ignore" to date what I saw as a private thread. But must take a Monty Python style umbrage with saying you have just "x3 friends", as I'm sure I speak for many in saying you have dozens of them on these boards! Are you aware stateside that sometimes (not this weekend though) these new boards seem to be 24/7? Bye!

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Tuesday, 8th November 2005

    Hi, Lydia - it's so good to read all these messages and realise so many friends have followed our correspondence - did we say anything we shouldn't have done ? - dunno, but it's all water under the bridge, anyway, and obviously all these kind people were polite enough just to follow the proceedings ! Just as you say, everyone welcome, let's keep it going - it never was a secret despite what we may have thought !!

    We have Peregines over here, but not in my area, unfortunately - I have only ever seen one pair, at a place called Symonds Yat, close to the Welsh border - I only saw them from a distance, thro' 12x50 binoculars, and under the guidance of a warden - it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up !

    A Bald Eagle - your National Symbol - that must be quite a sight - can't say I have ever seen one in my travels - lucky you !

    Sounds like your area had quite a battering from the storms, hope everything on your plot was ok. The only way I can think of for seeing if a tree trunk is hollow is to try tapping it - maybe with a piece of wood, say a length of 3 x 3, or perhaps with a steel bar - the only problem is knowing what to listen for - a healthy tree will make a kinda solid sound - something like a dull thud - whereas a hollow try will sound - er kinda hollow - sorry, I can't explain this too well, but maybe you could get an idea of it by (gently) tapping an empty terracotta pot, and one full of soil. Sometimes the appearance of a tree in full leaf will give away its actual condition - full of truly green leaves - healthy - sparse leaf growth and dead branches - suspect. Of course, you could always hug the tree, and if it says 'don't squeeze too tight' you know it has a problem !!

    Don't beat about the bush - date and rhubarb is the ultimate - the secret is in initially encouraging the children to eat it - but once tried, forever smitten ! - you will know you have arrived as one of the World's great pie makers when the family ask for 'Mom's date & rhubarb' ! - I notice everyone else is keeping quiet about this one - I have only ever met one other person who appreciates it for the delicacy it truly is ! - the sharpness of the rhubarb is tempered by the excess sweetness of the dates - oh, how my mouth is watering, it's been years.... There is, of course, also a crumble version, equally as palatable, but not for the feint-hearted !!

    Yeah, we turned our clocks back just over a week ago - longer for me to lie in bed at the weekend worrying about everything and blowing it all out of proportion.... and the reason I again see some daylight on my morning drive to work (but it will be short-lived) - saw two Kites this morning - I have an awful suspicion that their increased presence may correspond with an increase in road-kill with the darker mornings...

    Sorry, no horticultural tales to relate today. Maybe at the weekend.....

    Talk to you soon. Pleased to hear about the GS - almost halfway, now. What vintage is the Beetle ?

    Take care, kindest regards & LOL, Ian x.

    PS - rain has just started to beat on the window, after a reasonable day !

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Tuesday, 8th November 2005

    Hello there Cpt. Cabbage.

    So we foreigners can post here 24/7? That would be great. As is sometimes I get home too late to post as the boards have already been tucked in bed.

    With my best attempt at a Monty Python style umbrage ... since this darn post keep rising to the suface I shall refrain (as best I can) from posting the words:

    "Ni!" and "is" .

    Thanks for the information. smiley - smiley


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Tuesday, 8th November 2005

    Hi again Ian.

    I don't think we have been anything but polite and respectful of each other and the friends who have dropped in here and there. We do appreciate "audience participation" so please do join in if you like.

    Haven't seen any birds today other than Ring-billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis), House Sparrows and the ever lovely Starlings. Rather boring day today. Did a lot of housework to maintain my Domestic Goddess stature, voted and did a bit of yard cleaning also.

    I put a barrier around the palm tree (T. fortunaii) and put some dried leaves around the base. I'll need to add more and finalize the protection. I cleaned up so many branches from the willow trees from Sunday's storms and now we are to expect more severe weather tonight and tomorrow. The weather forecaster warned the viewers to: Hang on to your couch tonight!

    What kind of forecast is that? LOL!

    I like your description of how to do a tree diagnosis. I suppose if Keebler Elves come out then it is hollow too.

    I also appreciate your tactic to have the children try out the new pie creation first! I like having them help with the preparation too. I know I'd be able to get thing done faster without their additional help but this way I think they are more eager to taste their creation. Mike has the little chefs help him when he's cooking too.

    Speaking of which I better go and start dinner.

    A pleasant evening to you Ian and everyone else!

    Kindest regards.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by grammarnatsi (U2379487) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    <quote user='indeedee' userid=Don't beat about the bush -


    date and rhubarb is the ultimate

    oh, how my mouth is watering, it's been years.... There is, of course, also a crumble version, equally as palatable, but not for the feint-hearted !!

    you mean there's something better in the world than rhubarb crumble??? Wow, will try that next year...thanks for the tip.

    mind your grammar

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by beejay (U2219592) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Well I think the best combination has to be rhubarb & raspberry. Mmm mmm.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by William (U2169036) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hello there Cpt. Cabbage.

    So we foreigners can post here 24/7? That would be great. As is sometimes I get home too late to post as the boards have already been tucked in bed.

    I think the Â鶹Éç has finally found the lightswitch on their new messageboard system. We we have to comply again with these silly English opening hours..... smiley - devilsmiley - ale

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    I used to do rhubarb and ginger crumbles but possum won't go near anything remotely spicy, despite munching mounds of both sweet and savoury spicy food as a toddler. She can eat plain rhubarb crumble for England though. Any dates we find here are strictly for sticky toffee pudding. Not a Belgian thing so hard to find except the stony sort at Christmas.

    By the way, Ian and C3D, I do enjoy your posts. Hope you don't mind us nosing in occasionally.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hi - was there truly a problem with my grammar /

    You haven't lived until you have tasted date & rhubarb, but make sure you include a good quantity of dates - something like a packet of stoned dates from Sainsbury's - there's nothing worse than tasting the combination, then finding you were short-changed on the dates !

    Enjoy, kindest regards, IanDD.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    No, no - that's tame compared with date & rhubarb - go on, live a little !


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hi there Grammarnatsi. LOL!...she says while minding the grammer.

    Hmmmm. Do you have a recipe handy for the crumble?
    Would you please be so gracious and generous as to share with the Chickayankee?

    Kindest regards.


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hi Beejay.

    Mmmmmmm. Rhubarb and raspberry! I have not had that combination but it does sound grand! I have had the rhubarb and strawberry pie. Oooooo. I need to try that too. I think, out of respect for my friend Ian, since he started me on this pie baking project to better myself at the risk of my families health... I must make the rhubarb and date combo first. Should we survive then we can try other combinations.

    ~~See what you've started, Ian???~~ LOL!!!! smiley - smiley


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hi, Lydia, hope you and your's are ok. Note the stir apparently caused by the date & rhubarb !

    Nothing much to report tonight - a clear star-lit sky, testing my astronomical memory - as you were - memories of astronomy (and heavenly bodies, but that's another story and a long time ago !) - possibly heralding a serious frost - in the pitch black, I hastily consigned the two Lantana standards and the Hibiscus with Begonia fuschoides (spelling) to the shed for protection, leaving the two Agaves and the standard Fuschia (spelling again !) with more Begonia fuschoides (!) and Viola hedera folia, to their own devices unfortunately. Will keep you posted on the survival situation in due course. Well, that should have provided a satisfactory horticultural content to the message, despite the spelling aberration (?) to avoid being banished ! (hmmmm, as you say - think my spelling may have gone to pot, possibly the result of a coupla glasses !).

    Hopefully, an easy day tomorrow - one of two annual Meetings of an Industrial Consultative Committee at a local Uni - so a late start (at a civilised time, when the worst of the traffic is hopefully past), a coupla hours of interesting discussion, a free lunch (sadly, no vino), then a leisurely drive home and in the daylight - I worked hard all my life for just such a day as this !! Might even get home early enough to at least see the garden, and even perhaps do some pottering. Have to cook for myself tomorrow evening, so am indulging in a local butcher's spicy sausages with raw onion slices in a poppy-seed breadstick as hot dogs - completely against my diet rules etc, but I do have to try and live occasionally !!

    No birds to report today, but it's often like that on the morning journey - completely unpredictable - one morning two years ago, I saw an Osprey which had strayed from a nearby reservoir !

    Talk to you soon. Take care & LOL, Ian x.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hi Obelixx.

    I am very pleased that you enjoy this post and am honoured that you have joined in our fun.

    Now we have added a rhubarb and ginger crumble to my baking list. I had two pieces of ginger root left over from some cooking project so I potted them up. Would you believe that within about 4 months the plants are about 4 ft. tall!?!?!? LOL! The room where they are housed smells very much like ginger!

    Kindest regards to you always, Obelixx.


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hi Ian.

    I was so surprised to see how many posts were added since I looked in last. I like it! More of an excuse to delay doing house work. Yes, I see what you have started with your innocent pie baking suggestion. First the apple and now we have about three plus pies and other baked goods on the list.

    When Mike weighs over 200 pounds because of this post, I'll letcha all know. smiley - smiley He's normally around 165-168 pounds.

    I know some of the stars and formations but not many. There were severe storms rolling south of us early this morning. We had heavy rains and some lightening and thunder but we have had worse. It may snow here tomorrow. (insert look of shock here.)

    Hmmm. Spicy sausages? If done on a rare occasion rather as a daily routine I think you can get away with it.

    Today was boring again on my end. Did some surgeries like a cat castration and removed bladder stones from a Dalmation. I then took some x-rays on another dog we suspected had bladder stones. He did not have stones but in addition to having a bladder infection he did have a tumour under his tongue. I cleaned his teeth and then removed the tumour. We will send it off for a biopsy.

    I really do need to go and do something productive here, like feed the birds.

    Kindest regards, Ian. Have a great evening. Talk to you soon.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hello, again - quick one this time - I was surfing, also scanning for spyware (seems to be a regular problem with Internet Explorer despite various control measures....)

    Does anyone know about posting photo's in these threads ? - do I need to have the picts logged at some other site, and provide a link ? - if so, it has to be a free link, I refuse to be ripped off again as I was a few weeks ago... - any suggestions gratefully received - I would dearly love to share some of my picts with everyone.

    Kindest regards, IanDD.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by William (U2169036) on Wednesday, 9th November 2005

    Hello, again - quick one this time - I was surfing, also scanning for spyware (seems to be a regular problem with Internet Explorer despite various control measures....)

    Does anyone know about posting photo's in these threads ? - do I need to have the picts logged at some other site, and provide a link ? - if so, it has to be a free link, I refuse to be ripped off again as I was a few weeks ago... - any suggestions gratefully received - I would dearly love to share some of my picts with everyone.

    Kindest regards, IanDD.Ìý

    Hi Ian

    For good spyware goto
    (Spybot that is)

    And to post pictures. You can't directly post pics on this board, but you can past a link to a picture somewher in a directory on the web.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Thursday, 10th November 2005

    Hi, William - thanks for responding ! I was running Spybot, M'soft Beta, and Adaware until a few weeks ago, but still not rooting anything out. Everytime I ran a scan with any of them, they found a whole raft of infiltrators but never managed to eliminate 100% - then a couple of days later things were just as bad. Oh, and I also have Zone Alarm ! My son who is an 'expert' seemed to think the systems could be inhibiting each other, so I ditched Spybot & Adaware. Beta still finds stuff, I almost use it daily, but something remains in Internet Explorer - Â鶹Éç Gardening should be the homepage, but is regularly hijacked, and I have to go into 'manage add-ons' and disable one or two named just 'class'; but that's like a game - it works for a day or so, but then we go through the same thing except the 'class' file names are different !

    Any suggestions ?

    Kindest regards, Ian DD.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by William (U2169036) on Thursday, 10th November 2005

    Hi Indeedee I run Zonealarm Spybot and Symantec simultaneaously and these seem to do the job quite well.

    BTW I've got Spybot set as resident so it watches any incoming baddies... And I've installed the google task bar to help blocking unwanted cookies

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Thursday, 10th November 2005

    Hi Ian with 2 Ds.

    Hope you day was very pleasant and uneventful. If it was eventful I hope the events were good!

    I need to tell you a funny story (or a more correctly a story of my stupidity) about something that I did today. I was coming home from work this afternoon and saw a car that I was following swerve. There lay a squirrel in the middle of the road.

    He was flat out on his side and I thought that he had been killed. As I drove by slowly I noticed that his tail was moving. Not to be someone to just leave an animal in the street, I turned the car around and stopped. I picked up the squirrel and wrapped him in my lab coat. I ~had~ intended to bring him home and see what could be done for him.

    Much to my surprise about two block down the road, the squirrel started moving about in the coat that was in the back seat of the 1999 VW Beetle. Within minutes he was up and chattering at me and jumping from the back seat to the front seat and back again.

    He was then on the dash board directly in front of the steering wheel and seemingly scolding me for the rescue! Well...OK then. I pulled into someone's drive and opened the door. The ungrateful fellow promptly scampered out and went up a tree. He had been only stunned by the accident. LOL!

    I am very happy he made a fast recovery. I am happier that he did not pee or bite me!


    That would be nice to see your garden, Ian! I'll need to figure out what to do and I'll post a link to my controlled chaos also at a later date.

    A big HELLO to everyone!

    Kindest regards,


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Friday, 11th November 2005

    Hi Ian. (Hi everyone!)

    No baking for me this weekend. I'm running off for the weekend with my husband.

    I'll catch up with you on Monday. Have a very pleasant weekend. Don't overwork.

    Kindest regards always.


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Saturday, 12th November 2005

    Oh dear, Lydia - it sounds as though impulse overtook rational thinking ! - maybe the less said the better - the alternative scenarios could make the mind boggle ! - thankfully, the GSD wasn't with you ? !

    Colder here today, but bright and sunny - did some odd jobs inside, and also cut the lawns this afternoon - very wet again, but still apparently growing, except for the edges ! Tried using the digicam to capture a Salvia in full flower; but despite the Autumn sunshine, 3 of the 4-shots needed flash, and I never think that gives a true representation of the colours (scarlet flowers, in this case).

    Going to get a Chinese (nothing too heavy or unhealthy, I hope) shortly, then put my feet up for the evening (probably with a glass or two).

    Have a great weekend - nearly 5.00.pm here, so about 11.00.am with you ? LOL, Ian x.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Saturday, 12th November 2005

    Hello again - didn't notice your last message until I sent had sent mine. Hope you are home safe after an enjoyable break !

    Talk to you soon, kindest regards, Ian.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Saturday, 12th November 2005

    William - sorry for delay responding.

    When I was running Spybot, a scan would find a long list of undesirables, but then tell me I needed to reboot to eliminate some of them. Having rebooted, however, it went through the same procedure again, and came up with another list; and so it went on, apparently endlessly. Nobody seemed to be able to explain what was going on, so I decided to ditch Spybot. Then my son seemed to think that M'soft Beta and Adaware could be in conflict, so the Adaware went, too. Now I just have Norton, Beta, and ZoneAlarm, plus whatever protection BT Yahoo might afford. Can't say my recent experiences really inspire much confidence in any of them !

    Talk to you soon, kindest regards, Indeedee.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by William (U2169036) on Monday, 14th November 2005

    I'm quite happy with spybot, but getting the settings right is a bit of a fiddle. You have to discriminate between regular programs (like microsofts own stuff) and real spyware. The first category communicates with its hombase about upgrades and patches, the other sends up customer profiles...

    Bit too complex for a messageboard

    Happy Gardening


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Tuesday, 15th November 2005

    Hi Ian.

    I have no new wild animal rescue and release in the car stories to report today. LOL! I have picked up cats, chipmunks, birds, a few turtles and an opossum from the road. One chickadee sat on the steering wheel as we drove home and the opossum moved from the floor of the car to the backseat. (He was very fragrant!)

    The GSD continues to do well with his chemotherapy. He is always so excited to go for a ride and he loves all the attention he gets when he is at the specialist's office. There are no bad side effects from these medications either.

    Mike and I had a very nice time over the weekend. We ran away from the stresses and reality that is our life. No pagers, no emergency calls. We were about an hour and a half from home in a place that is a ski lodge when the weather is right. Not many people were there so we had the whole hill side and the adjacent forest to ourselves.

    Mmmmmmm. We had pecan pie. I think I became diabetic from eating just the one piece! Now I am inspired to make one myself but with much less sugar. Need to find out how to make one of those. I bet my sister-in-law knows. She is the Pie Queen.

    It is just after 2:00PM now and quite dark. There is a weather warning out for us now to expect severe thunderstorms with hail and damaging winds. I need to go now as there is thunder starting.

    Hope your weekend was a pleasant one my friend.

    Kindest regards always!


    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by indeedee (U2385815) on Tuesday, 15th November 2005

    Hi, Lydia - pleased to hear you managed to get away from it all for the weekend - lucky you ! What happens to the children (sorry for curiosity !) - I get the impression they were not part of the retreat ?

    Cannot say I had such a pleasant weekend - things really starting to get me down, including thoughts of Christmas after a certain person made 'anti' vibes to our eldest who is suggesting coming over with partner and only grandson - so a real barrel of laughs here !

    However, did manage to stow the 5-pots of tender plants in the porch on Sunday, just in time for a serious ground frost Monday morning - our first since last Winter, I think. There are still a few subjects in the ground - mainly Lantanas and Begonia fuschoides (spelling !) - but they will have to take their chances and I cannot examine them until Friday earliest, when I have a day off work to get the hydraulic fluid changed on the car. Full moon tonight, and the prospect of another sharp frost - the temperature dropped by 5deg C in about 20-minutes on the way home tonight !

    What is an opossum ? - is it what we refer to as a Skunk, hence your comment about the fragrance ? How can you possibly concentrate upon driving with a Chickadee on the steering wheel ? - what happened when you turned the wheel ? - I cannot get my head around this !!

    Hope the storm is not too severe. Talk to you soon, LOL, Ian x.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Chickadeedeedeee (U2397555) on Wednesday, 16th November 2005

    Hi Ian.

    As I type this there is ~~SNOW~~ being blown about this darkened November day. We were at a fairly pleasant 67°F yesterday and the Canadians opened their door allowing the cold air out upon us. Somehow we escaped the severe weather that occured all around once again.

    The house plants are in desperate need of watering today. Other things keep coming up and they wait for a swig of water. I'll start on that when I am done here.

    An opossum is N. America's only native marsupial. They are a rather attractive silver / grey coloured animal with a prehensile tail and carry their babies in a pouch. They have short legs and I suppose a poor description of one would be that they look like a giant rodent. The smell is musk or very out-doorsy. A skunk is a skunk. I have not yet picked one of those from the road but you never can tell with the likes of me, ehh?

    The chickadee on the steering wheel was actually quite sweet. She just stayed there perched and looking out the windscreen as we made our way home. She had been stunned when hit by a car, spent the night with us and was released in the morning.

    Our retreat was just the two of us. Someone stayed at our home and made sure everyone and everything was taken care of while Mike and I did what we needed to do. We were going to renew our wedding vows in 4 years for our 25th anniversary and do it on the island of Dominica. Although we do not discuss it often the shadow of Mike's lymphoma is ever present. He now he wants to push things forward and renew our vows next year. That is all fine but I got him to agree that we will visit Dominica again for our 25th. There are just some things that are best discussed without interruption or distraction and so we did without causing any upset for the children.

    I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. Somehow I am still stuck in summer time mode and wanting to play in the garden and harvest tomatoes. I have five quart baskets filled with tomatoes of varying degrees of ripeness. The cold winds of today snapped me out of that. I think I need to eat more pizza to get fattened up. I need more natural insulation to fend off the cold.

    I'm sorry that there are anti vibes toward you. I trust your eldest son is mature enough to make up his own mind and do what is right without being swayed by certain persons. It has to get better, doesn't it? That's what they keep telling me and I pass on that bit of wisdom to you.

    Talk to you soon. Kindest regards.


    Report message50

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