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Garden makeover

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Messages: 1 - 33 of 33
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by mattpjl (U15079260) on Thursday, 5th January 2012

    My wife and i are no green fingers although we do try our best in the garden, we would very much like to be considered for a garden tv programme (makeover show) as my wife is heavily pregnant and i have taken on another job as well as my full time job to help pay for this, we also have 2 dogs who leave their mess in the garden so looking after it and finding time to do this is getting harder and harder, does anyone know how i can apply for such shows???


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by kate1123 (U14824475) on Thursday, 5th January 2012

    The only makeover show I saw last year was Garden ER on channel 5. Their website had lots of info probably worth contacting them.

    GW was based in Birmingham and is moving to Bristol so they seem to prefer local gardens. They did ask for people with problems to contact them last year but they only read out answers.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Thursday, 5th January 2012

    Take the dogs out for walks and let them mess on the way ( scoop it up, naturally) Turf the garden, easy to maintain and good for small children and fence off a bit, gravel it for the dogs to have access to ( dogs and babies don't mix well)Turf is inexpensive,so are electric lawnmowers.
    This way you will not be disappointed when you hear nothing from TV companies - you'll be one of thousands wanting a freebie........ after all, no one forced you to have 2 dogs and a baby before you can afford to provide for them adequately.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Thursday, 5th January 2012

    I do not wish to appear rude but you are probably whistling in the wind if you think the chances of you getting a tv make garden makeover for free are in any way likely.

    You need to contact a tv production company too see if if they are looking for people like yourself-chanell 5 made a programme last year-have a look on their website-it was a series of 6 programmes -the chances are pretty slim.

    Basically I would forget it-there are lots of people like you-many apply few are chosen.

    You may be busy-even if you were chosen they are not going to pop round to maintain it -so there is still work to do

    Posting a message on here will not help at all-you would be better employed working in the garden then thinking a magic wand will solve your problem.

    Sorry to be so brutal -but this is just fanciful thinking

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Paul N (U6451125) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    Brilliant as usual. I can never understand this. Why do people take on responsibilities such as a house and garden, dogs and getting the wifey pregnant and then hope someone else can sort out the mess? We don't have dogs because we don't want the responsibility of cleaning up after them, taking them for walks, vets bills, and the problems of getting them looked after when we are away. Nobody looks after our garden but us. Our three children rightly treated the garden as a playground and now they are up and away. He should sort his life out and get his priorities in order. Harsh but commonsense.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Daffs4Feb (U11089061) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    The Â鶹Éç has a webpage for people who want to be on one of their shows:

    Hope this is helpful.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    My thoughts entirely - Happy New Year Paul............and happy gardening smiley - winkeye

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by cazsudz (U7061972) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    Lowena and Paul - excellent way to put off a new poster. They didn't say they couldn't afford dogs and kids - just that they are short of time. Most people with children find that they are short of money at some stage or other but thank god it doesn't seem to stop people reproducing

    Good luck to the OP with your new family - and enjoy your garden, makeover or not.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Paul N (U6451125) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    When asking for advice, the response may not always be to the liking of the poster or others. That's life. Far better to be honest with people than give them flannel. BTW we always had a nice garden to share with our three children, as well as a couple of dogs. No dogs nor children now but a couple of delightful grandchildren, Freddie & Laila Poppy, are always welcome.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by the cycling gardener (U2350416) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    I've just read through this thread and feel very sorry for the OP who was asking a genuine question backed up by some interesting info about their motivation for the enquiry but who got shot down in no uncertain terms by a couple of judgemental replies.

    I wish I could help but haven't any more additional info. I just hope the OP won't be put off coming back. Its great to have a new poster, particularly at this time of year when there isn't any TV gardening. The TV and Radio section of this board can be a scary place to be at the best of times. I suggest more inspiring answers might be received if the question is placed in the "Garden inspiration" section which can feature more design led questions and answers.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by the cycling gardener (U2350416) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    When asking for advice, the response may not always be to the liking of the poster or others. That's life. Far better to be honest with people than give them flannel.Ìý

    Paul - please don't ever become a garden designer. There are ways of lowering expectations without being quite so brutal about it.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    We were not unduly harsh and won't put off a potential poster as it is obvious the OP has not intrinsic interest in gardening ( like most people who apply to makeover shows) He said he was short of money and wants a garden makeover free of charge.All Paul and I did was to tell him he hasn't a cat in Hades chance of getting one and gave him tips on how to improve his garden himself, for very little cost and taking very little time. If you ask a question, you should respect the answer.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Paul N (U6451125) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    Oh come on CG. The recent shooting of a family but a deranged husband was 'brutal', Stephen Lawrence's stabbing was 'brutal'. The OP is after a freebie and few things in life are free. My trellis, concrete block wall and climbing roses were blown down in the gales yesterday. Today I went out there and single-handedly rebuilt the wall myself,repaired the trellis and reattached the roses. I didn't ask for, want or expect any help. We must learn to stand on our own two feet in life. No offense was intended.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Friday, 6th January 2012

    I am of the same opinion as Lowena and Paul N-sometimes you have to be realistic and tell people the honest truth.

    If he hasn't got the time to do the garden but money then employ a gardener -who would welcome the work in these hard pressed times-if he hasn't either then he is not alone in his situation-there is no reason why anybody should bale him out

    We all started gardening from scratch in the majority of cases-I know I did.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by the cycling gardener (U2350416) on Sunday, 8th January 2012

    At least you did give him some sensible advice Lowena – just a shame to round it off with after all, no one forced you to have 2 dogs and a baby before you can afford to provide for them adequately.Ìý which you think deserves respect. Not a comment I’d have any respect for.

    And not much advice about improving his garden from Paul either.

    Brilliant as usual. I can never understand this. Why do people take on responsibilities such as a house and garden, dogs and getting the wifey pregnant and then hope someone else can sort out the mess? We don't have dogs because we don't want the responsibility of cleaning up after them, taking them for walks, vets bills, and the problems of getting them looked after when we are away. Nobody looks after our garden but us. Our three children rightly treated the garden as a playground and now they are up and away. He should sort his life out and get his priorities in order. Harsh but commonsense.Ìý

    I am of the same opinion as Lowena and Paul N-sometimes you have to be realistic and tell people the honest truth.Ìý

    I agree, so tell him he barely has a chance without the social criticism.

    If I were the OP I wouldn't come anywhere near this board again.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Pumpkin_Patch_Paul (U14565900) on Monday, 9th January 2012

    Last time I looked the TV programmes asked for people to apply to their programmes,some of the replies to the OP are harsh,rude,grumpy and just downright bad mannerd,shame on you and it's no wonder Monty does not bother on here anymore...Far to many sour people about I reckon.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 9th January 2012

    I agree with Lowena and Paul but think they could have been more diplomatic. Children need attention, dogs need walking and gardens need maintenance.

    The Beeb seem sto have lost all interest in garden makeover programmes and I would be very wary of any makeover programme like the recent ITV one where budgets are pre-set and the owners have to disappear and come back for the surprise. The results of that were uniformly ghastly and not built to last.

    Anyone juggling work commitments, family and pets has to prioritise time and money and it shouldn't be forgotten that even if the garden in question did get a make-over it would still need regular maintenance to keep looking good - just like newly decorated rooms need regular tidying, dusting and hoovering - and it seems doubtful the original poster has thought of this.

    The advice to turf it over and keep it simple till time and funds to be more adventurous come available is very sound. A feature tree, a few shrubs and not too much border to be weeding, pruning and edging should keep him and his growing family happy for a while. If time and skills allow, a paved area near the house for sitting out and maybe another in a sunnier spot - depending on the aspect. This could be done with the help of friends or family.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Monday, 9th January 2012

    I think if OP had posted a question stating his circumstances and wanted help with ideas for a low maintenance/cost garden he would have got lots of suggestions -as it was he expected someone to ride in on a white charger to do it for free.

    That is how I see it the fact that he has not come back to defend his position might be he is not that interested in gardening or too scared too-but I still believe the answers given were in the right spirit no matter how harsh that may have come over.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Paul N (U6451125) on Monday, 9th January 2012

    Frankly, and nobody has mentioned it yet, but I think the first post was a wind up, and one which many people fell for. Look at it this way. He knew full well what the answer to his 'problem' was but wanted someone else to sort it out for him. Neither do I think that grassing over his present garden will make the slighted bit of difference. If his attitude remains the way it is, it will quickly return to it's present state. When I 'did' people's gardens, I sometimes was asked to sort out terrible gardens. Unfortunately even though I was getting paid for it, I knew it would soon return to it's overgrown state as the owner had neither the interest nor will to do otherwise.

    As for Monty not coming on here any more, that's ripe. After the last few years of character assassinations when he was roundly insulted on a daily basis by the Horticultural Mafia, I think the cause might lay there.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by theweeshep (U13961168) on Tuesday, 10th January 2012

    Poor bloke, he only asked how he can apply for a makeover show. Bearing in mind this is the TV & Radio messageboard, you'd have thought it was a relevant place to ask.

    I'm amazed that anyone else thinks it's their place to advise on any other subject. It's just the usual opinionated claptrap from posters I'm sure are old enough to know better, but twisted enough to enjoy insulting complete strangers. Sad. Very, very sad.

    PaulN, I'm surprised you chose this thread to defend Monty Don from the "Horticultural Mafia", when you have sided with them a few posts above this. You can't have your cake and eat it. It is no wonder MD hasn't come back, and it's no wonder the OP hasn't come back, given the reception they have both received.

    Do you really think the OP needs his attitude sorting? Just because he says it's hard work trying to juggle family, pets, a job etc... Really? You must know them and details of their private life personally, or you're just speculating. You're normally above all that foolishness too.

    Looks like this year will be as negative as the last on this board smiley - sadface

    Happy days

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Paul N (U6451125) on Tuesday, 10th January 2012

    "PaulN, I'm surprised you chose this thread to defend Monty Don from the "Horticultural Mafia", when you have sided with them a few posts above this."


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Tuesday, 10th January 2012


    I'm amazed that anyone else thinks it's their place to advise on any other subject. It's just the usual opinionated claptrap from posters I'm sure are old enough to know better, but twisted enough to enjoy insulting complete strangers. Sad. Very, very sad.


    Could I just point out that is what you have just done-insulted strangers

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by theweeshep (U13961168) on Wednesday, 11th January 2012


    I'm amazed that anyone else thinks it's their place to advise on any other subject. It's just the usual opinionated claptrap from posters I'm sure are old enough to know better, but twisted enough to enjoy insulting complete strangers. Sad. Very, very sad.


    Could I just point out that is what you have just done-insulted strangersÌý
    lol. Of course you can point that out. It is after all what I did.

    What's good for the goose and all that.

    Interestingly TDC, I view you as one of the more helpful and friendly posters across these boards. The thread you commented on recently where the chap had the rescue collie digging up his garden was full of constructive advice and support. Your response to this thread seemed most out of character for you.

    PaulN - que? I'm sure we all have our own views on who the Horticultural Mafia - as you referred to them - are on this site. Yours and mine may contain different members. You'd posted that they had hounded MD off this site - I was pointing out that (imo) you'd sided with them in this thread and effectively treated the poster exactly the same way you wished Monty wasn't.

    Does that make more sense now? Hope so, I can try to explain again if you wish!

    I'd like to apologise if I offended anyone, but the general atmosphere on this particular board (TV and Radio, not the others) is that it's open warfare on anyone and everyone. I don't see any apologies coming from other quarters so will treat as I find from now on

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Wednesday, 11th January 2012

    You have not offended me and I feel quite flattered.smiley - biggrin

    Was just trying to give the OP a reality check that was all but I take your point about the tv board- it does tend to bring out the worse in people

    As the flagship Â鶹Éç gardening programme that GW is it is quite sad that none of the presenters would feel comfortable in joining in the discussions on the programme-I think if I were in that position I would come nowhere near( I might peep to see what was being said)

    Perhaps this year- but I would not put any money on it.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Wednesday, 11th January 2012

    I stand by everything I wrote, it wasn't nasty, just accurate smiley - smiley
    If the presenters,producers etc of GW can justify their actions,views,standpoints etc, I don't see why they shouldn't come on this board and give said justification :/

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Wednesday, 11th January 2012

    In the name of peace - I have noticed before in years past that we all get grumpier without the release of getting out there., and doing stuff.
    Ordering seeds is great but doesn't have the same relaxing effect.
    Soon be Spring
    (Even grumpier if on a New Year diet)

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Thursday, 12th January 2012

    Very true Nooj. Must read my English Garden magazine to soothe me, in the absence of any gardening on the telly smiley - smiley

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by the cycling gardener (U2350416) on Thursday, 12th January 2012

    In the name of peace - I have noticed before in years past that we all get grumpier without the release of getting out there., and doing stuff.
    Ordering seeds is great but doesn't have the same relaxing effect.
    Soon be Spring
    (Even grumpier if on a New Year diet)Ìý
    The weeds in my garden already think its spring Nooj so I was out there at the weekend. Spent 9 hours walking in the wind and rain last week and had a 17 mile very muddy off road mountain bike ride with friends on Sunday. That's why I'm so chilled - (hee hee). smiley - smiley

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by chrisbucks (U14300604) on Sunday, 15th January 2012

    Don't any of you record the gardening programmes and watch them (again?) over the winter. I do, and it's very therapeutic just to keep the blues away and remind you what the summer is like.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by kate1123 (U14824475) on Monday, 16th January 2012

    I am envious at your forward thinking. Normally there are repeats on satellite channels so I did not think to record them.

    I believe the general complaint is that every day there is at least one cooking show, plus auctions and DIY, so why not a garden show once a week. A few years ago they did a series on Yellow book applicants that I quite enjoyed and it would be quite cheap TV to visit a few gardens and suggest improvements. There is even the disputed Sarah Raven programme on wild flowers.

    I think that the question that a lot of us would like answered is why is gardening ignored by tv, is it a lack of audience, money and time or is no one promoting it.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 16th January 2012

    There used to be a lot on daytime Â鶹Éç - garden quiz+makeover, straight makeovers, and then GW and more serious makeovers in the evening and special series in winter to tide us over.

    The reason for their lack now may be a shortage of experienced producers and techniciens at the Beeb, a lack of imagination in the programme procurement department, poor audience figures for recent efforts, a lack of "sex" appeal cos gardening does involve getting down and dirty and isn't a quick fix like cooking, antiques, collectibles, escaping to Oz, escape to the country or all the other property programmes and "reality" shows on daytime or evening TV..

    When I was a rank beginner I always recorded and kept GW with GH and later AT so I could go back and see again the bits of particular interest. Never felt the urge to do that in TB's day - more a case of shouting at the TV. We're out at dance classon Fridays so I record the MD version of GW but find I don't need to keep it for future reference but do occasionally note plant names.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by girlgardener (U14297749) on Wednesday, 18th January 2012

    Alan Titchmarsh's 'Love Your Garden' is looking for gardens to transform for the next series. Go to www.itv.com/alantitchmarsh for details of how to apply.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by ArtemisH (U14261033) on Thursday, 19th January 2012

    Don't any of you record the gardening programmes and watch them (again?) over the winter. I do, and it's very therapeutic just to keep the blues away and remind you what the summer is like.Ìý What an interesting idea! I do often record programmes in order to watch them at a convenient time but don't usually keep them. I think I might follow your example next time round.

    Report message33

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