
Village Water

Radio 4 Appeal 22 October 2017

We're so very thankful for helping our school with this unique water provision system. The school suffered for a long time without a proper source of water and this affected the school negatively. Now we can safely say water related challenges have been sorted out.

Headteacher Mr Kashina Mumbi

At Village Water, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of Radio 4 listeners to our appeal, which has, so far, raised £32,770. This is already changing lives in Zambia through access to safe water and sanitation.

Liliachi School is huge by Zambian standards, with 889 pupils taught by just 7 teachers! The only water source was an unprotected well, open to contamination and drying up during the hot season, meaning the school had to organise pupils to collect water from 2 km away.  Not a great way to spend the school day.

We were delighted to be able to provide the school with a solar powered water system, which draws water into a storage tank that feeds 4 taps around the school and one on the outskirts of the grounds so that the neighbouring villages also benefit.  

The school is already reporting reductions in absences due to waterborne diseases and pupils have spent less time collecting water and more time in lessons, exactly what we’d hoped for.  The school project cost just under £7000, so the remaining funds helped us support a further 750 people in rural villages. 

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to the appeal – your gift will go on and on.

You can find out more about the charity .

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