
The Orchard Project

Radio 4 Appeal 10 May 2020

The Orchard Project ran a Radio 4 appeal in May 2020 with the brilliant presenter Alys Fowler and raised an astonishing £54,526 to support our work for the year ahead.  Now more than ever, our work of developing community orchards that become a peaceful haven away from the stresses of life, a way for people to connect with nature and their neighbours in a meaningful way is needed.

We have continued throughout the COVID crisis to support our volunteer groups and adapt to new ways of offering training and advice. We look forward to planting a number of orchards across the UK this winter, with communities that we are working with enthusiastic about being able to do something that makes a tangible difference to their local community, while learning new skills and of course getting their hands dirty!

We want to thank all of the donors who supported our appeal, this year has been one of the most difficult yet for small charities such as ours and your support has made us better able to get through this time and continue our valuable work with deprived communities to develop nature rich community spaces that become a legacy for future generations to enjoy.

You can find out more about our charity.

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