
The Cure Parkinson鈥檚 Trust

Radio 4 Appeal 12 April 2020

Image Caption: Dr Tilo Kunath working on CPT funded research into potential new treatments for Parkinson’s in his Edinburgh lab

“Funds raised from our Appeal will make a significant difference in helping our urgently-needed research into a cure continue…”

Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Radio 4 listeners, The Cure Parkinson’s Trust’s first ever Radio 4 Appeal raised a staggering £108,335.75. We are completely overwhelmed by this figure and would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all who donated.

Every hour in the UK, two people are told they have Parkinson’s. This life-changing and progressive neurological condition brings with it a range of symptoms including tremor, muscle stiffness, slowness of movement, chronic pain and many more. Parkinson’s can make every-day tasks such as putting a jumper on, using a computer or eating a meal a huge challenge. Parkinson’s affects men and women, young and old, and there is currently no cure.

The Cure Parkinson’s Trust is working tirelessly to change that and funds pioneering research with the potential to slow, stop or even reverse the condition. Our International Linked Clinical Trials initiative has shown promising results that there may be medications already in use for other conditions which could be suitable to treat Parkinson’s. Because the drugs are already tested as safe for use, they have the potential to get to the Parkinson’s clinic much faster. Currently, 14 trials of drugs prioritised by this initiative are underway, seven have been completed and there are a further ten in planning. This is in part how we will be using the donations raised from the Radio 4 Appeal.

Additionally, like many other charities, CPT has been heavily impacted by the effects of COVID-19, and the funds raised from our Appeal will also make a significant difference in helping our urgently-needed research into a cure continue. As research resumes and adopts to a ‘new normal’, there will there will inevitably be additional costs involved to ensure people with Parkinson’s can take part in trials safely, and funds raised from our Appeal will help cover these costs and enable our vital research into a cure to resume as quickly and safely as possible.

Our Appeal was presented by Paul Mayhew-Archer, a writer and comedian who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s nine years ago. Paul has a unique talent with words, humour and communicating what can be a difficult subject matter and we were incredibly grateful he agreed to help with our Appeal. As usual, Paul has summed it up brilliantly:

“When the total turned out to be £108,000 my jaw dropped through the floor. I was deeply moved and utterly amazed because I thought everyone had already given all their money to Captain Tom. So thank you again. When a cure is eventually found you can truthfully say you helped to find it.”

You can find out more about our charity .

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