
The Children鈥檚 Trust

Radio 4 Appeal 4 June 2017

Because of you we can help children like Rhea live the best life possible, so thank you.

We would like to thank Radio 4 listeners for generously donating £10,412 to our appeal, helping us to offer vital services to children with brain injury across the UK.

Joely Richardson presented the appeal by sharing the experience of a little girl called Rhea who came to The Children’s Trust for neurorehabilition after a serious car accident left her with a brain injury.

Our specialist neurorehabilitation programmes give children like Rhea the best opportunity to relearn some of the skills they have lost. Through intensive therapy including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, music and play, children can relearn how to eat, talk and even walk again. Our therapists helped Rhea rebuild her strength and learn how to hold her head up in her wheelchair, and helped her mum understand how to take care of her little girl once she got her home. We are pleased to say that Rhea continues to make great progress.

It is estimated that around 40,000 children in the UK acquire a brain injury as a result of an accident or illness every year, leaving them with life-long difficulties. We aim to give children and young people with brain injury and neurodisability the opportunity to live the best life possible by providing specialist rehabilitation, education and community services across the UK.

Since the appeal Joely Richardson has become an Ambassador of The Children’s Trust. She is passionate about raising awareness of brain injury after her sister Natasha Richardson sadly died from a brain injury in 2009.

You can find out more about the charity . 

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