
Tall Ships Youth Trust

Radio 4 Appeal 18 June 2023

Photo: Riley's journey with Tall Ships Youth Trust has led to so many positive and empowering changes for him, and he continues to share his experiences in the hope that the challenges and opportunities he has faced over time will show others that there is a positive way forward.


Riley's journey with Tall Ships Youth Trust has led to many empowering changes for him, and he continues to share his experiences to show others a positive way forward"
— Ali Renn, Head of Fundraising and Marketing at Tall Ships Youth Trust.

Tall Ships Youth Trust offers life-changing experiences at sea to young people from across the UK; empowering them to realise their full potential and develop life skills, confidence and self-esteem in a unique, positive and challenging environment.

We provide support to over 1,000 young people aged 12-25 every year, with 75% of these young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. This includes challenges with mainstream education; emotional, social or behavioural difficulties; financial disadvantage; some may not be in employment, education or training, and some may be young carers – but all of them deserve the chance to change their lives at sea.

We are delighted that our Â鶹Éç Radio 4 Appeal raised an incredible £27,378. These funds which will help more young people, like our young ambassador Riley, to have a transformational experience at sea with Tall Ships Youth Trust.

Since sharing his experiences for the appeal, Riley has continued on his youth development journey, completing his Watch Leader training, voyage as a Watch Leader with his own YMCA organisation and going on to inspire the next generation of young people by watch leading on our Empowerment voyages.

We are so grateful for the generosity of those who supported our appeal – without support like this, our life-changing work with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds would simply not be possible. We would also like to thank our celebrity ambassador Dan Snow for presenting the appeal and Riley for sharing his incredible story.

We hope that our Â鶹Éç Radio 4 Appeal will encourage even more people to continue supporting Tall Ships Youth Trust as we continue to fulfil our vision of a society where all young people strive to create better outcomes for themselves and for their communities.


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