

Radio 4 Appeal 20 August 2017

Even the word ‘buttercup’ isn’t included in the current Oxford Junior Dictionary reflecting that common wild flowers are simply not part of the language of today’s child

For centuries, children have made daisy chains, held buttercups under their chin and told the time with dandelion clocks but for many, these simple pleasures are no longer part of their lives.  Plantlife wants to change that, to encourage everyone, young or old, to enjoy the simple pleasure of seeing wildflowers and all the wildlife which depends on them.

The generous support of Radio 4 listeners totalling £5,737 has helped us to run the .  It’s a really simple introduction to nature around us.  And one everyone can do close to home, in a town, city or the countryside.

We’re provided three sets of wildflowers people are likely to spot: one for towns and cities, one for a country walk and one for a trip down to the woods.  You can print a list off or use your phone as you walk.  Pictures help you identify flowers and you just tap to record what you’ve seen or find more information about the flower.

Flowers are just not as common as they were a few decades ago. By taking part in the Hunt, is great fun but it also gives us information about where flowers can be found. This will help us campaign for more wild flowers for future generations. 

You can find out more about the charity . 

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