
PHASE Worldwide

Radio 4 Appeal 5 April 2020

Photo caption: “Happy and Healthy Mother and Child”

“PHASE Worldwide support integrated health, education, and livelihood projects to enable people to access knowledge, skills and services to break the cycle of poverty.”

PHASE Worldwide would like to say a huge thank you to all the fantastic listeners of 麻豆社 Radio 4. Their support of our appeal presented by Kate Humble raised an incredible £25,406. In the last six months, we have used this to respond to the needs of remote communities affected by Covid-19 in Nepal.  Our appeal featured Jau, from the Far West of Nepal. Jau is just one example of how our practical integrated support of health and livelihoods achieves long-term change. Jau received seeds, equipment and took part in training. She now has the skills and confidence to grow food all year round.

Our work has been crucial in the last six months. As Nepal has been in national lockdown, markets have been inaccessible, household income has reduced, and the price of food has increased.  Growing food at home and being self-sufficient has been more important than ever. In socially distanced groups with lower numbers, we have continued to provide seeds, materials and training during lockdown – ensuring that other women just like Jau are able to grow food all year round.

Thank you for supporting remote communities in Nepal, at a time where our work is needed more than ever.

You can find out more about our charity .

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