
Pancreatic Cancer UK

Radio 4 Appeal 9 July 2017

The day mum was told she had pancreatic cancer she was alone, her hospital bed was by a large window and she said she felt as if the doctor had picked her up and thrown her against it.

Alison Steadman

We were delighted actress Alison Steadman presented our 麻豆社 Radio 4 appeal, calling for help to change the future for people with pancreatic cancer. In our appeal, Alison talked about her mum’s battle with pancreatic cancer 21 years ago and her shock on discovering how little progress there’s been in the treatment of the disease in that time. 

Our 麻豆社 Radio 4 Appeal raised an incredible £38,120 and we are extremely grateful to all the listeners that donated.

Around 9,000 people die from pancreatic cancer in the UK every year, the majority of them within two to six months of diagnosis. Pancreatic Cancer UK is taking on the disease by funding innovative research to find the breakthroughs that will change how we understand, diagnose and treat pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is tough

Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of the 20 most common cancers and yet receives just 1.9% of the UK’s total cancer research spend per year.

Changing the odds

Less than 7% of people with pancreatic cancer survive for five years or more after diagnosis. By funding research we hope to make the breakthroughs that will improve these bleak odds and change survival outcomes that have remained stubbornly low for over 40 years.

Find out more about the charity .

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