
Home-Start UK

Radio 4 Appeal 30 Aug 2020

Photo: Home-Start supports 29,000 families across the UK through volunteers trained to work alongside them to overcome the challenges they are facing.

The impact of the Radio 4 Charity Appeal has been felt by thousands of hard hit families in communities across the UK. Directly because of the appeal, families received support to meet their basic needs, build family resilience to continue to cope, and help to maintain social connections at a time when many are feeling isolated".

For 50 years Home-Start has delivered face-to-face support in the family home. When COVID-19 hit, families who were already struggling found themselves deprived of vital sources of support. In response, Home-Start had to rapidly adapt the way it works with families.

Thanks to Radio 4 listeners, families in critical need were provided with emergency supplies such as baby goods, food and care packages. Money raised from the Radio 4 Charity Appeal was also used by local Home-Starts to set up new online groups and support sessions, deliver telephone support, provide educational activity kits for children to promote school readiness and share wellbeing tips.

Clare, a mum supported by Home-Start St Helens, described the impact this support has had on her as making her feel like she has someone just for her.

"No matter what happens during the week and how many ups and down we go through being able to see and talk to my volunteer each Wednesday morning helps me to cope better,” said Clare. “I feel more in control and I know I have someone just for me.”

To find out more, visit . 

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