
Helen Bamber Foundation

Radio 4 Appeal 18 June 2017

I desperately needed someone to understand me. When I got to Helen Bamber Foundation, you understood what I was saying. If I hadn’t had you I don’t know what would have happened to me

Client of the Helen Bamber Foundation

Radio 4 listeners' generous response to the Helen Bamber Foundation’s appeal has raised £26,444 to provide lifesaving support to refugees who have experienced human cruelty, such as torture and human trafficking.

The Helen Bamber Foundation provides expert care and support for refugees and asylum seekers who have suffered extreme physical, sexual and psychological violence, abuse and exploitation. The Helen Bamber Foundation provides a combination of health, legal and welfare support to address the complex needs and vulnerabilities of survivors and help them achieve sustained recovery and lead successful lives in the UK.

Listeners’ donations have helped us support more than 440 refugees and asylum seekers, of which, 62 were new clients to the Helen Bamber Foundation and would not have been able to receive specialist recovery without your support. Each day, the number of refugees that require our services continues to grow and we are grateful for the generosity of Radio 4 Listeners. We would like to thank you for standing with us as we help some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people in our society.

You can find out more about the charity . 

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