
Child Rescue Nepal

Radio 4 Appeal 5 November 2023

Photo: Ram at his restaurant being supported by youth worker Bikki, another ex-beneficiary

鈥淐hild Rescue Nepal has given me incredible support to change my life, and your donations will help others like me. I am now living independently and working as an assistant cook in a restaurant. Thank you for showing love and for giving me a bright future.鈥 - Ram, whose story was featured in the appeal

Radio 4 listeners raised a staggering 拢102,962 in November 2023, giving an incredible boost to Child Rescue Nepal's fight against child slavery. This vital support will allow us to enter dangerous environments like construction sites and factories alongside police, and rescue children from exploitation.

In Nepal, we estimate that over 100,000 children are working in hazardous situations. These children are extremely vulnerable and suffer frequent physical and emotional abuse. High inflation has increased the financial pressure on families, making children even more vulnerable to being trafficked.

Your donations had an immediate impact. Three siblings, aged 13, 11 and 9, were rescued after their eldest sister had dropped out of school to work at a vegetable shop. She was deeply concerned for the welfare of her younger siblings due to their abusive father. They are all now safe and have been reunited with their mother. Following this, we rescued a 14-year-old from a roadside cafe and a 13-year-old from a butcher's shop, where he was working with dangerous knives.

The photo above is of Ram, the boy featured in our Radio 4 Appeal. Here he is being supported by our youth worker, Bikki, who is also one of our ex-beneficiaries. Ram is enjoying life working at a restaurant in the mountains with stunning Himalayan views, earning a good salary with accommodation included. He is overjoyed that his story has been used to help other children.

You can find out more about the work of Child Rescue Nepal

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