
Sick Children's Trust

Lifeline Appeal 13 Sep 2022

Caption: Gracie, Yvette and Jonathan were one of three families to appear in the 麻豆社 Lifeline Appeal film for The Sick Children's Trust.
Image credit: 麻豆社 / Frank Derrington


When you鈥檝e just had surgery you feel the most vulnerable and you feel that you need your parents more. If in the night I needed them they might have been an hour away which would have taken a toll on my emotional wellbeing. The fact that I could see my mum and dad everyday made me smile so much and I was really grateful for it.鈥

Teenager Gracie has a condition called Morquio Syndrome, which causes numerous complications including stunted growth. She needed a pioneering procedure in London, 200 miles away from her home in North Wales, as her windpipe had become kinked and was causing her breathing difficulties.

It was a worrying time not only for Gracie, who was 15 at the time, but also parents Yvette and Jonathan, who were desperate to stay as close to her as possible. Thankfully, help was at hand.

While Gracie was in hospital, Yvette and Jonathan stayed just minutes away at Guilford Street House, a ‘Home from Home’ run by The Sick Children’s Trust. We give families with a seriously ill child in hospital a warm and comfortable place to stay when they need it most, ensuring they could remain by Gracie’s side throughout her surgery and recovery.

Gracie’s family, one of over 73,000 families supported by the charity since being founded in 1982, were enthusiastic participants in our 麻豆社 Lifeline Appeal. Presented with empathy and understanding by Strictly Come Dancing’s Anton Du Beke, the appeal showcased how our ten ‘Homes from Home’ provide families with a free place to stay just minutes away from their child’s bedside, giving them one less thing to worry about at the most stressful of times.

Our 麻豆社 Lifeline Appeal surpassed all expectations, raising more than £30,000. With it costing the charity around £40 to support a family for one night, the money raised covers the equivalent cost of over 750 one-night stays. We could not be more thankful.

To learn more about The Sick Children’s Trust please visit our website .


Anton Du Beke appeals for The Sick Children's Trust

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