
Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Lifeline Appeal 16 December 2018

Picture: Roald Dahl Specialist Epilepsy Nurse Emily Bell playing with Maddison. Video: Penelope Wilton's Lifeline Appeal for Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

The last few years have been awful. Emily’s been my lifeline. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her now!

Mum, Kerry

Roald Dahl knew that nurses work magic and can make seriously ill children smile again.  Inspired by his memory - and thanks to the generosity of 麻豆社 Lifeline viewers, who raised £20,176 - we plan to help more children than ever this year, appointing new specialist nurses to work in underfunded areas and delivering our marvellous family grants programme to those in hardship.

Meet Maddison - a beautiful, mischievous 4 ½ year old who has chronic epilepsy and partial sight loss.  When she was just eleven months old her family found out she had experienced a massive perinatal stroke and two months later she had her first seizure.  Mum Kerry says she could cope with the stroke but it’s the epilepsy she hates because she just never knows when something might happen. 

And it had a major impact on her daughter Amelia too, who simply couldn’t understand why her baby sister was being so aggressive towards her. 

So when Roald Dahl Specialist Epilepsy Nurse Emily Bell stepped into her newly established role, she was a godsend – bringing the expert skills and support required to make life better for the whole family, from liaising with schools and consultants to setting up therapy and support groups. 

Imagine what it would be like to have a seriously ill child. Trying to coordinate all the vital care your child needs while supporting the rest of your family.

Imagine the difference it would make having someone to manage that care for you. An expert to be there when you need them most.

That’s what a Roald Dahl Nurse does and you can find out more .  Thank you for being so marvellous!

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