
Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Lifeline Appeal 16 September 2018

Picture: MS Trust nurse Jon, with MS patient Jenna.Video: Scott Mills' Lifeline Appeal for Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Our goal of ensuring no one faces MS alone is an ambitious one, however, thanks to the generosity and commitment of our supporters, we know we can achieve it.

Rob Carter, Director of Fundraising and Marketing

The MS Trust exists to make life better for people living with MS. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our 麻豆社 viewers; our 麻豆社 Lifeline appeal has raised an amazing £9,154.50. This has enabled the MS Trust to continue to provide care and support to the 110,000 people affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the UK. 

MS is a complex and unpredictable condition, and the range and severity of symptoms differ from person to person.  It is estimated that 77,000 people with MS do not have access to the specialist support they should expect, meaning that many are missing out on the care they need.

The funds raised through our 麻豆社 Lifeline appeal have enabled us to continue to provide accessible, evidence-based information through our information and engagement team. We have recruited four new MS specialist nurses in areas where there is a dire shortage, and we continue to offer comprehensive training and support to MS healthcare professionals throughout the UK. All of these vital services help in meeting the needs of those living with MS as well as supporting them to make informed decisions about their health and to live well.

On behalf of everyone at the MS Trust and those living with MS in the UK, a heartfelt thank you to you all for your incredible support.   

You can find out more about our charity .

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