
Horatio's Garden

Lifeline Appeal 21 September 2021

I don’t think I’d be where I am with my rehabilitation without a charity like Horatio’s Garden. Without it, I don’t think I would have lasted long emotionally
— Craig Sears, former patient at Horatio’s Garden Scotland.
Alan Titchmarsh's Lifeline Appeal for Horatio's Garden An appeal on behalf of Horatio's Garden, who create therapeutic gardens in NHS hospitals.

Horatio’s Garden was delighted to be selected as a Â鶹Éç Lifeline Appeal beneficiary charity, which was broadcast in September 2021. Spinal cord injuries are traumatic, life-changing events. Patients often have little or no access to the outside world during their hospital stay. However, research shows that being in contact with a natural environment contributes to an improved sense of wellbeing, which can have a positive impact on patient rehabilitation.

Horatio’s Garden aims to improve the lives of people with spinal cord injuries. The charity creates and nurtures beautiful, fully accessible gardens in NHS spinal injury centres around the UK to support the mental and physical rehabilitation of everyone affected by spinal injury.

Thanks to our Â鶹Éç Appeal, fronted by Alan Titchmarsh, we raised £19,452 to support our five existing gardens, providing a place of beauty and peace away from the busy ward, as well as enabling us to deliver our programme of arts and music events for patients to support their recovery.

By supporting Horatio’s Garden’s appeal, viewers have had a direct impact on the thousands of patients who have access to our gardens, as well as their family and friends who also use the gardens to find a private place to enjoy family time away from the clinical environment of the hospital. Our gardens are an important part of patient life and make a real and lasting impact on those who use them:

“It’s wonderful for visitors to come to a joyful garden rather than a hospital. Spending time as a family together in Horatio’s Garden makes visiting a much happier occasion. It was good for my mind and my wellbeing as well. I could forget about my injury and just have a laugh. Without the garden, I wouldn’t be here.”

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who watched our appeal and donated to our work. We are very grateful for your support.

To find out more about our work please visit our . Thank you.

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