
Dracula's Rubies

Dracula created 13 rubies with his last tears. He gave one to each clan and each one has a special power. Read more about the rubies and and what they can do.

The rubies are connected, and one power lies in each of them. Clans in possession of a ruby have the ability to use the power of that ruby. More rubies means more powers for a clan. The rubies are connected, and clans can communicate with each other by using them. If a ruby is lost or taken from a clan, the power that lies in the ruby is lost also and cannot be used by the clan anymore.

The Dracas Ruby

Power: To read minds

The Vamalia Ruby

Power: 'To love'

The Nosferas Ruby

Power: To withstand holy objects

The Pyras Ruby

Power: To talk to animals

The Vyrad Ruby

Power: To manipulate weather

The Lycana Ruby

Power: To shapeshift

The Upiry Ruby

Power: To appear as a shadow in another place听

The Vikla Ruby

Power:听To move objects with the mind

The Grimur Ruby

Power: To take light

The Arrufat Ruby

Power: To communicate with the dead

The Belov Ruby

Power: To walk in sunlight

The Caminada Ruby

Power: To become invisible

The Tova Ruby

Power: To move in water

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