
  • Paul Coletti
  • 9 May 07, 11:31 AM

We're meeting now. You're welcome to join . . . .

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 7 May 07, 11:12 AM

Good morning and welcome to the time when we decide what topics we'll be talking about this evening. As ever, call us on +44 207 557 0635 (the office phone, not the number you call to come on air) if you'd like to take part. Alternatively you can do what Jibo in Nigeria did and send us a mail.

Also, Dear Listener, we're pleased to announce that we've lined up internationally acclaimed, controversial, campaigning journalist John Pilger for Wednesday 9th May. He's got a new film out, click the pic for more details.

If you have questions for Mr Pilger, and we're sure you will have, then let us know: worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 2 May 07, 03:30 PM

I joined this morning's meet via telephone but I could feel the agony as we debated how to pull together all the talking points. It wasn't easy but somehow we've arrived at a consensus. The debate centred around an Australian senator's description of a female politician as "deliberately barren" . . .

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 25 Apr 07, 11:48 AM

The meeting's begun so if you want to join in call county code 44 77 86 20 60 80.

Anna (McGovern) - would you go to a new planet? This following the discovery of an outside our Solar System.

Charu thinks we should be talking about science and religion.

Rabs likes...

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  • Fiona Crack
  • 18 Apr 07, 12:23 PM

Two days after the Virginia school shootings and the world is still talking about it. Your emails and texts came in to World Have Your Say yesterday including this email from Mark, UK

I do want to comment on the constant reference to the killer coming from South Korea. I believe it should be noted that he had lived in the US since 1992 and is more of an American than a Korean. I feel that his constant portrayal in the media about him being a S. Korean reinforces a racist reaction to something which is clearly much more complicated to understand, if this horrible happening could every be understood.

and this from Christa in San Diego

I'm an American and a Graduate of Virginia Tech. It is a lovely excellent school. Unfortunately that is not the problem in the US. The problem is immigration and guns.

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 17 Apr 07, 01:55 PM

We decided to find out how students across the U.S. were feeling today. Everyone seems to have had their say about gun laws but we felt we wanted to hear what students have been saying to each other today.


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  • Fiona Crack
  • 17 Apr 07, 12:16 PM

. Emails of coming in to our website. We touched on it yesterday as the news broke about 15 minute before World Have Your Say was on air. We heard from a Virginian correspondent from a state newspaper and from a couple of students at the colleges. Today we have time to find voices, to find people who want to tell us how they feel and what they know.

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  • Fiona Crack
  • 12 Apr 07, 12:16 PM

It's a month since Alan Johnston was abducted in Gaza. On World Have Your Say we've been reading a few of your comments, from his colleagues and from listeners and admirers of his work all over the world. Today how will we mark the month anniversairy? His father has published a . Should we get someone from the 麻豆社 to explain the situation? Could we look at the dangers that journalists face and speak to others who have been abducted or attacked in the course of their work?

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 11 Apr 07, 11:32 AM

Welcome and good morning to a sunny and warm London. What's in? What's out? We'd like your input: +44 207 557 0635.

Read on for our selection...

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  • Peter van Dyk
  • 10 Apr 07, 10:56 AM

Hi there, we're running a bit slow today but I'm sure we'll be up to speed by 6pm. First question is: Do you want to talk about ?

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 9 Apr 07, 02:07 PM

My name’s Jo and I’m filling in for Ros for the next couple of days while he suns himself by the English coast. Not something you’d usually want to do at this time of year, but it’s unseasonably warm here. Could be some heated discussions in the studio later too. Here are the topics we’re planning on talking about today:

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  • Peter van Dyk
  • 5 Apr 07, 11:27 AM

Good morning, we're just starting our meeting. First up is Uganda . The law made it an offence for a married woman to have an affair, but it allowed a cheating husband to have an affair with an unmarried woman.

It has been scrapped by the Constitutional Court because it treated men and women unequally.

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 20 Mar 07, 11:30 AM

Should George Bush be impeached over Iraq? Following yesterday's show you really wanted to talk about this and today we are. What do you think about this? Should Bush be impeached? Or is it too late for anything like this to make a difference?

Freedom of thought and expression. Are school children being discouraged to express their own opinions? We've spoken about three stories, one from the , one from and one from in which the free thought and expression of youngsters haas been stifled. Check out the stories and let me know what you think.

Here are the rest of the meeting notes

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  • Peter van Dyk
  • 16 Mar 07, 11:30 AM

Richard gave some ideas earlier - so we'll start off talking about Trinidad. Should we try to hear from the church there?

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  • Fiona Crack
  • 14 Mar 07, 11:45 AM

First up we have Nick Cohen on today talking about his article on following the news that tutors at Clare College of Cambridge University have apologised to Muslim leaders following a publication of a 'racist' cartoon in a magazine.

We discussed who else we should be getting on to have a debate - we've asked Syed A Khan from Detroit to come on. We're looking for someone who feels that censorship is necessary when it comes to Islam. And callers to tells us their views.

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  • Fiona Crack
  • 12 Mar 07, 10:57 AM

Pete has blogged the early ideas - see his post from earlier today.

Mark kicks off our discussion by talking about a piece in the . Ros is keen on this, but the logistics of getting voices from anyone who attended the opposition rally in Zimbabwe is going to be next to impossible. If we did it would we just be missing the main voices that we wanted to hear?

And about insulting Islam, is there a tide change in opinion or is it just the last taboo of critical discussion?

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  • David Mazower
  • 2 Mar 07, 11:32 AM

It's James here: Roll up, roll up, it's time for the morning meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today. If you'd like to participate, give us a call on +44 20 7557 0635.

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 1 Mar 07, 04:28 PM

A row has broken out in Germany over a . The German interior ministry is appealing against a decision by the Berlin authorities to allow an Islamist to name his son Jihad, the Arabic word used for holy war. Were the Berlin authorities right to allow this man to name his child Jihad? Should people be allowed to call their child what they want? What's in a name anyway? What's the situation like in your country?

Next we're off to New York where the city council has symbolically banned the use of the . I say symbolically because if people are caught using the word they won't get punished. Nevertheless having done this subject before on the show we know it's a hot topic. Are you in New York? What are people saying about this story? Is it a good move by the council? Or, just a useless gesture that won't change a thing?

Here's what didn't quite make it...

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  • Mark Sandell
  • 27 Feb 07, 11:56 AM

A good meeting , plenty of talking points, and a few newcomers in the office to keep us on our toes.
The comments of Dr Rowan Williams , the Archbishop of Canterbury, that the Church of England is . Is it?

That's not to say we aren't looking at the aimed, according to the Taliban, at Dick Cheney , or indeed the ICC naming

But also...

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  • Mark Sandell
  • 26 Feb 07, 12:58 PM

serbia_hagueafp.jpgSerbia's been for genocide between 1992-95.
is the decision an insult to the relatives of the people who died? Or is it quite right that a country shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of it's past leaders?

Also today..

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 21 Feb 07, 11:20 AM

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair hasthat the UK will cut 1,600 troops from it's deployment in southern Iraq over the coming months. This despite many in Southern Iraq feeling it is now in the grip of Shia militias. Over the past few weeks we've been asking you how you feel about the situation in Iraq.Do you think the pull out is the right decision? Or is it too early? Are troops from your country currently in Iraq? Should they now pull out?

South Africa's ruling party, the African National Congress, has of being racist. The ANC accused the 麻豆社 of helping to feed "the deeply embedded stereotype that Africans are genetically inferior" following a news report by John Simpson on the country's escalating crime problem. Did you hear the report? Do you agree with the ANC, was it racist? What do you think of the 麻豆社's coverage of Africa?

Here's what didn't make it into today's show

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 20 Feb 07, 11:05 AM

Rwanda - Thousands of detainees suspected of genocide were yesterday in a bold experiment aimed at promoting reconciliation and forgiveness in the blood-soaked central African state. Are you in the region? How is this story playing there? Do you think this is a good idea?

Steve's idea about a reality tv show that has aired in the States, following a group of young Arabs on a road trip across America. descibes it as "Al Jazeera meets MTV", and asks if a reality tv show can improve the image of the United States abroad. Have you seen it? What do you make of it?

Sexualisation of young girls - The American Psychological Association's says inappropriate marketing is leading to the sexualisation of children by a consumer led society. Are children becoming too sexualised? Or is this an over reaction and are we not able to deal with a changing modern world?

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 19 Feb 07, 11:21 AM

A fire sparked by explosions has swept through two carriages of a train bound from , killing at least 65 people on board. Were you there? What do you make of it? What are people in India and Pakistan saying about the attacks? Will this affect the two countries fragile relationship?

At the weekend Britney Spears hit theagain - for all the wrong reasons. The star publicly shaved all her hair off in an LA salon and got some more tattoos before checking into rehab. She's clearly in a bad way. But who's fault is it? Her own? Should she just grow up? The media for the intense attention put on her for her wild partying while having two small children? Should we, the public, bear some of the burden for our insatiable interest in celebrity lives?

Read on for the rest of the morning meetings notes

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 16 Feb 07, 11:33 AM

It is according to a article. The report suggests that other conditions like diabetes and malaria are being neglected as billions of pounds are being pumped into the global fight against Aids. Do you agree? Does the world focus too much on AIds? If so why? Are celebrities and other influential people too focused on this illness at the expense of others? Let us know what you think.

Also, after a another young person was shot dead London this week the spot light has once again been shone on Britain's inner cities. We'll be speaking to youngsters from across the world who've experienced gun crime and asking them what can be done about this growing global culture.

Here's the rest of the meeting notes for you to chew over...

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  • Anna Stewart
  • 14 Feb 07, 11:23 AM

Do you feel protected if your country has nuclear weapons?

North Korea agreed to eventually dismantle its nuclear weapon programme yesterday. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't appear to be quite so willing to make such gestures. Are nuclear weapons used as bargaining tools? Tell us how safe you feel, if your country has nuclear capability or not....

What makes children happy?

We're going to ask children in different parts of the world this question. A Unicef report says children in the UK are the unhappiest of the 21 western countries it surveyed. But what about the children outside these countries? What would make them happier?

Read my earlier blog for more on these stories.

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 2 Feb 07, 11:17 AM

Welcome to our morning meet. The number is +442075570635 if you'd like to join in. Do call, we'll put you on speakerphone. Read on for the meet . . .

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 1 Feb 07, 11:52 AM

Ruth blogging the morning meeting.

A plot to kidnap and execute serving in the British army is foiled by police.

Are you putting yourself at double risk if you're a Muslim soldier? Should your faith come before your loyalty to your country?

We want to hear from you

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 26 Jan 07, 10:44 AM

This is the time of day when we pore over the early shift's ideas (coutesy of Peter today - I quite like the Spanish clothes size story) and try to come up with new ones. Do ring if you'd like to take part. Hearing about talking points from all over the globe is our food for thought. Listener Simon B has just posted to say he'd like to hear people's views on criminal sentencing: "It's interesting to compare the lenient treatment of the Brit who used child porn with Singapore's execution of two African drug smugglers - despite pleas for clemency by Nigeria's president and the UN. I'd like to hear people's views."

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 25 Jan 07, 11:12 AM

Good morning and welcome to the morning meeting. Phone us on +442075570635 if you'd like to join us on our speakerphone! Read on for early ideas including: the rise of the economy, -- should it be taught and the hot new weapon of choice for the US military, the .

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 24 Jan 07, 11:15 AM

Is it the government, corporations or the individual?

Ruth blogging today and it's an energy special today following President Bush's address. We want to hear your opinions on energy conservation.

And...should legislation force people to act against their beliefs? The heads of both Christians churches in the UK are campaigning against anti-discrimination legislation that would require Catholic adoption agencies to place children with gay couples. Tony Blair is pushing for an opt-out for the church - what do you think?

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 23 Jan 07, 11:05 AM

Hi there. Madeleine here disguised as Ros. Lots of great ideas we could talk about in today's show, but we can't have them all, so this is what it's been whittled down to.

Does it matter the world has a worsening image of the United States? A has found that over the last year the view of the US in 25 countries has deteriorated. But does it matter? We're particularly keen to hear from Americans, so get in touch.


What should President Bush do to reduce America's energy consumption? Ahead of Bush's and the recent letter to him from heads of major corporations on climate change - Are you prepared to change your lifestyle to help the environment and reduce dependence on foreign oil?

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 18 Jan 07, 04:10 PM

Racism, Class, Hypocrisy and Free Speech - our topics for today

Racist Britain? British or not, we'd like to hear your experiences - have you found Britons racist?

Get in touch, call us +44 20 70 83 72 72, text +44 77 86 20 60 80 or email worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 17 Jan 07, 11:06 AM

It's Ruth on the blog (is that a better phrase, James?) today and here are the topics we're discussing on the show.

is the Democrats' great hope for the next president, speaking to thronging crowds wherever he goes. We're asking today ?

Israeli army chief . In his he said "there is no army as moral as the IDF (Israel Defence Force)" - what do you think?

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 16 Jan 07, 02:25 PM

Hi there. Lots of you have been talking about the new film (which protrays life in Uganda under Idi Amin) and whether film-makers give accurate portrayals of Africa. Clearly in the LA Times doesn't think so.

Is this film a sign that Hollywood can treat Africa and African subjects with the subtleties they offer other subject matter? Or is it only murder and mayhem or colonial nostalgia that gets the big audiences and so the attention of the major studios? Read on for our other talking points...

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 15 Jan 07, 10:48 AM

Yes, Dear Listener, I woke this morning to the scary news that in the 1950s, the French PM popped over to London to propose that the UK and France with "common citizenship" between the countries. If you're French, does that get you talking? Could anything be achieved today by such a union? I can't help but wonder at the endless possibilities. . .

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 12 Jan 07, 12:55 PM

is a rapper from New York, he's on the show tonight and in a track downloaded thousands of times on the net, it's 'time you fake-ass gangstas... should all get lynched". We've already talked on WHYS about the use of the 'n-word' by black people - but what about calling for a 'lynching'? with the glorification of violence and prison, and aggressive attitudes towards women. In the track he goes on "Because Martin Luther King died for you to act like this/ This is the best you can come up with?"

So is he right to berate parts of hip-hop culture? Should he use language like this to make his point? Or is this an MC who's seriously out of line? Talk to him later....

Read on for the rest of the show., and if you want to receive the new WHYS daily email, message me now and I'll add you to the list.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 11 Jan 07, 02:56 PM

President Bush says Baghdad is the heart of the problem in Iraq and he's to sort it out. Today's programme is devoted to your reaction to the announcement. Do you agree with the President's strategy? Will it achieve his goal of stabilising Iraq? And whether you agree with him or not, what should the new troops do? We'll hear your opinions all day here on the blog and and then on air at 18GMT.

Remember I'm now writing a daily WHYS email which runs down our talking points each day. If you'd like to receive it, email me and I'll add you to the list. Speak to you later.

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 10 Jan 07, 11:13 AM

The decision has been made . . . some stories made it in to today's show and some didn't. Read on for the tale of the tape:

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  • Richard Bowen
  • 8 Jan 07, 11:14 AM

We've had this suggestion from one of our colleagues from Five Live about skin bleaching. have been sent to prison and fined for selling illegal skin whitening products. And there's clearly a massive market for these products around the world. We're going to try and find out why, and ask if there's anything wrong with changing your skin colour.

Reading online there's no shortage of people prepared to argue against it and we're definitely going to hear from them, but we also want to hear from you if you're one of the millions of people who whiten their skin. Give us your perspective.

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 5 Jan 07, 10:47 AM

After Dicky's initial thoughts, a meeting teeming with ideas, and a no smiles 'firm but fair' approach from Mark, this is what we'll be discussing.

And remember today the show will be co-hosted by Dan Moulthrop who'll help run things from the comfort of his studio at in Cleveland. Dan was the main man when we were at out in Cleveland in November - he had a better suit than me but less hair so we called it quits. It's great to have him back on the show.

Right here are the stories....

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 4 Jan 07, 10:57 AM

Good morning. Right off we go for today's meeting. You can call us now on country code 44 20 7557 0635 if you've a story idea. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 2 Jan 07, 03:30 PM

Thanks to Arjun for calling into the meeting from Kenya. Here's the stories that are making the cut, and the ones that, for the moment, aren't.

There's a lot of people online debating the US food decision to say that cloned animals are safe to eat. I'd like to ask whether you'd take their advice, and eat a cloned animal. And whatever you're answer is, I'd be really interested to hear why, as it's not a subject I feel I know enough about.

Read on for the rest...

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  • Rabiya Parekh
  • 20 Dec 06, 10:56 AM

We've had a fairly speedy meeting this morning, and there were really only two stories that we all agreed on that we think should make it on tonight.

Couples marrying in an Indian state may have to have compulsary HIV tests
HIV tests

The government of India's Andhra Pradesh state say a new law will soon make it compulsory for couples to take an HIV test before marriage.

Do you think it's a good idea?

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  • Rabiya Parekh
  • 19 Dec 06, 11:08 AM

We've just had the meeting and this is what will make it on tonight...

President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
We talked yesterday about how Ahmadinejad's popularity seems to be waning, and we wanted to find bloggers and people in Iran to tell us why they think that is.

We've semi-suceeded in that, but we also want to find out why the tide is changing or whether the criticism of the President has always been there, we've just not been able to hear it..

Is this a set back for the Iranian President? Are the Iranian people are looking for Ahmadinejad to take a different course of action?

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  • Rabiya Parekh
  • 18 Dec 06, 11:11 AM

Jessica Lal
We've just had the meeting and here are the stories we'll be looking at today.

Jessica Lal

A court in India has found the son of a former politician guilty for the murder of a model in 1999. Earlier this year, Manu Sharma and nine others were acquitted for the murder of Jessica Lal. But public outrage led to protest rallies and an unprecedented campaign to bring her killers to justice, was mounted by the media.

Today we're asking for to the guilty verdict, and does it ahil a new era for India's elite in the courts, or is it a one-off case?

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 14 Dec 06, 01:15 PM

Our daily editorial meeting is open to you. If you'd like to take part, read on....

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 14 Dec 06, 11:03 AM

Hi there. As Pete's already highlighted. there are two stories which so many of you are interested in - , and into male circumcision and HIV / AIDS.

These are the questions you want asked - you can post your answers now.:


And why do so many people care so strongly about Diana?


Would you consider being circumcised because of this report?
Would you consider getting your son circumcised becuase of this report?


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  • Ros Atkins
  • 30 Nov 06, 11:12 AM

here we go. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today. If you want to join us NOW call us on country code 44 20 70 83 72 72.

We've got David, Karnie, Mahmoud, James, Rozita, Joe and Pete (count 'em) in Bush House, Mark and Anna in Television Centre and Dicky and Rabiya in Istanbul.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 27 Nov 06, 11:05 AM

We're just finished the Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see which stories and under consideration today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 23 Nov 06, 11:11 AM

We've met, and we're discussing three main stories: Benedict in Nigeria emailed us to suggest the topic of witchcraft in sport. We'd love to hear your stories on this. Two Dutch MPs have been elected on an animal rights platform in yesterday's elections in the Netherlands - we'll discuss whether this indicates a shift in our views on animals. Finally, we're looking at the story that HIV is rising again in the UK: are people missing warnings? We'd love to hear from you.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 22 Nov 06, 11:31 AM

We've just finished the morning meeting, where we decided that the show would be dedicated to the issues in the Lebanon, where the killing of Pierre Gemayel has led to some suggesting the country is on the road to civil war.

We would love to hear from callers from the Lebanon and neighbouring countries: email us or call us on 44 207 557 0635.

Wherever you are in the world, this is World Have Your Say - where you set the agenda.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 17 Nov 06, 10:56 AM

We've just ended today's Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

Read on to find out what stories we chose, and how we made the choice...

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 16 Nov 06, 10:57 AM

I was woken up this morning by the rain. It's stopped now but it's one those days where it never really gets light. Strangely I quite like them. So it's very cosy here in our little office. Anyway, enough rambling about the weather (though you're welcome to tell me what it's like where you are).

If you're new to the meeting, click here to find out how it works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we've been talking about today. Let us know what you think.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 14 Nov 06, 11:25 AM

Hi there. How's things? Today we're Rabiya, Hasit, Joe, Karnie and Anna... and we're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 13 Nov 06, 11:21 AM

Tired but happy here we are back in London. And having sat in cramped smelly bus for 45 minutes this morning, suddenly hanging around in a Toledo gas station for 4 hours didn't seem so bad. It was a thrilling week in the States (if you want to look back here are all the shows - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), and we're very grateful to all you who came along and contributed to the shows. I really hope we can stay in touch with you all.

Anyway, to use some football parlance, you're only as good as you're last show and we're just beginning today's Morning Meeting to work out what to look at tonight. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Peter van Dyk
  • 10 Nov 06, 11:32 AM

Our week in the USA ends today. We had a great response to , especially the issue of affirmative action - so a big thanks to Brad for joining us for the morning meeting and telling us that was what people in Michigan were talking about.

Today Neil in Detroit will take part in the meeting. If you want to jon us in the future, let us know.

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  • Peter van Dyk
  • 9 Nov 06, 11:19 AM

Good morning, as you'll have read and/or heard, we're in Detroit today. Well, everyone else is - you may also have read that I'm holding the fort at Bush House while Mark, David, Rabiya, Ros and Richard travel the States. But I do have the pleasure of waking them up at 7am for the morning meeting.

Which we'll come to in a bit (about half an hour in fact). I'll blog the meeting here, but first, here's what we're thinking about: Election election election.

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  • Paul Coletti
  • 3 Nov 06, 11:26 AM

It's Friday's Morning Meeting where once again we tussle to get our ideas on air. Please join the fray. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Rabiya Parekh
  • 1 Nov 06, 11:46 AM

We have a full house this morning and we're just about to have the morning meeting. Steve is joining us from Utah, and you can also take part every morning when we discuss what we think is playing around the world.
Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 31 Oct 06, 11:28 AM

HI there. We've just been listening to Mark's appearance on Over To You, where he answered some criticisms of the programme. We were convinced but what he had to say then I guess in our cases he was preaching to the converted. So without any further ado, let's get on with the Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 30 Oct 06, 11:11 AM

We're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 27 Oct 06, 12:15 PM

Morning all. Sorry we're a little late. We'll blame it on Mark's dentist. We're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 26 Oct 06, 11:50 AM

Hi there. I hope you're doing well today. Here's details of today's Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 24 Oct 06, 11:24 AM

Hi there. A new day and a new programme beckons. We're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 23 Oct 06, 11:49 AM

A picture of this morning's meeting with listeners Steve and Justin on the phoneWe're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today. We've David, Pete, Mark, Paul, Priya, Dicky (fresh back from Cuba) and Angela (who's with us for the day from )....

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  • Ros Atkins
  • 20 Oct 06, 11:25 AM

Hi there. It's a dank drizzly day here in London but somehow winter always feels more bearable before Christmas rather than after. In fact I was waiting for the bus last night and saw an advert for at Somerset House which is a classic evening if you're ever in town. And all this despite sun-bathing on Sunday. Anyway, enough rambling about the weather.

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The 麻豆社 is not responsible for the content of external internet sites