Organs donations and Telly Tubbies
Right, question time. What's Telly Tubby language for "hello everyone, Peter Dobbie here. It's me, with World have Your Say". More on that later -- oh, and if you just answered that question with something like "eee-ohr" you've watched far too much television :-)
First, how far would you go to save a loved one, or indeed save your own life?..
...Would you go on a reality game show -- if the prize meant the difference between life and death. A Dutch TV station says it will go ahead with a programme in which a terminally ill woman selects one of three patients to receive her kidneys. Is this all in the worst possible taste, or has the broadcaster got it right: this is actually about highlighting a huge shortage of organ donors. How far can reality television go ? Would you watch such a show -- and, be honest, if you did watch it, WHY would you watch it. Let us know what you think.
Right, to the Telly Tubbies. Did you ever think Tinky Winky, was, well, gay ? Yes, gay, as in homosexual. Not just really happy, in a fat, purple, aeriel on his head, kind of a way. There is a serious side to this because a senior Polish official has ordered psychologists to investigate whether the popular Â鶹Éç TV show -- the Teletubbies -- "promotes" a homosexual lifestyle. Now I have to be honest here -- I think that little word "promotes" is pretty dangerous. What does that use of "promotes" really mean here. Is that simply a cover for good old fashioned homo-phobia. Is there a broader issue here -- by highlighting this does the official in question, a Ms Sowinska, send out a huge signal: gay equals bad, straight equals good. Are we being over sensitive, or has the world really moved on to a time where gay people are not singled out as different. Let us know what you think.
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