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Going down to Chinatown!

  • Sam
  • 27 Sep 06, 07:32 PM


Yo guys,

Hope you enjoyed the show on Saturday, I really enjoyed myself even though I lost at skipping (gutted). It was great to see the Blazin’ Squad lads. We had lots of emails sent in for them so thanks for that. How bad was it when Caroline slapped me in the face? My cheek is still glowing. Think my favourite part of last week’s show had to be the surely game with the marshmallows, it was very fun to play.

Well it’s been a busy day in the flat today. This week’s Chinatown challenge has been a real struggle, it’s not as physical this week but I’m finding it quite difficult. I’m sure I’ll get some luck on Saturday (fingers crossed). This week’s Chinatown challenge is darts and we’ve just had a bit of an accident. We were playing a game where Ed shouted out a number on the dart board and I had to hit it but my aim isn’t great and I ended up throwing the dart straight at a lamp and smashing it. We’ve just finished cleaning up. All I’ll say is please be very, very careful if you are ever playing darts!

I’ve just cooked tea for everyone, which I don’t mind admitting was pretty tasty, have I mentioned that I’ve got an NVQ in cooking?? Anyway it was just lucky we had some stuff in the cupboard ‘cos it seems like no-one remembered to do the shopping, I blame Mark! He’s too busy thrashing me at darts, to be honest I’ve pretty much given up on this week’s challenge it’s really annoying ‘cos I can’t seem to get any better at it. Rubbish. Mark’s being really annoying telling me that I’ve just got to practise – BUT IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE!!!!!!! I’m going down to China Town!!!

The props that you guys sent in for this week's 'Surely' game were really difficult but I reckon we’ve come up with something fun, you’ll have to watch on Saturday to find out!

We had a visit from Lil’ Chris this week. He’s got his single out in the charts and he’s been teaching me and Mark how to be a rocker! Hopefully all our rock school lessons will impress Caroline on Saturday because we’ve got a little something special planned 4 her.

Here's the photo of my fat self that I showed on the telly last week. If you can get fatter, go to the TMi contact page, send us a photo and prove it! The best one wins a TMi t-shirt so don't hang around or Mark will probably use it to blow his nose on.

Me looking rather large!

see you at 9am on Saturday xxxxxxx

Guitars and dart boards

  • Mark
  • 27 Sep 06, 12:05 PM


Had a great time last week, Blazin' Squad were on top form and I loved our ‘surely…’ game! (I didn’t know Sam had that much puff in his chubby cheeks!), and of course another victory for the best friends in the business in ‘Call Yourself a Friend’. Is anyone out there good enough to compete with the masters??

It’s shaping up to be another interesting week in the flat. Been practising the Chinatown Challenge today which is less physical than last week, but I think I’ve got Sam on the ropes (so to speak). We had some special help too from a dart legend, Bobby George, who gave us some tips, including how to surf on a dart board.

This morning everyone was very excited because the guitars were out. Sam & Ed were strumming whilst I knocked out some killer vocals! The TMi album, is not available in the shops just yet, but hopefully soon will be! Look out for hits such as ‘Coffee Boiled Is A Coffee Spoiled’ to name just a one! In fact we’re going to post up the ‘dressing gown song’ on this site. Don’t laugh you’ll all be singing it soon, so make sure you check it out. If you can’t get enough of my silky singing make sure you’re watching on Saturday when all this will make a lot more sense... Hopefully.

Food is never far from our faces in our flat which is lucky as this week’s ‘Surely they can’t make a game out of that’, is the toughest so far. It involved ties, moustaches, and a fry up! Obviously it got quite messy and I think my feet need a pedicure! Hopefully you will get involved on Saturday, because we give away great prizes. You all know you want to get your hands on that TMi mug, as seen on TMi.

Lil’ Chris (he is little) visited us today and taught us how to rock. This meant me dressing up as someone who was a cross between Prince (ask ya dads) and Austin Powers. All in all, it was a tremendous success, and gave me and Sam a chance to smash up our guitars, something we should have done a long time ago, I think. Take a look at some pictures.
Me and Sam playing guitars

Sam and Me dressed as rock stars

Lil' Chris with Sam and me in the flat.

Sam. Lil' Chris and ,me

I’m gonna win chinatown there's no question about it. I’ve been practising all afternoon and Sam is going to crumble under the pressure. My pride is at stake once again and I want to go 2-1 up and get in a great forfeit and repeat the great feeling of winning last week. Nuff said, get your votes in!

Love you all

Mark ‘Flashdance’ Rhodes

Sneaky pics from backstage

  • Sam
  • 25 Sep 06, 04:43 PM

I went backstage during the show and took a couple of sneaky pics, have a look.

Caroline is remembering her lines, look at how hard she is concentrating.

Joe's working hard to make sure the show goes smoothly.

Here we all are with the Blazin' Squad.
Sam, Mark and Caroline with the Blazin' Squad

Come back soon to check out more blog entries and pics.

Schoolgirl Sam

  • Mark
  • 25 Sep 06, 10:17 AM

Here are some photo's of Sam after he lost Saturday's Chinatown Challenge. Ha, ha, ha, ha!


Sam with MC Platinum

See Ya,


What a week

  • Mark
  • 21 Sep 06, 07:51 PM

So what can I say about last week's show? Well I had a right laugh and everybody involved really enjoyed themselves. However, I was not so keen on wearing a glitter cat suit in Leicester Square and being hit in the face with a wet fish!!

This week's Chinatown Challenge is a little beauty, it’s going skippingly if you know what I mean. I must admit I am feeling rather confident about this week's challenge but I said that last week and we all know what happened eh! Loved our studio guest Nikki from Big Brother, she was great and was really up for some fun which is what TMi is all about. Hopefully this weeks studio guests Blazin’ Squad will be up for a bit of banter!

Thought the guys who were up against us in 'Call Yourself A Friend' were a laugh however when you’re up against a unit as strong as Sam and I you really should do your research and not put John Terry as the answer for everything including your fave sandwich flavour (random)!!

Really enjoyed our 'Surely You Can’t Make A Game Out Of That' challenge! Poor Derek did take a real hammering, however it all turned out well in the end and we got some great prizes for a caller even though I had very sore eyes afterwards because of the burger juice, do not try that at home!

What would be great is if you guys out there could send us some ideas on props for the game, this week we have been sent some beauties, but obviously you will have to watch on Saturday to see how well they work!

We had some very special guests at our flat this week; let’s just say it was raining cats and dogs except there were only dogs (you will get it if you watch Saturday). Anyway gonna love you and leave you now but remember watch us, we’re maaaaaaaaaaad!!!! X x x x x x x

Loads of stuff

  • Sam
  • 21 Sep 06, 05:50 PM

Hi guys, hope you enjoyed the show on Saturday, I know I did. I think my favourite bit had to be the Chinatown challenge. Marks face when he was in his Cat suit, very funny. I shouldn’t laugh though coz this week's skipping challenge is a toughy and I hate to say it but I think I’m goin down to Chinatown on Saturday.

How great was Nikki from Big Brother on Saturday? She was a great first guest. Really nice person too.

Its been a wicked week so far, I reckon we’ve got some great ideas for ‘Surely They Can’t Make A Game Out Of That’ we had some great props sent in, sadly no Derek this week though. I miss Derek.

No Chico either this week, but we did have a visit from 11 dogs, that’s not a joke by the way. It got very messy, tune in on Saturday to find out what happened.

Looking forward to seeing the Blazin’ Squad lads on Saturday, they’re always up 4 a laugh. Me, Mark and the TMi team have been learning their new song.

I’ve gotta ask if there’s anyone out there who can take on Me and Mark at 'Call Yourself a Friend'. We’re undefeated as yet, it's only been one week but still. Make sure you get on the website to find out how to take on me and Mark.

Don’t forget, the easiest way to win some wicked prizes is on TMi. All you need to know is the date of your birthday. Simple! We call it Birthday Bingo.

Well guys, I best be getting back to training ready for the Chinatown Challenge, and I’ll see you bright and early on Saturday at 9am

Bye x

First show fun

  • Mark
  • 16 Sep 06, 02:35 PM

Have a look at this. That's me with the first ever TMi studio guest, Nikki from Big Brother.
Me and Nikki

This is me and Nikki with the rest of the TMi gang. Don't we all look happy?
Sam, Nikki, Caroline and me

After losing the first Chinatown Challenge to Sam, I had to wear this suit in public.
Me in the glitter suit

Check out Sam's pictures on his blog.

See ya.

First ever TMi show

  • Sam
  • 16 Sep 06, 02:21 PM

Hey everyone, check out the pics from the first ever show.

Here I am with Nikki from Big Brother
Me and Nikki

Here I am again with Nikki from Big Brother. I don't know who the other two people are.... I do really!

Mark's got more on his page, go and take a look.

An energetic guest

  • Sam
  • 15 Sep 06, 05:53 PM

Every day in the TMi flat we’re prepared for a surprise visitor to drop in to our flat. We know someone or something will be coming but we don’t know who! I can’t imagine we’ll get a bigger shock than when Chico came round as that was a complete surprise to Mark and me. As you can imagine, Chico was sooooo over-excited and by the time he’d left we were exhausted, he’s got so much energy. I still don’t know how he persuaded Mark & me to dress up as girls.

Here I am learning some of Chico's moves.
Me with Chico

Anyway, I’ve got to go now as I need to practise this week’s Chinatown Challenge (the challenge that Caroline gets us to practise in the flat before I go to head to head against Mark on Saturday morning). I am SO going to win!

This week you can vote on who you think will win by going on the TMi website. Go on vote for me!

Speak soon and don’t forget to watch TMi every Saturday at 9am on Â鶹Éç TWO and CÂ鶹Éç.



A visitor

  • Mark
  • 15 Sep 06, 04:16 PM

We had a very special first guest in the flat today, the loveable Chico made a visit. We made him a lovely cup of tea and he tried his upmost to teach Sam and I some dance moves from his new track. He even spent some (Chico) time teaching me some chat up lines to impress Caroline. Caroline’s not living here with us but she’s going to host the show with us on Saturday. We’ve only met her a few times but it feels like we’ve known each other for ages. She’s really pretty and very funny so I reckon you’ll love her.

Not only have we got all this great stuff from our flat we also have the very lovely however rather mad Nikki from Big Brother in the studio on Saturday so get ready for some comedy gold.
I’ll love you and leave you till next week so au revoir, auf wiedersen and goodnight!!!

See you on Â鶹Éç TWO & the CÂ鶹Éç channel at 9am! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Chinatown Challenge

  • Mark
  • 14 Sep 06, 06:07 PM

After practising one of the games that will appear on Saturday’s show I was so thirsty that I drank half a bottle of lemonade in one go. If you’ve ever drunk that much fizzy drink you’ll know what happens next! My burp was so loud that Sam was nearly blown off his chair. Sam then told me that my burps smell like gammon which made me laugh so much that I had to go to the toilet in case I wet myself.

While I was gone, Sam took the opportunity to have some sneaky Chinatown Challenge practice. If you don’t know about the Chinatown Challenge, it’s a competition on TMi every week where Sam & I compete against each other. If you think I’m going to win (hurray!) then get on the site and vote for me. If you think Sam will win (boo!) then get on the site and vote for me.

Coming up with ideas

  • Sam
  • 14 Sep 06, 04:47 PM

Today was so busy! Whilst we’re in the TMi flat we not only come up with ideas for the show but also test them. This morning we came up with some great ideas for a game involving some very strange objects. We think it’s great but we’ll find out on Saturday when one of you will get to play it for the chances to win some great prizes. If you go to ‘Be On A Show’ on the CÂ鶹Éç website you find out how to play the games on Saturday morning and suggest some stupid objects for us to use.

Mark and I are used to turning our flat into a complete mess but I think it’s proving to be a bit of a shock for Ed, Helen and the TMi team! Wait until they see the washing up that needs doing because I’ve been cooking up a storm in the TMi kitchen. Did I mention I’ve got an NVQ level 1 in cooking?!


  • Mark
  • 13 Sep 06, 01:59 PM

Today was all about preparing for the show. Nikki from Big Brother is on the show this week which is really exciting as I’m a massive fan. She’s SO funny and I can’t wait to see if she throws any tantrums on our show. We'd better make sure the air-conditioning is turned off! Sam and I thought of some questions to ask her but if you’ve got any suggestions or want us to ask her a question then get in touch.

We’ve also been buying some great prizes for you lot to get your hands on each week. If you want to join in with any of our games just click on CÂ鶹Éç’s ‘Be on a Show’ or TMi’s ‘Get Involved’ section.

A new flat

  • Mark
  • 11 Sep 06, 03:57 PM

Hiya guys,

Welcome to the best blog in the history of blogs! By the the time you’ve read this you’ll feel like you’ve been in the TMi flat with me all week.

Although I’m used to being on TV it’s still very strange to be actually living in a house full of cameras that constantly move and whirr. When you watch a show like Big Brother you always wonder what it would be like and now I know! There’s nowhere to hide, not even the bathroom, which means that Sam needs to stop leaving his dirty pants like around the place and I need to stop picking my nose.

Sam and I are used to each other’s bad habits but I think Helen & Ed (the people from the TMi team who are living with us) are a bit shocked. Anyone would think they weren’t used to finding my toenail clippings on the kitchen table each morning.


  • Sam
  • 11 Sep 06, 02:22 PM

Hi guys,

Well what can I say, the first week of TMI has begun and it’s going to be brilliant! Over the last few days the TMi team haved moved into our flat to help us make the show and we’re all having a real laugh. So far, there haven’t been any arguments because we’re all on best behaviour!

We’ve got 2 members of the TMi team living with us so watch out for them on TV and on the TMi website. Ed is the producer and as long as his favourite football team, Burnley, don’t lose he’s always in a good mood. The producer’s job is turn all our crazy ideas into the show that you see on Saturday morning. When Ed’s got a list of all our ideas he works out which ones he thinks we should use and in which order they go in.

Helen, is also living in our flat and is a researcher on TMi. This means she has to get all the stuff we need for the show on Saturday. So, if we decide to dress Mark up as a gorilla then Helen has to find a gorilla costume for him. Poor Helen!

What is a Blog and how does it work?

  • TMI
  • 8 Sep 06, 02:18 PM

Welcome to the TMi Blog.

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The reason for all the fuss about blogs is that they let you write your thoughts and share them with the rest of the world.

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On the right hand side of the page, you'll see a calendar. When any date on that calendar is blue, that means there was one or more entry published on that day. Click on the date and the page will display that day's items.

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