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Chinese top 10

  • James Reynolds
  • 5 Jun 08, 09:40 AM GMT

I'd like to pick up on a point I was making earlier this week - the fact that people in the West don't know all that much about China.

Chinese peopleI report mostly for people back in the UK. For some UK viewers and listeners, I know that China can be quite a frustrating story - you're told all the time (usually by people like me) that China is hugely important, but you may not know that much about it, you've probably never been there, and here's the killer point: you may not be able to name a single living Chinese person. It's hard to understand what 1.3 billion people are thinking and doing if you don't actually know who any of them are.

So, I want to try to chip away at that. I'd like to come up with a list of the 10 living Chinese people that everyone should know about. (I accept that this is a deeply nerdish and probably incredibly unoriginal idea - but hopefully it might be quite useful.)

So, two questions...

1) If you don't know much about China, which Chinese people - if any - have you actually heard of ?

2) If you're Chinese, or you know a lot about the country, which living people should go on the must-know-about list ?

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