How you can help
As most readers of this website will know, the 麻豆社 is very concerned for the safety of who was abducted in Gaza on 12 March.
More than 35,000 people have signed a calling on anyone who has any influence on the situation to increase their efforts to secure Alan's immediate release.
Today we are adding this button to 麻豆社 News blogs. We are inviting anyone who runs a blog or website to do the same to show support for Alan. It's a simple but, we hope, effective way of spreading the message.
To add the button to your blog, just copy and paste the code below into your blog's HTML. You could add it to an individual blog post, or, even better, to your blog's sidebar.
Using the code above, the image will link to a page on the 麻豆社 News website which has more information about Alan's situation and gives any of your blog's readers the chance to add their names to the petition.
Thank you for your help, it's much appreciated.
If you do publish this link on your blog or website, feel free to post a comment here to let us know.
I have added the tag to my blog. I'm quite upset about what is happening with Mr. Johnston; I do hope some news comes through soon. Thank you to the 麻豆社 for keeping us informed, and for the efforts you are making to find him. My thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues at this time. I never met Mr Johnston, but his face portrays such kindness and compassion, and his reports were first class. Good luck with your search for him, I wish there was more I could do.
I have placed the button on my Myspace page. I sincerely hope that Alan Johnston is alright, and my thoughts are with his friends and family.
I had the privilege of working with Alan earlier in his career at the Gloucester Citizen newspaper. He is a cracking lad and a superb journalist, and like so many others during this difficult time, I wish for his safe return. The idiocy of Alan's kidnapping is that here is a man of integrity and skill, reporting the plight of the Palestinians in a way that can only benefit their struggle. His well-crafted reports provided a window to the world for the Palestinians in Gaza but the cretins who seek to either hold, or worse, harm him are blinded by ignorance and hatred. I am not a religious man but I will 'pray' for Alan's release, in the hope that claims that he has been 'executed' - murdered - prove unfounded.
I've added the button to my blog.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family . I hope he will be home soon!
I've posted it on the message board I run, you can only hope that there is to be a positive outcome for Alan.
I've added the button to my blog, and I'm encouraging other blogging journalists here to do the same.
Button added.
Ive posted up the link on my myspace. Im only 17 and the whole idea of being a journalist is great, the whole idea of discovering new things, witnessing events first hand its just something i would want to do as well. Alan was only doing his job and a great job he was doing at that, I hope as i know the rest of the Uk and the world do, that Alan Johnston is safe and well and will be reunited with his family.
Done and done.
The Alan Johnson banner has been posted on the NUJ Brussels website at
In response to David Walker, are kidnappings now to be classed either as idiotic or pragmatic, depending on whether or not the victim supports the Palestinian cause?
The kidnapping of Alan Johnston is immoral and criminal, just as the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit continues to be. I sincerely hope to see both of them released unharmed, very soon, but failing that, I hope that the plight of Alan Johnston is not forgotten by the 麻豆社 as quickly as Gilad Shalit has been.
May they both be released unharmed, very soon.
I have placed the button on my blog.I wish for the safe and speedy release of Alan Johnston.
I have added the button to a web page and to a blog.
I hope with all my heart that he will be free soon.
I have added the button and will urge my readers to do the same in a special Alan post later.
My thoughts are with Alan's family at this difficult time. The button is added to my blog.
I've posted the button on my blog. I work in subtitling on News 24 and Alan Johnston is a familiar face to us. I hope the situation will be resolved quickly and safely.
Placed the button to my sidebar :)
Glad to help.
Hope he's safe and will soon be found.
The button will be added to the website of the Churches' Media Council. People of all religions and of none are waiting in hope and faith for Alan's safe return.
I have added the button to my own blog and my condolences are with Alan's friend's and family.
Please let's hope Alan is home safely asap. Like many other 麻豆社 reporters and crew they place them selves in degrees of danger and life threating situations.
All I hope is that Alan is safe and well and home soon.
Button added to two blogs - and
Best wishes for his safe return
Button placed on flickr profile.
I cannot get the logo to work on my MySpace blog. It works fine on my profile so I've put it there.
Thoughts are with his family, too.
My thoughts and prayers are with Alan's family, friends and colleagues at this unimaginably difficult time.
I've added the button to my Livejournal sidebar and also as an individual entry. Within minutes I'm seeing it re-posted on other blogs.
I have added the button to a blog I am working on:
I am praying, hoping and contacting everyone I know to help in this as much as they can. I hope Alan will be home and that the horrible news items coming out in recent days will prove to be unfounded.
Those holding Alan have nothing to gain by continuing to do so and everything to lose if he is harmed.
They should let him go - he hasn't done anything wrong and cannot be blamed for any of their grievances.
Please for Allah's sake let Alan go.
I've also added the button to my . I wish for Alan's safe return to the UK.
Have added the button to my blog's side bar and invited other people to do so too.
He's a courageous man and my thoughts are with him.
Thanks for providing the average blogger who has listened to and watched Alan's reporting over the years with the ability to publicise his plight.
Let's hope for a safe and speedy conclusion. Button added
FWIW, I've added the link to my blog's sidebar. Hopefully, Alan will be freed soon.
I've added the button to my websites home page.
I hope we get good news about Alan very soon.
Thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
Just to point out it's possible to make the button your signature on all outgoing messages, if your e-mail account supports HTML in this way.
Best wishes Alan - come home safely soon.
Button added to website - least I could do.
tag added
I only hope it helps.
I have added it to our website
Button posted on website. Looking forward to removing it as soon as possible. Here's to his release.
I have been critical of the 麻豆社 stance on Balen. I am not always happy about the weasel words that refers to "Insurgents" rather than terrorism. I sometimes want to throw my shoe through the tv at seeming bias in 麻豆社 reporting.
It takes brave men and women to report from major conflict zones and without such reporting all sides would be the losers. Whatever our views we rely on the on the ground reporting that such people provide to give us access to what is going on in such troubled areas.
The people who have taken Alan have done immense harm to any cause they may have. Let us hope they are rational and come to see this. The fear must be that they are irrational and will harm him. "War on Terror"? - call it what you will. How can the world not resist such irrationality?
Anyway the buttons on the blog and here's hoping he returns safe and well.
It is ridiculous that someone who is only trying to help the Palestinians and their cause is being treated in such a manner. He has been amongst them for three years, risking his life to achieve a good understanding about them and their way of life, enabling him to report to the rest of the world in a fair and just way. They then repay him for this by holding him hostage and not even having the grace to confirm where or how he is, and then releasing a statment saying he has been killed but providing no evidence. What a way to repay someone who has worked tirelessly in their favour for such a long time. Hoping and praying that he is well and will be returned to his family soon.
Button added to blog. My thoughts are with Alan and his friends, colleagues, and family. I hope for his safe return soon.
We have added the button to The Electronic Intifada and have created a special page indexing our coverage of his ordeal:
For what it's worth, Alan is always in our thoughts and we hope and pray for his speedy and safe release.
I have added it to my blog. I hope it increases awareness, even if by just a very small amount, and that it has a snowball effect. The 麻豆社 is one of the few media organizations that I view as giving a balanced picture of events in the region. People like Alan who seek to report the truth certainly don't deserve this.
Yep, done.
Hi Jon,
I added the button to my blog I had signed the petition and I sent four messages of support published on 麻豆社 have your say
I hope Alan will be released soon.
I have put the button on my myspace and created a bulletin and sent it to all my contacts to that they can do the same.
I hope Mr Johnston is found :)
Added. and i have sent the link to all friends and family to add to their blogs as well. I just hope and pray that Mr Johnston is well... wish I could do more. Let us know if we can do anything more.
I've added the button to my blog. My thoughts and best wishes are with his family during this time.
Button added to my sidebar. Let's hope for the best...
I did it. And I am not the sort of person who does this. I've hardly gotten the hang of blogging, far less adding sidebars.
But I did it cos I care. i remember John McCarthy, Terry Waite and the others; they lost their freedom to bring us the stories we expect 24/7 but forget in five minutes.
Alan is not forgotten.
[I do remember when I was a student studying French at Glasgow Uni as part of my Law Degree, I used to watch French TV news programs; and the headline in every news bulletin was that Mr X and Mr Y have now been hostages for 101 days. Every day they made it plain to the public; they made it clear they cared.
麻豆社??? time to follow suit.
On behalf of - get home safely Alan.
Added to both of my company sites and to a forum I run.
Have added it to myspace..
I've added the button onto my myspace - - and will also add it to my blog. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
Being involved in campaigning and searching for missing servicmen in the Middle East since 1990, I can understand the delema facing those charge with the job of finding Alan.
It is also most difficult for the families at this time and our hearts and prayers go out them as well as Alan.
Rev Dr Robert Carroll PhD ThD
Missing in Action Foundation
Button added
My thoughts are with Alan and his family, wishing for his safe return.
The button has been added to the sidebar of my blog.
What has happened to Alan Johnston is an outrage. Those who are responsible should be caught and subjected to the full justice the law can provide.
Alan was in Gaza working to provide the world with impartial and unbiased news and information to the world - so not only is this atrocity an attack on Alan and the 麻豆社, but on free speech itself.
It is fantastic to see everyone coming together for support of Alan, something which I am proud to be a part of.
-Daniel Winter
The kidnappers are doing a great disservice to the Palestinian people. They are shooting themselves in the foot. By serving the interests of Israel, they are virtual agents and traitors.
Gaza is lawless and since the arrival of Hamas, the internal security situations has deteriorated and there is no end in sight. Alan Johnston is a victim for this dire state.
I've placed the link on my Myspace, hope it helps in some way. Thinking of Alan, and his family and friends.
Button added.
I hope the guy's ok. Journalists are independent unbiased reporters of facts. They are civilians.
I've added the button to my blog. I hope everything will be all right.
I've added the link on my blog: and will put it anywhere else I can think of.
Added it to my site. I hope for his family and his sake that he is alive and brought home soon.
Button added. Our thoughts and prayers are with Alan and his family.
I've added the button to my MySpace blog. I hope and pray Alan gets released safe and well very, very soon.
Alan Johnson is fortunate he works for the 麻豆社, which seems to be making a huge effort to secure his release. Not all journalists working in high risk places are that fortunate.
But 麻豆社 correspondent or not, at the end of the day, I hope - I really hope - he'll make it home.
posted on my blog
Published on
I've added the button to my blog. I hope Alan is well and is released soon.
I've added the button to my LJ. I hope Alan is alive and well, and that he will be home soon.
I good idead ill try and get a few more bloggers to do this.
Have added the button to my Facebook Notes, and joined the Facebook group calling for Alan's release.
Let's hope that if he is still alive and released he will learn to be impartial from now on instead of an Arab puppet
Thanks to Steve Norris for pointing out that this can be turned into an email html signature file - I have done that, and it will be on all emails I send out for the forseeable future.
Our thoughts are with Alan and his family, and with all other journalists who risk their lives every day to tell the difficult stories which the world needs to hear.
Button added.
"The kidnapping of Alan Johnston is immoral and criminal, just as the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit continues to be. I sincerely hope to see both of them released unharmed, very soon, but failing that, I hope that the plight of Alan Johnston is not forgotten by the 麻豆社 as quickly as Gilad Shalit has been.
May they both be released unharmed, very soon."
I wholeheartedly agree with Michael (comment 11)
Here, to show my support for Alan, I'm joining the call to free Alan by making my blog carrying his photo and link on his situation.
Button added to and a message posted to the New Zealand Journalists' Mailing List (JourNZ).
We have added a button and have also got online and an audio .
Link posted to my website
I don't know Alan but I've worked in Afghanistan and other places with people just like him. Here's hoping for his safe return.
I have added the button to my blog - still praying for good news. What is left if they kill the truth?
Come home soon.
I have added the banner to
button added
Happy to help
Done. I really hope it makes a difference. It's amazing what can happen...I wish his family peace in this tortured time.
Posted to Livejournal's UK community.
Ok, done. I hope this helps.
Banner added. I do hope that Alan is fit and well and will be back home soon.
I am a member of a couple of internet forums and will be adding the button to my signature.
Praying for Alan.
Silencing Alan Johnston, or anyone from the press, generally demostrated as impotence of power and an inadequacy of logic. Alan johnston has a reputation of speaking for the ordinary / the invisible/ the people of Palestine
I really hope this helps.
Many of us think about Alan Johnston every morning, when we wake up, those of us not living in oblivion in our cosy western world safe from harm. We hope his captors can see that Alan is working to ensure that people in Gaza of various backgrounds and beliefs can tell their story, impartially. By holding him captive for this long they have already raised international awareness of their campaign and we hope that they will now release him in good health. Our thoughts are with Alan, and that his captors have shown him common decency by looking after him during this time, like other groups in Gaza have done. We also hope that he has not lost hope.
As an office bound business hack I've got nothing but respect for reporters such as Alan. I've added the link to my blog -
Have added the banner. And blogged the situation a couple of times. Good news soon I hope.
My respect for journalists who put themselves in harm's way to ensure that we get fair, accurate news knows no bounds. My thoughts are with Alan and his family, and I pray for his safe return soon.
Button added to my blog at .
Added to
Proudly displayed on My Moblog.
My thoughts and wishes are with Alan's family and collegues.
Added to my blog. Let's hope he's home soon.
Added to sans serif and churumuri
But it is important that the 麻豆社 stands up not for its journalists but all journalists, everywhere.
On VillaMedia, the largest journalism website in The Netherlands, we've written about Alan many times now. So it's only natural we add this button and express our support. Hoping for his safe return.
I pray for Alan's immediate release.
Added to
Added to
Praying for Alan and his family.
I don't see what these people think they can gain. Surely it can only do more harm than good, kidnapping such a respected broadcaster?
Not a day goes by without thinking of Alan and his family.
I fervently hope he is still alive and will emerge unscathed.
Have added your banner to our website at and join with others who are hoping he may be released soon.
I have added the button to my blog.
I've added the link to my blog. I do hope and pray Mr. Johnston is freed safe and unharmed very soon. Thank you 麻豆社 for keeping us informed of the situation.
I added it to my blog: "Roberto's World" at
I fully support Alan's safe return. The button has been added to my trilingual blog.
Added to
Have always been proud to grow up the daughter of a journalist, albeit not one who ever had to roam into the dangerous parts of the world (beyond the football stadium) - adding my thoughts to this cause and hoping that justice and freedom prevail for one of the storytellers of the world.
I have added the link to the blog on my website,
I have added the button to my blog's sidebar and I hope this whole ordeal of having to kidnap someone who is both innocent and on civic duty would be put to an end once and for all.
It doesn't do anyone any good at all.
The work doneby Alan is really appreciable. I want to urge the captors to release h a nice person who was depicting the Middle east to the outer world risking his own life.
I will post the Blogcode as well in
陌 have posted the banner in my blog. Hope the situation will be resolved immediately.
button added
Button has been added to Amjad's Blog
The button added to my sidebar, and I pray it doesn't have to stay there long.
May he return to us safely.
I hope this matter resolves quickly and fruitfully. Allan Johnston is just a journalist and was in Ghaza for news coverage. I hope and prey for his secure release.John's abductors are just criminals and does not belong to any groups/denominations.
Alan and his family are in my thoughts constantly. I know, as much as anyone can, what they are going through, and am happy to do anything to help.
I would like to do what I can to spread the word about Alan Johnston and help to facilitate his release in whatever way I can.
I have tried copying and pasting the link you have on your website which is supposed to show an image of Alan. I oversee with 3 websites. However with each of them I keep coming up with the following
404 - Page Not Found
This might be because you typed the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling ensuring that it does not contain capital letters or spaces.
It is possible that the page you were looking for may have been moved, updated or deleted.
Please click the back button to try another link.
Visit the 麻豆社 News Home Page.
Visit the 麻豆社 Sport Home Page.
Explore our full list of sites and services.
Pls. advise ASAP.
Kind regards, and in hope of Alans safe and speedy release.
Dear Allan,
I pray for and almight god is with you. You be home soon.
be blessed daina
I've added the button to by blog. I hope Alan will be home safe soon.
Great of you to create this opportunity for us to support you. I have added the link.
paul canning
I've just added the button on my Chinese blog . I want to draw my friends' attention to Alan's situation. May Alan be released safe and well as soon as possible.
Button added and hope for Alan's Speedy Release
i have added to my site. I hope he is freed soon..
I hope this helps to set Alan free as soon as possible. It is a bad own goal against the Palestinians to seize a man who was only doing his job, and was a friend of the Palestinian cause.
I have placed the banner on my myspace page. I am training to be a journalist and have been following Alan's dissappearence from the start.
It is shocking to know that someone who was doing his job was taken in such a cruel way.
Popel want to know what is going on around them and Alan did a great job of doing just that.
I hope he is found safe and well soon.
I've written several previous posts on this and have now added your banner.
I have added the button to my page on myspace. I hope for Alan's release soon. Our thoughts are with him & his family.
I've added it too. I have heard that eh is still alive, great news. I hope to god that he is released safe and sound sooner rather than later.
Gods Speed Alan.
Added to my site.
I hope he is OK and if so freed soon, my thought are with his family.
Added. Every writer should be concerned for Alan, and for all people who take the risks we don't have to, to bring us real information about the world around us. I used to work in conflict resolution and I know how important it is to have people like Alan willing to risk everything for the truth - like many others, I'm hoping that he'll soon be free and safe.
I have placed the link on my myspace page & on my blog.I campaign for a free Palestine but am saddened by what has happened.I do not believe kidnapping is the answer to the problems there.
Button has been added!
I have added. Let us all pray for Allan's safe return:
Have added banner to our website ( Our thoughts are with his Family and Friends at this very difficult time.
I do hope our modest effort helps spread the word about Alan Johnston and brings about his safe return.
For and on the behalf of The Cornish Miners Association.
Mike Davis (Web site coordinator)
Alan's picture is there in my sidebar at until he comes home.
I hope there will be a "jolly" version to swap it with on his return.
I remember the genuine sympathy with the Palestinians expressed in his voice when he did the FOOC piece about kidnappings in Gaza.
Tag added. Petition signed. Helpless feeling persisting. I can only hope that he has been taken by people who have some concern for his wellbeing, regardless of their political agenda.
I added the button to my blog. As a Palestinian, I want to express my solidarity with Alan Johnston and my sincere wishes that he be freed unharmed to join his family and friends and to continue to do his job. Alan must be freed!!
There's a full update on Alan's story on my blog now, at
The piece is encouraging some of the 1000 daily visitors to go and sign the petition.
I'm a Vietnamese journalist. I'm so sorry for Alan. I strongly hope he is safe and sound.
Added to Govan Law Centre's (Scotland) websites in solidarity.
We have posted the banner in our news website and we are the first Somali news website to do so. We hope the situation will be resolved immediately. Alan should have his freedom and we urge the captors to release Alan.
LaasqorayNet Team
I have added Alan's banner to the online lessons part of our school's website.
I spent an enthralled autumn driving around the mountains of N.Italy listening to Alan's incredible pieces for From Our Own Correspondent, hoping each week that another of Alan's pieces had been included in the program. His words gave the suffering experienced in Gaza's camps a human shape.
I learned with shocked surprise that he'd been kidnapped six weeks ago. I know of nothing in recent years which has brought the appalling plight of the Palestinians to life more than Alan's illuminating reports.
I dearly hope the people holding Alan see sense as soon as possible and release him. It will hurt their cause immeasurably if they do anything to harm him.
Button added to my blog.
My prayers goes out to Allan and his family.
I hope his abductors will have the good sense to return him quickly and safely to his family.
The button has been added to my blog.
I don't blog but I've emailed all my blogger friends to ask them to add your button. Please everyone do the same. Well done on this visibility initiative and I am hoping for a good outcome for Alan.
The button is added to every single item I am listing.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Alan and his family. Let us hope that this petty behaviour from countries we are supposed to be friends with ends here.
Added to both of my blogs. He is in my thoughts.
Your in our toughts and prayers.
I have worked together with Alan in the 麻豆社 newsroom a while ago, now I am the head of the VOA Pashto Service. Eversince, I have heard about Alan's abduction, I feel really sad. He is a great man and my thoughts are with him and his family. I would love to see him a free man again.
As a journalist myself I feel really strongly about the journalists right to work freely which ever country.
Therefore I join the forces to urge Alan Johnston.
Have added the button to my blog
I hope Allan will be back soon among his family and friends. This type of abuse must not be tolerated and must be publically condemned.
The abduction of Johnston by Palestinian gunmen is the most unfortunate thing to happen. I pray to Allah for his safety and appeal to them to spare his life.
麻豆社 is the only international media organisation with commendable credibility. It has in the past five decades covered the strife between Israel and Palestine with utmost objectivity. It has also highlighted extensively the hardships faced by the the common Palestinians due to the various blockades imposed by the Israeli Army.
Alan was a brave journo who risked his life to report from the ground and any harm to him would not only be outragious but also harm the larger Palestinian movement.
I once again appeal for Alan Johnston's release. Please...
A really good idea. I've added it to my blog.
We've added the button to
Alen gave news without bias. The suffering of the people of Palestine is being brought to the attention of the world by people like Alen. To make this person suffer is inhumane and beyond comprehension.
I've added the button to my blog.
I would like to say please release Alan Johnson. He is not reporting from one side. He is such a neutral reporter. Thinking for the best of world. Once more i would like to see Alan reporting from Gaza soon.
It's a bad situation to be in for any person, and hope all bares well. But just a quick reminder to budding young journalist that this is part of the territory of journalism, as is soldiering.
Signing this petition for the simple reason that it is wrong and wholly unjustifiable to incacerate people for merely doing their job. i just hope this situation has a happy outcome.
I am deeply concerned at the disappearance of Allan Johnston. Kidnapping is the most cowardly act, which is highly detestable. Journalists are independent opinion makers, curbing their voice is equal to gagging the press and its fundamental freedoms. I pray earnestly to the people involved in his kidnapping to free him.
Please spread the word and keep up the international pressure. We all miss Alan's reports and I'm sure the Palestian people will be worse off without someone as well respected in journalism as Alan, giving reports from the ground.
Will add the button to my blog once I get home work in a couple of hours. Hopefully Alan Johnston will be released ASAP.
Added to my blog -
Lets all hope for the best.
I hope Alan is safe, Insh'Allah
Dear Allan, I,m from Kingston, Jamaica. Just want you to know that I have been praying for you ever since I heard of your abduction. keep strong everything is going to be alright.
Yours truly,
I have added the button to my MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, and emailed it to everyone in my email address book.
I do hope he is returned safely soon. It is not a good omen for the future of journalism if he is not.
I added a link to my blog .
I've added it to my own small Live Journal, as an entry and on my profile. I've been listening to the 麻豆社 World Service each day as I drive home from work, and I keep hoping that one day I'll hear the joyous news we're all wanting to hear.
The button's been added to my outgong e-mails. I truely hope that compassion and goodness will prevail and Alan is released soon.
i have sent the link to my partner so that he can add it to his blog too. I hope we find him safe and well
I've added the button to my blog today.
Happy to tell you that the tag has been added to ASSAIF's blog in Italy.
Our thoughts and prayers for a quick and peaceful resolution of this senseless act
I have added this tag to my blog. My thoughts are with Mr. Johnston's family and I do hope he is released safe and well soon.
Alan's family and my own go back a long way and we grew up together in Kenya. Seeing his parents, who I know as Uncle Johnnie and Auntie Margaret, on the news recently was heart wrenching. Alan is in our thoughts everyday and I hope whoever has taken him, released him and allows him to come home soon.
I have added the button to my BLOG.
Alan's family and my own go back a long way and we grew up together in Kenya. Seeing his parents, who I know as Uncle Johnnie and Auntie Margaret, on the news recently was heart wrenching. Alan is in our thoughts everyday and I hope whoever has taken him, released him and allows him to come home soon.
I have added the button to my BLOG.
I added the link to my web site. I hope this will help in some way.
I have added the icon to my bloc. Wish Alan be released very soon.
Dear Mr.. Johnston,
Khalil Bashir,
I posted it on my myspace page.
Anyone who is a registered digg user, can help spread this message to a LOT of people;
If you're not registered, please take a few minutes sign up. Once signed in, follow the url above and you'll see a yellow box on the left next to the headline "Help Support Alan Johnston, the Missing 麻豆社 Correspondent Abducted in Gaza ". Underneath that is another box; "Digg this" and you can click on that. The more "diggs" this story gets, the more exposure this campaign gets.
I am telling to those mother fuckerz who think that Kidnapping is a fun that Better release the journalist....
What will you get if you hurt the family of Mr Alan....Free him.
And plz people do not generalize this to the muslims if the kidnapers are muslim.
Added it to my blog.
Added the image to our blog... our prayers our with a speedy and safe end to this situation.
I feel very strongly about this, and have therefore posted your link on both the UKAuthors and UKA Resources writers' websites, in the hope that it may, in some small way, help.
I've posted the button to (amongst others) my Facebook profile along with a note outlining the situation and encouraging others to campaign for Alan's release.
Whilst they are fully aware of the dangers of war and hostile environments, all journalists, no matter who their employer is or their background, deserve the right to be able to report events free from fear of this kind of incident.
Best wishes go to Alan's family and I hope he is found and released safely very soon.
"I remember the genuine sympathy with the Palestinians expressed in his voice when he did the FOOC piece about kidnappings in Gaza."
A 麻豆社 journalist is required to be unbiased and not have sympathy with anyone.
My thoughts are with Alan Johnston and his family right now. The essential role of free journalism in these dark and troubled times, not to mention the Palestinian cause itself, is certainly diminished by this act of cowardice. Mr. Johnston's captors have done a disservice to themselves and their people.
Just added to my blog.
I鈥檝e never met Alan but he has always come across as a great reporter and a great man.
My prayers and thoughts are with Alan and his family.
Please release Alan Johnston. He was merely doing his job.
Houston, Texas.
I've added the button to my (under construction) website
It's such a small thing to do but my hopes and prayers are big.
I have added a permanent link, and button to this on my blog. My thoughts and prayers are with Alan Johnston at this time, and I believe in the power of universal positive thinking. Therefore it is my belief that he will be safely returned to his loved ones. i refuse to think otherwise.
I have added the button to my livejournal, outgoing emails, facebook and myspace page. I've been praying for Mr. Johnston since I first read he was missing. Wherever you are Alan, you and your family are in my thoughts. God bless you and keep you.
I have placed the button on my blog, I hope my contribution helps in some way. I sincerely hope and pray for Alan's safe return & my thought and prayers are with his friends and family through out this tough time.
we , iranian journalist, are going to have a very special gathering about him , in Tehran .
I am so sorry for what is going on with Mr. Alan Johnston. This man deserves our respect and appreciation for his courage, honesty and unbiased coverage of events and situation in Gaza Strip. There were many protests and demonstrations on behalf of Mr. Johnston in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; people show strong solidarity with him and are angry at the perpetrators.
I wish him an immediate release to go back to his family, freinds and 麻豆社 safe and sound. I will be delighted to see him back home.
I've posted the banner on my blog with heartfelt hope for Alan's safe return.
Button placed . I'd love to see a good ending to this. May all your efforts not go in vain.
I am indeed humbled by the opportunity to add Alan Johnston's tag to my newly created blog on Myspace and my first entry has been titled 'Free Alan Johnston'. I pray this small endeavour pushes across the fight to have Alan released.
The Torr would like to show their support and have included the button on their official webpage. Best wishes to Alan and his family.
Let Alan Johnston go! Not only for himself and his family, but for the noble cause of the Palestinian people. How can abducting and possibly murdering the only western journalist in Gaza help your cause in any way? Let him go!
Let Alan Johnston go! Not only for himself, his family, friends and colleagues, but also for the noble cause of the Palestinian people. How can abducting and possibly murdering the only western journalist in Gaza help your cause in any way? Let him go!
Iam an ardent listener of 麻豆社, and Alan had always clearly brought to my attention the situation in the middle east.
I pray for your quick release and this ordeal comes to an end with you well and joining your family.
Francis Kenyi
[A south Sudanese refugee in Uganda]
Added to our company web site and my own blog today.
See you soon, Alan.
Done. Have added to myspace in my support and will send message to friends to do the same. Best wishes to Alan's family.
Button added via a Facebook note.
My thoughts are with Mr Johnston and his family and I urge those holding him to release him unharmed.
Button added via a Facebook note.
My thoughts are with Mr Johnston and his family and I urge those holding him to release him unharmed.
I have just found this by accident but have added it to my blog today, I don't know if it will help but lets hope he gets safe and sound soon. My thoughts are with his friends and fmaily.
Hi, I've added Alan on my, on my page. Wish you a speedy home coming Alan, the news just ain't the same without you, my thoughts are with you and your family. x
Done - it's on my blog and of course I very much hope for Mr Johnston's speedy release.
I have added the banner to both of my sites...
I hope this helps with the efforts to free Alan Johnston.
I have put this on the front page of my myspace page, and would encourage others to do the same.
my thoughts are with Alans family,friends and colleagues.
I've added the button to my gardening website My very small contribution to this petition. I hope it helps in releasing Mr Johnston so he may return to his family and friends.
Button added to Colcam.Image
I ask for the early, and safe, release of Alan soon, and hope to see him continue with his valuable work in the future.
I have placed a button on my web site.
I really hope Alan is released soon.
I've added this to my blog and an planning to write a post about the situation.
Added button to blog and a few other sites. I wish for the speedy release of Alan and my thoughts are with him.
I have already posted the button on my myspace site. My thoughts are with him and his family.
I have added the button to the interactive web community I run, Disabled Americans for Democracy. Although it is a small site with low traffic, Alan's plight moves me deeply, and it seemed to me that adding a button certainly couldn't hurt.
I have also asked friends in the blogosphere to consider adding the button.
May Alan be home soon!
Added to my blog.
Alan should be freed immediately by the people who hold him. His kidnapping does nothing for the Palestinian cause. In addition to my earlier support on the 麻豆社 pages I have now added the button to my online building diary, which is hopefully read by many straw bale house builders around the world.
Hoping to hear Alan's voice on the radio soon !!
Geir H Rodven, Tasmania, Australia
I have added the button to my website which is a list of resources for student journalists and media students like myself.
see Bradistan calling website
Free Alan
Have added to my xanga site (
I hope Alan's captors would understand that by capturing him, they have achieved -- and will achieve -- little.
Alan was one of the few (only??) journalists who insisted on living in Gaza -- without journalists like him, the sufferings of the Palestinian people as well as the true situation in Gaza would never be known to world.
Added, with hope that he returns safely. Alan Johnston showed great courage in staying in Gaza and working to ensure that the truth got out of that troubled territory.
We have added the button to our blog at . Here's hoping for a safe and speedy resolution to this dreadful affair.
Be safe Alan.
Thank you for making it easy to spread the word about Alan's situation.
I've posted the button on the top of my blog, Roadspill.
I hope it won't have to remain there very long.
Doug Murray
Takoradi, Ghana
Dear 麻豆社,
a link has been added to our weblog. Just a small footstep for me, but all together an unstoppable march!
The banner is added to my web blog as well. I look forward to the day we can take it down because he's been returned safe and well to his family.
I've added it to my blog, and I've been hoping and praying for Alan Johnston's safe return. Somehow people who we hear everyday on the 麻豆社 feel like friends, and it almost feels personal when something happens to one of them.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family and colleagues. I hope that he is released soon, and that the support Alan Johnson button helps.
Nelefa - World of Bague is proud to support the brave Mr Johnston in any way we can. Adding a button to a sidebar is the very least we can do.
The kidnappers are not helping their cause - whatever that might be, by kidnapping innocent journalists. I hope Alan will be released safe and unharmed, soon.
I have included a link to the petition on my blogs:
Just added the banner to our iposters eBay template. Should help spread the word.
I hope this helps somehow.
My thoughts are with Alan, his family and friends.
I added the button to my forums home page that i run .
Let him go!
The Alan Johnston banner has been added to the Latvian public policy website
Added to my blog...
I've added this to both my main site and my blog ( I hope it helps Alan. And I hope it offers a smidgen of comfort to his family, who must be going through hell.
I think whoever abducted Alan Johnston must have something to hide. Only liars want ot supress the truth.
I have posted this on my blog, hopefully we can raise enough awareness about this. I hope that the people responsible for taking Alan Johnston come forward soon.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family and friends. He does not deserve this and I hope he is soon released.
The button in support of Alan Johnson has been added to the Virtually Islamic blog.
The code didn't work in my LiveJournal account so I used it as my userpic. However, it does not allow it to act as a link to the prescribed site.
I hope Alan Johnston is freed soon!
I have added the button to my Myspace page.
My thoughts & prayers are with Alan, his family & friends
I've added the button to my blog. Here's hoping for a safe and speedy release.
Button added to my blog this afternoon, and I'll be inviting others to do the same.
My thoughts and prayers are with Alan and his family.
Alan Johnston's captors hold an innocent man. He was dedicated to bringing life in Gaza to our country, and was working in their interests. They will kick themselves for what they've done - it's not going to earn them any favours. I hope that Mr. Johnston is alive and will return to his rightful place, but for now, hope is all we can do.
Godspeed and a safe return for this man.
I have also placed this link on my discussion forums at
we in africa as well are deeply concerned about allan`s disappearance and hope and pray day and night that he is safe.
we urge the captors to go for the real commitors of the crimes and not the people who try and give all their time to expose the horrors happening in this world.
please release him safe and sound
I have added the banner to my site's News & Current Affairs forum.
My thoughts and those of my staff and members are with Alan & his family.
Alan has done nothing wrong, he has attempted to help the Palestinian people and their plight by doing his job well.
He has contributed substantially by making the world aware of events taking place so far away from his own home.
Please let this insanity end; all of it.
I am Japanese but living in the UK, I used his banner on my blog today.
"I am very sorry and sad about the poor situations in Gaza. And I am shame myself about not knowing so much about the area. I usually don't like those "chain-mail things" but I want to support him so I will use his banner on my blog until he release! I am thinking about Alan Johnston. He should release right away without harm. He should come back to the UK and meet his family! God bless him, support him, make him strong and have a hope. as a Christian prayer...
" from my blog.
I hope my blog help/change this situation. (sorry! about my poor English..)
Alan is a friend of those on whom he reports. Let's hope they understand that and let him go free.
My thoughts are with Alan, his family and those who wait for him.
a very unfortunate event of an innocent man helping out those vulnerable and voiceless youths in palestine.
I personally make a plea for is release
I have never visited the 麻豆社 website as often as I have over the last few weeks as I try to find out whether there is any news of Alan Johnston's whereabouts.
Like most of your readers I have never met Alan, but have a friend who is close to him which makes me feel a particular concern for his well being, on top of the concern and compassion that anyone would have for another human being who is being held in captivity against their will.
I heard and saw the coverage of the vigil at St Martin''s in the Fields and wondered whether a larger demonstration/vigil should be organised to keep Alan's situation in the public eye. If 35,000 people have signed the petition which has not been publicised outside the web , I imagine many thousands would turn out to demonstrate their solidarity. If such a thing would be of benefit and is organised you can count me and my family in.
I added your button to my blog just a few moments ago. I do hope that he would be found, but I would really hope that there would be a wider opportunity to discuss violence against the media as a result of this incident.
Added to my blog and happy to be able to a little bit to help.
Sincerely hope for the safe return of Alan!
I tried to add the link to my blog but it didn't work. Will try again later. I was just wondering though, why is the word "demand" used in the petition? I don't see how such a word could facilitate Alan's release.
Support added to my web site
I hope Alan will be found soon and I wish the family all the strength and courage.
Hope there is a good ending to this.
Added to our historical website, as I know all our readers will be as worried as us.
All the best!
I've put this link on my Myspace page. It's a very small thing to do, but I hope anyone who reads it will say a prayer for Alan's safe release.
Journalist kidnapping. This does no one any good. adds another voice to the calls for his safe release.
His reports on the region are missed.
I have added To my blog, My thoughts go out to Alans family, and i thank the 麻豆社 for keeping us informed.
The 麻豆社 shows disrespect for Alan Johnston by reporting news from Gaza. Is the news more important than Alan? Be Responsible and boycott ALL news from Gaza until Alan is released. I'm boycotting your station until you do so.
Lets hope that with the help of this global action his kidnappers would come back to senses...hope does not die till there is humanity on this Earth!
The blog Above All Nations displays your banner, supporting Alan Johnson.
This is in the spirit of the blog, which, contrary to what its name might suggest, is not religious but owes its title to the anthology collected by George Catlin, Vera Brittain and Sheila Hodges (1945, Gollancz.
Like countless others, I respect and admire Alan and hope that his captors recognise the calibre of this man, returning him to his family and friends so that he can continue to be a voice for many who might otherwise go unheard or overlooked.
"Above all nations is humanity."
Button added - our prayers for Allan continue.
It's beyond me why someone like Alan Johnston would be kidnapped. My thoughts are with him.
The Alan Johnson banner has been posted at:
One can only feel profound sadness for all of the victims of violence in the Middle East, and particularly for those who, like Johnson, seek to shed light on the plight of those victims yet, inevitably, become victims themselves.
My prayers are with this fellow journalist and with his family, friends and co-workers.
I also pray for his captives.
Added your link to my blog in the hope of a positive outcome for Alan soon.
I have added the banner to my blog's sidebar. Since his abduction, I have published four pieces about Alan's plight. I will continue to follow his story with concern and interest. As a 麻豆社 viewer in France, I've been enlightened by Alan's excellent reporting from Gaza. Alan and his family are in my prayers; hoping for his safe release.
Added to - my thoughts are with him.
I've posted the Alan Johnston banner on my local public access television program's website I pray for his release.
We need people like Alan on the streets, telling it how it is. Kidnapping and harming journalists harms causes. They are the voice of the disenfranchised, the abused and the downtrodden.
Free him NOW!
As for his family, my heart and prayers go out to you. I cannot begin to imagine the anguish you are going through.
I've added this banner to my blog's sidebar. Here's hoping that I have the best possible reason to remove it in the very near future!
A lot is being said.. I wouldn't like to repeat the same. I have huge respect for Alan.. 麻豆社 is the only international News channel I hear/watch/surf..
At the end of it all, I hope his captors would have some sense.. I hope he comes out free. I guess I wouldn't know what his family is going through.. I've been lucky not to experience such a situation.. but we shall all be praying for his safe return. He has to.
My family & I wish a speedy release of Mr Johnson. Our prayers are with him & his family
I've added the banner to my blog...
We carry on praying for his safe release.
I have the button on my blog's sidebar (for anyone using the Wordpress system, the easiest way to add it is to use a Text Widget).
Aside from the personal distress being caused to Alan and his family, this kidnapping has deprived the Palestinian people of vital coverage.
Today Israeli helicopters attacked Palestinian towns with cannon fire. Normally Alan Johnston would be there to show the Palestinians' suffering to the world. Today, thanks to the actions of the kidnappers, he was not
The link has been added to
We hope to see him home safely very soon.
Release Alan.He was just doing his job.
Here's to a safe return Alan.
I have published the link on my blog, "Tribes" (in Greek). Hope for the best.
I doubt that Alan's kidnappers read Coxsoft Art News, but just to show solidarity....
I've added the link and image to my blog. I agree completely with David Walker's comment - ignorance rules the middle east.
I am belatedly adding your graphics, which I first saw today while reading the most recent update, to a weblog I maintain for my journalism students at Benedictine University/Springfield College in Illinois. You have my very best wishes.
Started a new job with my company a couple of days after the abduction; listening to the daily comments from around the world on the World Have Your Say program on NPR always touches me. That is an excellent idea, as is this one.
Done! Hope to see you soon, Alan!
Alan is in our thoughts every day, we are very happy to show our support through the petition and the link.
I've added the button to my profile page on My thoughts and prayers are with Alan and his family.
After seeign many blogs I love with the banner on, I have added it also; may blog may just be the ramblings of an out of work actor but the wider audience this goes out to the better.
I am working for a radio station as a news reader in UAE. I am eagerly waiting for the day when I will annouce that he has been released safe and sound. I want to see that godly smile on his ageing parent's face on 麻豆社. I want to see Mr Alan once again out in the field. I do not believe in god but I do pray that he is released...
On the abduction of Alan, I think what captor have failed to realise is that he was probabaly working to share 'what was happening' on ground to the people of the world and there aren't too many who are doing that job. They may have their vision of right or wrong but the big picture was that he stood with them in these troubled time on a mission of sharing facts. Apart for that, he was a journalist and nothing else. We hope he is alright.
...From Pakistan
Abducting journalists is the worst crime against all citizens.
Every one must fight for all missing journalists around the world.
My thoughts go to Alan Jhonson, his family, friends and colleagues.
(the button is added to my blog:
Button added.
We are supporting Alan all the way from Japan.
We hope for his safe release and an end to the violence and wars in the Middle East.
Safe return please....
Being a journalist myself, I麓ve posted on my 3 blogs this link for Alan Johnson. I hope it all ends well pretty soon!
What's going on in the world! is journalism is a criminal job?where is our brilliant journalist Alan?
i suggest that the International community should wake up from sleeping and revive the efforts towards Alan's release, since his absence i become a punctual listener to the 麻豆社 just to hear about his release ,bu so far there are no ample information about. Oh Alan where are!
Button added.
The 麻豆社 is one of the last places on earth to get unbiased news. I am a London native living in the US and run a very popular High Definition blog. I have a lot to be thankful for the 麻豆社. My prayers are with Alan and his family.
Im adding this to my page and my thoughts are with him, his friends and family.
Please free Alan, please let him go.
My thoughts and prayers are with Alan and his family.
Having met you during my time in Jerusalem I was struck by what an immensely kind and balanced person you are. I think of you every day and prey that people will come to their senses and set you free. You are missed, you are no one's enemy. Thoughts to you family and for a safe return.
I have added msg on my blog...I wish quick release of Mr. Johnston...
I have added the button to our family website and hope that the thousands of buttons on websites and blogs will help in some small way by showing solidarity and support for Alan and his family at this very difficult time.
Difficult to know what to say really, but I've added the button.
Button added to blog. There are also two groups allowing people who use that site to sign the petition.
I hope and pray he comes home soon.
I have added the button to my blog, and will keep Mr. Johnston and his loved ones in my thoughts.
I just hope his immediate release and return to home and his family.
Just found this page via Dave Cross's blog.
I have added the button to my 'Custard' web site as a token of support to Alan and his family.
I do hope this situation ends happily.
- Bruce
Hello, I have added the button to my blog. Regards.
I dont know how much use it will be on my low traffic poker blog but every little helps.
I will be adding this button to more sites later, but I have added to our Severn Mac Users Group blog for now.
Our hearts go out to Alan's family and friends and we hope for his safe return soon.
Button added. I'll always wonder why on earth people think it is a good idea to abduct, torture and murder those that risk their lives to portray unfairness and cruelty against them. Good luck, my prays are with Mr. Johnston.
I don't know Alan. But I feel for him and anyone else how is in a situation like this.
I want to say to all Palestinians not to feel ashamed. It is not their fault that some people are not able to see right and wrong anymore.
We all should be ashamed, all of us are responsible for building peace and freedom for everyone.
Freedom, peace and health are the basic human rights. Nobody should be excluded from those rights because of race, color, religious beliefs, gender and/or sexual orientation. I hope Alan will be freed soon.
My name is Andy and I still believe we can make this world a better place...
I have added this to my myspace page.
Fingers crossed he will be home safely soon.
Journalists help inform people about the world about them and can build bridges of understanding. From someone who has, I would hope Alan Johnston is set free to help us understand. What good is it preventing him from doing so?
I've added the 麻豆社 link to my St. Andrews Radio appreciation blog.
It's just a personal webpage but i added the button to it.
Hopefully Alan will be released soon and can continue his correspondence.
I pray you get the strength to endure till you're released. You'll be alright, and your colleagues and family will be ok too!
It's on my myspace page along with a blog to encourage others to do the same. Thankyou 麻豆社 for doing such a brilliant job at keeping his story alive.
Button added - and here's hoping that he's released soon and unharmed.
I have added it to my blog
Hope all this ends soon
Both as a 40+ year regular 麻豆社 listener and a translator (my profession suffers countless casualties in all sorts of conflicts), I have posted the link to my 2 blogs, and
Not really the most popular blog in the universe, but the button is there.
I am sorry to hear of Mr. Johnston's capture. He, like journalists, around the world, including the Middle East, have the right to investigate, report, and inform on issues - no matter how controversial. Whether people agree with a journalist's perspective and priorities or not, journalists and writers have the right to do their job. It does not help any cause to kidnap a journalist. If anything it shifts sympathies from the very people who need it. I do not know Mr. Johnston, nor have I read his works. Journalists and writers have to have their freedom - everywhere. People have the right to disagree with journalists, even protest against them, but they have no right to harass them, kidnap them or torture them. I want to thank all the Palestinian journalists, writers and intellectuals fighting for his release. How brave and courageous of them. More power to them. I hope Mr. Johnston will be released soon and will join his family safely.
For someone doing his job and bring awareness of the situation in these areas his is unjust. I hope he released soon so he and his loved ones can continue with their lives.
I have added the button to my myspace, my thoughts are with Alan and his family.
I wish u were all right wherever you are.. and come home soon...
MAy peace and justice pervail everywhere
I just added the button to my . I too sent emails to friends and siblings inviting them to join in. My prayers are with Alan and his family.
I've added the link to my blog, and sent it on to others. Alan's family should know how many of us are out here thinking of him, and working in our own way for his immediate release.
I have just added the button to my flickr page.I hope Alan Johnston will be freed soon.
Hi- just to let you know that I鈥檝e added the button to our intranet at London Gifted & Talented for colleagues to add to their own blogs and websites.
Kim Rooney
Content Editor and ex 麻豆社 online journalist
We as British Muslim doing utmost for the freedom of Alan, our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family, I have met Alan鈥檚 family and organised appeal on Arabic TV鈥檚 including Al Jazeera and Al Hiwar, waiting to hear the news of him being free. I have posted the the link to this page on our website
Added this button to the websites of the NUJ's Netherlands Branch and Continental European Council.
I hope Alan is freed soonest.
To help I have an article on the 麻豆社's online campaign.
It is in the 'Media' section of; a Sierra Leone News portal published from Vancouver, Canada.
Added the button to:
I have posted your link on my website because when I need a balanced view of the world I automatically turn to the 麻豆社. Whoever would hold one of your reporters clearly does not understand the value of having a news organization that acknowledges that there is a world outside its own borders that is willing to tell their stories fairly.
Added the button to my own blog.
I work not far from Gaza at the moment and I hope that Alan will be released soon in good health.
It serves no purpose to anyone to detain a journalist, except maybe showing how countries, religions and ideas can be united for the freedom of the press.
Alan is of a special breed that we usually take for granted.
It is truly amazing that someone can think that it will do any good by abducting someone who can bring news of their plight to the world. Or do they think at all?
Certainly it looks like the worst kind of stupidity.
Happy to do my bit from South Yorkshire (where we haven't had your London heatwave).
I have put a logo in my blog to express my concern and my thoughts are with the family
No one such endure such abduction, in particular no news about his safety and objectives of his captives
We have added the button to our newspaper in La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina. We hope he is released shortly and safe. We are with you!
We have added it onto our website,
Most happy to include the button on my blog. Wishing Alan a speedy release and my prayers are with him and his friends and family. I hope you will report here soon that he is home safe and well.
I wish wish for Alan's safe return. I have added the button .
Praying for safe return of Alan . Hope that he comes out of this . I have added this to my blog page for other visitors to see .
Button linked from my website. Best wishes for a speedy and satisfactory resolution.
I am praying for the speedy release of Mr. Alan Johnston.
Button added.
Button added ... hope he gets home soon!
Ros, Anna, know I'm thinking about Alan and you all. I've added the button to my LiveJournal where many are sure to see it.
I am praying that Alan will be returned safe and well. My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with him and his family. God Bless you.
Although I have no blog per-se, I have added the banner to my organizations web-site
Here's praying for Mr Johnston's speedy release and safety. I have gladly added the button to my blog ( to help his case.
On the 16th April I issued a post in my blog appealing for support to the release of Alan.
Today I came across the good news that he might still be alive... Let's hope so!
And only through this news I came across this page. I've placed the banner on my blog's sidebar and issued an updating post on the issue.
May Alan be released soon!
Let's hope we can remove the banners very soon!
Banner added to
Signed the petition, published the banner. Let's hope for a quick release.
this is the first time i have ever used a blog but i felt i just wanted to say that i and my friends are praying and hoping for a safe return for mr johnston and to let his family know that we are thinking about them too.
I wish our media had shown as much concern over British troops when they were held captive.
I am concerned about the inward looking almost selfish feeling to this campaign - smacks of double standards.
We've added a link to
we wish for Alan's speedy and safe release.
added to my blog. I sincerely hope for his safe release. F
I have posted the button on my personal website and also on that of The Society of Women Writers & Journalists.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family.
I have added button link to mine. I hope and I pray Alan will be free soon.
Have posted the button on my blog.
Hoping for his speedy, safe return.
Thanks for the button. It just highlights the desperate plight of prisoners everywhere, no matter what. We are praying for them all. I have placed it in my sidebar. All the best.
button added
I've added the link to my personal blog. Let's hope that the fact that one of us has added the 麻豆社's link button will help in some way.
My thoughts are with Alan's family and friends, and let's all hope for the best ending to this horrible story.
North Oxfordshire
I have added the Alan Johnston banner to my website News page - and have carried a message ever since Alan was taken.
As a former 麻豆社 employee myself I send my thoughts and prayers to him and his family.
Let us hope, as we all do, for a speedy and satisfactory end to this sad situation.
Button added to blog, as I join in the hopes for a safe and swift resolution.
St. Louis, Missouri
I have posted the button on my Facebook page and will encourage my friends to do the same.
Mr. Johnstons reports from Gaza were highly appreciated. I sincerely hope he is in good health and will be released shortly.
I also wish to express my concern for other journalists working in dangerous enviroments. May they stay safe.
I've added the button to the sidebar of my blog. I wish there were more things I could do more to help.
Eric Smith
California, USA
I tried to put this on a blog, but it didn't work...
Just want to say that the amount of support and the amount of people signing the petition just shows what a good and well-loved man he is. My thoughts and prayers are with him.
The 麻豆社 are doing a wonderful job in keeping him in all our minds and in trying to ensure his safe release.
I posted this link to my Yahoo blog today...I hope we can bring Alan home safely..Godspeed.
Banner added at online magazine Hopefully all these blogs/sites together must help in some way.
I've updated my blog with the link. With best wishes to Alan's family, friends and colleagues. Keep it up.
Added to my blog sidebar. Thank you.
Ovi magazine was founded to support freedom of speech and journalists, such as Alan, embody this right. The Ovi Team in Helsinki send their thoughts and best wishes to his family and are confident he shall be returned safely.
I have placed the banner on my blog, both in an entry, and on the sidebar. Lets hope, and for those who do, pray, that Alan Johnston is returned safe and well.
I've added the button to our website. Hoping for a fast resolution and Alan's safe return.
I pray that the Lord's presence be with him where ever he may be kept.
Our prayers go to his family and close friends.
The Lord blesses you Alan
I can only imagine what a difficult time
Alan's family and friends are having.
Let's hope and pray that their nightmare
will end soon.
Alan Johnston is a knowledgeable and professional journalist - the very best of the 麻豆社 in the Middle East. We pray for his safety, and swift return; my his freedom be soon.
Image added to my MySpace, in my profile, in the Heroes section - it seemed appropriate.
I added the banner to my blog.
I've been following the whole situation from March 12th. I hope he's released soon.
I wish I could do more...
I've just added the image to my site, but because I use coloured borders for linking images it didn't look very good.
Are we allowed to change the code slightly to switch of borders? also can we change the size slightly?
Good luck
We have added the button to our website . We hope it helps and pray for Alan's speedy release.
Hi I have added the button to my web site and hope people will use it to add their thoughts and support. Come back soon Alan. Please release him now. Jools x.
The banner has been added to a Portuguese Blog that I read. I add my voice to all here calling for Alan's release.
The banner is on my myspace.
My thoughts are with Alan whereever he is.
We all pray that Alan will join his family very soon.
I've added the button and a link to this site.
I've added the banner to our web site.
Like everyone else here, I hope for Alan's speedy and safe return to his home and loved ones.
added it to my myspace, hope Alan is returned safely
Please add my name to the petition for your journalist,Alan Johnston.I hope he will be freed very soon.This has gone on long enough.I hope Alan is safe.
I added it to myspace and hope Alan is safe and will return unharmed.
As a media person, I am concerned that it has been 53 days since alan johnston was picked up. I have put banner on my side bar and will be there till he is released. Here is my food blog id -
Hope alan returns safe and well soon.
As a journalism student about to graduate, I feel that the world of journalism is becoming increasingly dangerous. All that Alan was doing was his job and trying to provide the voiceless with a voice. That is the job of a journalist and it is sad that a decent man has been abducted trying to promote the true story of his adopted country. Please return him unharmed. Thinking of everyone connected with him.
I have added the button to both my com personal ranting stage ( and the blog where I go to commit acts of journalism (
If the press is not free, neither are we. It is that bloody simple.
It is a saddening fact that he is still at hands of anti-freedom ...i think i have no words for such kind of people! but i still believe we are not doing enough to secure his release.i mean do you think holding vigil and signing petition enough? Alan was/is not for Palestinian people or Israelis or any nation for that matter Alan is all about us ordinary people around the world, who want to be heard.
Button added to my website and my cat has added it to his blog on
Hope it helps.
We wish you every success in bringing Alan back safe and well - his reports were amongst the most balanced and realistic we've seen or heard - he dosen't deserve to be treated this way.
Banner added !
Phoenix Shooters Association UK
I've added the Alan Johnston banner to the heroes section of my MySpace page:
The people who bring us the world and do it so well deserve so much better. For a thoroughly good chap and his loyal family our tiny website adds what little it can for your overwhelming cause.
We stand by with admiration and hope.
I've put Alan's banner on our website.
I can only hope, along with the many others here, for his speedy and safe return to his loved ones, and that the people who abducted him quickly realise the stupudity and pointlessness of their actions.
I've added this button to my blog. Remembering Alan and hoping he's returned home soon.
We, at the Pakistan's first independent daily e-newspaper 'Pakistan Times', have displayed the button on the front page of the website as a symbol of solidarity with Mr Alan Johnston, missing in Gaza since March.
We wish his immediate recovery with safe return home.
My thoughts are with Allan and his family. I pray for his safe return.
I think it's a great idea, every little helps. Wishing Alan a safe and speedy return.
I have added the button and signed the petition.
In my area, my local NPR station broadcasts the World Service from Midnight to 5-7 AM the next day. During this time, i've enjoyed Mr. Johnston's reporting. I feel he is the best reporter who is *fair* and honest about Gaza.
In closing, I hope whoever has Mr. Johnston does the right thing and release him. There are better ways of advocating your cause than fear and violence.
I have added to my space. My thoughts are with Alan and his family and friends.
Let`s hope he is returned safely.
I added the banner to my homepage. I really hope Alan is returned safely soon.
Have added the banner to my MySpace profile...
I hope that there is soon some news of Alans release and the banner doesn't need to stay for very long.
All my thoughs are with Alan and his family.
Added to .
Have added the banner to my blog site.
Let's help save Alan Johnston!
Added to the home page on my web site
The banner is on my myspace and code sent to all my contacts on a bulletin. My thoughts are with Alan and his family and friends.
All our feelings are with Johnston's family.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family, and pray they will be reunited soon.
I will be featuring the face of Johnston on the main page of my website. His work is tied to what I would like to be my future carrer. We need people like Johnston, McCullen and Smith to help us understand how the world works the way it does. Without these people, all we'd hear about is fasion, sports and trivia. These, do not make the world go round. These people have taken away our eyes and ears. And have made it even harder for us to understand them as a people. No sense.
Added the button on the AUBG student-run news website,
Alan, people are with you, everywhere.
Alan Johnston has only been doing his job - but has gone beyond what was expected of him, as he wanted to know from a local perspective what your issues were. You have made your statement - please release Alan unharmed.
Chris, Chester
He's on my site and in my thoughts. Best wishes to his friends, relatives and colleagues.
Hello, I'm studing also in the way to journalism and Communication, and i hope Allan will back again near his family, near his children....!
I can imagine that than a journalis job is too hard, but someonells must to do it, and they are the mos brave human being as Allan and much much journalist's around the World, and I'm also ready to do that job....!
Best regard's for all journalists all around the World...!
your's VUDI
It is really important that the pressure is kept on and that Alan's fate and story remain in the public eye.
I am hoping for a happy outcome.
I Pray he returns safe and sound.
Rather than repeat what's been said, I just wanted to let the site moderators know I've added the banner to my myspace page.
My thoughts go out to Alan's colleagues, friends and family and I hope to hear of his safe return soon.
I sincerely hope that Alan Johnston is alright, and my thoughts are with his friends and family.
added to my bebo page.
Added to my sigline on!
I hope Alan is returned safely soon and regret some of my fellow Palestinians have taken such action.
The button has been added to my site. My prayers are goes out to 麻豆社 reporter Allan as well as his family. Wishing he will be released and return safe 'n' sound.
Alan Johnson like many other journalists in war zone countries knew what could happen to him. But for the sake of freedom and telling the truth to the face of Earth he paid the ultimate price. His kidnapping will forever mark a black spot in the history of Palastine in their quest to gain independence. To those who abducted him may they bring him back safe to his family because the eyes of the world are watching and making their own judgement on what to think of Gazza. 麻豆社 is and will always be the voice of voiceless. By so doing those people that needed to be helpped with the journalistic touch of Alan Johnson telling their stories their lives are fast becoming a nightmares day after day. My prayers are with Alan and his family and wish that a day will come when readers of this website will be relieved to hear that he had been safely returned.
one thing i know for sure is that alan will one day return to his dear listeners.
whoever is responsible for alan s abduction should know that they are bringing misary to the people of palestine.
and to alan s family,friends and all dears of the b b c
"may god save alan"
I added to my blog. Hope he returned back safely
This time I am really confused why they kidnapped journalists like Alan, an inspiring and professional journalist for us- we young journalists. Every day,I check 麻豆社 to find out his safe release, but to no avail. My prayers are with you all those wish his safe release soon. Those Kidnappers also should have to think that their motives would not be fulfilled from kidnapping a professional journalist who has nothing to harm them but whose reportings would also do justice on your part if your demands are genuine. Plze stop stop such path to kidnapping and giving tortures to so many people around the world.
We are deeply concerned about Alan's safty and pray he will soon be back with 麻豆社
I would Just like to send my condolences to the bbc and the family of Alan, i hope we will hear something soon to garentee his safe return.
Can you please stop changing the link to the petition - I have it on my signature in a forum and I keep having to change it when people tell me it's not working. You're probably missing out on Signatures. -Plus on the page where you can read previous signitories you don't have a link to add your signature - took me a while to find - you need to make it easy for people
May it be in our creator's will for mercy and understanding to enter the hearts of Alan Johnston's capturers, so they may release him of his bondage. Alan is in Gaza to document the terror we humans seem addicted to spreading, not to condone it, nor participate in it; he is an exception. Even in California, we wish and pray to our lord for your unconditionally safe return. Let justice prevail on earth, albeit only once more. Free 麻豆社 journalist Alan Johnston!!
-Best regard,
Jamie Cornejo
Alan Johnston has done remarkable work to keep all of us informed about the situation in the Middle East. His kidnapping is highly deplorable. It is a cowardly act, which defies all norms of civilized human behaviour. I express my deep condemnation and call for his immediate and unconditional release. I hope and pray that Alan safely returns home among his loved ones.
Nadeem Khalid
Cleveland, Ohio
I believe for a man who has been doing his job with upmost professionalism in such a very turbulent world ,he simply does not desire this as a reward.Is someone simply listening to the cries of millions around the world.
We pray to God that preserves Johnston and return to his family is fine
I added it to my Friendster. Please please, let Alan come back safely.
I am solidary with your cause and have therefore added the banner on my blog.
I have been following the kidnap story about Alan.It is the greatest mistake made this year.I pray he will be released soonest to continue to throw more light on the mdieast situation instead of the heat we continue to receive from both sides of the conflict.Please who ever has Alan should set him free for the sake of his family.Thank you
Every morning am waking up to check on the updatea of Alans case. For a long time i have respected Alan for the good work he has been doing in one of the most unsecure areas in the world. For this i have posted the Tag in my website and emailed the page to most of my friends so as we cometogether on this noble course. I have saluted him with a Page in my website
Together we are ALAN!
Thank you 麻豆社 for the Support you have offered to try and secure his release.
Njoroge, kenya
I would be very pleased to take part in this initiative concerning the abducted 麻豆社 correspondent Alan Johnston. I have already posted it on my Blog.
To this moment I still can not understand how those (people) who abducted Alan think!!! Reading his reports from the Gaza Strip, I find him serving the Palestinians more than Palestinians themselves; Simply Because he is using the power of word, not the power of force.
He a帽adido el banner en mi , en prueba de solidaridad con Alan Johnston.
I've added this link to my blog. As a journalist, I have the utmost admiration for Alan. I have always admired his professionalism and the way his work is unbiased, interesting and informative. It's hard enough these days to be a decent journalist, let alone someone who strives like he does to tell the story in such difficult situations. My thoughts are with him, his colleagues and his family. The future of press freedom in the Middle East is being jeopardised every day that Alan is held.
I am highly perturbed by the situation of Johnstone. It is unfortunate that people with incredible service to society such as that of Johnstone are treated this way. Johnstone was only going his job. Whoever is keeping him should respect world opinion and release him. The world needs his service to advance the progress of freedom and the course of humanity.Johnstone, we are praying for you!
I've added it to my blog as well.
Will be praying for him.
its very sad that the people who go out of their ways to help others always get caught out in an undesirable situations.
All my thoughts are with Alan and i really hope and pray that he gets released safely. Ameen
Added the lot to - Hope hes released safely
I hope Alan will be able to read these messages for himself one day very soon. I have added button to index and contents pages. GOOD LUCK KEEP IT UP ALL X X
Have added this to my MySpace page and my husband has added it to his blog.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends. We are hoping for a swift and safe return.
Kidnapping civilians is never acceptable as "an act of war" much less when there are no "delared" hostilites. That said -- journalists of objectivity and for whom there is nearly universal respect is self-destructive to a cause as it shifts the focus away from the issues at hand as well as cutting off a conduit for the flow of information.
The longer he is held, the more negative the image of his captors becomes. And such an act conveys an image of barbarism and inhumanity.
To his captors, you have shot yoursevles in the foot and the longer you hold him the more septic the wound becomes.
we just need to hold on to the knowledge that kidnap is big business over there, Johnson is worth more to everyone alive than dead, I wish him a safe return and my thoughts are with his family. journalists shouldn't have to worry about this kind of thing.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family - I hope he is returned safely soon and I also think that more should be done in trying to get him released. The news about this case seems to have gone very quiet
Added to my blog and wish for a speedy and positive resolution to this terrible situation.
wish him all d best and hope he returns safely to his family .
I've just added the code to my blog, which has few visitors, though. I'm looking forward to the safe return of Alan Johnston. May God bless him!
My blog:
We as Basotho forward our prayers to the family & stuff of Alan,may the people holding him be human to at least give some indication to his well-being & let the world welcome back Alan's great journalism.Molimo a mo boloke.
Added to my website. Best Wishes
Done,on myspace
The continued detention of Alan Johnston by kidnappers is totally unacceptable to civilized values. Alan's reporting of events in Gaza was the most informative; he brought to the world what was really happening in there.
I call on his kidnappers to release him immedaitely.
kidnapping is a crime of cowards perpetrated against the innocent. Alan Johnston, we support you. We pray for you.
Guys at
I have placed Alan's banner on both my homepage and another access page to my site in the hope that anyone visiting will make a quick diversion to sign the petition calling for his release. All my prayers for his safe return and also for his family at this difficult time.
Chris Butler.
I hope no reporter whatsoever will be kidnapped in the future. Reporters are doing their job to inform us what's happening.
I hope Mr. Johnson will be released soon.
I have added the button to my blog and I hope that it won't be necessary to keep it there for long.
Hopefully Out
I have placed the button in my HI5 page. I hope Mr. Alan Johnston is well and maybe he could return as soon as possible.
I hope to see you return safely to your loved ones...
Just to add my support to the family of Mr Alan Johnson. I know this is a difficult time for them to be in. I just keep my fingers cross, hoping who ever decided to do this let him return home free and carry on with the job that he love doing so much. May god lessens to our prayers.
As a Muslim Arabic/British individual I have never been able to understand the mentality of the people who can鈥檛 distinguish the right from wrong as far as looking after people fighting our causes鈥
Alan is clearly is one of those people and we must do whatever in our power to establish who are the mindless people behind this ignorant plot and how we need to educate them to fight with us and not against us since we already have enough enemies it seems鈥
For god seek free Alan and sort out your logic people.
Sammy Najib
Cambridge, UK
Posted it on my myspace.
hope it helps a little.
hope Alan is returned safely
I've added the banner to my site...
i don't know too much about him. i hope where ever he is he should be treated fairly.
it's quite unfortunate a group of people would do a thing like this. where ever you are Alan know that u always have a your suport and prayer!!!!!!!!!
To show my support, I have placed the button on my website, Nature Watch ( which attracts many visitors, and likewise will direct them to this 麻豆社 News page
I have place a banner on my blog for Alan. I hope this helps spread the word and brings Alan home sage very quickly. He is in my prayers.
Free the Free voice of people.
I have added the Alan Johnston button to my blog,the Garret Tree.
There will be a rally in Toronto in support of Alan Johnston on Thursday May 10 at noon Eastern Time at Simcoe Park.
Details at
I will remember Alan in my prayers.
I have placed the button on my site
I think that such groups are a bane on society. Alan was doing his job in reporting what was taking place in Gaza - why is it that a man doing his job has to be taken by radicals who have no idea of what the reality of life is beyond their own preconcieved notions. I do hope that he returns to his family. Alan, have heart.
I've put the link on my homepage and myspace page. Let's hope he is back at TV Centre soon.
We have added this to our publication's homepage and urge all publishers throughout the world to do the same. Alan and all reporters are placing their lives in danger daily to shine a light on people who prefer to remain in the dark.
Posted on our daily e-newspaper website 'Pakistan Times' at
We all at the 'Pakistan Times' pray for Alan's safe earliest and safe return.
I have added the link on my Blog...
hope Alan is go home
Alan he was on his daily duties,
Please release him.
I dont have much to say BUT please release Alan Johnston.
I always admired the job of a journalist and always wished I have had the opportunity. However, with the now ever inceasing risk of abduction I am changing my wish...
Regards your jouranlist Mr. Johnston, I am really upset and all the time check about his immediate release.
Release Alan for goodness sake.
A great man, highly respected in his area and around the world
Innocent Palestinians will end up suffering as a result of this ill-conceived kidnapping. It will result in nothing but bad feeling towards the palestinian cause when it was probably balancing on the sympathetic from most intelligent britons. This is such an unusual step that it can only have been carried out by a group that does not have the freedom of the palestinian people at the forefront of their minds. Islamic fundamentalists have no place in Gaza and neither the kidnapping of a western journalist or murdering innocent civilians will ever help them achieve their objectives.
We need to get this man of Gaza I have bloged about it.
and Place this button on my Profile.
i wish alan be released in good health, for i see him as peace maker than a reporter as his reports do not support any political group or the so called terrorist group. all he wants is to give the world population news the way they are. then is up to us to judge who is wrong,
I'm a member of a popular Spurs forum, Spurs Odyssey. I've added the button to my profile and keep Alan's plight featured in our off-topic section.
Hoping and praying for Alan's safe return.
hi my name is aisha and i am a british turned muslim and i have watched alan on the news several times i am praying for him and his safe return back to his family
Button is on my Blog, I just hope I can make even a small difference
My name is Nick.S.Zhu, a loyal 麻豆社 listener from China. Along with me,my friends many of who like to listen 麻豆社 Worldservice are shocked greatly by the news that our friend Alan John,麻豆社 Gaza correspondent had been taken hostage by Islamic elements. Please!!have Alan get freed,no one should get into trouble for his job as a correspondent.
I've placed the banner on my blog in hopes that it will do some small good for this wonderful journalist.
Definetly added to my MySpace page.
I have just added the button to my blog.
I hope Alan gets as much media attention as other captive/missing people...
I'm praying for him and for his family. I believe one day soon we all could sing "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, Alan is free at last!"
Dear Alan,
I have missed your soothing voice when you report about the Israeli and Palestinian crisis.
God has given you a healing voice.You have been able to ballance your report in such a way that one thinks God specially placed you in the Gaza Area for a time as this.
I want to make an appeal to who ever that has kidnapped you to please release him.
You have covered the light of the people he reports about and now darkness is in the land.
This has nothing to do with Britain or America but here is a man God sent to you to bring to light all the happenings in your land so that solution can be found.
Alan,stay strong God is on your side,do not give up hope,surely we shall see you alive.We prayed for you in our church in Sierra Leone for your safe return to your family.
Do not hold the people that are holding you captive at this time with contempt.Show thesame love as you have been showing since you went to Gaza.
Bless u.
I'm praying for him and for his family. I believe one day soon we all could sing "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, Alan is free at last!"
I have placed this icon on my myspace. I really hope that Mr Jhonston is safe and well.
Banner added to our blog. Come home safely Alan. Our thoughts are with you.
Who ever know his whereabout and still keep quiet is not the entire world good, please release him now to make your case open.
The many political groups and factions in Palestine do not have, to the best of my knowledge, a history of killing foreign journalists. The former well understand that such actions, certainly in the case of a representative of the 麻豆社 news network, would not particularly improve their image. On the other hand, the quickest possible release of Mr. Alan Johnston would be interpreted by many outsiders as positive P.R. Palestinians should continue not to harm unbiased journalism.
Journalism represents a medium by which the cries of the poor and the oppressed can be transmitted.When this medium is disconnected what are the poor and the oppressed to do who will tell the objective truth??
The many political groups and factions in Gaza have, to the best of my knowledge, no history of killing foreign journalists. The former understand quite well that such an action would be entirely counter-productive. On the other hand, the quickest possible release of Mr. Alan Johnston would be considered good P.R. by many. Palestinians should continue to allow superb unbiased journalism such as that of the 麻豆社 news network to operate freely in their territories.
I have known Alan a few years back, when we both worked for the 麻豆社 World Service Newsroom in Bush House, London and can confirm what David Walker wrote on 17th April: Alan is the kindest man imaginable, compassionate, full of integrity, and very professional. He hasn't changed since then, as evidenced by his reporting from Gaza. And I hope that this horrid experience won't change him. I also hope that his captors will treat him humanely.
Alan, my thoughts are with you often, as are those of so many people, who have signed the petition calling for your release. I am sorry I took so long to join the roll-call.
Take care of yourself!
i added it to my myspace page to let people see that i am supporting his safe release. i hope he is ok.
As a British Muslim & supporter of the Palestinian cause for return of ALL of Palestine, I implore whoever holds Alan Johnston to free him immediately. This kidnapping does no good to your (our) cause. As a Briton that uses the 麻豆社s services extensively I testify that the 麻豆社 does a great deal to bring the true plight of the Palestinian people to the attention of the world & gives much publicity to the oppression & tyranny of Israel. They are not the voice of the British political establishment.
Allan you continue to be in our thoughts. Remember the darkest hour is nearest the dawn. I pray you survive this ordeal and come out stronger. Your work, sacrifice serves as an inspiration to many. We wait to email you in person upon your release. Keep hope alive.
in my opinion the government of the palestine knows exactly where allan johnston is and are holding out on us.i think that the government of england needs to apply more diplomatic pressure and use spies to search for him.if not we have to come to grips with the fact that he is dead.
I've added Alan Johnston poster to my blogs and I pray for him to come back home soon.
May GOD help us all.
To those who are holding Alan captive:
Please do not harm this gentle human-being who has the Palestinian Cause at heart. He is filled with love and compassion for the Palestinian People. Please show him the same Grace he has shown you.
My thoughts and prayers are with Alan, his family, his friends and colleagues. God Bless you Alan. May God hold His Light above your captives... for them to become aware of the futility of their anger. May we soon see you... safe and sound.
I am an avid 麻豆社 World Serice listener and have been for years. I always looked to Alan to hear the real story of the happenings in Gaza and the surrounding region. I emplore the people holding him captive to release him so that they can have their story presented in an unbiased manner. They will never be seen as anything less than barbarians in the eyes of the world when they resort to harming the ones trying to enlighten us to their plight. Godspeed, Alan.
I have placed the button on to my MySpace page. I hope that this helps.
My thoughts go out to Alan and his family.
Added to my blog
My wishes go out to his family and friends. I added the button to my site.
if today i have become fun of bbc radio and tv ,it because of have a nice voice alan and i hope that you will soon come back to work.
I am well wishing for him and his family.wish to hear from his own vioce,ALLEN JOHNSTON GAZA, 麻豆社
For the interest of the free world, and an international right to know what is going on in our world, free of religion or prejudice - FREE ALAN JOHNSTON
Jaish al-Islam, you have abducted the one person in Gaza who truthfully reported to the world the injustices meted out to the Palestinians. Do you not think that your action has been totally counterproductive?
Alan, the whole world is praying that you are well and is looking forward to hearing your objective reporting very soon.
Please, Free Allan With Dignity,and let him to go Home Without Condition.
Thank you
I am very sorry to here about Mr.Johnston, i will pray for him.
I have added the button to my blog. Being a student of non-violence, I strongly condemn the kidnapping of Alan and pray for his safety and release.
I have added the link. I hope I have done whatever I can to contribute to his soon release!
i hope this man is still alive and possibly return to his family again.As a media myself, he has sacrifice his time to find news for us...
Link added to the above website hope this is ok? All thinking of Alan and would love to hear him again on correspondent.
it is a sad moment to note Mr. Alan Johnston has been abducted while doing his work. hope his family will come through these difficult times & pray for his early release.
Thanks, the link is on my blog, I may not have the largest circulation in the world, but I hope that a few more people find out about it.
This is what the internet is good at.
I hope that he is freed soon.
I tried copying the button but it wouldn鈥檛鈥 link on my web page, so I copied the picture of Alan Johnston and what was written about him on the 麻豆社 page and it seems to have worked. I hope this is acceptable?
I hope and pray that Alan Johnston is soon released and given back to his family.
Regards Shirley
Allan, your Ugandan funs will remain on our knees as we pray for you and your family untill your release.
It's a sad world: it's good so many people can do a little. Let's pray that it will have a good outcome. Let's pray that we can all do a little where it counts.
How many more lives must be put in the danger before the world comes to a stand still. If there is a God, im sure he will be stepping in soon. May Alan be free from the terror we have already seen and witnessed.
The whole saga of Alan's abduction beats my imagination. He used to be one of the best, if not the best reporter on crisis situations. The one on Israel and Palestine was just pure, factual and unskewed journalism, to say the least.
Having said all this, I fail in all my endeavour, to fathom why he was abducted and why in the world he is still held!
In all, I have always wished and prayed for his safe return so we could hear his soothing voice again.
To those holding him: please release him. This is not the best way to express your greviances. Even if it were, you have held him long enough! please release him!! Release him!!!
I've added the button to my blog. Here's to his safe return.
I hava just say that Alan should be released.Because Alan is a innocent person.
I now can smile after hearing that there have been pictures of Allan's ID.. Things are moving now and I know for sure I m going to hear that feminine voice of Allan again on the 麻豆社 soon..
I added the banner on my home page and is covering the abduction extensively.
We all hope that Alan will be freed soon and of course that he's in good condition.
Anyone kidnapped is in a state of stress and depression because they do not know what is happening on the outside of their situation. As far as I can tell from Alans life in Gaza, he has tried to tell the situation to the world as it happens and even lived there to prove the case. Any kidnappers reading this website need to check their Koran and see where it states that any helpers of their religion have to be kept from their family or friends for a cause. I doubt they will find this phrase in the Koran so in the goodness of Alah you need to free Alan and get a life like everyone else. Kidnapping an innocent will surely bring the condemnation that is right so get your act together and let Alan go.
from a Mother of 2 sons and a Grandmother of 2
The naming of Alan as the broadcast journalist of the year by the London Press Club can only best be celebrated with his release, which i pray and hope will be SOON.
All journalists in Trinidad and Tobago are praying for Mr. Johnston his family and by extension the 麻豆社 network. We hope those who have knowledge about his disappearance come forward and those responsible are made accountable.
I wish for the SPEEDY release and return of Mr. Johnston. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones as well during what must be a most difficult time.
I believe in and value a free press. It gives me the ability to evaluate many angles of what is going on in the world around me, and allows me to make better decisions. Thank you to all who place themselves in harms way to tell the truth.
The kidnappers probably hope to accomplish something towards whatever goals they have by carrying out this cowardly act. If we are to prevent future kidnappings we must ensure that kidnappers do not profit, or accomplish their goals by their actions.
I wish for the poor man to be released immediately. Has he not suffered enough? And for what? What purpose does his detention serve?
I have added the banner to our website.
I wish Alan Johnston a safe return to his family and his viewers.
John Cull
Alan risked his life and fought so hard to tell the world how much suffering the ordinary palestinian people face. Alan, you are the only star lightning the skies of Gaza. We the Palestinian people are on your side ... God will protect you.
Dear Alan,
Congratulations on your award.
There are many, many people thinking about you and wishing for your safe return. Hope you can read this.
I am deeply disturbed about the news of Allan Johnston, being captured because he used his democracy as any journalist should, to report on matters arising out of palestine.
I'm from the Caribbean and I listen to bbc news on a regular basis, and so I feel for co-workers, family and friends. I pray that he would be released (ALIVE) VERY soon and when he is released, I believe that he'll publish a book on his experience
I am from Burma and I am praying for him to release with no hurt and safe arrive.
I'm Indonesian, living in Indonesia. I just met Mr. Alan Jonston once, in 1999, when he came to my town, and gave me a journalism lesson. He's a good person. I hope God always protects him and avoid him from any harms ..
As someone whos is committed rooted branch for justice for the Palestinian people I deplore the continuing holding by an unknown group of Alan Johnston the 麻豆社 correspondent. The cause of Palestinian rights is being done untold harm and the people of Gaza and the west bank will suffer even more by the action a small renegade group.
Where ever you are Alan we are with you and are thinking of you and hope that you have the strenght to endure your hardship. To your family we wish strength in this most difficult of times.
hello i hope they find alan. i hope hes safe and i hope nothings happened to him. i pray for his family. who ever has kidnapped him please let him go.
I am praying for him, his family and friends. I also pray for his captors that they may realize that Mr. Johnston is a human being with feelings and has a family and friends that care, love and miss him terribly.
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
I have placed the badge on my blog, along with a counter displaying the length of his abduction.
My heart goes out to his family and friends, and I hope that he is released very soon.
I cannot believe it's been so long since Alan disappeared, let us all hope that he is well and returns home very soon, have added the banner to my sports forum with honour.
Dear Alan
God Bless you ! I pray for you. Hope you will be back home soon .
Like so many other people worldwide I just want to add my thoughts regarding the abduction of Alan. How can any organisation expect to furter it's cause by such an action. The world has already become far too polarised, and this only cotributes to this and does nothing towards furthering the abductors objectives.
The damage has already been done but if Alan is released unharmed at least the world will not demand retribution.
Alan Johnston has been a top reporter. I pray for his return home to his family. A seeker of truth should not be a pawn in the war. Reporters when they are at their best bring light into a dark world.
I have posted the button onto all my blogs and websites.
Those that kidnapped Alan should remember these words of Gandhi, which I paraphrase here:
Politics without Principle is one of the Deadly Sins.
And it is time for the madness to stop before it destroys us all.
I don't have a blog, but i put in the my signature so it'll show on all the posts I make in the forums I'm active on.
We've put the tag onto our messageboard, QQR, in the main information centre.
I hope Alan remains unharmed and well and is released soon.
Its very unfortunate that this man has been kidnapped. It is also cruelly ironic that he is being held by those he and the 麻豆社 seek to empower with their anti-coalition journalism.
Perhaps when he is released his perspective on international affairs may have changed?
Very sad, disappointed and frustrated. I'm positive that one day he will be free and we shall see him again safe.
The kidnapping of Alan Johnston has been a success for the extremists for two reasons. Firstly it has undermined objective and independent reporting of events in Gaza, with the result that news reporting can be effectively controlled by the factions. Secondly the extraordinary reaction of the NUJ in the UK in advocating a boycott of Israel. It is clear that the people who use kidnapping to further their political aims have to be confronted, not appeased.
I pray that God will intervene and Alan will be released. To his family, May God strength you all. God willing, Alan will soon join you. We all miss him.
It is terrible that someone who is actually highlighting the Palestinian issues and inequalities is the victim of kidnap. Please release him safely immediately.
I have published Alan's photo on
The link has not come online in an ideal way so perhaps you can advise me on dealing with that?
My best wishes and support to Alan and his family.
Best regards
Patricia Ash
Alan is one of the Palestinian鈥檚 friends and one of the VERY few who is brave enough to report their plight. The people behind this act are doing massive irreversible harm to the Palestinian cause. Palestinian, Arabs and Muslims face so many challenges in the world. Why won鈥檛 the minority few wake up and realise that this act gives their enemies a huge propaganda victory and a big stick to beat them with.
I've added the button to my main page - it's currently under construction so it might as well do something useful :-)
麻豆社 should talk to all persons of influence in Middle East or Arab world to help free Mr. Allan Johnston. He does not deserve this because he did enough to highlight the suffering of the most disadvantaged people in the world. My sympathies go to Allan鈥檚 family
I'm palestinian ,I live in Gaza Strip
I added the link to my space .
I'm really sorry for this situation ,I feel shy of what those palestinians did,but that doesn't mean all the palestinians kiddnaped Mr.Alan or they are pleasnt for that .
I hope he will be home and safe,because every human being desirve to be safe as we want to be
I have posted the banner on my blog and signed the petition. Thanks for this, it is good to be able to help even in a small way.
My thoughts and prayers are with Alan and his family.
I have added the link to my site to help gain the release of a brilliant journalist, captured doing wht he was best at, reporting, events so that we may know.
I wish for his safe release!
Button has been posted on the following sites:
-- Hope it helps in some way.
Mr Johnston should be released at once. The more media attention he receives, the more we play into the hands of his captures. My guess this is exactly what his captors want. I hope he is unharmed. Please release him at once as he's been there for the Palestian people, and most of them would like to see him released.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, keep strong.
I am a very strong supporter of Palestinian rights against Israeli policies. However Alan Johnston's continued detention serves the Palestinians no good at all. His caprture was a sensless act. Whoever is holding him should release him for his own sake and that of his family as well as for the sake of the Palestinian people in general.
I have added the button to my blog, both as an entry and in the panel. All the best to you Alan, here's to having you back safe and sound. The world needs courageous men like you.
They should understand that without media they cannot bring their plight to the world. It is not fair to kidnap a friend. May God gives strength to his family and keep him unhurt. Hope he will be released without delay.
Alan was just one of the few reporters that kept the plight of the Palestinian people on the front burner of the crisis that is facing humanity today all over the world, holding him does no good to the Palestenian cause, I urge my fellow brothers in the struggle for the just cause of the Palestenian people to release him unconditionally.
I have also added him to my bebo site i trully hope he is found safe and well and i,m appalled at the lack of coverage that his disapearance has recieved!
We should care as much for missing adults as we do for missing kids after all he is someones child too!
Button's on the blog. Thoughts are with Alan, his family, friends and colleagues.
We, the people and journalists family in Afghanistan strongly appeal to those who holds Alan for his safe return. Alan is loved by Afghans and we all pray he joins his family who have been desperately waiting to him "safe and sound".
We, the people and journalists family in Afghanistan strongly appeal to those who holds Alan for his safe return. Alan is loved by Afghans and we all pray he joins his family who has been desperately waiting to him "safe and sound鈥.
Hi Alan,
I, like so many others around the world, wish for your immediate and safe release. I am a faithful listener and miss you very much. My thoughts go to you and your family every day that you are held against your will. I look forward to hearing your voice soon.
From Hong Kong, sending you my heartfelt gratitude for the job you do in reporting the news.
Best wishes,
I am sorry to hear that 麻豆社 correspondant Alan Johnston is missing in Gaza.
I hope that the police and rescue people involved in the search will find Alan safe and sound.
My thoughts are with Alans family, friends and colleagues at the 麻豆社 Television Centre in London.
It takes guts and a true passion for journalism to be reporting from such a troubled place.
Mr Johnston,our thoughts are to your speedy release!I hope it happens soon.
The button is already on my blog and relevant posting (in Greek) has been published today.
Button Added
I don't have a blog, but I would like to add the button to my email signature - is that possible, and could you explain how?
I met Alan as a very young journalist and was quite bowled over by how kind and friendly he was to a newcomer like me, and by his utter lack of airs and graces. His example shows how a first-rate journalist can remain eminently human.
I've added the link to my myspace. My thoughts are with his family and friends.
Might be a good idea to create a "myspace" page to highlight this? Will attract a lot of attention.
It is very worrying that Adam still has not been found or set free. To let the world now that Adam needs the support from us all I added the button to my Suriname news weblog, so that also people in this South American country get known with Adam!! Best off luck to all, from Paul,
Zwolle - the Netherlands
Ofcourse it is Alan and not Adam as I wrote in my earlier post! Sorry!!
I have added your button to my blog.
My prayers and thoughts are with you Allen.
Button added to my myspace page.
He WILL come home!
supporting the unconditional release of Alan Johnston.
Posted and prominent. I sincerely hope it helps.
I was a reporter for years at KBSC-TV.
Giving up your autonomy for a publicly
held identity is in itself hard to take.
But to go through this captivity is a
repulsive trauma to intelligent people
everywhere. Tell the man your story,
and cut him free. God bless all concerned. Good Luck Alan.
Kindly release Johnson. It is an act of cowardice and being inhumand to do this to an innoncent person who is doing a lot to expose the evils that is done.
Release him please.
Happy bithday Alan where ever you are. You are always in my thoughts and in those of many others too. I know that you will soon be back with us all and once take up the cause of honest factual reporting about a forgotten cauuse. I wish you a speedy release and return to your family.
To your parents and family in Scotland - hang on in there he will be back with you soon God willing
Button added together with a post in support of the 麻豆社 and the World Service. Keep up the pressure!
Before you disappeared you were just an other correspondant, but now your the voice I'm looking forward to here and hope to here and if you get to see this I wish you a happy Birthday and hopeful for your release
on your birthday Alan I wish you the best, and a lot of more days like this one, we the people of this country called Canada we support you in you efforts to show the world the ugly face of war, we raise our classes to your birthday and a speedy return to your family, happy birthday Alan and a lot more in good health
I have added the button to my blog space in support of Alan Johnston. May I also use this opportunity to tell his parents that my thoughts are with them and his colleagues at the 麻豆社, today on his 45th birthday and pray that soon, they will be reunited with him.
I notice today is Alans Birthday this would be a brilliant day for him to be released also for the sake of his family who are obviously feeling a great deal of distress at this time, I hope and pray for a speedy release as it has been a long time since his capture, to the people who are holding Alan you obviously have family so how would you feel if it was one of your children, please please release him today x
Banner added to my forum in hope of his safe return. Free Alan
I am very new to this technology & found the the information about Allen whilst I was looking for something very different. I have lived in very difficult times & situations. All I know, is that you have to be true to yourself. I hope for him & his family, that he is safe, & can remain centred & safe in himself.
The circumstances change, but the the self remains, grounded, centred, & ready to meet whatever comes along.
In reality, this is always easy to say, but not always easy to do. But I keep trying!
One day I hope we (including me) we will all get there.
my little myspace page isn't much but it now includes the button. it's under the 'heroes' section for a reason. i will keep mr. johnston in my prayers; i will continue to pray for his safe and prompt release. its the least i can do. i just wish i could do more....
Our thoughts our with Alan's family and friends at this terrible time.
Lets hope that he is released soon and this waiting will be over.
We have added the button to our blog in an effort to bring more awareness.
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to actively help.
Button added, along with a comment in Albanian. I hope that Mr Johnston will be released at once. Keep strong!
I am sending good thoughts to Alan, his family and those who are holding him. I have sent a message out to my friends asking them to visit this site. Keep the good thoughts going. Come home safely Alan.
We must keep Alan in the public eye, especially when other kidnappings seem to have much more media focus at the moment. I pray he will be released very soon.
I've added the Button to our Travel Site
I've added the button to my blog page. My thoughts are with Alan and his family. May he be returned to them soon.
The url is
I have added the banner on to the first page of my website. Hope alan would be found safe . Good Luck
Pardon My French but who ever done this is really spitful and alan hasn't done anything wrong. Bring Alan Johnston Home!
Button added to site, petition signed. May you come home safely and soon.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family. Hoping for his speedy release. With very best wishes
im just your average guy that goes through life and does not complain ,i like listen to the news ,im a scot the same as ,alan ,come on guys ,youve takin the wrong guy take someone from the guverment , u me we all need guys like alan
I have added the button to my blog. I hope it won't be long before I need to remove it.
As a broadcaster with a traditional news room we feel the sorrow of a colleague removed from doing what he does best - tell the truth - by those who clearly do not wish the truth to be broadcast.
Therefore, we felt it is right and proper to place a link for Alan under the 麻豆社 ticker on our site - we hope Alan and his family are happy with that.
People; we should know that Alan was simply doing his work. And this indeed is in our interest. I plead that you please set him free. Remember, he has family and the entire world is waiting for him to be more productive even for your very self. Please, please set Alan Johnston free. We are waiting for him because we want to be happy. God bless you.
The increasing danger to journalists and their work around the world is really quite sad. However, unlike in Iraq, Palestine is not in total meltdown and I do believe his whereabouts and condition is known by several high ranking Palestinian players. They fact that the Palestinian authorities have been able to publicly suggest with confidence that they believe he is not dead - particularly when a group claimed to have killed him a few weeks ago - backs this probability up..
Perhaps all 麻豆社 coverage of the Palestinian plight should cease until he has been given-up, or in the unfortunate event of his death, the culprits brought to justice. The irony is that prolonged coverage of his disappearance may actually be exasperating the situation and encouraging his kidnappers and their associates to hang onto him for longer. Of course this would not mean an end to 鈥榖ehind the scenes鈥 negotiations carrying on in full force.
I'm adding this link to my blog for sure tomorrow, Wednesday. Insufficient publicity is being given to Alan's situation,(with the exception of his 2 families, parents, relatives and OF COURSE, the 麻豆社). I've always felt part of the 麻豆社 family, and all I can do is hope and pray he is returned safely to us.
Added to my blog. I'm from the US, but as a journalism student, I share the same concern, and also hope for his safe return.
Alan - Happy Birthday let's hope the message gets heard, and your home soon.
Our paths may have crossed during my time at the 麻豆社, all the best.
Added to
I do not understand why Israel is not using their heavy handed tactics to get our lad out of there.
Or why Abu Mazen isn't getting his police force to crack skulls, beat people and kick in doors until Alan is free.
Someone needs to do something!
I have added the button to my blog.
I wish for his safe release.
Button Added. I hope Alan is freed soon!
Happy Birthday Alan!
My thoughts go to you and your family and friends during this hard time. I'm teaching in Vientiane, Laos and my Lao students are studying 'Globalisation' as a new subject and they raised your plight in class this morning. Your banner is on my blog.
Thinking of you. Get freed soon!
Button added to following site:
It will stay there until he is released, which I hope is very soon.
Button added. All the best to Alan, his family, and those trying to get him home.
Added to my blog today. As a fellow NUJ member, it's the least I can do. In a troubled world, reporters of Alan's integrity and calibre are sorely needed; his voice needs to be heard, not silenced.
i have just added the button to my myspace blog today.
as a current journalism student at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa i feel it extremely necessary for everyone across the globe to hope for the safe and speedy return of Mr Johnston as he does us all a great service in providing us important news and information.
He is very brave and i hope he continues to be. My thoughts are with his family at this time.
Link added. My thoughts go out to you Alan where ever you are and to your family. I pray for your safe return and that your captors see that you are a brave man reporting the unjustices to all people not a single race. I wish I could do more.
I have added this to my blog.
I have dedicated posts to Alan before now and my readers and I are all praying for Alan's safe return to his family.
Like many people in the Netherlands I have been very supportive to the Palestinian cause. To maintain this support the Palestinians should not kidnap innocent people. Please release Mr Johnston
Our thoughts and prayers go to Alan and his family and hope for a speedy return. It is a tragedy that a few persons could do so much to harm the Palestinian people.
Alan was only doing his job, however dangerous it was. All he wanted to do is just report on the situation in Gaza and for the benefit of the Palestinians. Please let him go and support freedom of the press for the good of humanity.
I have literally just closed the pages to Brian Keenan's brilliant and at times painfully vivid book; through the horrifying parallel, Alan's situation welled up across a massive continent and into my apartment.
Writing can cross boundaries and borders and bring other people's world's and lives stuttering into our own; Alan's has frequently taken me to Gaza. This power has been silenced by recent events. And I can only mourn at the impact not only for Alan and his family, but also for the world in the absence of the words and stories that the world so badly needs to hear about Gaza.
My thoughts are with Alan and with everyone working to free him. The value and importance of writing and journalism should never be undermined. Alan's presence in Gaza was so vital for Palestinians and the world. And I only hope that he is released immediately. Button added.
I have put this on myspace website in the hope of getting more youngsters names on the list and getting them more involved in the whats happening in the world!
My thoughts go out to Alan's family and hope for his release soon!
Added the link, I pray that he is fine wherever he is.
OK, link added to .Ihave a son who is journalist,and feel very bad about Alan`s situation.I really hope it will come to a good end very soon from now. This virtual mass of good intentioned people who are encouraging him from so many different sites will help him free very quickly, this is my wish, my hope and my prayer.
Jean Paul Bastiaans
I have just added the button to my myspace.
My thoughts are with his family and friends.
I hope he is released soon.
We will be delighted when Alan is released. In the meantime, we will hope for reason to prevail in this ghastly situation.
In this age of business-distorted media reporting and politicians lying bare-faced into the television cameras, men and women like Alan at the 麻豆社 deserve our real support because they earn it every day.
Tag added to our site
My thoughts remain with Alan and his family through these trying times. As a broadcast journo myself, I join in the condemnation of those that insist on holding a professional who, with mic, camera and newspad, sought to draw the world's attention and to alleviate suffering and others' pain. My anger is best chanelled at joining in the chorus for his release...this has gone on for far too long, the joke(if it was and it wasnt funny) must cease now. Link added.
I have added the tag to my blog. I still remember that my initial sympathies for the Palestinian cause were crystallized by Alan's fantastic reporting of the situation there.
I hope for his safe return. He is a truly remarkable reporter
I have placed the button on my blog. Not being completely IT minded I had to put a link next to it for it to work - but it's there, that's the main thing!
It will stay there until Alan comes home - which I hope and pray will very soon.
A small gesture given the scale of the issue, but anything to help and increase support, and reassuring that so many others have done it.
I have also posted a link on my blog, i love Allan.
Alan, God will ask those who are holding you to give an accoung of what they did to you. My prayer is that, God keep you safe till you are released.
The world over, we certainly need Alan alive. I used to follow Alan's description of the suffering of Palestinian children. Child Care Mission supports the call for Alan's safety and his return to his family, people and country. This link has been posted to our blog
Those of us involved in training journalists around the world hope and pray for Alan's safe return very soon.
Thanks for the picture which is now on my blog.
Adding to both my blog,, and a blog I contribute to, My girlfriend's a journalist; I can't imagine what his family's going through.
Have placed this link onto my MySpace site so hopefully it will get more people to sign the petition. Good to see pictures of him and I do hope and pray he is well and will get home soon.
I hope and pray he gets released soon. This does not help Palestinian cause at all!
I added the button to my WordPress blog at the end of April; I continue to keep Mr Johnston, his family, and his friends, in my thoughts and prayers.
Alan is a man of principle and integrity and I pray that he is being sustained by all the prayers and thoughts of him. God bless
I've added a permanent link to the image on my own blog, as well as a post specifically for it.
My thoughts are with him and his family, and I hope they are reunited very soon.
It is a sad day when a man comitted to bringing unbiased news on a sensitive subject is subjected to kidnap by the same peoples whos story he is trying to tell in a just andtimley manner.
I am proud to have Alans Tag on my page and advise all to do similar
It is positive to know that you are a live Alan, now lets pray, we as humans in the world can end your suffering and bring and you home to your loved ones.
Alan should not have been taken hostage as he was an independant witness to all that was going on in Gaza. If anything he brought the Palestinian peoples' suffering to world attention. They have now lost this valuable tool. It has certainly turned my opinion against their struggle as this is such a dirty tactic, playing politics with the innocent. Thoughts and prayers for Alan, his family and other brave correspondents around the world who want nothing more than to report the truth. Come home soon Alan...
No man must be held against his will. No one has a right over his freedom. A reporter must be protected by all, for it represents our own freedom. Free our reporter we ask kindly.
My heart goes out to Alan's family and my prayers for dear Alan...
Really.....truly....does capture, torture....and taking the life of another EVER advance whatever the supposed "cause" is ??? Truly diabolical logic...
For the captors and their sympathisers who, if ever, are reading your deeper into your conscience...does anger and everything done in anger give/provide solution...??
The wider, bigger world than yours, watches...truly...non can and will sympathize or understand you but only you...let our Alan go please...
For some reason my heart tells me Alan Johnston will come out just fine. My prayers goes to his family and for his safety.
I've put the tag on my blog.
As a video game nut (my blog shows this) I play alot of games which involve violence and war, but this does not mean I agree with it outside of these digital worlds.
My heart skips every time I read of hostages being taken and videos being released, I can't imagine how terrified I would be and I have nothing but respect for the courage Alan, his family and his friends are showing.
I hope you return home soon Alan.
Button on home page of BECTU site
Also emergency proposition passed at this year's BECTU Annual Conference
I just wanted to show my support. Although new video footage has brought Alan's abduction back into the lime light, I wanted to say that I have been thinking about him and hope he is released, safe and well soon.
Stay strong Alan, we will do whatever it takes. My prayers are with you.
I've added the link to my blog. I believe it's really ridiculous to assault and abduct defenseless journalists to make some absurd point. This action won't draw any support from Britain, Turkey or from Europe. It's preposterous, meaningless and damaging the peace processes in the Middle East. I hope Alan's well and in good health, and they will release him soon.
The concerned sectarian groups in Gaza Strip should try their best to free Mr. Alan Johnson unconditionally. He is a brave, courageous, and just reporter.He has been reporting the plights and sufferings of the common people in the Gaza Strip. The militants should not harm a friendly and independent journalist. I think the Hamas administration should exert their influence on those kidnappers to free the reporter.He is a friend of the Palestinians, esp. those without power and money. Please free him now.
Done! Praying for Alan's safe return to country and family.
Its good at least to know that Allan is well. , Allan's abduction is an afront to Journalism as a profession. As a Zambian Journalist, his courage however, is an inspiration, to be truthful and courageous even when circumstances forbid.
Lets those evil souls release Allan immediately.
I am thrilled Alan is alive, i hope this brings some comfort to his family who must be going through hell. Alan is a strong, brave, intelligent, courageous and generally amazing journalist and i wish daily for his safe return.
Come home soon!!
The dignity of both father and son in this time of trial have been an example. Come home soon Alan.
Demanding the release of Alan Johnson is all very well but it seems his captors have their own agenda. If all the western journalists withdrew from palestine territory until he was released, then perhaps they would see the damage they are doing.
I am adding this button to my blog sidebar to show support for peace and freedom of the press.
What does it serve to hold captive a man who worked the last two decades to show a fair, balanced and true picture of the situation in Gaza?
Free Alan Johnston!
Vera Nadine
I've added the tag to my blog! I thought it to be a great idea...I am praying for his safe return home! My thoughts go also to his relatives!
May God bless Alan Johnston!
Just to send a message of support to Alan,his family and colleagues. We will post this code to our website - MediaBite - based in Ireland. Heartening to see the video this afternoon and hopefully there is some encouragement in it for those working for his release. With every good wish.
Miriam Cotton & David Manning
I am heart sick! There was a time when reporters were both respected as well as protected.
I am getting my fill of what raw humanity with out hope are capable of doing.
We who live with a solid hope need to wrap Alan and his family warmly in prayer without ceasing until he is home, asking God to reveal to Allan His protective Hand and encouragement over him, as well as his family.
As for the rest uf us lets realize if not for the grace of God this could be any one of us!
Alice Delarosa
Button added and petition signed. Thank-you for keeping these 麻豆社 webpages updated so the rest of us can stay informed about events as they happen.
I hope for a safe release.
- R.
why is that they abduct a person who has done nothing but good for their cause.
If they want to do some good then abduct any of our politicians;I'm sorry they realise as much as we that abducting one of our politicians would give no cause for concern to the electorate.
This is my way of supporting Alan's family. He's a great reporter and it's a shame misguided people think that his detention will advance their agenda.
Alan you are in my thoughts and prayers see you soon :)
I found it very uncomfortable watching Alan speaking and it is obvious he was under pressure to say what he said. I think it is appalling that a journalist with his intelligence and understanding of the muslim world should be in such circumstances. It makes me wonder about the intelligence of the people who took him and what they expect to achieve.
We're sending our support for Alan Johnston, an innocent journalist who was kidnapped while doing his job as a 麻豆社 journalist. He must be released immediately!
Our good thoughts & prayers go to Alan & his family. Don't give up, Alan. Remember, you're the "bees
knees". Best, Bernard & Elizabeth
I saw his mother and father speaking on 麻豆社 News, what thoroughly lovely people they were, and so brave in the face of all this. Let him go.
To the persons holding Allan;I say to you in kind:- I may never trully know the true depth of your pains,and that of your brethren beyond that which I see and read in the news media.Through the works of Allan and his colleagues,daily struggles of everyday palestinian have become evident to the world over.His voice,your voice.
May Allah,our most powerful,most merciful bestow upon you the strength and will to let the soul of Allan home free to his family..for Allah's great promise is that in time to come,Allah will never forget the mercies and kindness we shower upon others.
peace be upon you.
May Allah help Alan in this trying time of his lifetime, Amen.
..i am muslim but i must say that what is going on in the middle east is just simply madness... this must stop.
Alasn must be released immediately and all parties must stop the violence... all parties.. the isrealies and arabs, ameicans and british... have we all lost our senses.. everyday its only kill kill kill ... come on...
For a start, pls free Alan.
On behalf of the palestinian people I urge you to release Alan, you are not doing any good to our cause, but causing more bad publicity to the palestinian people. please, please release him as soon as possible so he can return to his family and friends.
First of all i would like to say that i hope that Alan Johnston is ok and that i am sure he has the support of millions of people and i will hope and pray for Alan Johnstons release and returned home safe and well.
God Bless Alan Johnston
Stacy and Dillan
Dear Alan, I want to send you and your family a message of hope and solidarity. Your story has highlighted to the world how dangerous life can be for dedicated journalists. It also helps to tell the story of one of the most underreported places in the news. Let's hope more people acknowlege the risks reporters take around the world and support them better in the future. I am sure you're going to be OK. You and your family are in our thoughts, Catherine and family. PS> I worked alongside Alan in the Bush House newsroom.
i have added the button to my myspace but i am sad to see that alan has missed his birthday happy birthday alan!
I've added the banner to my website.
I've added the banner to my home page and hope for the safe return of Alan Johnston.
I agree with another poster that all kidnap victims should be released, regardless of their stance on Palestine.
It makes me very sad to hear that Alan Jonhston has been kidnapped. Me and my dad light a candle for him every day beside a little buddha statue that my family and I bought in Sri Lanka. Now that I have seen his video I am much happier. I believe he is still alive and I hope he will be released soon.
pls add me
I've added the button to my AS Chemistry revision website. I hope some of my students hit your page and give the plight of all hostages a moments thought!
I've added the button to my live spaces blog.
Help bring Alan back safely
I've added the button to my blog's sidebar, and also did a post directing my friends to the button for more information and to sign the petition.
A link added at Anti-Fraud International. We wish Alan well. It was bittersweet to see him in that video. Hope to see you freed soon, Alan.
I've added the button to my profile signature - I'm a moderator at another website and whilst the rules there don't allow links to petitions, I've still had people from far and wide asking me for more information about Alan, so I've directed them here to the 麻豆社 website. I've also added the button to my Skype profile as another way to raise awareness. I think of Alan daily and scour news bulletins for him ... keep your chin up, Alan, because no one will forget you. To those who hold Alan, please let him go; humanity is better served by journalists like Alan reporting freely than being held captive and unable to report at all.
I'm writing this message with the hope that you get released soon. I have also prayed that the day will come soon.
God bless you where ever you are, I'm sure your guardian Angel will deliver you home to your friends safe and not give up....
I麓ve posted the button in my blog.
My thoughts go out to Alan麓s Family.
Please set him FREE!!!
Bit of a delay in Merry Media putting the button up - which is now up at last on the right hand side and hopefully get some more name downs on the petition. I personally have been rallying my neighbours with a pc to sign the petition - a good man, a good family, and a damn good journalist and hope he returns home soon and beg of the captors to release him without harm.
I worked with Alan in early 1990-ies in Uzbekistan as an interpreter and translator from local languages. He is one of the most decent people I know. I take pride of knowing Alan. Now I really worry about him. I express my support to him and his family, who show real dignity in a hard situation. I hope it'll help somehow. I am sure he is live and safe.
Tuigun Aykhodzhaev
My thoughts are with Alan and family. He was only doing his job.
This week's disturbing developments in Gaza have finally prompted me to do what I should have done ages ago and add my name to the petition. The bravery of Alan Johnston and other journalists working in dangerous situations around the world is admirable. He deserves all our support, and he must be freed.
It is a pity that Alan who was reporting and working for people of Gaza is kidnapped and force to live like this.
Its unfortunate that even if we had great saints and leaders that preached non-violence like Gandhi, we never seem to learn from history.
Further, no religion suggests spilling blood. This act is condemnable and same as if you were to hold your parent as an hostage for achieving selfish and immoral agenda.
Alan must be freed and the capturer's must apologize.
Nothing to add that hasn't been said already. Just another person adding their support to the hundreds of thousands. Those who took him have got what they wanted - we're all listening. How about you let him go now you cowards.
I've put the button on both of my blogs, and Even though my blogs aren't about journalism, as a professional writer and former journalism student I have a lot of interest in Mr. Johnston's situation and concern for his well-being.
I'm encouraged by the recent statements by Hamas calling for his release, and hope that this will pressure the kidnappers to release him.
I pitty anyone who believes their religion, culture or otherwise would want them to do this.
Now added the button to my personal site.
I've posted this botton to my blog.
World needs such a brave journalists like Alan Johnston.
Please, add my name to the petition!
Added the button to the "userinfo" page of my Livejournal. I hope that I can encourage others to do the same.
button added. My condolences to Alan's family & friends.
I will pray for you to free from that trouble. GOD will save you.
Scottish Comment has put your banner on
Hey just put the button on my index page,more than glad to help - - I am sure that other truckers from all over the world will help too.
It may be that Alan Johnstone is to soon be freed from the shackles of his kidnappers but freedom usually comes with a price. In Alans case I suspect that price is having lost the ability in the past 90+ days to state the case for all the palentininan people at a time when their voice needs to be heard above the clamour of the guns.
I'm sure Alan will remain as dignified as ever on his release but I hope he returns to Gaza and does what he does best and raise the profile of all of Palestine once again.
Alan is a journalistic who has shown integrity and a profound understanding of the Middle East situation. This makes his kidnapping even more upsetting. The reports of a possible release soon are encouraging, but until then our thought and prayers are with him and his family.
I added this some weeks so but only saw that it would be helpful to let you know when I came looking for updates on Alan.
your link is here:
and I can only hope that people who hold him see sense and release him unharmed becuase he is the best advocate that Gaza has as an independant and unbiased view in the region with the opportunity to broadcast truth to the world.
Good job Alan, hold on.. many many people are thinking of you.
hoping to hear of your release soon
Our website has added the 麻豆社's button to our website and we are demanding the immediate release of Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston.
We are also ask that everyone with influence on this situation increase their efforts to ensure that Alan is freed quickly and unharmed.
Let us take this opportunity to express our deepest feelings to Alan, his family and colleagues.
Warm regards.
Horacio Calderon and his website team.
Buenos Aires - Argentine Republic
This is a brilliant idea to spread the word and get people together to help others in serious trouble. This should be done for all missing people. Popular or not. I added the url and hope my little blog at wordpress can do it's share.
Cross fingers for his release.
I am an American and an Israeli; yet I do not and will not differenciate between abductees. Holding people captive is wrong through and through, regardless of race, religion, creed or political factors.
I pray with all my heart that Mr. Johnston, as well as the abducted Israeli soldiers, be delivered from their captivity to their families, safe and sound.
please release Alan may God have mercy on Him and cause His captors to see that God is love
I hope Alan is fine and i'm asking god to protect him and help him to be free. he's part of 麻豆社 and you are all honest and nobel people.
Added! Hope he's back soon
God bless you Alan.
You may not remember me, but you were in the year above me at Dollar, and the reason that I remember you so well, is because you were a heart throb for a lot of the girls. I remember some of my crowd thinking that you were hot stuff, in fact, I think you went out with Fiona Pankhurst at one point.
My brother Pete, remembers you because he was a keen athlete, as you were too.
You and your family are very much in Dollar F.P.'s thoughts and prayers, and I know, from friends that I have kept in touch with, that you are having prayers said for you from all over the world.
May your captors be treating you well, and may your family continue to remain positive, and focus on the day of your forthcoming release.
You are always in our prayers. Shalom.
I've added the button to my Myspace page. This is very disturbing and I do hope he is freed soon and back at his job safely. I am praying for him and his family. 麻豆社 News is the one news source I go to online and view in the morning before going to work on 麻豆社America as their news reports are not biased nor full of sensationalist headlines.
In support of Alan, my music charity is dedicating its performances of 'Thoughts Scribbled on a Blank Wall' to him. The piece has words written by the Beirut hostage, John McCarthy and music by Adam Gorb. The piece is all about incarceration & it was prmiered at St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street - the journalists' church in March this year.
Performances are at King's Chapel, Cambridge on 4th July & St. James's Church, Piccadilly on 5th July. See for more details.
please god you get home alan one of the most impartial journalists about
I have never worked with Alan, but as a freelance cameraman and journalist working all around the world I hope his release is imminent. Best wishes.
I have signed the petition and added the banner to my blog. I hope he's released soon.
Everyday when I wake up and switch to 麻豆社 station and hear that Alan is still in captivity, I feel discouraged and do always mention him in my morning prayers so that he can be released soon. I miss you Alan.
I will add the link to a website that I manage - and sign your petition.
However I suspect there are far more useful and positive steps that could be being taken.
Why not give us the email addresses of influential Palestinian leaders so that we can all write to them direct?
This might bring the need to act to their attention far more effectively than an undeliverable petition in a land far away.
Your Middle East correspondents should be able to tell us who we could write to.
Bon courage mr Johnston, mes pens茅es sont avec vous.
Fran莽ois Pag茅
Quebec city, Canada
I send my wish into the air to help you to be free and I am going to join in two silent minutes.A lot of hugs from Spain
I wont forget Alan's plight. I wish him health, all possible comfort and an immediate return.
What is the meaning of this sad story?
Journalist captivity still going on and no good news for Alan?!
I dont get it . . .
i have added 2 both my piczo sites hope he is free soon
i am putting the button on my myspace page - i really hope he has a safe and speedy return home.
Our prayers are with you. Jesus loves you and he died for you. He will never let you down.
Please it's not been easy for his family and love ones. So l am pleading with you in the name of Allah and almighty God it's a long 100 days let him go home to join his love ones l beg you from my heart set him free. Allah will reward you beautifully. Thank you.
I would appreciate if who sover responsible for the detention this just journalist Allan Johnston, let him/her release him for the sake of peace as his family are really in need of him.He is just an ordinary reporter who work for the betterment of me and you, because he relayed our problems to the world.
I trust and pray that the people that abducted Alan will find love in their hearts and release him back to his family
Alan, we miss you and hope for the best for your safe return.
The banner has been added to my blog.
Prayers for a quick release and peace in the Middle East.
I feel for Alan and his family. Despite all the work Alan was doing to keep the plight of Palestinians in the news, he still wasn't safe. What has occured is despicable and cowardly. Alan is a brave journalist who risked his life because he felt the Palestinians had a story to tell. I have signed the 麻豆社 petition, but if anyone has any influence, please release him
I have added the button in my blog.
My thoughts are with Alan and his family.
Hoping sincerely that he is back soon.
Good luck
My thoughts are with the Johnston family at this difficult and worrying time. I hope the strong public support for Alan helps in some way - like so many others I only wish I could do more to help.
We must all keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
The captors of Alan should know that this action is deplorable and should therefore release him immediately. Their action hurts the process of forging the much needed peace in the region. Am certain that this action is not representative of the aggrieved in the conflict. So release Alan.
I do not have much to say. Whatever someone is fighting for may be their own case, but journalists, reporters etc. are just telling the rest of the world what is going on from a (hopefully) neutral perspective.
The only ones harming those are those who are agains freedom.
This tells more about Hamaz than journalists in general.
If Hamaz does not agree with 麻豆社's view of the world, they should simply not talk 麻豆社, that is their choice. Not this.
I'm a Muslim and all i beg for is for the kidnappers to release Alan coz another day in captivity is disturbing and it's not doing good our brothers and sisters in Palestine.Think of this; Alan was the only Western journalist covering Gaza showing the suffering and oppression Gazans go through in their daily lives! Whoever did it should know that it's against Islam. I am always praying for Alan and other journalists arrested,kidnapped in many parts of the world.
Please enough of this psychological torture on Alan.He's only a reporter reporting on your own suffering.So why use him as a political pawn.Please release him without further delay.Hope these calls does not fall on dath ears.Thanks
Added on my page.
Hope Alan gets back soon.
I hope he comes home safely
could ALAN JOHNSTON please be released.He was just trying to bring awareness to the plight of the people in the region.
PLEASE HAVE MERCY MR.KIDNAPPER & ASSOCIATES and release him to do his work.
I added it onto my blog as well, will put it on myspace as well as soon as I'm at home
I have added the Alan Banner / Button on my page. I have even created a little banner which can be added to blogs or websites. You can get the code @
Let me credit the 麻豆社 and the all those doing their best to see to the return of Alan Johnston safely home.
To you Alan, my prayers are with you. My heart is with you whereever you are. My country Uganda is country of prayer. Me and my friends say a prayer for you shortly before we enter our beds everyday. I cherish the work of journalists, and nothing will fill with utmost joy than the day you'll return home. Be brave. Take heart. We love you. VERY much.
I have added the button to and signed the petition. Best wishes to Alan's family and friends - and hoping there will be good news soon.
I have just added the banner to my web blog. Journalists are there to inform, to show the facts. Why on earth are there still people who think that kidnapping one is the best way for them to get attention? It makes everyone turn against them. Where does it help them?
Hope you come back to us soon Alan!
Please enough is enough. Let him go back to his family.
It is enough tortue alan jonso for no reason.please release him without any cantionand let him see his familly those who miss for one hundred and two days.I hope he will get home soon in a good condition.
it is a shame that you stiil holding alan. alan loved palestine. please let him go without further delay. we pray for you brother alan.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Alan. May God grant your captors the wisdom and compassion to set you free for you don't deserve to suffer - no one deserves to suffer.
I support the move to free Alan and want the people involved in this activity to take a note of the pain and trauma suffered by his near and dear ones.
Alan Johnston was kidnapped while serving humanity. His ordeal is a challenge to all civilized people who cherish the human right to access information.
I support all the good-hearted people who are demanding Alan's immediate release.
Alan, the whole decent world stands with you and we are sure you will soon be back with us. Be of good cheer.
He is in my prayers. I pray that God would toucht the hearts of those who have captured him
Added to my writer's database. May he be released soon, and safe.
I guess I'm not alone in becoming attached to these guys (the correspondents), after all we see them almost every night on our television screens.
It's incredibly sad when things like this happen.
small gesture I know but I've added Alans banner to my myspace page
here's hoping for his safe release very soon.
As an aspiring journalist-to-be, Alan's kidnap has really hit me, and so I have added the banner to my myspace page, and I sincerely hope that Alan is released as soon as possible. The truth must always be known, and Alan has always tried to inform the world of the truth of what happens in Gaza on an everyday basis. Best wishes.
God is with Allan and he shall surely be released.I hope and pray for his well being.Allan you are always in our prayers.
We have added the button to our web page and to our blog.
We hope with all our heart that he will be free soon.
The Wassem Family
Let's all get this man home to his family soon!
I think that to detain a decent caring and compassionate, not to mention fair and just reporter, as these extremists have is outrageous.
I hope that Alan is soon released unharmed and back with hsi family, I feel for Alan and his family, and be sure I am willing this to come to a swift and positive end.
As for those holding him please imagine how you or your families would feel if this were you in Alan's place, surely you would not wish to be held against your will like this and people you love suffering this dreadful trauma? You have no right to do this and I hope you will release him soon and one way or another be sure that karma will take its course and you will be punished you are wicked and evil and far from humane and I think you are a total disgrace to humanity, Alan does not deserve to be put though this, for heaven's sake let him go and do at least one decent act in your sad lives.
Alan hold on in there everyone out here is willing for you to be released soon and unharmed.
The bible says "People have entertained angels without ever knowing it" ..... you ARE one.
God Bless You,
I admire deeply your courage and bravery.
Lancs UK.
Added to my blog, for what it's worth, because there are some things you simply must do.
You're not helping your cause by keeping a man whose work is in YOUR best interest. Please don't make it worse and release him...
alan, stay strong. i am so sorry this is happening. i wish you and yours all the best.....cheers, alex
Alan . Let hope you will return home safe and well.
To your family " keep your spirits up. " God Bless .
Patrick J Madden.
I pray for Alan and his family and i hope he gets back soon.
I want Alan's immediate release.
My Wife and I still continue, with light and vigilant love, to hope and pray for the release and return to his family and friends of Alan. We shall not wither in our conviction that he will return home soon.
Our prayers and love are with him and his family and friends.
Bob and Marina Black
photographers/writers, Toronto, Canada
As a journalist I support all efforts for his release. I condemn the practice of Islam terrorists to kidnap reporters, which are doing there job in the war zones. I hope Alan will gain freedom soon and I support his family in this hard days for them. I have reported on 4 wars and I know the risks of been a journalist in hot points. I appeal to the Palestinian authority to do all possible for Alan liberation !
i am praying for a speedy and safe release for Mr. Alan Johnston. my thoughts are with his family and friends. thank you 麻豆社 for always keeping us informed and for having someone like mr. johnston who can risk his life for the sake of his chosen profession.
I do feel really very sad about Mr Johnson's kidnap.Especially as a muslim, I think they should have never done to such an innocent person and that they should release him soon.
I hope each day for Alan's immediate and safe release. Holding him in captivity serves no purpose whatsoever. Set him free now!
I hope alan jonston must be releas wthout out any probmlem.And I ask any political organiztion who abduct alan jonston to release him.
Your link added to the top of my page.
With the hope of speedy and happy outcome. My thoughts are with him.
I have signed here many times and I return again. I would ask that those of us that can, say the Rosary for Alan as often as we can. If we could say it together at 3:00 am or pm local time where you are that would be great. I believe prayer does "wonders." Alan is just one of the many suffering because of this lack of trust, love, recognition of each others' humanity....Stop the Hatred and violence..and pray....
Your link added to the top of my page.
With the hope of speedy and happy outcome. My thoughts are with him.
I hope you are doing ok. I am so saddened by this event and my thoughts are with you and your family.
I've added the button to my live spaces blog.
Hope he is safe and wish with all my heard that today's news of him with an explosive belt are not true.
I sincerely want to see him free from his captors and back to the UK to his family and friends.
my thoughts are with Alan's family , lets hope Alan's safe and the people holding him come to there senses and release him asap, in order to spare his family of more the greif they must be going through.
No if`s no but`s get Alan Johnson out .
My thoughts go to Alan's family and I truely hope he is return to you safe and sound.
Let's all hope and pray that this madness ends.....sooner rather than later.
As a Palestinian, i am disgusted with what this radical minority of my country have done, i sincerely hope for the safe return of Alan Johnston to his beloved ones as soon as possible..
Please add my name to the list of people supporting Mr Johnson and those hoping for his quick release from captivity from these despicable people! Regards to his family and friends and let them know they are all in mine, and my families prayers.
Alan was doing his work, I hope the persons will see the right thing to do and not act like spoilt children, if they have a problem with the polices of there govenment take to them. We must try to understand the reasoning that these people think, they have Alan and we want him safe. Don't condem them as they no little else what to do, we all know what they want (POWER)i hope that things will work out right. Alan if you can see this message I hope you well.
David W. Bradwell
The whole third world and much of the first is talking about the way the 麻豆社 is no longer the respected voice of journalistic objectivity that it once was. It is instead spouting the American anti-Muslim propaganda all the way down the line. It is no wonder those in Gaza take a dim view of the 麻豆社 and feel free to treat its reporter as the enemy.
Please release Alan now for the sake of peace and justice. This does nothing to help the people of Palestine and it's fight for justice and freedom against Israel
Thank you
please free him
aMoroccan from Canada.
I feel for Alan so much. I don't even know him, I just know about him from the 麻豆社 and the news stories about him being kidnapped. And if I feel this bad for him, I can't even begin to imagine how his parents and family must feel. I hope he gets home soon. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
To those holding Allan,
Please open your eyes and see. This person hasn't done any thing bad to you. He was there to bring the atrocities of your people to the eyes and the ears of the people of the world. Please let him free and allow him to continue the good work he has been doing for your people.
May peace prevail on earth!
Just to let you know that you have loads of people thinking of you around the world. We all can't wait to hear from you when this is over.
Don't give up
Alan and his family are in my thoughts along with his colleagues. What you are all going through is horrendous. I wish more than anything that they would just set Alan free NOW.
Free Alan
I hope he will be home soon and in good health. My prayers are with him and his family.
This capture is unjustified. Alan is innocent and must be released unconditionally.
It really concerns me to see Alan in captive in Gaza. No matter how distressful the situation is in there, it is completely in-humane and against Islamic values to keep him abducted. The emotions of those concerned should be properly communicated for his immediate and un-conditional release. I pray he joins his family soon - Ameen.
No religion was ever sanctified by by such indiscriminate and criminal behaviour by those claiming to be its adherents. Kidnappings such as Alan's will always be a desecsation of whatever faith or creed that is supposed to be represented. With the world's eyes watching, waiting and hoping for Alan's release, let us pray that the central element in every religion of universal respect of the dignity for every individual, will prevail in the hearts, minds and souls of Alan's captors.
We hope those holding Alan will realise the best service they can do
the Palestinian people is to let this man go. We have added the link to
our home page at ,
as a reminder that those of us with nothing more to worry about than
how long our kids spend on the computer, are really very lucky.
todays images have been extremely upsetting, we are thinking of you Alan and your family, a plea to whom has taken him, please release him. Alan's reporting has integrity and independance, whom supports the plight of the palestine people and this is not helping them. Please let him come home and continue his work.
Alan is now part of my blog.
Get home soon, mate. So many are thinking of you.....
Do you really think a banner on our computers is going to help Alan release, I sure dont think so. The people who have abducted Alan neither go my popular opinion or human feelings. The are Angels, Angels of death, disciples of the Devil, the face of evil on earth. The know for sure that killing Alan Johnston is never going to help them achieve their cause, nor will releasing any person it is negotiating the release of.
They are just evil beings with no respect for human life or emotions.
I only pray to god that Alan is released with no harm done to him.
The capture of the British 麻豆社 journalist Alan Johnston in Gaza is nothing but a barbaric and criminal act that is not accepted in our world and we should and must punish all those of who committed this crime. It is also very sad to see the Palestinians doing more damage to their just cause that they have been fighting for it for more than 60 years.
my thoughts with alan and his family i wish that group will let him free
This is my comment about Alan. These men who never gave a damn about the freedom of a journalist sent out to help them are the worst sort of humans ever created by God. As a Musician i can say to them that they should not be silly again. Let go. It's a free world and a small world afterall, one day there would be a return match to teach his captors that already we are all in captivity by life itself and they should not increase life's difficulties for a journalist doing his thing.
The Muslim fundamentalist should not attack or harm 麻豆社's correspondent Alan Johnston because all he was doing in Gaza, was his job.
He should not be the victim of the wrongs, which the West has committed.
Why make him the target? Why should he become the scapegoat of someone else's mistakes?
Taking his life won't be the solution to the problem.
We Albanian Community "Faik Konica" living in UK have added the tag to our website. I'm Fatmir Terziu (General Secretary of the Community), a journalist and Filmmaker and I'm quite upset about what is happening with Mr. Johnston; I do hope some news comes through soon. Thank you to the 麻豆社 for keeping us informed, and for the efforts you are making to find him. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues at this time. I never met Mr Johnston, but his face portrays such kindness and compassion, and his reports were first class. He is a fantastic example for all as a journalists. Good luck with your mission, I wish there was more I could do.
I don't have a blog but would like to add my hopes and prayers for Alan's speedy return. The family are having to endure their own form of torture and so many people's thoughts are with them.
God Bless
Our thoughts and prayers are with Alan and his family, each going through their own form of torture.
We pray for a speedy release and return to his family.
come on! realise him this is getting silly!!!
what is this world coming too?
As a reporter myself, I have followed the story of Mr. Johnston's capture with baited breath. I wish I were in London today so I could go to that one church where fallen journalists are honored and prayed for. I dearly hope that he will be released alive, and I would gladly cross the pond to light a candle for Alan Johnston. Since I'm rather stuck on the other side of the Atlantic, I will light a candle for him here.
Best wishes, my thoughts and prayers,
Jason Haas
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
I have added it to my blog, it will appear on every page of my blog as it is on the sidebar.
I have also written an entry about it and hope to get all of my readers and visitors to sign the petition and add it to their sites too.
I hope that he is released soon, it must be awful for him.
I hate to think what his family are going through.
I hope that Alan will be free soon .
He was enough brave all the past time .All palestinians are supporting Alan except the kidnappers.
Allan Johnson. Where are you? come back home now, we miss you!
We hope its not their intension to silence journalists
Just another dreadful day has come to pass while you are still in the hands of those merciless and motiveless captors. Everyday I pray for you and I know how much pain you're going through.
Allan the message from me is be strong, polite and courageous as you have always been. I know you're a fighter and will come out the winner. Remember, Happy days are equal with none and the world is watching on you.
Long live and Loving you.
Frank Kihere Zimula (Ugandan journalist in exile)
Wembley, UK
His family have already waited too long.
Release him immediately and maybe gain some positive reaction.
I've just added the badge to my blog and I've signed the petition. I will be keeping good thoughts for Mr. Johnston and his family until his safe return. Peace to all.
I will pray for alan and jesus will hear my pray and send to rlease him and save him from all of his enemies like lord has done with king DAVID from thousands of years ago don't be afraid alan our savior wants you to hurt for his and you must be proud of this
your's penai nazy
return to negotiations if available and if that's just a load of hot air, just hope and pray Alan Johnston isn't scapegoated.
here's wishing him and all other victims of wrongful imprisonment a speedy release.
Added to my site.
Added the button rather belatedly - spurred into action by today's events.
its make me sad to see people diying and sufferin about 50 years ,killing innocent kids and weman every day in the name of god ,every time i saw those bombes make me mad and i think that those who do that have no respect for humanity and none for god this way, shame on them .
all i can say is give peace a chance and pray god that mr johnson comeback to his family free and saved .amen
Every eveing ends with me thinking that come tomorrow Alan will be freed. Onehundred days have passed and Alan is still being held hostage.I am sure that Alan will be released pretty soon.I have added on my homepage I just pray that he will get back soon. Jesus help them those people who are keeping hold of Alan understand what Alans parents are going through so in return they will release him. My thoughts are with his parents and of course with the rest of the people who are praying for the release of Alan.
Button added to my blog. Praying that you'll be released very soon Alan. Your strength under such conditions is an inspiration.
You know Alan, for the very first time in my life I'm ashamed to be from the Middle East.. You did everything you can to help the people of Palestine, and i assure you they are grateful and so are we... You do not deserve this and i hope you come home to your family, friends and colleagues...
Hi, I've added this button to my blog, Alan is in my thoughts, I really hope he comes out of this okay. Love to his friends and family.
I've added the banner in support for Alan Johnston on a site I am working on
As a Pakistani Muslim I pray for the safe return of Alan.
My prayers got out to Alan's & his family for his safe return.
I will be posting the banner on in the hope that people will get involved by signing the petition. I am the founder of and Myspace. is an online media & entertainment industry community with over 29,000 members worldwide.Thank you for your efforts. Anything I can do to help please feel free to let me know.
Todd Lytle
When foreign journalists who are just doing their job in reporting activities around the globe, get targeted by various groups, we have to become very worried.
I wish Mr. Johnston well and pray for his release unharmed in the near future.
I am praying so hard for his safety and release. My love and support goes out to Alan's family and friends.
not the messenger........never!
we are all praying for alans safe return home.
I have posted the tag on my MySpace account. My heart goes out to Mr. Johnston. His captors have no right to keep him prisoner, not do they have the right to impose any sort of harm on him. I appeal to his captors for his release. I'm Muslim and I cannot fathom the reasoning behind modern methods of barbarically hurting innocent human beings like these members of so-called "Army of Islam"a re doing. Allah will one day show how embrassedand angry he is because Islam is a religion of goodness, not violence.
I have posted the tag on my MySpace account. My heart goes out to Mr. Johnston. His captors have no right to keep him prisoner, not do they have the right to impose any sort of harm on him. I appeal to his captors for his release. I'm Muslim and I cannot fathom the reasoning behind modern methods of barbarically hurting innocent human beings like these members of so-called "Army of Islam"a re doing. Allah will one day show how embrassedand angry he is because Islam is a religion of goodness, not violence.
I have added the Alan Johnston tag to 7 of my blogs today, hoping many will answer the plea to sign the petition and more importantly that Alan will be released soon and returned to his home unharmed, where he belongs.
I've added the banner to my blog. My thoughts are with Alan and his family.
I have placed the button on my blog.
I am very concerned about the situation of Alan Johnston and he is on my daily prayers.
I've posted the link on both my websites, I hope that I can contribute lots of names to the petition in this way.
Alan is always in my prayers, please send him home
Please set him free unharmed back home to his loved ones
Releasing Alan Johnston will demonstrate to the world his captors' compassion and humanity. Harming him will only set back the Palestinian cause.
The link is on my two sites.
Keep the faith, we are thinking of you.
Button added to my blog. Alan, stay strong! I hope that he'll return safe and sound.
Stread the word, people!
To Mr Johnston,
We pray and hope for your safe return. As a Muslim, I am quite disgusted by the actions of these militants and I share my frustration with the far majority of our community. To the good men and woman of 麻豆社, we hope your colleague is safe and is returned sooner than later.
Button added. Hopefully Alan will be home soon.
As long he made the best attempt he could to bring the truth out of the mid-east he was doing right.
My thoughts and prays are with Alan Johnston and his family. I pray to Allah S.W.T that Alan is freed immediately.
I have now also added to my myspace page. It seems a small gesture, but at least we are trying to raise awareness in any way we can.
My thoughts are with Alan's family and friends and I hope that his safe release is on the horizon. His bravery is inspirational.
Button Added to my site, free Alan guys end this Now!
I hope alan is well and save, becouse alan always shows the word what is going on Gaza i parey my allah to realese him soon. i want say those who done this,this is not sharia please brothers let him alone. i dont know alan but the only thing i know that he is inocent man.thanks
I have posted staff alerts on the National Geographic intranet. It should be a matter of time before the petition button is hosted by
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish you all the best, Alan, and hope for your safe and speedy return!
hope you come home safe to your family
iv just added that blog to my bebo, its not much but i want everyone to know, just for the soul purpose, ALan should not have been captured, he was a man doing his job like anyone ele's. All i want is for him to be relased in one peace, and for there to be more action from the govermet.
Holding this innocent man against his will will achieve nothing, I urge the captors to release him without further delay,
Just a short comment to say in all the excitment of today with Brown taking over from Blair, Alan is still someone I remember I hope is released soon without harm.
I support as a free man in a free country the international well-known journalist, who is in the hands of criminal persons. On the Website of a local gospelchoir in K枚ln I have written and invited to support the initiative to get free this honorable man and journalist.
I've added the banner to my myspace and signed the petition. Alan was simply reporting in Gaza and should certainly not be used for propaganda. There is no need or real benefit to keeping him captive. Taking someone's freedom because you feel yours has been taken from you is an eye for an eye mentality that just brings shame upon your cause and can command no respect.
Button added on blog sidebar.
I pray I can soon remove it, and replace it with the news of his safe return!
Its strange because we are all in england carrying on with our own lives but obviously thinking of Alan each day whilst he is in Gaza. I feel for him and his relatives. I have a good feeling he will be home soon. Im never one to pray but i pray for his release. Free Alan
I am a Sierra Leonean Muslim who has also served humanity in Afghanistan. I find it hard to reconcile my religion to what has happened to Allan Johnson. Thus in the name Of Allah I am asking my Muslim Brothers, who are assumed to be holding Mr. Johnson, to release him unharmed. Our Religion means PEACE!!!
Alusine JALLOH
Freetown, Sierra Leone.
The man has always been an unbiased reporter and has never been anti Palestinian in any of his reports. He does not deserve to be treated like this. The various factions in Palestine are not doing themselves or their people by this wicked act.
May their God forgive them.
Alan Johnston was the only western journalsit to live there and did so to inflict no harm to his fellow people. There is simply no purpose in holding Alan.
The banner in support of the release of Alan Johnston has been posted on my website at:
We hope for an early release and thank you for the opportunity to participate in a small way.
It's high time Alan's captors let him go. Very simply, with each passing day, holding Alan against his will, only adds to the chorus of sympathy worldwide pleading for his release.
His captors know full well that releasing Alan will reduce one liability the group now holding him doesn't need.
keep your chin up Alan, the world is awaiting your coming home.
God is good and faithful all the time. I pray without ceasing for Alan and his family. God's mercy comes upon Alan to come out soonest. Keep well Alan.
I'm a Journalist get me outta here. If only it were that easy.
I know why Alan`s captors are still holding him captive.
Alan is a peace-loving man and so they enjoy his company.But the problem is,we also love him and miss him greatly.Please release him.
Volta Region,Ghana
hi, just but the code onto my myspace page, thanks for keeping us informed , praying for alans safe return.
Let him go - he's just a man.
The 麻豆社 is the only Western agency to give unbiased news about the Palestinians. Their reporters should be honored not abducted. My prayers are with him.
let him free.hes only a bbc hopes are with you alan...
I have posted the banner in my blog Atlantic Review, which I edit together with another German Fulbrighter:
May Alan return safe and sound soon.
After so long a time without a trace of a reason to abduct this fine man, isn't it time to take the first step toward forgiveness and release this friend of the Palistinians.
what did this guy do to you?
Why are you holding him?
Don't you know that whatever cause you support is being harmed by this senseless incaceration?
Do yourselves and the world a favour and let him go.
Added this to my first myspace account. I hope they release him soon
As an academic specialising in Middle East politics, I always admired how Alan stayed in Gaza even when all the other foreign correspondents (understandably) left. He really stood out for his courage and for his commitment to the truth and to the people about whom he was reporting. I've been following his situation closely and really hoping for his release as soon as possible.
hey i just want to say that i have been praying for the safe return of alan johnston and his well being and i have added it to my blog
Its a Sad worrying time . were being invaded by terrorists and innocent good people of peace just doing a brave courageous job such as Alan Johnston are the targets of such evil. What has this world come to???? were all the same brothers and sisters colour does not matter nor race why are we at war . my heart goes out to Alan and all his family. hope with all my heart and soul this brave courageous warm hearted gentleman is given justice and freed . This is not his war !!!!
We pray for his safe return.
I pray for Alan Johnston and his family. A man of great integrity, missed by so many. May he soon be safely returned.
We have posted the banner and link on our blog. I wish they would release Alan soon and may god bring peace to us all.
LET HIM BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!
I sincerely hope that he is released soon and he returns to his family safely
Whatever your stance on the Middle East crisis, Alan Johnston's kidnapping does nothing to serve anyone's cause.
For the sake of him, his family, and everyone living in the region, I hope he is released immediately and without violence.
Alan needs to be home with his family and friends as they are all suffering.It will show more compassion if he is released.
We have added the button to the side bar of our . We hope it helps. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
This is now added to my blog and I really do hope that Alan will be returning to safety soon.
We have added the button calling for Alan's immediate release to our website. Like all those who work in the impartial dissemination of news and information, we deplore the actions of those who target journalists for doing their job. We dearly hope for his prompt and safe return.
The Forced Migration Online team
so where is Tony Blair's signiture on the petition!!!!
Alan Johnston has done a great service for the world by being a reporter in such a part of the world where few people even dare to go. His job is very noble. I pray for your immediate relase Alan. God willing it will happen today.
Done. I'm sure the efforts and prayers of so many will lead to a positive outcome, hope that it is soon.
Holding this honest journalist benefits no one except those who want to promote the idea that the only thing Middle Eastern people understand is brute force. For the sake of your people, for the sake of all people of good will everywhere, let him go.
Just heard the that Alan Johnston has been released. Fantastic news!. This is not just the release of an innocent man and a concientious reporter, but indicative that there may be real hope for human decency, reason and goodwill to prevail; even in this desperate and currently violent place.
He is FREE. Congratulations Alan Jonston. God answered our prayers and you are safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the world is happy you are free.
Good News on the fella being released!
Hope he is well and can see his family soon.
I just got the good news that Alan had been freed..
..and I thank God for his safe release.
Hope he quickly gets home to his family.. and friends.
HE IS FREE!!!!! Great News - i am so happy that Alan is freed, hope that he will continue his great work with the 麻豆社 after a well earned rest! All the best to you Alan and credit to his employer the 麻豆社
yes oh my god Alan. We love u. yeahhhhh
Thank God - Mr Johnston is free and my and many other prayers have been answered - enjoy your freedom!
HE IS FREE!!!!! Great News - i am so happy that Alan is freed, hope that he will continue his great work with the 麻豆社 after a well earned rest! All the best to you Alan and credit to his employer the 麻豆社
Alan its great to have you back,we all love you,your parents and all of us are very very happy,you're one of us now and nothing can change that,salam alaikum,Alan
so happy he is free poor bloke no human being deserves to be kidnapped its good to see him smiling good one nice to see something good at last
YAY!!!! He's free!! Welcome home Alan
What brilliant news today that Alan has been released.
One of the best things that has happened recently.
I am very happy for his family.
I hope that his experience and dedication is not lost to journalism.
Hi Alan,
Greetings from Burmese exile rebellion journalists. We already added your petition blog since May in our Burmese web magazine (Hittaing, in English-Forum), Glad to hear that you are free now.
Be healthy and successful in your bright future.
With best wishes,
Mya Kyay Mon
I have come home after a hard day at work, turned on my computer, first to the local news and then to the 麻豆社 to get the indepth storys the local news service does not seen to provide and what is on the frount page of the 麻豆社, that Mr Johnston is FREE, what a news story, the down sides of life don't seem that important at the moment.
If Hamass was able to free him then they have taken one step in the right direction, let us all hope that they continue do take more steps that way and see that the radical way is not the way to go. Fath, Hamass and Iseral do need to talk and to compromise, in many ways they are all at falt and only when they are willing to sit down with a netural party and leave the past in the past, then we may see peace at last, but well done to those who have freed Mr Johnston. May peace be with you all.
Thank God Alan Johnston is release. I am very happy that Alan麓s ordeal ended peacefully. We the Cameroonians and other Africans wish Alan the best of luck and tahnks to God he came out unhurt. Peace and love to all mankind.
WAAAHHH I'm exited. Welcome back!!!! Have a safe flight back home and a good time with your family.
Congratulations for Alan his family and all the supporters for his safe release, I was praying for his security and his well being , , I always admired Alan work and bravery in his coverage of the Palestinian areas , a hope the best for him and his family , and thanks to everyone who made this become a reality . I wish him and all the people who seek the truth the best .
Great news today that Alan is freed, and glad to be able to say I can take the link off my blog!
There will be more than a few people wanting to say hello when he comes back to Scotland, that's for sure!
The fact that Alan listened to the 麻豆社 World Service throughout his ordeal shows how important it is for ordinary people not to give up, and to show their support in situations such as these. The 麻豆社 is also due congratulations for its dignified and unwavering support.
Reason has conquered violence today. It's a pat on the back to everyone who supported Alan, and a victory for freedom. What great news!
Good news about Alan's release - I've had the button on my site too, and I'm sure that the millions who did the same, read this special section of the 麻豆社 site or who signed the petition across the world punched the air in delight when they heard the news.
He's coming home!
gd to hear about Alan's release and my thourghts are with him and his family.
I am happy for you Alan that you have been released form those people. Wish you a safe journey back home. I also salut you for being strong.
FANTASTIC news that Alan is FREE!
Lots of love and best wishes to you and your family xxx
Thank goodness for your release, Allen. Best wishes.
As a family member of a previous hostage, I cannot express my joy at your safe release. My thoughts are with you and your family, enjoy this time together.
First of all I would like to give congratulations to Alan Jonston that he is free now.I was worried about u that when u will be released.I specially thanks to GOD that he is with u.U must celebrate your home coming.Myself as an Indian wants to assure u that we are with you whenever u required.
May God bless u.
and keeps you in a good health with your famoly.
Your Well wisher.