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Peter Barron

Interviewing Madonna

What's harder to get - an interview with the Taleban or one with Madonna?

Newsnight logoNot much in it I'd say, but assuming all goes to plan Newsnight will have managed both within a week. Tonight Madonna will give her first UK interview since adopting a baby in Malawi, when she talks to . (you can watch a clip here)

The question on most people's lips is - how on earth did you manage that? The answer, really, is persistence and luck. Newsnight has been making a series for 麻豆社 Four in which Kirsty talks to prominent women in the media - we already have interviews with , and lined up. And of course we bid for that ultimate media woman Madonna.

And of course she turned us down.

Madonna, being interviewed by Kirsty WarkBut when broke, producer Natalie Schaverien had the presence of mind to fire off a renewed bid. So, presumably, when the queen of pop decided the time was right to give her side of the story we had sufficiently prepared the ground so she instantly thought: Oprah Winfrey and Newsnight's Kirsty Wark. Obvious really.

So, was Madonna right or wrong to adopt a Malawian baby? And is Newsnight right to interview her?

Peter Barron is editor of Newsnight


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  • 1 Nov 06, 09:07 AM

Daily Mail: The 麻豆社 are facing accusations of anti-Christian bias after a 麻豆社 drama portrayed evangelical extremists murdering Muslims. ()

The Guardian: Reports that Madonna has given the 麻豆社 her first UK interview since adopting a Malawian child. ()

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