Week 27 on iplayer and a little something to lighten the mood
The next Cut episode is now on iplayer and it just keeps getting better and better. Marla's party is over but there's so much to sort out in the cold light of day, and then there's Alex... This week is the penultimate week in series 2, and so no wonder the tension is high. The series finale is next week and it's going to be a scorcher I promise, so keep watching and you won't be disappointed. Series 3 is just around the corner though, so don't worry you won't be Cut-less for too long. We'll be here to keep you entertained as well.
Seeing as the mood on The Cut has been a little intense recently, I thought I'd lighten things up with a dose of 'what if'. So, what if the girls on The Cut married the following...
If Catherine married Mr. Wheel, she'd be Catherine Wheel.
If Frankie married Mr. Furter, she'd be Frankie Furter.
But if Frankie married Mr. Stein, she'd be Frankie Stein (er...that one sort of works).
If Olive married Mr. Oil, she'd be Olive Oil.
If Marla married Mr. Maid, she'd be Marla Maid.
If Amy married Mr. Nonymous, she'd be A. Nonymous (we know Nonymous isn't a real surname - imaginations please).
If Rosa married Mr. Boat, she'd be Rosa Boat.
If Fin married Mr. Ish, she'd be Fin Ish.
Er...that's where we ran out of steam and decided to get on with some real work. But if you guys can do any better, join the fun by posting below.
Have a great weekend.
Isla x
Comment number 1.
At 7th Aug 2010, Alex wrote:If Fin married Mr. Ger she'd be Fin Ger. :/
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Comment number 2.
At 7th Aug 2010, Torie wrote:This weeks cut been soo intense definitely and along with so many suprises but it has been brilliant. :] I cant believe the series finale has approched so quick :'[ but im definitely looking forward to next weeks finale.
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Comment number 3.
At 7th Aug 2010, TheCutFan wrote:We need to make a campaign to keep the cut running once bbc switch is shut down!!! ANYONE agree?
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Comment number 4.
At 7th Aug 2010, Alex wrote:Meee!! I agreee, it can't stop, i love it. count me in
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Comment number 5.
At 7th Aug 2010, kittymitty wrote:TheCutFan, MusicGirl320 has been on the case for a while now, if you check some of the earlier blogs you will see she has set up a blogspot for it and many of us have signed online petitions and emailed the bbc.
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Comment number 6.
At 7th Aug 2010, black_vine wrote:If Toni married Mr Hawk she'd be Toni Tawk.
If Rosa married Mr Ree she'd be a Rosa Ree
If Fin married Mr Ch she'd be a Finch
Yes, mine are lame!
We should make "Save the Cut" banners to put on our signatures for whichever forums we visit!
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Comment number 7.
At 7th Aug 2010, TheCutFan wrote:Sign this:
mention the cut!! Well done MusicGirl320 i will email and sign the petitions!!!
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Comment number 8.
At 7th Aug 2010, George wrote:Okay... I have just come back from camping for a week, and I've just watched the last episode in one go, rather than day by day, and what an eventful episode! I was definitely not expecting that thing with Alex, but it was a fantastic twist and I'm really looking forward to how it turns out. And to be honest, I've been thinking The Cut needed a gay storyline for a while, because there are so many levels to explore. And I now loathe Stephen more than ever.
While I was deprived of The Cut while I was away, I made a list of all the characters in the order of how much I like them. 1 is the best and 16 is the worst. And this is purely because of character, not because of the actor:
1. Fin
2. Catherine
3. Cameron
4. Jay
5. Marla
6. Elliott
7. Alex
8. Tommy
9. Rosa
10. Olive
11. Rory
12. Toni
13. Frankie
14. Mack
15. Stephen
16. Amy
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Comment number 9.
At 7th Aug 2010, black_vine wrote:^^Hi George, we were wondering where you were!
There was a part of me relieved Alex didn't like Olive..I thought they'd be overdoing it.
Here's my top 5 Cut characters:
1. Jay
2. Marla
3. Cameron
4. Alex
5. Frankie
As I'm always dying to know what's up with them...even though some aren't nice. Stephen might have made it on there but he's really started grating on me since he got back with Olive (however he's a great actor)
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Comment number 10.
At 7th Aug 2010, George wrote:He is a great actor as well - I think that's another thing that annoys me about the whole Olive/Stephen thing. Billie and Matt are both awesome actors, why give them such annoying storylines? And if I'm honest one of my favourite characters is played by someone who I don't think is that good an actor. I won't say which one, but they're near the top of my list. I try to judge the characters purely by them, not on the actor (otherwise Olive and Stephen would have both been near the top.)
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Comment number 11.
At 7th Aug 2010, Loxleyed wrote:To be honest if olive and stephen weren't in the cut I'd probaobly not watch it.Don't get me wrong I like jay,marla,tommy and so on but it's olive and stephen and fin(when she was in the cut) who keep me hooked.I'm looking forward to seeing how alex's story develops though.Hopefully we'll see a more emotional stephen in series 3,as I suspect there's more to his character than meets the eye.
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Comment number 12.
At 8th Aug 2010, George wrote:I absolutely love Fin, I really hope she comes back! Can't see it happening now as we only have one more episode before the end of the series, but maybe in Series 3?
Yes, and Alex is keeping me hooked now as well. Strange to think I used to loathe him...
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Comment number 13.
At 8th Aug 2010, bexter wrote:A-ha! So we can now stop scanning the horizon for signs of User-George.
I lay my keyboard to rest.
I can now resume my silence in the knowledge my opinion is being accurately represented. ;P
And yes - Fin has to come back. She's not only awesomely cool, but she has such a potential for brilliant storylines that have no need to complicate or disturb all of those that already exist. Bring on Fin.
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Comment number 14.
At 8th Aug 2010, MusicGirl320 wrote:@bexter - that post made me laugh :)
Fin does need to come back. I agree with everything that was said about her and also the fact that she is completely blunt which means that if jay is being dishonest to marla she'd be the first to say!
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Comment number 15.
At 8th Aug 2010, Laurenzo_x wrote:are fin & rosa coming back? i think they should :)
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Comment number 16.
At 9th Aug 2010, MusicGirl320 wrote:Have we missed something with Rosa?
because she hasn't even been vaigly in some of the episodes like I would have expected her to be on the coach when they were on the school trip but she wasn't obviously and no one in the character world seems to have noticed
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Comment number 17.
At 9th Aug 2010, U14560718 wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 18.
At 9th Aug 2010, black_vine wrote:Cannot wait for 5:10pm today :D
I know MG.. Rosa might've been quitely rubbed out of the story..or maybe not I dunno...
Hehee true someone would have noticed lol
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Comment number 19.
At 9th Aug 2010, patchwork wrote:It really annoys be how once Rosa's storyline finished she was blitzed from the show. She may have been a troublemaker.. but it's no fun without trouble. And you can't just give someone a huge storyline like that (it was the main focus of the show for a good few weeks!) and now follow through with the aftermath. But with the return of Tommy hopefully she'll be back.
My favourite characters from 1-15 are:
1. Cameron
2. Marla
3. Frankie
4. Stephen
5. Elliot
6. Jay
7. Alex
8. Mack
9. Finn
10. Catherine
11. Olive
12. Rosa
13. Tommy
14. Toni
15. Amy
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