Fake deaf charity workers exposed
A pair of teenage girls pretending to be deaf in order to collect money have been caught red-handed (excuse the pun) by a signing copper.
The two young girls were faking their deafness to con shoppers and market traders in North Lichfield into donating cash for their equally fake 'charity'.
They were rumbled when Hilary Gittins, a Police Community Support Officer, happened across them. She has a 13 year old son who is deaf, and knows Makaton, which is a type of sign language for children.
She attempted to communicate with the girls in sign language, and soon realised they weren't fluent signers - or deaf.
The two girls, aged 13 and 15, had their takings confiscated and were sent home. The £100 they raised has now been donated to the charity Hearing Dogs For Deaf People. Ahh, we love a happy ending...
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