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Saturday Live

Meet the Poet

  • Kyren Burns
  • 8 Sep 06, 07:33 PM

We feel that Saturday morning isn't quite right without some iambic pentameter to help it along. What do you mean you have never felt that way? Settle back and feel the pleasure in your frontal lobes.

Each week we'll have a new poet in the studio to cast an artistic eye over the week's events.

Our Poet-in-Residence will also impose metrical order on events as they unfold on the programme.

Suggest a poet.

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  1. At 09:53 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Robert Limb wrote:

    As I agreed with the Â鶹Éç that "Home Truths" could not survive John Peel, I wish you all the best - and the first programme was fine, even though I thought the presenter was trying just a bit too hard.

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  2. At 12:08 PM on 07 Oct 2006, penny thomsett wrote:

    Can you tell me where to find the printed copy of today's poem on spiders



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  3. At 05:58 PM on 13 Oct 2006, Juliet Dyson wrote:

    When I realised that there would be "Poets" on Fi's show my heart plummeted. Poetry can be agony if one is not "in tune" with the poet. However wonders will never cease, as my mother used to say when I washed up without being asked to, the poets have been brilliant so far. How do you manage that? They have been totally on the ball. Fast, fiesty and frivolous whilst managing to cover all the relevant subjects. No mean acheivement. Well done and thank you.

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